Hearing Sakura’s voice, the other beast-eared ladies also looked at the forestry side.

Only then did I find out that forestry did not know when it had come.

They originally thought that it was still early in the forestry side, but they did not expect the forestry to come so quickly.

Many beast-eared girls were suddenly stunned.

Soon, several beast-eared ladies who had not yet dressed quickly ran behind others and hid.

Sakura was alone, more than half dressed, showing most of her small shoulders, waving her hands at Forestry.

The other beast-eared ladies hurriedly sorted out their clothes.

His face turned red and he looked at the forestry.

At this time, Forestry shouted at Sakura a little regretfully.

“Why don’t you know, wait for me to come and wash together.”

Forestry thought to himself, do I usually hurt you in vain?

Shouldn’t you have run to inform me of this situation in the first place?

When the beast-eared ladies heard the sound of forestry, they all blushed and lowered their heads.

Sakura, on the other hand, shouted at Forestry without heart or lungs.

“Karma, do you want to wash it, I can wash it again with you.”

Sakura said that she was about to take off the clothes she had just put on.

Again…… Wash again?

Hearing Sakura’s words, the mouths of several beast-eared ladies next to them twitched violently!

Shi and Ah Lian on the side quickly stopped Sakura’s movement and looked at Sakura with disgust.

The other beast-eared girls also looked at Sakura with red faces.

Forestry stood there looking at Sakura, and wordlessly patted the door of his head.

Sakura still tilted her head to look at Shi and Ah Lian, not understanding why she was stopping her.

At this time, the voice of forestry came.

“I’m here to drink water, you guys can find something to do by yourself after washing, I’m not done there.”

After that, Forestry took a bucket of well water from the well.

After taking several sips, Forestry felt sweaty and a little uncomfortable, so he poured the remaining water in the bucket down his head. (Dangerous actions, do not imitate)

Cold well water ran down his head.

Lin Shuang’s body trembled.

Then put the barrel away and turned back to the log.

After the beast-eared ladies saw the forestry leave, they were still extremely shy, and they were still thinking about how the forestry came so quickly.

If only forestry had come earlier…

Wouldn’t that be…

Touching their hot faces, the beast-eared ladies all lowered their heads and did not dare to look at the others, and walked away with their own care.

Forestry returned to the logs, saw that half of the logs still needed to be flattened, and after sighing, Forestry took the planer and continued to get busy.

This time, the forestry directly cut all the logs in one go.

Looking at the log that had been cut flat, Forestry smiled with satisfaction.

But after bending over and pushing the planer, all of which were flattened, the forestry waist was tired and could not stand up.

Sitting on a freshly flattened log, the forestry has just rested for a while.

Fortunately, they and the unicorn returned to the tribe.

“Karma, fortunately they and the unicorn have returned, bring back two large buckets of salt, you come and see.”

Forestry didn’t know until Sakura ran over and called Forestry, and Forestry didn’t know.

Forestry turned his head and saw the snow-white figure of the unicorn in the distance.

So Hayashi stood up, stretched his body well, and walked with Sakura to them.

Seeing that they and the unicorn came back, the other beast-eared ladies also gathered around.

Seeing the two large barrels of rock salt full of unicorns, the beast-eared ladies all showed happy smiles.

They originally thought that the salt would be gone after eating, but now that they have brought back two large barrels of rock salt, they know that there is a lot of salt to eat.

After seeing Forestry coming, the unicorn stretched out its head in front of Forestry as if inviting credit.

Forestry looked at the unicorn and touched its mane behind him.

After all, it also helped bring all the rock salt back to the tribe.

And Forestry said to the unicorn while touching it.

“You know the way this time, and next time you will go by yourself.”

Hearing Forestry’s words, the unicorn jerked his head up and looked at Forestry with question marks on his face.

Forestry couldn’t help but laugh when he looked at the unicorn.

Forestry certainly won’t let unicorns go on their own.

Not to mention that it can only put rock salt into a wooden barrel with its mouth, and the rock salt contained by it can’t be eaten.

