Early the next morning, Forestry rubbed his left arm and walked out of the cave.

Remembering last night, Forestry couldn’t help but smile.

It’s that my arm has been bitten by Susu for so long, and it really hurts.

Forestry moves towards vacant land.

Susu saw Forestry coming over, blushed shyly, and glanced at Forestry resentfully.

After Forestry saw it, the smile on his face became even more presumptuous.

After some episodes, forestry began to seriously consider how to continue building houses today.

The priority is to cut the logs laid yesterday first, otherwise maybe another beast-eared lady will fall like yesterday’s stone.

If another beast-eared lady accidentally falls, she really can’t stand it!

Thinking about it, Forestry glanced at the log that had been paved hard in the distance, and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

It’s not easy to build a house in a primitive society!

Especially to build big houses!

Just when forestry was still thinking like this.

At this time, at this time, Xing came over and said to the forestry.

“Karma, the salt we brought back last time has been eaten for so many days, and I have brought some to the Winged People tribe, and it is almost exhausted, I plan to bring a few of them with me and bring back some more.”

Hearing Yuki’s words, Forestry lowered his head and muttered for two seconds.

Then he contacted the unicorn with beast taming and asked it to hurry over.

Then he said to Yuki.

“Okay, wait a minute, I’ll let the unicorn go with you.”

Hearing Forestry say that he wanted the unicorn to go with him, he couldn’t help but wonder.

Fortunately, I don’t understand, go get a salt, let the unicorn go with you?

But since he said to wait a while, Yuki stood there and waited.

After a while, Yun and Xiaorou and the twin Raccoon Lady walked to Yuki’s side with bows and arrows in their hands.

“Fortunately, what’s wrong, why don’t you set off yet?”

After walking in, the twin raccoon girl said to Yuki at the same time.

Yunya looked at Yuki and asked suspiciously.

“Yes, sister, aren’t you going to get salt?”

Xiao Rou also nodded at Xing, wondering how Xing and Forestry said two words and didn’t leave.

Yuki turned his head and shook his head at a few of them.

Then he also said with doubts in his eyes.

“Karma said wait a minute, said to let the unicorn go with us.”

As soon as Fortunately’s words came out, several of them looked at the forestry in confusion.

Forestry smiled and nodded at them, then explained.

“You don’t need to worry first, you’ll know later.”

Then Forestry saw that the unicorn was like a strange species, tilting its head, running towards this side with its four hooves, involuntarily skimming the corners of its mouth, and then continuing.

“Yun, Xiaorou, you go and help me get two empty wooden barrels and a hemp rope.”

After Yun and Xiaorou listened, although they were still puzzled, they also nodded, turned to find Forestry and said those two things.

Unicorn felt the time when forestry let it pass.

The heart was directly ecstatic, and when he saw that Forestry was running faster than him, the unicorn’s heart couldn’t help but fall into self-doubt.

Coupled with the miraculous taking of things from the forest before, the unicorn suddenly felt that this owner might be very powerful, and he might not have the opportunity to show his value.

So when sensing that forestry let it pass, the unicorn was like eating mad dog meat, and each of its four hooves ran towards forestry.

Coming to Forestry, the unicorn craned its neck and looked at Forestry, waiting for Forestry to give it instructions.


Forestry cleared his throat, then patted the unicorn’s back and said.

“Later, you will follow them to get salt, you must follow them on the way, if you get lost or it is dark and you have not returned to the tribe, you must show them the way, you must take them back to the tribe safely, do you know?”

“Rhythm!” (The comment section taught me horse barking, haha)

The unicorn hissed excitedly, which meant that forestry sounded: “Wrap it around me!” ”

Forestry and unicorns have practice in animal taming, so at least they can return to the tribe with them anyway.

At this time, Yun and Xiaorou returned with wooden barrels and hemp rope.

Seeing that the unicorn had come here, the two handed the barrel and hemp rope in their hands to the forestry industry, and looked at the unicorn suspiciously.

The unicorn felt the gaze of the two, turned his head to look at the two, then nodded at the two, and then exhaled hard with his nose.

Forestry on one side, two wooden barrels are joined together with hemp rope, revealing a length of about a meter in the middle.

