Primitive tribe, my people are all beast ear mothers

Chapter 163 Pack Up And Get Ready For Bed!

After installing the window, Lin Ye went back to continue making it.

When Ying and Diona saw the window that Lin Ye had installed, they pushed and pulled it back and forth curiously, having a great time.

Lin Ye made the windows very quickly, and all the windows were made and installed in a short while.

Then there are the four doors of the cabin.

Makers will use wood chips.

Lin Ye first made a rectangular frame out of bamboo strips.

Then start to connect the bamboo strips one by one in the middle of the frame.

After Lin Ye connected all the bamboo strips, the prototype of a door appeared.

It's just that there are many gaps between the bamboo strips and the bamboo strips.

This will use bamboo chips.

Lin Ye took the output piece and began to insert it into the bamboo stick.

Lin Ye took the bamboo slices and shuttled back and forth between each bamboo stick.

Just every five bamboo strips can insert a piece of bamboo.

After the bamboo slice is inserted, there are two bamboo strips on the blue side of the bamboo slice, and the other three are on the white side of the bamboo.

The five bamboo sticks are just enough to hold the bamboo piece firmly.

As the bamboo slices are stuck into the bamboo strips one by one.

The bamboo slices on this door are like a layer of scales, arranged staggeredly on it.

Lin Ye made all four fans in one go.

Finally, after finishing it with an axe, I moved it to the wooden house and installed it.

With the last bamboo door installed.

A system prompt sounded in Lin Ye's mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the successful construction of the host's wooden house, a moderate increase in civilization, and a reward: points * 10000."

A smile appeared on Lin Ye's face when he heard the system prompt beeping.

After receiving another 10,000 points, Lin Ye opened the system store to check his point balance.

【Current points: 86400】

Looking at his points, he felt quite happy.

At this time, Sakura and Diona felt that the inside of the wooden house seemed to be darkened suddenly.

Turning his head, he saw that Lin Ye had already finished installing the doors.

Then both of them came to Lin Ye's side, looking at the bamboo door that Lin Ye had just installed.

Sakura stretched out her hand and pushed gently, and the bamboo door opened to the outside.

At this time, Lin Ye also came back to his senses, seeing two little cat-eared lolitas coming to his side, Lin Ye smiled and stroked their hair.

Ying and Diona also raised their heads to look at Lin Ye, seeing Lin Ye smiling at them, the two of them bared their teeth and laughed.

After Lin Ye stroked their hair, he spoke to them.

"Go ahead and open all the windows, don't close them just yet.".

After hearing this, the two beast ear girls nodded to Lin Ye, then ran to open the window with a smile.

Lin Ye also opened all four doors.

At that time, the sun had completely set.

After opening the doors and windows, Lin Ye and the two little girls brought some lemons they picked just now, and walked towards the open space.

When I came to the open space, I found that the beast-ear girls had already dismounted from their horses.

The fire has also been raised.

The unicorns and the wild horses also ran to nowhere to solve their dinner by themselves.

Lin Ye sat down beside the fire with the two beast ear girls.

Shi Ye just came back with a few beast ear mothers with washed potatoes.

Seeing Lin Ye approaching, Ling'er flew over impatiently, and asked Lin Ye with eyes widened in excitement.

"Ye, what shall we eat later, stewed potatoes, baked potatoes or boiled potatoes?"

As Ling'er said, Ming Yun swallowed her saliva behind.

Lin Ye looked at Ling'er and asked with a smile.

"How do you want to eat potatoes?"

After Lin Ye finished speaking, Linger's eyes lit up directly, and she spoke to Lin Ye.

"Yam, can I eat baked potatoes? Sakura said that the potatoes baked by your method are particularly sweet.

Lin Ye nodded with a smile after hearing this, and then said to Shi.

"Shi, let's dig a hole and eat roasted potatoes tonight. Ling'er and Ming Yun haven't eaten them yet, so give them a taste."

After hearing that, he smiled and nodded.

After Ling'er saw it, she happily ascended to the sky on the spot, and turned around to see the sky.


Lin Ye looked up, and it turned out that his eyesight had become exceptionally sharp since he upgraded his probing eyes.

