Ming Yun heard the shouts of forestry, and her white wings waved a few times.

Flew towards forestry.

After coming to the front of Forestry, the excited expression on Mingyun’s face had not completely retreated.

Ming Yun watched, Forestry took the beast-eared girls to make a few pieces of wood, little by little, into something he had never seen before.

I also saw that the beast-eared ladies had left their own marks on the things they made.

Ming Yun saw this kind of thing for the first time, and she was excited and couldn’t help herself.

After coming to Forestry, Mingyun smiled at Forestry with her red little face and asked.

“Karma, what’s wrong? Can I help you? ”

Forestry is not too early to see the sky.

The sun is about to set.

Mingyun and Ling’er can fly now, if they don’t catch up early, don’t wait until it gets dark and can’t find their way home.

“The sun is about to set, you and Ling’er don’t hurry back yet, and you won’t be able to go back when it gets dark.”

Hearing the words of forestry, Mingyun also looked at the sky, and sure enough, he saw that the sun was now gone, and he slowly leaned towards the back of the mountain.

After Ming Yun saw it, she also knew that she should go.

But Mingyun reluctantly looked at the saddle that the beast-eared ladies had just made.

Ming Yun personally watched them be made like this from a few pieces of wood.

They have not yet been seen tied to wild horses.

I have not yet seen the beast-eared ladies sitting on it and galloping on horseback.

Mingyun turned her head to look at the forestry.

Said to the forestry in a begging tone.

“Karma, can you let me see them sitting on this horse and then walking, I promise to leave when I finish watching.”

Forestry looked at Mingyun’s pitiful appearance and couldn’t help but soften his heart.

Thinking that even if they didn’t have time to go back, the wooden house was so big, it would be okay to leave them here for one night.

Thinking of this, Forestry said to Mingyun with a smile.

“You go and ask Ling’er, if she doesn’t want to leave either, you can stay here first, if it’s too late and you don’t have time to return to the tribe, stay here for one night first, and it’s okay to go back tomorrow.”

Hearing Forestry’s words, Mingyun’s face instantly burst into a smile of surprise, and she said to Forestry in disbelief.

“Really? Really? Can we really stay here for one night? ”

Forestry looked at Mingyun’s appearance, not understanding what she had to be excited about, and then nodded at him and spoke.

“Yes, but you go and ask Ling’er first, what if she wants to return to the tribe?”

After Ming Yun listened, she nodded to the forestry.

Then a little on tiptoe, the white wings gently stirred a few times, and Mingyun flew out lightly.

Every time Forestry sees this scene, it feels a little beautiful.

White wings, long blonde hair, plus Ming Yun likes to wear small garlands she braids.

This made Ming Yun look like a holy angel.

But forestry comes to mind again.

Just now, this holy angel couldn’t fly when he ate potatoes, so he couldn’t help but laugh and shake his head.

Then Forestry took the hemp rope and began to weave the reins, which in the horse is equivalent to the steering wheel.

Although the mane can also play this role, but grabbing the mustang’s mane, the wild horse will also hurt, and the wild horse’s mane is not very long, and it is easy to get rid of it.

Ling’er is chatting happily with Sakura and Diona.

Sakura has been talking to Rei’er about what forestry has done since coming to this tribe.

When Ling’er knew that Lin’er had been picked up by Sakura from the river, she suddenly grew her mouth in shock.

But after listening slowly, Ling’er knew that she was shocked too early.

Ling’er and Sakura chatted for a while, and their jaws were about to dislocate.

Suddenly, Mingyun flew over, looked at Ling’er with complicated eyes, and after standing there and thinking for a while, Mingyun clenched her fists and asked directly to Ling’er.

“Ling’er, let’s stay here for one night today and go back tomorrow, okay?”

Hearing Mingyun’s words, Ling’er had not yet spoken.

Sakura and Diona on the side laughed excitedly, and Sakura grabbed Ling’er’s hand and spoke.

“Great, Ling’er, you stay here at night, Sakura can continue to play with you.”

Diona was also laughing happily and clapping her hands.

