Forestry laughed a few times before stopping.

Seeing that the eyes of the beast-eared ladies looking at him became puzzled, Forestry coughed twice, and then said to the beast-eared ladies.

“Everyone will find a place later, and then use the bark to tie all the hay to the bamboo strips.”

Forestry said as he showed the beast-eared ladies how to tie hay.

It is to take the hay, put it vertically from the front of the bamboo strip, and when it is placed in the middle of the hay, the other hand grabs the hay from under the bamboo strip and folds it in half, just clamping the bamboo strip inside.

Then tie the hay in half with bark, one yard by one, and tie a layer to each bamboo strip, and cover it with one layer until all the bamboo strips are covered.

This is not only waterproof, but also the best warmth.

Such a simple thing, forestry demonstration once the beast-eared women can understand.

Then they all dispersed, each looking for a place to tie up.

Sakura stood beside her, and Sakura said to the forest while tying up the hay.

“Karma, everyone’s pottery bowl is burned out, Sakura also made a pottery bowl herself, by the way, Ganyu also made one for Karma, and the mark on it is the same as the one left by Karma herself last time.”

Hearing Sakura’s voice, Forestry looked at Ganyu a little surprised.

The mark left by oneself is the word ‘karma’ in one’s name.

Unexpectedly, Gan Yu even remembered this.

Ganyu was very close to this side of the industry, and when he heard Sakura say his voice, he also looked over, and just looked at Forestry.

Gan Yu saw that Forestry was looking at him, his purple eyes blinked twice, and then he showed a shy smile at Forestry.

Forestry also smiled at Ganyu, and then Ganyu lowered his head and continued to tie up the hay.

Everyone was working feverishly, and halfway through the forestry industry, they found that because their bamboo sticks were relatively densely inserted, the hay they had collected before was almost exhausted.

So Forestry also asked Xingheyun and Ah Lian, who were waiting below, to collect a large pile of hay and come back.

The hay was found in a pile in the nearby bushes, and the three of them brought back a lot of hay in one trip.

Forestry was taking everyone to tie up the hay when suddenly Forestry clearly felt that the sky was darkening.

It was clear that the sun was still scorching just now, how could it suddenly darken.

Forestry looked up at the sky, only to find that he didn’t know when, the overwhelming dark clouds covered the sun.

At this time, Forestry also remembered what the beast-eared lady said before about the changeable weather in this season.

I thought, Oops!

Seeing this, Forestry quickly shouted to everyone.

“Everyone speed up their movements, I’m afraid the sky will change soon!”

After saying to the beast-eared ladies on the roof, Forestry turned to Ah Lian and Lucky and Luck below and said.

“Let’s start lifting those pieces of bamboo, the hay is almost tied.”

The three people, who had been waiting below for a long time, heard the words of forestry and immediately began to move.

Forestry also crouched down and picked up the bamboo pieces from their hands one by one.

Just as the bamboo strips were halfway through, an evil wind blew from the sky.

Forestry hurriedly urged the beast-eared ladies to speed up again.

Fortunately, all three of them trotted down.

After transporting all the bamboo strips, Forestry spoke to the three people below.

“Move everyone’s hides and straw mats to the wooden house, I’m afraid there will be very bad weather tonight.”

Fortunately, the three of them nodded solemnly after hearing this, and then turned and ran towards the cave.

Forestry also immediately turned around and saw that the beast-eared ladies had almost tied up the hay.

So forestry immediately began to teach the beast-eared ladies how to hang bamboo pieces on bamboo sticks.

Forestry picked up the axe and gently struck it at the back of the bamboo sheet.

A gap was cut out of the green back of the bamboo piece, but the bamboo piece was not cut through, and the cut opening, the small piece of bamboo on top of your forest was not cut down.

Then Forestry broke the opening again, made it a little bigger, and then inserted it directly into the bamboo strip.

Then Forestry repeated the previous action again, and then inserted the bamboo strip again next to the bamboo piece.

Then he picked up another piece of bamboo, this time without cutting the opening again, but directly buckled it in the place next to each other between the two pieces of bamboo.

