After a while, the rain outside still showed no signs of getting less than ever.

The dry clearing outside has now been turned into a small river.

The beast-eared ladies watched the raindrops and hail outside getting bigger and bigger, and the ground was already covered with a layer of hail.

But the hail kept falling from the sky, smashing the hail that had fallen to the ground before.

When the beast-eared ladies saw the hail on the ground and the hail that fell later, they trembled.

They couldn’t help but think about how painful it would be for these stones that fell from the sky to fall on their bodies.

But there was no rain on their bodies, and not a single stone fell from the sky.

The beast-eared ladies couldn’t help but turn their heads to look at this wooden house built by forestry again.

The forestry has left a lot of windows according to the light, which makes the inside of the wooden house not look dark at all.

The three-meter-high roof will not make the beast-eared ladies feel depressed.

Inside this wooden house, the beast-eared ladies felt an unprecedented sense of security.

Then the beast-eared ladies’ gaze looked at the forestry that was leaning against the door.

It seems that as long as you stay by the side of forestry, you will feel extremely at ease, and if you are there, there will be no danger that threatens you.

It seems that since forestry came to the tribe, they have never had enough to eat, wear and warm, and now they no longer have to worry about hunger, and they don’t have to run so far to fetch water.

Even now the beast-eared ladies have a lot of free time every day and don’t know what to do.

And all this was brought by the magical man who was leaning against the door.

Forestry felt the gaze of the beast-eared ladies and turned his head to look over.

Seeing that the beast-eared ladies were looking at themselves, their eyes were full of tenderness and affection.

Forestry was slightly stunned, and then showed a gentle and gentle smile to the beast-eared ladies.

After the beast-eared ladies saw Forestry smile, they all showed a hungry sweet smile on their faces, and then blushed and lowered their heads.

Seeing the reaction of the beast-eared ladies, the smile on his face became even stronger.

Then Forestry turned his head with a smile and continued to look outside.

The beast-eared ladies also turned around and went to the wooden house, and began to spread the animal skins and straw mats that Xing had brought over on the ground.

After standing in the doorway and watching, suddenly a relatively large hailstone hit the ground and other hailstones bounced into the house.

Forestry reached out and picked up the piece of hail from the ground and put it in his hand to play with.

At this time, Sakura and Diona also saw this hailstone, and came over hand in hand with a curious look on their faces.

Diona looked at the hail in Forestry’s hand and asked curiously.

“Karma, is this a stone that fell from the sky?”

Sakura also looked at the hailstone suspiciously and touched the top of her head, where a small bag had been smashed by hail before.

Now seeing the hail, Sakura remembered that pain again.

“Karma, what are you doing with this stone? This kind of stone can hurt when hit the body, and after the rain, the stone will disappear. ”

Sakura touched the top of her head and looked at the hail and said to the forest.

Forestry listened to the two of them and kept calling these hailstones falling from the sky.

I couldn’t help but have a trace of doubt in my heart.

Even if the beast-eared ladies don’t know what hail is, they should know that these stones are ice cubes.

In the past, when making ice, the beast-eared ladies said that they had seen ice in winter.

How come hail is now always called stone.

Forestry asked curiously.

“Have you never touched these stones that have fallen from the sky?”

After all, the touch of ice cubes is so obvious, as long as you see it, you should be able to feel it.

Sakura and Diona shook their heads at Forestry, and then Diona blinked at Forestry and said.

“Every time these stones appeared, they hurt us, and we hid in the cave until the rain stopped, and the stones that fell on the ground were gone.”

Sakura also nodded, looked at the hail in Forestry’s hand, with a hint of fear in her eyes, and spoke.

“Yes, it hurts to smash everyone every time, so everyone won’t touch those stones even if they see it, karma, what are you doing with this stone?”

Hearing Sakura and Diona’s explanation, Forestry shook his head and laughed.

Then the hail in his hand was handed over and said to the two.

“You guys take this stone and feel it, and see what it is.”

Sakura and Diona watched as Forestry handed the stone over, and Sakura took a small step back in fear.

Diona was also a little scared, but heard Forestry’s words.

Diona still mustered up enough courage and put her two small hands on the hailstone.


The two small hands had just been placed on the hailstone, and when Diona felt the cold of the hail, she whispered in fright, and then withdrew her hand.

Sakura saw Diona’s appearance and looked even more frightened at the hailstone in Forestry’s hand.

But after Diona withdrew her hand, she looked at her hands suspiciously.

He felt the feeling he had just felt as if it were familiar, as if he had touched the exact same thing not long ago.

Then Diona tentatively stretched out her hand and put it on the hailstone.