The long road from the tribe to the salt pan, the unicorn went by itself, encountered a meat-eating beast halfway, and then solved the unicorn as dinner.

The unicorn saw that Forestry was scaring it and snorted angrily.

Forestry also stopped teasing the unicorn, reaching out and starting to unwind two buckets of rock salt from the unicorn.

While untying the hemp rope on the unicorn’s body, he ordered the beast-eared girls around him.

“Go to a few people’s fires, and then bring the clay pot, the wooden barrel with salt, and the filter device you made last time is still there.”

“Take three more clean bone knives, then go and fetch two buckets of water, pour them into a clay pot and put them on the stove and burn them first.”

After Forestry finished speaking, the beast-eared ladies immediately scattered and prepared to go.

Two barrels of rock salt were also relieved by forestry.

The unicorn looked at the rock salt in the barrel and fought a cold war.

When they were just in the salt pan, the unicorns watched them happily fill the barrel with these pieces at hand.

The unicorn licked it curiously, and then was directly washed by the bitter and salty taste.

When I came back, I found that the beast-eared lady seemed to be very happy to see these stones.

The unicorn couldn’t help but wonder even more.

Why do they like something so unpalatable?

Unicorns still fight the Cold War when they think back to that taste.

After a while, the beast-eared lady had everything ready.

The fire also rose. The stove has also been set up, and the clay pot has been poured with water and burned on the fire.

And this time the forestry did not move, but opened his mouth and said to the beast-eared ladies.

“Shi, Ganyu, Lulu, you three come out.”

Hearing Forestry’s words, three people walked out from the crowd.

Lulu is the antler lady with a plum blossom birthmark on her forehead.

And Gan Yu, Forestry noticed her because when she weaves straw shoes and makes pottery, she is the fastest one, and she has always been the best one.

Ganyu is also a goat’s horn, but it is different from the goat’s horn of luck and luck.

The horns of Ganyu grow from the top of the head to the back, and the horns are black with a red line in the middle.

If forestry is not mistaken, there is only one kind of sheep with such horns, called coconut sheep, which has a powerful place, that is, it can produce coconut milk, which is very delicious.

Forestry thought that I don’t know if Ganyu can produce coconut milk, if you can, you must taste it!

The double horns of the black and red color combination with Gan Yu’s purple pupils and light blue long hair make Gan Yu seem to have a special feeling, as if there is a magical charm.

The three of them walked out, and they all looked at the forestry forest suspiciously.

The forestry called the three of them out because he wanted the three of them to operate and purify the rock salt into edible fine salt.

So Forestry opened his mouth and said to the three.

“Today I will teach you how to refine fine salt, you three to do it, I say one step at a time, you do one step.”

Hearing Forestry say this, the eyes of the three suddenly lit up.

“Wow, karma is going to teach us how to make salt!”

The other beast-eared ladies also made excited sounds, and then couldn’t wait to look at the forestry.

Forestry looked at the eager appearance of the beast-eared ladies, and did not say much, and directly began to talk about the steps of salt making.

“The first step is to boil the water in the clay pot.”

As everyone spoke, the clay pot had been burning on the fire, and now the water inside had “gurgled” and boiled.

Then Forestry continued.

“Then put the rock salt into the pot piece by piece, take a branch and stir it constantly, and then put another piece after the rock salt melts.”

The three beast-eared ladies standing in front of the clay pot nervously followed the steps of the forestry plant.

Forestry said to take the branches, and the three quickly looked down and looked for the branches.

After finding the branches, the three began to put rock salt into the clay pot as the forestry said.

The other beast-eared ladies also stretched their necks and watched intently.

The unicorn looked at everything gathered around here and also stuck his head out.

When it saw the stone it had carried back melt in the water, it showed a shocked expression just like the beast-eared lady it saw for the first time.

Forestry didn’t have time to take care of it, and continued to speak to the beast-eared ladies.

“When you see that the rock salt block you put in is not melting, don’t put it in again.”

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