Hearing Shi’s words, the other beast-eared ladies also looked over.

The beast-eared ladies who had just walked out of the cave also heard the movement and walked in.

After teaching them the death of arrows, forestry has taught them that the location of the heart is the absolute vital part of a person, and if injured, he will never live long.

The beast-eared ladies have also verified it on the pig-headed man.

And the forestry healing technique is only known to the hunting team and their seven beast-eared girls.

Therefore, when the beast-eared ladies of the other hunting teams heard Shi’s words, they all ignited a glimmer of hope and looked at the forestry.

As for the remaining beast-eared maiden hearing Shi’s words, they were also stunned for a while, they didn’t know how to save Ah Lian, who was in such a critical situation now.

They all looked at forestry anxiously and suspiciously.

As for forestry, naturally there will be no excuses, even if the stone does not say, forestry will try.

Forestry took a deep breath and walked towards Ah Lian.

At this time, Forestry found that his hands couldn’t help but tremble a little.

Ah Lian’s wound was too shocking, and the arrow was directly inserted above Ah Lian’s heart.

The red blood has stained Ah Lian’s animal skin clothes, but the arrow blocked the wound, so the amount of blood loss is not very much, otherwise Ah Lian may not be able to survive the forestry return.

Forestry walked to Ah Lian and squatted.

Gentle A Lian, seeing that Forestry also came to her side, also showed a smile to Forestry.

Forestry looked at this smile as if it felt like a knife, constantly cutting his heart.


Taking a deep breath, Forestry forced himself to calm down.

Because the wound was covered by animal skin clothing, Forestry had no way to wound, so Forestry reached out and grabbed Ah Lian’s clothes, and carefully tore Ah Lian’s clothes from both sides of the wound.

Ah Lian’s wound is on the left.

After Forestry did this, Ah Lian was directly exposed to Forestry’s eyes.

But Forestry couldn’t care so much now, and after tearing the animal skin clothes, Forestry began to carefully observe Ah Lian’s wounds.

But when Forestry looked at it, something seemed wrong.

So Forestry turned to look at Sakura, who was standing on the side anxiously looking at this side, and asked.

“Sakura, when was Ah Lian injured?”

Sakura heard the question of forestry, thought about it for a moment, and then answered immediately.

“When we found the wind pillar, we ran to the cave, and Ah Lian was injured while running to the cave.”

This time, when Forestry heard Sakura say this, not only was he not worried, but a smile appeared on his face.

Forestry found that the arrow was located directly above the heart.

But if this arrow has already hurt the heart, Ah Lian don’t say that the tornado was injured when it just appeared, even when the forestry rushed back, Ah Lian couldn’t hold on.

Forestry measured the length of this arrow, and then completely let go of his heart, and said to the beast-eared ladies with a smile.

“Ah Lian is fine, this arrow did not hurt Ah Lian’s point.”

Forestry found that he was concerned about chaos, and the arrows made by the beast-eared lady were all about the same length, and Forestry measured the length of the arrows that remained outside and found that although the arrows were really inserted deeply.

But because Ah Lian’s aspect was too grand, the arrow hit it, and before it touched the heart, it stopped.

Ah Lian also picked up a life precisely because of the pair that usually brought her trouble.

When the beast-eared ladies heard the words of the forest, after a short silence, they all wept with joy and kept talking.

“Great, Ah Lian doesn’t have to die, it’s great!”

After Forestry finished speaking, he quickly continued to check Ah Lian’s wound to see in what direction the arrow shot into Ah Lian.

Because, even if Ah Lian’s life is not in danger, but such a deep wound, Ah Lian has been suffering severe pain.

The forestry industry checks the direction of the arrow so that when it will be pulled outward, it will not cause secondary damage, or the arrow will break and stay inside.

The forestry healing technique can definitely treat Alian’s wound, but then you must first pull out the arrow, otherwise no matter how powerful the treatment technique, there is no way to heal the wound.

After determining the direction of the arrow, Forestry took a deep breath.

