Primitive tribe, my people are all beast ear mothers

Chapter 171 Boys Must Have Their Own Private Space, Otherwise They Will Miss Many Opportunities!

Lin Ye hugged Ying and put her on the square wood.

Also like Diona before, a mark was drawn in front of the soles of her feet.

Then Lin Ye drove Sakura off.

He took the hand saw and started sawing.

Sakura, like Diona just now, watched Lin Ye make a wooden bed for her with a full face of anticipation.

After watching for a while, he just pushed and pulled the saw repeatedly.

Sakura and Diona climbed onto the bed to play again, and there were bursts of laughter like silver bells.

After a busy day, the sun is finally no longer so poisonous.

Lin Ye has a hand saw, and now he saws square logs down, not a bit faster.

Soon, two pieces of wood belonging to Ying were sawed off by Lin Ye.

Then Lin Ye put them on the ground and put them together, wanting to see if they were the same length.

As soon as it was set up, Sakura couldn't wait to climb up.

Lin Ye patted Ying's butt angrily, and drove her off.

After carefully aligning, seeing that the two pieces of wood were about the same length, he nodded in satisfaction.

As a result, when he looked up, he saw Sakura "Eight Nine Zero" looking at him with pouting lips.

Lin Ye couldn't help laughing, and then said to the two little girls.

"Don't lie here, I'll move you to the wooden house."

Hearing Lin Ye's words, Sakura and Diona immediately burst into happy smiles, their big eyes seemed to light up, and the two little lolita nodded quickly to Lin Ye.

Lin Ye shook his head with a smile, and then began to move into the wooden house.

After setting it up in the wooden house, Lin Ye said to Ying and Diona.

"Lay the animal skins and straw mats on it, so that it will be more comfortable to sleep on, and I will sleep on it in the future.

After hearing this, the two little girls nodded excitedly to Lin Ye, and then began to spread animal skins on the wooden bed.

Lin Ye turned around and left the wooden house, and continued to make wooden beds for the other beast ear mothers.

The rest of the Beast Ear Girl's Wooden Bed is much quicker to make.

A square log flattened with a plane can be sawed into four pieces on average, and two beds of about 80*190 can be assembled.

When Lin Ye was about to finish sawing, two little girls came out of the wooden house.

Lin Ye saw that the sixteen square logs had been sawed, and now he had started sawing the extra square logs, so he said to Ying and Diona.

"Let everyone else come over and move their beds into the cabin."

After hearing this, the two little lolitas nodded to Lin Ye, and ran towards the open space holding hands.

Lin Ye also continued to saw the wood.

Soon all the beast-ear girls came over with excited smiles on their faces.

Seeing the put together wooden beds on the ground, the beast ear girls all stared wide-eyed in shock.

Gan Yu looked at the wooden bed on the ground, opened her eyes wide and said.

"Is this the bed Sakura and Diona were talking about?"

The other beast ear mothers all came together curiously.

When Sakura and Diona walked this way, they had already talked about the function of the bed and the beast ears.

This made the girls with beast ears full of curiosity about the bed they both talked about.

After seeing it now, they couldn't help but lie down one by one.

Lin Ye watched the beast-eared girls display their jade bodies one by one, lying on the wooden bed, rolling back and forth on it excitedly.

"Should I try to sleep for a while?" Lin Ye couldn't help thinking in his heart.

At this time, Shi saw the saw in Lin Ye's hand and a lot of sawdust had accumulated on the ground.

Shi walked to Lin Ye's side curiously, and asked.

"Ye, what is this thing in your hand? How could such a thick piece of wood split in half so quickly?"

Lin Ye looked up and saw Shi's eyes full of curiosity, smiled and replied.

"This is a saw. It is specially used for sawing wood."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he found that Shi seemed to be more interested in the evidence.

Now these tools, Lin Ye can't explain clearly to the beast ear girls.

So Lin Ye didn't give them a chance to ask, and took the lead to speak to the beast-eared girls lying on the wooden bed.

"Each person chooses a bed, and everyone moves into the wooden house together, finds a place to arrange it, and spreads their own animal skins and straw mats on the bed, and everyone will sleep on the bed in the future."

"By the way, leave your own mark on your own bed."

