Forestry carried luck on his back and slowly walked to the clearing.

The beast-eared ladies have built all the fires.

Shi Ye had already put the potatoes and jerky into the pot and was building the stove.

Forestry and Yun carefully lowered Yuki to the ground, and then sat down on the ground himself.

Forestry looked at the sky, it was still early before dark, at most it was just after three or four o’clock in the afternoon.

Forestry thought, when the meeting finished eating, he took the beast-eared ladies and began to make saddle.

Otherwise, so many wild horses, all of them have to be made by themselves, then they have to be made in the year of the monkey.

Forestry took branches and drew parts of saddles on the ground, and his mind was running about how to teach the beast-eared ladies to make them.

Shi Ye had already put the clay pot on the stove and stewed.

At this time, Gan Yu came over, holding the pottery bowl and spoon she had made for forestry.

Gan Yu walked to Forestry’s side and saw that Forestry was concentrating on what he was drawing on the ground.

Gan Yu looked at the expression of forestry, and couldn’t help but worship a little.

Although Gan Yu does not know what this unknown thing that Forestry is painting, Gan Yu knows that Forestry must come up with something very magical!

Forestry felt a man standing beside him, so he looked up.

As a result, I saw Gan Yu looking at the saddle he had drawn on the ground with a curious face.

“Ganyu? What’s wrong? ”

Seeing Gan Yu’s appearance, Forestry smiled and asked in a low voice.

Gan Yu heard the sound of forestry and turned his head sharply to look at forestry.

Seeing that Forestry was looking at him with a smile, Gan Yu was instantly embarrassed.

Gan Yu blushed, handed out the clay bowl and spoon in his hand, and whispered to the forestry.

“Karma, this… This is what I did for you, here you go. ”

As he spoke, Gan Yu’s entire face turned pink, and he lowered his head slightly.

Gan Yu, a talented beast-eared girl, has even more complicated emotions towards forestry.

Gan Yu has always admired forestry in her heart, and every time she sees forestry solve problems and teach them new things, Gan Yu admires them even more.

But Gan Yu is a beast-eared woman who is not very willing to express her inner emotions.

So I have never had the courage to speak out with forestry.

Seeing Susu and their brave gestures to the forestry, Gan Yu himself was also anxious, but he couldn’t muster up that kind of courage.

Until Forestry took the initiative to find her, and even called out her name in front of everyone, arranging various tasks for herself.

Gan Yu then began to try to get closer to forestry and began to express his heart to forestry.

Seeing Gan Yu’s eyes, as well as his expression, Forestry didn’t care so much, and reached out and pulled Gan Yu over.


Gan Yu couldn’t help but let out an exclamation at first.

But then he lowered his head embarrassedly.

Forestry looked at the coconut sheep in his arms and couldn’t help but reach out and pinch her face.

When Gan Yu was usually in the tribe, he was not very willing to speak, so he was often alone.

Forestry also thought that this coconut sheep was a royal sister with a cold personality.

But after a few days of contact, Forestry found that Ganyu was just not very good at communicating with others before.

After she asked her to take the beast-eared ladies to burn pottery, the other beast-eared ladies also began to take the initiative to chat and play with Ganyu.

And as long as the things are arranged for her, she will do her best and complete them seriously.

Sometimes after dark at night, everyone went back to the tent to rest, and Ganyu would continue to do the work he had not done during the day by the fire.

After a few days of paying attention to her, Forestry understood that Ganyu should be a very standard social animal.

Looking at the Gan Yu, who usually doesn’t talk much, and seems to be a little cold alone, now in his arms like this, he pinched his face is also a good girl, and the corners of Lin’s mouth can’t help but raise slightly.

At this time, Forestry saw the two black and red horns on Ganyu’s head.

The feel of this pair of horns, forestry has been curious for a long time.

After seizing this opportunity, forestry will naturally not miss this attempt!