Then Forestry said to the beast-eared ladies, pointing to the bamboo pieces he had just laid out.

“I will help everyone cut the bamboo pieces, everyone will put the bamboo pieces on it like this, don’t care if the knot is strong or not, I will come up and repair it in the future, and quickly put the bamboo pieces first.”

“Those trunks also have to be buckled with a piece of bamboo to connect the two sides, okay, you can understand it.”

The beast-eared ladies saw the anxiousness of forestry, and they all quickly nodded to forestry.

Then the forestry industry began to quickly hand an axe and a piece of bamboo to the beast-eared girls.

But even if the speed of forestry is fast, it can’t provide so many beast-eared ladies to put together.

Shi also saw this problem, so he opened his mouth and took a few people and began to hand bamboo pieces to others.

In this way, Forestry kept chopping with his head down, and Shi still stood beside Forestry and handed bamboo pieces to Forestry in his hand.

Fortunately, the three of them directly pushed the cart and transported the animal skins and straw mats of the beast-eared ladies all at once.

In this tense atmosphere, the beast-eared ladies methodically placed bamboo pieces on the bamboo strips one by one.

Finally, before the sky changed completely, all the places where the hay was laid were laid out with bamboo sheets.

Then Forestry hurriedly let the beast-eared ladies all go down the stairs one by one.

Forestry stood on the flowing staircase and began to cover the last void.

Just as the forestry industry began to release bamboo sheets, a flash of lightning suddenly lit up in the sky.

“Boom ——!”

Then a short and rapid thunder sounded in the sky, and Forestry turned his head to see a towering tree that had been struck by lightning and had burned.

Forestry felt raindrops fall on their heads.

Then I saw a torrential rain ahead, like a curtain of water, pouring towards this side.

At this time, the forestry did not cut the opening, directly put the remaining few pieces of bamboo on the table, and then jumped down the ladder in three steps and two strokes.

With one step, he rushed into the wooden house, and collided with Susu, who was worried that Forestry wanted to go out and see.

Susu was directly knocked to the ground by forestry.

Forestry also fell to the ground with her, rolling several times without unabated momentum.

Fortunately, the forestry reacted temporarily when it landed and held up Susu’s head, otherwise Susu might have been seriously injured today.

After rolling around twice, Forestry stood up directly from the ground, and then quickly came to Susu’s side and asked with concern.

“Susu, how are you, is there anything wrong? Is there any pain in my body? ”

Forestry now does not dare to move Susu’s body casually, in case the bones there are broken, it will cause secondary damage.

Susu was stunned by forestry all of a sudden, and first glanced at forestry stunned.

Then he was stunned, and then his eyes returned to agility.

After hearing Forestry’s words, he reached out and touched his body, and then said to Forestry.

“Nothing… I’m fine, it’s not painful. ”

Hearing Susu say this, Forestry was relieved.

Then asked Xiang Susu with a slightly interesting reproach in his tone.

“Why are you standing in the doorway, what if I hurt you.”

Susu saw that Forestry seemed to be a little angry, and pouted aggrievedly and whispered to Forestry.

“I heard the sound of heavenly thunder and was worried about you, so I wanted to go out and take a look, who knew that you suddenly sneaked in from outside.”

At this time, the other beast-eared ladies heard the movement and all gathered around.

After hearing Susu’s words, Forestry knew that his tone was a little heavy just now.

So he said to Susu in a slightly softened tone.

“I will protect myself, I am more worried about your injuries, you know?”

After speaking, Forestry touched Susu’s hair comfortingly, and seeing that Susu was not up, Forestry opened his mouth and said to her.

“Are you really all right? How long are you going to lie on the ground? ”

Hearing Lin’s words, Susu found that he was still lying on the ground.

Seeing that the other beast-eared ladies had all come over, they quickly stood up from the ground.

At this moment, a crackling sound was heard outside.

Forestry was also attracted by this voice and looked out the door.

I saw that with the heavy rain, hailstones the size of pigeon eggs also fell.

The hail fell on the bamboo sheets above the roof, making a sound that seemed to be knocking.

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