Forestry looked at the appearance of the beast-eared ladies, and couldn’t help but be a little puzzled.

But then the doubt turned into fright.

The more Susu thought about it, the more angry he became, and he threw himself directly on Xiao Rou’s body, wanting to snatch the position next to Forestry.

Seeing this, several other beast-eared ladies also joined the battlefield.

But it is said to be a robbery, after all, several of them are friends who get along day and night, and they are all comrades of the hunting team.

Therefore, the way to snatch is to tickle each other, or secretly put your hand inside each other’s clothes.

Forestry lies in the middle, and from time to time a foot or head hits Forestry.

Listening to the laughter and exclamations coming from his side, Forestry also showed a helpless bitter smile on his face.

At this time, Mingyun came to the tent.

Seeing the beast-eared ladies in chaos, Mingyun was also a little confused.

Then the beast-eared lady also found Mingyun, and they all froze there.

Yuki pushed the twin raccoon girl lying on top of him aside, sat up and asked Ming Yun.

“Mingyun? Why are you here, is there something going on? ”

The other beast-eared maidens also took the opportunity to quickly disperse from the entangled state and sat down on the animal skin on the side.

Forestry also supported his body with his hands, half sat up, and looked at Mingyun.

This big night suddenly came, did something happen?

But unexpectedly, after Ming Yun listened to Xing’s question, her face suddenly turned red.

The forestry and beast-eared ladies all looked at Mingyun suspiciously, not understanding what Mingyun was doing.

After a short while, Mingyun plucked up her courage and pointed to the opening of the forestry branch and said.

“That… Well, I’ll ask Karma if I want to sleep in my tent. ”

Hearing Mingyun’s words, the eyes of the beast-eared ladies suddenly changed.

Good fellow, we are fighting here, you actually want to steal the house?

Mingyun looked at the beast-eared ladies looking at herself with complicated eyes, and quickly explained.

“I don’t mean anything else, but I think that Karma is the benefactor of our Winged People tribe, and let Karma live in a makeshift tent at night. Not so good. ”

Hearing Mingyun’s words, Linji didn’t think about it, nodded to Mingyun very crisply, and then spoke.


Hearing Lin’s promise, Mingyun still couldn’t believe it, and made a surprised sound with her mouth open.


“I said, go, go sleep in your tent.”

Forestry said to Mingyun again, and then got up from the animal skin and stood beside Forestry.

Seeing Forestry agree, the beast-eared ladies also grew their mouths in surprise.

Good fellow, someone came to steal the house, and the home ran away with the person!

Mingyun was already blushing, and she was only impulsive to come over and ask about forestry.

Unexpectedly, forestry directly agreed.

However, several people had already agreed, Mingyun glanced at Forestry, and then did not dare to speak, so he turned around and walked towards his tent with Forestry.

The beast-eared ladies watched Forestry and Ming Yun leave.

Then they all lay down on the hides like they were deflated.

Fight and fight, forestry follows the people, the beast-eared ladies lie on the hides, and this time there is no fight.

Forestry followed Mingyun to her tent.

The tent was not a very large place, but it was cleaned up, and the frame of the tent was hung with various small garlands made of flowers and blades of grass, just like the one Ming Yun wore on her head today.

The tent also emits this faint fragrance, I don’t know if it is the floral fragrance emitted by the garlands hanging around.

On the ground, under the hides is a thick layer of white feathers.

Seeing those feathers, Lin’s eyes involuntarily looked at the wings behind Mingyun, and couldn’t help but think.

“Is hair loss so bad? But it seems that the feathers on the wings are not missing at all. ”

Ming Yun noticed Lin’s gaze, her face turned slightly red, and then she explained.

“We lose a lot of the fluff in the summer, otherwise it’s too hot, and in the winter they grow again.”

Forestry touched his nose, then revealed a smile that was the same, and then asked Ming Yun.

“Where do I sleep tonight?”

Forestry was already sleepy because of physical exhaustion, so he asked.

Mingyun pointed to the animal skin on the ground that was padded with feathers, and said with a red face.

“Just sleep on it.”

Forestry glanced at the animal skin, and Ming Yun should also sleep on it every day.

However, the area of that animal skin is quite large, and it is not a problem to sleep two people.

Forestry is really not good, Ming Yun pointed out to forestry.

Forestry lies directly on the hides, and forestry sleeps with its head turned upside down.

Before going to bed, I still silently recited a sentence in my heart.

“It’s really comfortable to padd with feathers underneath.”

Forestry lay on animal skins and soon fell asleep.