Then Lin Ye pointed to the two extra long beds on one side, and said to Nan Heyun.

"Luck, luck, the bed for the two of you is there, you can find it yourself, the longer one is luck."

These two sargassums, one is more than 1.9 meters, and the other is more than 2 meters.

The beds of the two of them were longer than others.

After hearing Lin Ye's words, the beast-ear girls began to help each other. The two carried a piece of wood and walked towards the wooden house.

But Xing has already begun to show the strengthening of his body after his natural ability is activated.

Even without talent.

In a passive situation.

Fortunately, her natural ability has also partially strengthened her body.

Other beast ear mothers need two people to lift a piece of wood to move.

Fortunately, he picked up one directly, and walked towards the wooden house with it.

Soon the beast ear girls moved all the wooden blocks into the wooden house.

Lin Ye was outside listening to the wooden house, and from time to time the exclamation of beast-eared women came out.

The corner of Lin Ye's mouth also evoked a smile unknowingly.

The beast ear girls haven't come out yet.

Lin Ye also sawed off the extra pieces of wood.

Lin Ye himself lay down on the wood, measured himself, and made a wooden bed about two meters long.

And Lin Ye directly made a double bed for himself.

The main reason for making a double bed is that Lin Ye is afraid that he will roll under the bed when he sleeps on a single bed.

It's definitely not for the convenience of the beast-eared girls' night raids, absolutely not.

Lin Ye also began to move the wooden blocks towards the wooden house..

Entering the wooden house, Lin Ye didn't expect it.

The single bed that Lin Ye made for the animal-eared girls turned out to be a large bunk made by the animal-eared girls.

The beast ear girls put all the wooden blocks against the wall and put them together.

All of them are fighting on the bed now.

There were bursts of giggles.

Lin Ye looked at the long legs, all lying there, twisting back and forth.

Lin Ye smacked his mouth, then lifted the wooden block to find a corner of the wooden house and put the wooden block in his hand.

Lin Ye didn't know why either.

You can be anywhere when you sleep on the ground.

But as long as it is a bed, Lin Ye feels that it should be all against the wall.

Lin Ye leaned the wooden block against a corner of the wooden house.

The top and one side are against the wall.

Clapping his hands and nodding in satisfaction, Lin Ye decided to put his bed here.

Then he looked at the girls with animal ears who were playing, thinking silently in his heart.

"The Datong shop is the Datong shop, so that it will not be warmer in winter.

Since the beast-ear girls like to sleep together, there is no need to separate cubicles for them.

But Lin Ye still had to make a room for himself.

What happened to Su Su before, let Lin Ye know that a man must have his own private space, otherwise it is easy to miss many opportunities.

Lin Ye moved in all the wooden blocks from the outside.

After arranging my own bed, those extra wooden blocks just piled up to form a wall.

In this way, Lin Ye's bed is surrounded by walls on three sides, and there is only one free space for getting up and down.

The beast ear girls saw that Lin Ye had blocked his bed with a wall.

Shi's eyes lit up when he saw it.

Fortunately, the few of them also reacted slowly.

Then the seven people who had previously discussed giving Lin Ye a beast ear girl for one night.

Silently looked at each other 3.9 times.

Excitement flashed in everyone's eyes.

And Sakura jumped off her bed.

When he came to Lin Ye's bed, he blinked his big eyes and watched as Lin Ye was putting the bear skin on the bed.

After seeing that Lin Ye's bed was a circle bigger than theirs, he said to Lin Lin Ye.

"Ye, your bed is much bigger than ours, and we can't see your bed because of the wood.

Lin Ye was spreading the bear skin happily, when he heard Ying's voice, he smiled at Ying.

At this time, the other beast ear mothers also sneaked over curiously.

Shi and the other seven members of the hunting team, after seeing Lin Ye's bed so big, showed surprise expressions on their faces again. The seven people looked at each other again and nodded to each other.

After Lin Ye spread out the bear skin, he took out two straw mats that he had woven before.

Straw mats were spread on the bed, one on each side was just right.

Lin Ye also lay down to experience it.

There is a thick bearskin underneath, and a straw mat on top.

Lying on it is as comfortable as a water bed. .

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