The horns of Ganyu feel very smooth and grow backwards in a streamlined shape.

And the horns of luck and luck are all rotated in a circle and grow forward.

Feeling that Forestry was touching his horns, Gan Yu shook his head a few times, and his eyes became different.

Seeing Gan Yu shake her head restlessly, Forestry reached out again and pinched her face.

But this time, Forestry saw the look in Ganyu’s lilac eyes.

Forestry immediately understood the meaning in Gan Yu’s eyes, and then followed the trend…


At this time, Sakura and Diona came hand in hand.

Seeing the figures of Forestry and Ganyu, Sakura asked the two before she could walk over.

“Karma, what are you doing?”

Hearing Sakura call herself, Hayashi jerked up.

It turned out to be seen that both Sakura and Diona were looking at themselves with curious eyes.

Ganyu took a few breaths, and then saw Sakura and Diona, who immediately covered his face, stood up and ran into the distance.

Sakura and Diona saw Ganyu cover her face and run away, and their eyes became even more curious.

“Ahem, it’s nothing, Gan Yu came to bring me a pottery bowl, and by the way, he brought me something to eat, and the two of us just ate it together.”

Forestry wiped his mouth and explained it to the two little loli.

And hearing that Forestry said that there was something to eat, the two little loli’s eyes suddenly lit up, and then they opened their mouths and asked Forestry.

“Is there still karma, we also want to eat.”

Forestry shook his head, and then said to the two: “I’ve just finished eating.” ”

The two cat-eared little loli heard that Forestry said that they had eaten up, and immediately pouted in disappointment.

Then the two turned and left from the forestry here, came to the clay pot, and asked the stone.

“Ishi, how long will it take to eat, Sakura is about to starve.”

“Uh-huh, Diona is hungry too.”

Two cat-eared little loli asked with saliva at Shi Liu.

Shi smiled helplessly, and then replied.

“It’s going to be a little longer, you guys go play a little longer, go find some berries to eat.”

After Ishi finished speaking, the corners of Sakura and Diona’s mouths pouted.

Diona said unhappily.

“We just went to look for a circle, but we didn’t find a single berry, the berries were all hit to the ground by hail, and even fell on the ground and were eaten by wild horses!”

Forestry looked at the two cat-eared little loli who were angry because they couldn’t eat, smiled, clapped his hands at them, and then opened his arms and waited for them.

When the two cat-eared little loli saw forestry like this, they called forestry in unison, and then ran towards forestry.

Forestry sat cross-legged on the ground, big ii legs on either side, and a little loli with cat ears sitting on one side.

Two cat-eared little loli are leaning on Forestry’s shoulders, one on each side.

Forestry patted their little backs with his hand and spoke.

“Sakura, Diona, have you figured out what animal you want to ride?”

After hearing Forestry’s words, the two cat-eared little loli all straightened up and looked at Forestry.

Then they all frowned and thought about it.

But after thinking for a while, the two shook their heads at the forestry.

Diona said to the forestry forest at this time.

“The beasts we usually see are the prey brought back by the hunting team.”

“Today is also the first time we have seen a live wild horse.”

After Diona finished speaking, Sakura nodded along with her.

Forestry then understood why the two had been unable to think of what beasts they needed as mounts.

I didn’t expect the problem to be here.

Forestry thought for a moment, and then said to the two.

“When you see a suitable beast after that, I will capture it for you, and when the time comes, you will pick it yourself, and if you don’t like it, you will catch something else.”

Hearing Forestry’s words, the two cat-eared little loli all laughed happily, and then said with a smile to Forestry.

“Karma, is it really possible? Do we also have mounts to ride? ”

“There must be, I will let everyone in the tribe have mounts.”

Hearing Forestry’s words, the two cat-eared little loli laughed happily again, and the two looked at each other and kissed Forestry together.

Then he ran out, laughing and going to tell the other beast-eared girls about it.

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