After Forestry helped Grandma Nanrong to stand firmly, Grandma Nanrong laughed self-deprecatingly, and then spoke.

“I’m fine, it’s just that people are old and a little useless.”

Yukiya quickly ran to the other side to help Grandma Nan Rong.

After Nan Rong’s grandmother rested for a while, she spoke.

“Well, I can see the talent of Yuki.”

As soon as Grandma Nan Rong’s words came out, Forestry and Xing both turned to look at Grandma Nan Rong.

Fortunately, she looked at Nan Rong’s grandmother with great anticipation, and swallowed her spit nervously.

After Nan Rong’s grandmother glanced at Xing, she kindly patted Xing’s hand that was supporting her, and then continued.

“Xing’s innate ability is very good, can enhance his physical fitness in all aspects, whether it is strength, speed or physical energy, can be strengthened in all aspects, once this talent ability awakens, it can improve Xing’s combat effectiveness a lot.”

Listening to Nan Rong’s grandmother’s words, Xing’s face showed a surprised expression.

Forestry also looked at Xing in surprise, but he didn’t expect Xing’s talent ability to be so strong.

After Nan Rong’s grandmother finished speaking, she also looked at Xing with a smile, she had seen a lot of very excellent talent abilities before, but I have to say that Xing’s talent ability, even if it is not the strongest talent that Nan Rong’s grandma has seen, it is also one of the best talent abilities.

With such an all-round strengthening, once this talent ability is turned on, luckily it will also become very strong.

After using witchcraft, Nan Rong’s grandmother also felt very tired, so she opened her mouth and said to Forestry and Yuki.

“Okay, I can see this, help me into the tent and rest.”

Hearing Nan Rong’s words, Forestry looked at Nan Rong’s grandmother.

Looking at the exhaustion on Nan Rong’s face that could not be concealed, Lin’s heart was also a little moved.

Thinking of Grandma Nan Rong’s fear that she would refuse and hide that her witchcraft would cause a burden to herself, Forestry said to Grandma Nan Rong.

“Grandma Nan Rong, thank you.”

Forestry didn’t know what to say for a while, and could only thank Grandma Nan Rong in the simplest words.

But after Nan Rong’s grandmother listened, she shook her head with a smile and said with a smile at the forestry.

“You took the luck that they killed all the pig-headed tribes, avenging this blood sea feud for our winged people tribe, and also returning our winged people tribe a peace, so that we don’t have to worry about living in the future, I should do all this, these are all trivial things, you use to say thank you.”

After Nan Rong’s grandmother’s words, Forestry was immediately in awe.

And the winged ladies watching on the side also looked at Grandma Nan Rong with respectful eyes.

Ming Yun took two steps forward, and then also said to the forestry.

“Yes, karma, it should be us who say thank you to you, you let us fly in the sky with peace of mind again.”

The other winged ladies standing behind Mingyun also looked at Forestry gratefully, nodding to Forestry with a smile.

Seeing this scene, Forestry also smiled, and then nodded to the winged ladies.

Then Forestry and Xing will help Grandma Nanrong into the tent.

At this moment, the three winged women lying on the ground woke up after making a few unconscious noises.

Ling’er, who was closest to the three of them, made a sound of surprise when she found that the three of them woke up.

“Xiaoya, look quickly, Xiaoya, they are awake.”

As Ling’er’s voice came out, everyone’s eyes turned to the three winged women.

After Nan Rong’s grandmother saw it, she also showed a happy smile.

Seeing that the three winged women woke up, Grandma Nan Rong breathed a sigh of relief as if she were relieved, and then looked at the forestry.

Thinking about this mysterious child, in the short period of time today, he has already brought several shocks to their Winged People tribe.

Grandma Nan Rong now hopes that when she dies, Forestry can help the Winged People tribe more, and if she can, let Mingyun bring others to join the Forestry and Beast-eared Lady’s tribe, so it would be best.

At this time, Nan Rong’s grandmother’s eyes looking at the forestry were even more gratified.

