The other beast-eared ladies also looked at the forestry suspiciously.

Forestry touched Sakura’s head, looked at the puzzled beast-eared ladies, smiled and said to them.

“Follow me with these stakes I just cut.”

After that, Forestry himself took a stake and turned around and walked towards the big tree just now.

Seeing the forestry walk out, the beast-eared ladies also hurriedly hugged a piece and followed, and several beast-eared ladies reacted slowly, did not grab it, and were slightly stunned in place, and also trotted to follow.

Coming to this big tree, Forestry turned his head to look at the beast-eared lady who followed behind him.

When all the beast-eared ladies arrived, Forestry said while placing the stakes next to the big tree on the ground.

“Just like me, they put the stakes one by one.”

According to the words of forestry, the beast-eared lady placed the wooden stakes in her hand one by one on the ground, and then stood up and looked at forestry suspiciously.

Then Forestry picked up the hemp rope tied to the tree again, and then began to drag the tree forward hard.

The trunk of a large tree is dragged up behind the row of stakes on the ground.

When forestry drags the big tree hard, the stakes on the ground will turn, and then forestry clearly feels that dragging is much easier.

After feeling the effort, forestry stopped.

The beast-eared ladies still didn’t understand what forestry was doing, and did not understand what forestry was doing to let them put so many stumps on the ground.

Forestry held the hemp rope in his hand and said to the beast-eared ladies who were confused.

“Come and drag it again.”

After hearing Forestry’s words, the beast-eared ladies walked over and picked up the hemp rope again.

Seeing this, the unicorn also straightened the hemp rope.

“Okay, one, two, pull!”

With Forestry’s order, the beast-eared lady began to pull the hemp rope in her hand back with the strength of her whole body.

But then the beast-eared ladies found that the tree that had just been pulled with all their strength was now being pulled backwards as soon as they tried hard.

The beast-eared ladies all looked at the big tree in disbelief.

The big tree didn’t change a bit, and Forestry didn’t touch the big tree, but they just pulled it up suddenly.

The beast-eared ladies looked at the forest in shock, not understanding what was going on.

Forestry looked at the shocked look of the beast-eared ladies, smiled happily, and then spoke.

“When you pull back again, look at the stakes you just put and understand.”

When the beast-eared ladies heard this, they quickly dragged the tree back again.

Then the beast-eared ladies clearly saw that when the tree was dragged by them, the stakes below rolled a few times.

Sakura was the first to shout.

“I saw that as soon as the tree moved, the stakes turned with it.”

The other beast-eared ladies also nodded in surprise.

Shi frowned and thought, and finally ran directly to the big tree and studied it carefully,

Finally, he raised his head with wide eyes, looked at the forestry, and said in surprise.

“Karma, when we drag the tree, the stumps rotate, and we feel the tree lighter, which is the same as a cart, right?”

Forestry looked at the stone and was pleasantly surprised in his heart.

Forestry uses the methods that workers came up with in ancient times when they transported large stones.

This method of transporting heavy loads using logs is remembered as the ‘rolling wood method’.

These stumps acted as wheels, and the stone could see it so quickly.

Forestry looked at Shi and nodded at her with great satisfaction.

Shi saw Forestry nodding and knew that he was right, and then Shi continued to ask Forestry.

“But when we drag the tree forward, the stumps roll backwards, so that when the trees roll off these stumps, won’t they still be the same as they were?”

Hearing Shi’s question, Forestry couldn’t help but praise Shi in his heart.

Forestry asked tentatively to the stone.

“Then you think, do you have any way to solve it?”

Hearing Forestry ask himself, Shi was obviously startled, and then he frowned and looked at the large trees and stumps on the ground and began to meditate.

The other beast-eared ladies looked at the stone, then at the forestry, and then stood there with a confused face, unable to participate at all.

Shi stood there racking his brain, and finally raised his head and said tentatively to the forestry.