And this is a world without fat times and full of justice.

Lin Ye raised his head, and after a few glances, a weird smile appeared on his face.

Then Lin Ye lowered his head, touched his nose, and couldn't help thinking about what it would be like to be in the sky.

If he was playing in circles in the sky, then Lin Ye would be considered the number one person in the world.

Touching his nose, he went to the fire and sat down.

Passed all the lemons to Susu, and asked her to squeeze some when she was able to grill.

Sakura and Diona went to play chasing Linger who was flying happily in the sky.

After Lin Ye sat down, he began to think about the market again.

Lin Ye remembered that when Ming Yun came, she said that starting from the Yiren tribe, it would take at least ten days to reach the market.

Then if you only rely on the two hands of a few people, you won't be able to carry many things at all.

Even with a trolley, the ten-day journey would be exhausting.

Moreover, during these ten days, I must find a place to pitch a tent to rest at night.

That's enough tent stuff to fill the cart.

Lin Ye rubbed his chin and began to think.

Lin Ye planned to take only Xing, Shi and Gan Yu with him.

Because now Xing can already use his natural abilities, and his combat effectiveness has become very strong.

The reason for bringing Shi and Gan Yu is because they are the two smartest among the beast ear mothers.

It's good to take it with you to broaden your horizons.

Lin Ye thinks that the fewer people you bring, the better.

In case of any accident, one's own power is limited after all.

I heard from Mingyun that there will be a lot of people going to the market, and some tribes will travel for dozens of days just to go to the market to exchange something.

But with only the three of them, Lin Ye can still see it.

If there are too many people, if Lin Ye is not paying attention and something happens to the animal ear mother, then it is better not to go to this market.

Lin Ye sat there, frowning, and started to operate the business step by step in his heart.

First, it was decided to make a two-wheeled horse library first.

At that time, it will be enough to let the unicorn pull the carriage, and Lin Ye and the beast ear girl can still sit in the carriage.

But the weight of the carriage will definitely not be light.

There must be no way for Yi Ren Niang to take the carriage and unicorn to the other side of the river.

If you make a carriage, make a bridge by the river.

Lin Ye started out with the idea of ​​making a bamboo raft to transport everything over pressure.

But Lin Ye thought that in the future, he might often go to the tribe of the Winged Human Race.

Lin Ye must be worried about letting the beast ear girl ride the raft alone.

The girls with beast ears can't swim, if they fall into the water, they will be in trouble.

Better to build a bridge once and for all.

Then Lin Ye began to count interest and think about what would be better to bring.

Just when Lin Ye was thinking, Shi's voice interrupted Lin Ye's thoughts.

"Ye, the potatoes are cooked, come and eat them.

Lin Ye looked up and followed the voice.

Seeing Ling'er holding a freshly baked potato, jumping up and down while being scalded.

Lin Ye also walked over to get a potato, and Yuan Su also sent a piece of roasted meat.

Then Lin Ye found a rock and sat down and started eating. (Well done) Sakura, Diona and Ling'er sat together, eating deliciously.

The appearance of Ling'er eating baked potatoes is very wonderful, every time she takes a bite, her eyebrows twitch.

Ming Yun looked at Linger's eating from behind and shook her head helplessly.

Then he opened his mouth and took a bite of the potato in his hand.

Then Ming Yun couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and closed her eyes with a delicious expression on her face.

Soon after everyone finished eating, after putting out the fire.

Shi took several people to make ice cubes.

The rest of the people walked towards the wooden house.

At this time, Mingyun and Linger discovered that they had been here for half a day, and they had not seen Xing in a single tent.

Mingyun hiccupped suspiciously and asked Xing.

"Fortunately... hiccup... you guys... hiccup..."

Ming Yun hiccupped and couldn't speak, and finally closed her mouth and swallowed a mouthful of saliva forcibly, and then she got better, and continued to ask Xing.

"Are you all living in tents now?"

Xing smiled and nodded to Ming Yun, and Taguchi looked at Lin Ya and said.

"That's right, Ye built a wooden house for us, and it's very comfortable inside.

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