Primitive tribe, my people are all beast ear mothers

Chapter 169 Simple, Retro And Practical Solid Wooden Bed!

Lin Ye carried Diona to the wooden house like this.

After entering the wooden house, Lin Ye came directly to Ying's side.

After putting Diona on the ground, Lin Ye knelt down and checked Sakura.

Seeing that Sakura was breathing steadily, with a smile on her face, it was obvious that she was sleeping soundly.

Diona looked at Lin Ye nervously, and then asked.

"Ye, is Sakura okay, I was almost scared to death just now.

Lin Ye raised his head and smiled slightly at Diona and said,

"Don't worry, Sakura just fell asleep and will wake up later."

Seeing Lin Ye's smiling face, Diona was completely relieved.

Then he sat down on the ground and laughed.

Lin Ye also smiled and touched Diona's head.

Then Lin Ye stood up and looked around the wooden house.

I just don't have anything to do today, so let's make a bed for the beast ear girl first.

But including Lin Ye himself, a total of 32 beds will be made.

So Lin Ye abandoned his original plan to make bunk beds.

Sitting up on bunk beds is much more troublesome than directly making two single beds.

The main reason is that Lin Ye doesn't have the right tools in his hands now.

Otherwise, with Lin Ye's Intermediate Carpenter.

As long as the tools are complete, Lin Ye can make any bed you want, including carving.

Lin Ye thought about it in his heart, relying on the three tools in his hand.

In the end, Lin Ye decided to come with a solid wooden bed with a simple, retro and practical style!

It is to plane the trunk into a cuboid with four planes.

Then put together several cuboids to form a bed.

According to the figures of the beast-ear girls, two cuboid beds are enough for them to sleep on.

After confirming the 737 plan, Lin Ye glanced at Diona, after confirming that the little girl's emotions had calmed down.

Lin Ye turned around and left the cabin.

Then he took out the ax and plane.

Next to the cabin was a pile of unused logs that had been peeled off before.

Lin Ye directly used waste, and started to plan with a plane.

When making a log, Lin Ye used himself as a reference for convenience, and made four logs as long as Lin Ye's height.

Lin Ye is 1.81 meters tall.

Each of these logs is more than seven meters long, less than eight meters long.

When Lin Ye made it, he felt a little bit emotional.

In this world, except for the animal ear girl, it is a normal size.

Everything else is basically magnified many times.

Lin Ye did the math.

This log is just enough to make two beds.

Then you need to plan out sixteen cuboids, and then cut them all off.

The amount of this project is not small.

But it is still far from the wooden house.

Lin Ye pulled out a log, fixed it with two stones, and started pushing the plane.

Lin Ye needs about five minutes for one log and one side.

Just push the plane back and forth a few times, and a plane is pushed out.

When Lin Ye made the wooden house, he pushed hundreds of logs.

The current batch of push planes is fast.

Lin Ye kept pushing the plane here.

Halfway through, Diona came out and saw Lin Ye pushing a plane to plan the trunk.

Long sawdust flew towards Lin Ye's back.

Diona walked to Lin Ye's side with a face full of curiosity, waiting for the big eyes to ask.

"Ye, what are you doing?"

Lin Ye heard Diona's voice and turned to look at her.

But the footsteps did not stop.

When pushing the plane, it cannot be broken. After it is broken, it will be very troublesome at the beginning.

Moreover, leveling again will be very difficult to find.

Lin Ye walked briskly like this.

Said to Diona.

"I'm going to make a bed for everyone."

Because Lin Ye walked very fast, he could only finish his speech quickly and concisely.

Diona walked quickly behind Lin Ye, did she have to trot two steps to keep up with Lin Ye's pace.

"Bed? What is a bed?"

Hearing Diona's question, Lin Ye explained it to her after thinking about it for a while.

"Beds are for sleeping on at night."

"You've always been sleeping on the ground."

"It's easy to get sick after a long time like this."

After listening to Lin Ye finish speaking, Diona couldn't keep up with Lin Ye's pace anymore.

Panting, he stopped and stood aside.

Lin Ye just planed this side and stopped.