After tying, Forestry hung two wooden barrels on the unicorn’s body, afraid that the barrels would slip off after being loaded with salt, and Forestry also tied two loops with hemp rope on its horse’s belly,

Forestry whispered to the unicorn while tying the barrel to the unicorn.

“When encountering danger, I will immediately rush over in my heart, you must protect a few of them, understand?”

The unicorn felt the seriousness in Forestry’s heart, so he also nodded firmly at Forestry.

The expression seemed to say: “If you want to hurt them, step over me first.” ”

Forestry looked at the unicorn’s expression and couldn’t help but laugh.

Fortunately, the few of them watched Forestry tie the barrel to the unicorn, and they also understood what Forestry meant, and their eyes brightened.

After tying the barrel to the unicorn, Forestry looked at them and said.

“You guys go back quickly, rock salt will let the unicorn carry it, and you must rush back before dark.”

After Forestry finished speaking, several beast-eared ladies nodded with a smile, and then set off happily.

The unicorn also learned the appearance of the beast-eared girl, grinning and nodding at Forestry, who kicked its ass without anger.

“The Law of Sorrow——!”

The pain-eating unicorn hissed, and then trotted to keep up with the beast-eared ladies.

The forestry watched the beast-eared ladies leave, and then prepared to continue building the wooden house.

At this time, Shi ran towards the forestry with an excited smile on his face.

Looking at the appearance of the stone, Forestry estimated that it seemed to be a good thing, so he stood in place and waited for the stone to come over.

Shi ran to Forestry’s side, panting, his small chest constantly floating up and down.

After taking two breaths, Shi said to Forestry with a smile with excitement in his eyes.

“Karma, the potatoes you put in the bucket have sprouted, come and take a look!”

When Forestry heard Shi’s words, a look of surprise also appeared on his face.

In the impression of forestry, potatoes do not germinate until spring.

It’s the height of summer now, how did it sprout.

“Go, go and see.”

Forestry said to the stone, and then the two walked quickly towards the cave.

Coming to the cave, Shi took two buckets of potatoes out of the innermost part of the cave.

Forestry picked up one and looked at it, and sure enough, yellow-green shoots had grown on it.

And it has already grown a lot.

Shi looked at Forestry excitedly, and Forestry saw that the potatoes really sprouted, and also laughed happily.

“Karma, the potatoes have sprouted, can we grow potatoes again?”

Shi looked at Forestry expectantly and said.

Forestry looked at the sprouts on the potatoes that were already two or three centimeters long, and now if they are not planted, they will not be able to be planted alive.

So Forestry smiled and nodded to the stone, and then spoke.

“Get everyone together and I’ll tell you what to do.”

Shi nodded excitedly and said, “Good”

Then the wind rushed out.

Forestry also walked out of the cave with two buckets of potatoes.

It didn’t take long for Shi to gather the beast-eared lady together, and Forestry walked over with the potatoes in his arms.

The beast-eared lady had already heard that the potatoes were sprouting again, and they all looked at the protagonist excitedly.

The beast-eared ladies already know how delicious potatoes are.

And now the potatoes in the cave have not eaten even half of them, and now these potatoes have sprouted again, which shows that the potatoes are really inexhaustible.

Forestry put the barrel containing potatoes on the ground and looked up at the beast-eared ladies with excited faces.

Forestry also smiled, and did not need to explain, he had already planted potatoes once with the beast-eared ladies before, and the beast-eared ladies knew that this potato sprout could grow into potatoes in the future.

Forestry reached out and took out a sprouted potato from the bucket, and then beckoned to the stone and said.

“Find me a bone knife.”

After Forestry finished speaking, Shi directly pulled out a bone knife from his waist, and then quickly walked up and handed it to Forestry.

Forestry looked at the bone knife that Shi handed over.

I suddenly remembered my first day in this world.

Shi also handed himself a bone knife in this way, and also showed kindness to himself.

So many days have passed before I know it.

He has also fully adapted to life in the primitive tribe, and has also regarded the beast-eared ladies as his relatives.

Thinking of this, a gentle smile appeared at the corner of Lin’s mouth.

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