Then said to Ah Lian: “It may hurt a little later, but you must endure it, you must not move randomly, the arrow will be troublesome if it is broken inside.” ”

Although Ah Lian’s aching teeth couldn’t stop trembling, she still listened to Forestry very carefully, and then forced out a smile and nodded to Forestry.

Forestry looked at Ah Lian’s appearance, and his eyebrows wrinkled unbearably.

What Forestry can do now is to heal Ah Lian’s injuries as soon as possible, so that Ah Lian can suffer a little less.

Forestry took a few deep breaths, then clenched the arrow in one hand and began to perform healing spells with the other.

The beast-eared ladies watched a green light mass slowly appear in Lin’s hand, and for a while they were all shocked and did not dare to speak.

The tear marks on the faces of the beast-eared women were not wiped clean, and they stared straight at the green light mass in the center of the forestry palm.

After Forestry gathered the photophore to about the same size, this time it was only to treat Ah Lian alone, so Forestry did not choose to let the photophore explode.

Instead, it stays on the hand.

Then Forestry looked at the arrow on Ah Lian’s body.

Just looking at the corner of Forestry’s eyes twitched slightly.

Forestry pulled out the arrow as fast as he could.

Immediately afterwards, the hand that Forestry used to perform the healing technique pressed on Ah Lian’s wound.

The speed of forestry is so fast that after the arrow is pulled out, even the blood does not have time to spray out, and the forestry hand presses up.

Because the speed is too fast, the power used by forestry is also a little great, and when he palms down, he makes a crisp sound: “Snap!” ”

Naturally, Ah Lian was photographed by the forestry and rippled.

But this also avoids blood splatters everywhere.

After Lin’s hand pressed on Ah Lian’s wound, the green ball of light in his hand instantly turned into energy to heal the wound, extending towards the depths of Ah Lian’s wound.

Then that energy began to repair Ah Lian’s wounds, slowly repairing them little by little from the inside out.

The other beast-eared girls were already stunned.

In the blink of an eye, Forestry pulled out the arrow, and then pressed it directly with his other hand.

And Ah Lian, at the moment when the arrow was pulled out, before he could react, Forestry’s hand slapped up.

Under the double attack, Ah Lian’s body spasmed in instant pain.

Forestry’s strength is also very large, such a fast palm, slapped on A Lian’s body, at least will leave a red palm print, and even where A Lian was shot, it will be a little more swollen.

But even if the palm of forestry went down, it hurt Ah Lian.

That’s okay, and then it’s cured by healing.

At first, Ah Lian was almost screamed by the sudden sharp pain, but then, when the energy of the healing technique in Lin’s hand melted into Ah Lian’s wound.

Ah Lian only felt an indescribable feeling from the wound, and it was a little itchy.

It’s as if there are several ants crawling around in the wound.

At this moment, the scream that was about to be uncontrollable turned into a beautiful scream.


After Forestry integrated the energy of healing into Ah Lian’s wound, Ah Lian’s pain had also subsided.

Then he saw that his clothes had been torn in half, and Forestry’s hand was on his body.

A burst of blood also appeared on Ah Lian’s originally pale face.

Forestry saw that Ah Lian could still blush, and nodded reassuringly.

This shows that Ah Lian’s blood loss is not very much, and the pale face just now should only be caused by pain.

After another while, Forestry felt that the wound had been repaired under his palm, and he felt the tenderness of granulation surging in his palm.

So after the forestry output a little more energy, he took his hand away.

Then Forestry looked at the wound that was being repaired.

The small hole left by the arrow is healing at a very fast rate, and soon the whole small hole is gone,

The skin is also the same as when it was not injured, leaving no scars.

Forestry nodded with satisfaction, such a beautiful thing, leaving a little scar Forestry feels a little pity.

At this time, the other beast-eared ladies all gathered around and looked at the place where Ah Lian had just been injured.

Ah Lian was stared at by so many people together, and the blush on her face deepened.

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