After making sure that the three were unharmed, the last stone in Nan Rong’s heart also landed.

Then Grandma Nanrong let Forestry and Yuki help her into the tent to rest.

After helping Grandma Nanrong into the tent, Forestry Kazuyuki came out.

The Winged Lady and the Beast-Eared Lady both gathered around the three Winged Lady who had just woken up.

Forestry and Yukiya walked over.

Mingyun saw Forestry coming over and said to the three people who had just woken up.

“You see, that man is karma, and he saved you.”

The three beast-eared girls looked in the direction that Mingyun was pointing.

They woke up to find that all the wounds on their bodies had disappeared.

Although I still feel very weak, the pain has completely disappeared.

The three winged women watched their lifesavers walk towards them.

Forestry has also approached, and the surrounding winged people have automatically made way for forestry.

Looking at the handsome face of the forest, a touch of pink also appeared on the originally pale faces of the three beast-eared girls.

After Forestry walked in, he saw that although the three winged women woke up, their bodies were still very weak, and they sat together snuggled, their faces still sick.

This is also normal, and I have been suffering since the injury, and after being unconscious, I have a long fever.

But now that you’re awake, it’s good to rest for a while.

Forestry looked at the three winged women looking at themselves stupidly like that, and did not speak.

Forestry smiled and asked them.

“How do you feel, are you still uncomfortable?”

The three winged women heard the sound of forestry, and only then came back to their senses.

Then he quickly replied to Forestry.

“Well… Much better, it’s not uncomfortable anymore. ”

Forestry listened to the voice of the winged lady, and also felt that the spirit of the winged lady was slowly recovering.

After nodding with a smile at the three winged women, he said to Mingyun on the side.

“Let’s help the three of them to the tent first, the three of them are very weak now, although their lives are saved, but they are also seriously injured, and they need to eat some meat to make up for it.”

Speaking of this, Forestry remembered that everything pushed by the cart today was still on the cart, and it was not unloaded in time.

After Ming Yun listened to Lin’s words, she immediately arranged for someone to help the three winged women to walk towards the tent.

The three winged women, before leaving, all turned their heads to the forestry and whispered.

“Karma, thank you.”

Forestry smiled at them and nodded, without speaking.

Then he turned to the beast-eared ladies and said.

“Push our cart, and unload the things on it for the Winged Man tribe.”

When forestry said this, the beast-eared lady also remembered that they came today to push a cart.

Shi reacted the fastest, and after hearing Lin’s words, he immediately turned and ran towards the cart.

And Forestry looked at the sky now, and the sun was about to set.

It must be too late to return to the tribe today.

After a while, Shi pushed the cart back.

Forestry untied the hemp rope on the cart and first removed all the hides on the cart.

Then explained to the beast-eared ladies.

“Today we can’t rush back to the tribe, it’s too dangerous to rush at night, so let’s use these animal skins to set up a simple tent here for one night, tomorrow at dawn we are rushing back, and then we will leave these animal skins to the Winged Man tribe.”

After hearing the words of forestry, the beast-eared ladies saw that the sun in the sky had begun to set, and they all nodded to forestry.

Then the beast-eared ladies thought about whether they would be able to sleep with forestry if they were going to set up a tent here tonight.

The seven beast-eared ladies who came together all realized this, and thinking that there were only two positions beside Forestry, the beast-eared ladies all began to look at each other.

It turned out that everyone else was also aware of this, and in an instant, the smell of gunpowder emanated from among the beast-eared ladies.

Naturally, Forestry didn’t know what the beast-eared ladies thought, just looked at Mingyun, and then said to her.

“Find a few people to come and carry everything on the cart, this is all for you.”

Ming Yun heard the sound of forestry, and also remembered that when she was by the river, forestry said that she brought them a lot of things.

Then Mingyun quickly nodded to the forestry, and then turned around and flew directly to call for someone.

Although the beast ear lady’s side is still calm on the surface, but there is a little mutual indifference in the heart, that means that the position around the forestry industry, they are all inevitable.

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