Mingyun looked at the sleeping forest, and the blush on her face did not recede for a long time.

Then Mingyun gently walked to the forestry side and slowly lay down.

Because there were wings on her back, Mingyun couldn’t turn over, turned her head to look at the sleeping forest on the side, and Mingyun’s face full of red glows also showed a smile.

Then he turned his head, closed his eyes and slept slowly.


In the Beast-Eared Lady tribe, Sakura waited for a day without waiting for Forestry to return.

It wasn’t until it was completely dark that Sakura knew that Forestry wouldn’t be coming back today, so she returned to her tent.

Sakura lay on the straw mat, looking at the position of the forest beside her, and her small mouth pouted aggrievedly.

Then Sakura touched the place where Forestry used to lie and slowly fell asleep.

Before going to bed, he muttered: “Say that when I come back, I will teach me what to do when I have a baby, but now I don’t come back, hum!” ”


The next day, the sun was already out, and Forestry woke up.

Rubbing his eyes, he found that Mingyun was no longer in the tent.

Remembering last night, Forestry couldn’t help but laugh again.

Last night, Forestry kept sleeping with Sakura, and Sakura kept asking Forestry to sleep.

This also gave forestry a habit of sleeping with people.

In the middle of the night last night, Forestry took Ming Yun as a cherry blossom and dragged her into his arms.

Mingyun was frightened to wake up at that time, but when she found herself in her arms, her face was red but she didn’t make a sound.

Finally, in his sleep, Forestry always felt that something was uncomfortable on his stomach, so he opened his eyes in a daze.

As a result, he found that Mingyun was holding himself in his arms with a red face.

And the formal bright wings of the pestle on his belly.

Forestry opened his eyes and was just opposite Ming Yun’s four eyes.

After Mingyun found that Forestry woke up, she quickly broke free from Forestry’s arms and moved to the side to lie down.

The little heart is pounding there.

And after Forestry smiled, sleepiness came again, and he didn’t have time to explain, and he went straight to sleep again.

Mingyun lay on the side, her mood did not calm down for a long time, and it was not until a long time that she fell asleep again.

Forestry lay on the hides and stretched a lazy waist.

After feeling that the exhaustion from yesterday’s use of healing and probing had disappeared, he stood up from the hide.

When Forestry walked out of the tent, he found that the beast-eared lady was teaching the winged lady to drill wood for fire.

Shi learned what forestry looked like at the beginning, and explained to the winged lady while demonstrating.

Forestry looked at this scene and laughed from the bottom of his heart.

The ability to learn is the greatest advantage of people, and each of the beast-eared ladies is now a qualified teacher, and they do not hesitate to teach others what they know.

When the forestry came out, the stone just drilled a little Mars.

Then soon a fire burned in Shi’s hand.

The winged lady was also the same as the original beast-eared lady, and cried out in shock.

At this moment, the sound of the system came to Forestry’s mind.

“Ding! Detected the host’s civilization fire, ignited the second tribe, greatly increased the civilization, and obtained a point reward of *100,000 (100,000)”

After listening to the system’s prompt, Forestry opened the system store interface and looked at the string of zeros on his points.

Forestry feels like winning the lottery.

Forestry also did not expect that the unintentional move of the beast-eared lady brought so many points to Forestry.

A whole hundred thousand points, this forestry can be exchanged for a lot of things.

Thinking of this, the smile on Forestry’s face became even stronger.

At this time, Susu on the side saw that Forestry was standing at the door of the tent and watching this side.

Immediately pointed to the forestry and said to the winged ladies.

“Drilling wood for the fire was also given to us by forestry, and since then, we no longer have to worry about the fire getting wet by the rain, and we can eat delicious barbecue every day.”

The shocked gazes of the beast-eared ladies followed Susu’s hand to the forest.

The Winged Lady has been impressed by the magic of forestry.

This man has been bringing them a steady stream of surprises since he appeared.

Now even fire can be created out of thin air, and forestry has begun to become more and more mysterious in the eyes of the winged lady.

After the demonstration of drilling wood for fire, the beast-eared ladies all ran to the side of the forest.

They woke up just after dawn and learned that Forestry had not yet woken up, so they wandered around the Winged Man tribe waiting for Forestry.

At this time, they saw that people kept adding firewood to the fire.

After asking, I learned that the fire of the Winged Man tribe was still the fire that was only obtained when a tree was struck by lightning last time it rained.

So keep adding firewood to the fire, and you can’t let the fire go out, otherwise you won’t be able to roast meat at night.

Then the beast-eared maiden began to teach the winged lady to drill wood for fire.

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