He turned his head and glanced at Diona, smiled, and said to her.

"You will see it when I make it. You go back and look at Sakura. If she has any problems, come out and find me."

Diona nodded to Lin Ye, then ran to the wooden house.

But maybe it's just too boring for her alone.

Diona was lying on the window, continuing to look at Lin Ye.

Lin Ye also continued to plan the logs.

After a long time, Diona came back and forth several times.

Lin Ye finally planed the logs into cuboids.

Moreover, when Lin Ye finished sixteen, he saw that there were only five left, so he finished them all in one go.

Anyway, this kind of solid wood will not be damaged after it is finished, and it will be put in the wooden house after it is finished.

When Mingyun and the others come again in the future, they can just make up a few beds.

Moreover, Lin Ye plans to make himself a double bed.

It's not for myself, it's mainly (acbh) for the convenience of the beast ears.

I still remember what Shi said about a beast ear girl every day.

Lin Ye took a short rest.

Then I picked up the axe and prepared to start dividing these planed cuboids into sections.

Lin Ye looked at the cuboid with the ax and scratched his head.

There is also nothing that represents length now.

Lin Ye touched his chin and thought for a while.

Looking up, she saw Diona looking at herself from the window.

Lin Ye's eyes lit up, and he waved to Diona.

Diona smiled and disappeared from the window immediately after seeing it.

Then quickly rushed out of the door.

After coming to Lin Ye's side, with a happy smile on his face, he asked Lin Ya.

"Ye, what's the matter, did you ask me to come over?"

Lin Ye smiled and touched Diona's head.

Then he spoke to her.

"I'm going to start sitting on everyone's bed. I'll be the first one to do it for you."

When Diona heard what Lin Ye said, her face burst into joy.

"Ye, really, the first one is for me?"

Lin Ye looked at Diona who was spinning and jumping excitedly, smiled and nodded to her.

Diona's happy tail could no longer be controlled, and those who swayed behind her had afterimages.

Lin Ye put the ax aside and hugged Diona with both hands.

Then he said to her.

"Lie down here and let me see how big your bed is going to be.

Diona obediently lay down on the cuboid made of wood.

Lin Ye put Diona's head to the top position, letting Diona relax her body as much as possible.

Then Lin Ye took the axe. At the place where Diona's feet were, Lin Ye drew a mark with the ax blade about ten centimeters away from Diona's feet.

After the drawing was done, Diona was carried down again.

Then in Diona's expectant eyes.

Lin Ye began to cut down the piece of wood along the marked marks.

With the sawdust flying, this piece of wood was quickly chopped down by Lin Ye.

Lin Ye has paid great attention to the flatness of the section.

But the cut with an ax is definitely not as smooth as the cut with a saw.

Moreover, it is still very difficult to cut.

So Lin Ye looked at the ax in his hand.

Turn around and open the system store.

"System, give me the saw, I want a bigger one!"

"Ding! The product was retrieved for you, please check the host yourself!"

After the system found a few products for Lin Ye, Lin Ye looked directly at the bottom line this time.

Because after the system was arranged just now, Lin Ye took a look, and the first thing on the shelf turned out to be a large agricultural machinery.

Lin Ye needs a saw that can cut wood.

There are all kinds of ghosts and ghosts on the shelves.

But the ones that rank above are either those that use oil or electricity.

Lin Ye couldn't use it after buying it, let alone Lin Ye couldn't afford it at all.

Lin Ye looked at the last product.

It's a cord saw.

This thing is the most portable and easy to carry, but it is not very easy to use.

Moreover, the goods purchased from the system store can be put into the storage space, so there is no need to consider the problem of carrying it.

Lin Ye couldn't figure it out, the storage space of 100 square meters can only hold system rewards or purchased items.

Why give such a large storage space.

Lin Ye looked at the products one by one.

In the end, I spent 6,000 points and bought a hand saw that is not ordinary.

When holding the hand saw in his hand, Lin Ye couldn't help thinking.

Even a hand saw only costs 6,000.

A pair of stockings cost me at least 10,000 points.

The system is taking me for a leek!.

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