“Use more stakes, spread them directly over there, and you can drag the big trees over in one go.”

When the other beast-eared ladies heard Shi’s words, they all nodded in agreement.

But when Forestry heard Shi’s words, he smiled and shook his head.

And Shi saw Forestry shake his head, hung his head in frustration, and his cheeks puffed out.

The other beast-eared ladies also made doubtful sounds.

“Huh——? Is Shi wrong? ”

“Directly laying a stake into the open ground should be able to drag this big tree directly, right?”

At this time, Forestry walked towards Shi and said to Shi with a smile.

“It’s good to think of this step, you’re already smart.”

Shi puffed out his cheeks, raised his head to look at Forestry, and saw that Forestry was smiling gently to himself.

Shi immediately threw away his frustration and squinted and laughed.

After laughing for a while, Shi looked at Forestry again and asked.

“So what can be done to keep the tree from falling off the stump and all the way to the clearing?”

Seeing Shi’s curious eyes, Forestry pointed to the stake on the ground and said to Shi.

“After the big trees are dragged over these stumps, do these stumps roll out from behind?”

Forestry paused at this point, and then looked at the stone.

Shi frowned, looked at the forestry, then looked at the stumps on the ground, and finally raised his head and shook his head at the forestry tangled.

The other beast-eared ladies didn’t understand what Forestry meant, but they just knew to move with Shi’s head.


Seeing the appearance of the stone, Forestry sighed before continuing.

“So, after those stumps roll out, can you…”

Forestry said as he picked up a tree stump that had rolled out from behind.

“Is it okay, take the stake that rolled out and put it in front, so that you can change it one by one, can you drag this big tree all the way to the clearing?”

After speaking, Forestry also put the wooden stake in his hand to the front of the stake.

At this moment, not only Shi, but all the beast-eared girls understood what was going on.

“Wow——! It turned out to be like this! ”

Then those beast-eared girls all made a sound of amazement after suddenly realizing.

Shi’s eyes lit up, and he kept looking back and forth at the wooden stake that Forestry had just taken.

Just now Shi didn’t think of this method because her way of thinking has always been limited by this world.

Although the arrival of forestry has been constantly impacting her.

But so many years of thinking habits can not be changed overnight.

Forestry has decided to cultivate stones as their assistants.

She has not yet awakened her natural ability, she is already smarter than other beast-eared girls, and wait until the forestry opens her natural ability.

At that time, forestry can teach stone some more complex and advanced knowledge.

And, according to Kowa Stone, forestry discovered a law.

It seems that everyone’s innate ability, even if it is not turned on, will have a little impact on her.

Yuki’s physical fitness was originally the best in the entire tribe, and it had grown to more than two meters tall, and her natural ability was also to comprehensively enhance her physical fitness.

And Shi, the feeling of forestry has always been smart and studious, likes to research, and her natural ability just happens to enhance brain power.

However, there are only two examples, and forestry is not yet sure whether this is a coincidence.

If it’s not a coincidence…

Forestry looked at Sakura, and couldn’t help but ponder.

“What is the innate ability of this snack item? Become more edible? Or do you know how to eat more? ”

If Sakura’s ability is really this, wouldn’t Little Forestry be…

Thinking of this, Forestry couldn’t help but take a slight breath.

At this time.

After Forestry saw that the beast-eared ladies understood how to use the rolling wood method, Forestry called Sakura and a few skinny beast-eared ladies out and said to them.

“You’re in charge of waiting for them to drag this tree, and the stump rolls down from underneath, and you put the stump back to the front, okay?”

Hearing Forestry’s words, Sakura and a few beast-eared girls nodded excitedly at Forestry.

Forestry smiled and touched Sakura’s head, and then said, “You guys go ahead and luck, I’ll go to the clearing to trim those big trees.” ”

After that, Forestry turned and walked towards the clearing,

The beast-eared ladies also began to continue transporting the tree.

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