After encountering the hail this time, Diona resisted and did not retract her hand.

At this time, Diona carefully felt the touch of the hailstone, and then looked at the forestry with disbelief.

Forestry smiled at Diona and nodded, meaning, this is the thing you were thinking.

Diona withdrew her hand and looked at the hand that had become a little red from touching the hail.

Then he turned his head and said to Sakura in shock.

“Sakura, these stones that fell from the sky are not stones, they are ice cubes!”

Diona spoke a little loudly because she was shocked.

The beast-eared ladies who were spreading animal skins and straw mats on the ground also heard the sound and turned their heads to look at this side.

After hearing Diona’s words, Sakura also looked at the hail in Forestry’s hand in shock.

Because the forestry industry has been holding this hailstone with its hands again, and now it has begun to melt.

Water droplets are dripping down the palm of Forestry’s hand.

Sakura took a step forward and then carefully reached out to the hail in Forestry’s hand.

Then Sakura also felt the same icy feeling as the ice.

Then Sakura turned her head in shock and looked at Diona, who was continuing to be shocked.

Both cat tails were all standing tall.

Then Sakura said to Diona in shock.

“Diona, it’s really ice, ice cubes will fall from the sky!”

At this time, the other beast-eared ladies also came over curiously.

Looking at the two who were staring at the two who were widening their eyes and shocked, Susu’s eyes flashed with curiosity, and he asked Sakura and Diona.

“What did you just say? Are the stones falling from the sky ice? How is this possible. ”

Then Susu, like the other beast-eared ladies, all looked curiously at the hail in the hands of the forestry.

Forestry looked at the beast-eared ladies’ fuss, reached out and threw the half-melted hail to them.

Susu hurriedly caught the hail blocks thrown by Forestry.

Then I felt the cold feeling characteristic of ice cubes very directly.

Then, just like Sakura and Diona, Susu’s eyes widened and she was shocked.

The stone beside Susu also showed a shocked look when he saw Susu holding the stone, and couldn’t wait to reach out and take the ice cube from Susu’s hand.

Then Shi was also shocked.

The other beast-eared ladies were also lining up there to catch the hail one by one, and then lined up to be shocked.

By the time the beast-eared ladies were halfway through, the hailstone, which was already the size of a pigeon’s egg, had melted to the size of a fingernail.

Forestry shook his head at the sight, stood by the door, reached out and caught a few hailstones that fell on the roof and then rolled down.

Then they were thrown to the beast-eared ladies one by one.

It wasn’t until every beast-eared lady had an ice cube in her hand that Forestry withdrew her hand.

The beast-eared ladies looked at the hail in their hands, and it was obvious that this was real ice cubes.

Even more crystal clear than those made of saltpeter.

Shi held the hail in his hand, looked at the forestry, really couldn’t help the curiosity in his heart, and asked.

“Karma, what’s going on, are the stones that fall from the sky always ice? No wonder, no wonder these stones fell to the ground and disappeared after a while. ”

Forestry couldn’t help but nod his head as he watched the problems that kept arose and then solved them himself.

Shi’s IQ may have been born that kind of genius.

And he is also the kind of personality that is studious and likes to study.

Forestry thinks that there should be a beast-eared girl in the tribe.

Shi stood there tilting his head and frowning and thinking for a while.

Finally, he asked the forestry industry a question that he couldn’t figure out.

“Karma? Why? Why do ice cubes fall from the sky? ”

The other beast-eared ladies were also interested when they heard this question, and they all looked at the forestry industry curiously.

Forestry couldn’t help but smile when he looked at the appearance of the beast-eared ladies.

After thinking slightly, Forestry looked at Yuki, who was standing on the side, and then first asked Xiang Xing.

“Fortunately, have you ever heard the people of the Winged Man tribe say that you will feel cold when you fly high?”

Fortunately, when he heard the question of forestry, he was stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted, nodded quickly to forestry, and then spoke.

“I used to hear Mingyun’s father say to Mingyun very seriously, when flying in the sky, you can’t fly too high, otherwise even the wings will freeze, so you will fall and die.”

Yun listened to Yuki’s words, and nodded his head, indicating that he had heard it too.

“Wow, will it be cold in the sky?”

The other beast-eared ladies heard this for the first time, and they all spoke out in shock.

Hearing Yuki’s answer, Forestry nodded in satisfaction, and then coughed twice, pulling back the beast-eared lady who was shocked.


“It’s very cold above the sky, and the higher you go, the colder it gets.”

After Forestry said this, the beast-eared ladies involuntarily looked at the sky outside through the window and doorway.

They had heard about the vast sky for the first time, and they had always envied the flying birds and the winged people.

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