After Ling’er heard this, she was stunned at first, and then her eyes suddenly lit up,

She didn’t answer Akira first, but looked down and asked Sakura and Diona.

“If you stay here tonight, can you eat delicious potato stew again?”

Sakura hesitated when she heard Rei’er’s question.

Because Sakura doesn’t know if she will eat potato stew tonight, after all, the most eaten these days are boiled potatoes in salted water, and baked potatoes have not been eaten for a long time.

After Ling’er saw that she had finished asking, Sakura fell silent, and suddenly asked a little anxiously.

“What’s wrong Sakura, can’t you eat potato stew at night?”

Sakura raised her head to look at Ling’er, blinked her big eyes, and then shook her head and said to Ling’er.

“It’s not that I can’t eat it, it’s that Sakura doesn’t know what she’ll eat tonight.”

Then Sakura began to count Rei’er with her fingers.

“Out of the potato stew, we will also make it, salted boiled potatoes and grilled meat to eat together, and baked potatoes made by forestry, which are also very delicious, and there are many ways to eat it, and I don’t know which one will be eaten tonight.”

Ling’er and Mingyun looked at Sakura and explained with a serious finger.

The saliva in the two of them could not stop secreting out.

At this time, Diona spoke on the side again.

“Yes, there are many good potatoes, but each one is very delicious, no matter what we eat, we are very happy.”

Ling’er and Mingyun “grunted” and swallowed a mouthful of spit.

Then Ling’er turned her head with a sure look and looked at Mingyun very firmly and said.

“I’m going to stay tonight, I must stay.”

After speaking, Ling’er swallowed another mouthful of spit.

Mingyun looked at Ling’er’s firm eyes and nodded at her.

Turned around and flew towards the forestry again.

After coming to the front of forestry, Mingyun said happily.

“Ling’er will also stay here, and said that she will spend the night here directly.”

After speaking, Mingyun’s face turned a little red.

Just now, Ming Yun and Forestry said that after watching the beast-eared ladies ride horses, they immediately set off to return to the tribe.

But after hearing that Forestry said that she could live here, Mingyun changed her mind.

So when I asked Xiang Linger, I directly asked if I wanted to stay here for one night.

Forestry didn’t think much of it.

After hearing what Mingyun said, he nodded at her.

After Ming Yun saw Forestry nodding in agreement, she was very happy in the middle of the beast-eared ladies.

Forestry saw that Ming Yun flew away, so he continued to weave the reins.

The beast-eared ladies are also learning to weave with forestry.

This thing is actually very simple to tie the knot, but it plays a great role.

However, forestry does not require how advanced the riding skills of the beast-eared ladies are, as long as they can protect themselves at least a while.

Therefore, the main purpose of forestry in making this rein is to let the beast-eared lady pull the reins when the horse bursts or is frightened so as not to let herself fall.

Riding a horse is not a safe thing to do, and if you fall off the horse and are trampled by the horse’s hooves, you can easily break a few bones.

The heavy ones died directly on the spot.

“Boom. Boom. Boom. ”

Just when everyone’s reins were almost done, with the rhythmic sound of footsteps, the unicorn ran over with the herd of wild horses.

Looking at it from a distance, the unicorn took the lead, followed by a large herd of wild horses.


After a while, with the unicorn neighing.

The wild horse herd slowly slowed down, and finally slowly stopped.

The unicorn walked towards the forestry industry with small broken steps that the six relatives did not recognize.

Forestry looked at the unicorn’s mean appearance and couldn’t help but want to give it a kick.

But forestry had business next, so he let the unicorn go.

Seeing the herd of wild horses coming, the beast-eared ladies couldn’t help but want to sneak up and tie the saddle to the back of the wild horse.

But this time the forestry discovered early, and stopped the beast-eared ladies in time.

“Don’t move, don’t rush to put the saddle on now, I’ll let you put you in it later, don’t worry yet.”

When the beast-eared ladies heard Forestry’s words, they all retreated angrily, and then looked at the wild horses excitedly.

One by one, they got together and started picking those wild horses.

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