Primitive tribe, my people are all beast ear mothers

Chapter 179 Zhuge Liannu Was Born, And Began To Practice Riding And Shooting!

Yun danced excitedly there.

Lin Ye looked at Yun's happy face with a smile on his face.

Then Lin Ye hesitated for a while, and decided to watch more animal ear girls first.

Anyway, there are enough points now.

At that time, several bottles of talent awakening potions can be exchanged at one time for the beast ears to drink.

After a while, let Yun go back and continue practicing the crossbow.

But Lin Ye himself regretted the place where he made the crossbow before and continued to make it.

This time, what Lin Ye made was not a foot crossbow.

But to make Zhuge Liannu!

There were six bowstrings left before.

Lin Ye decided to make all six bowstrings into Zhuge Liannu.

Although the power of the Zhuge Liannu is not as good as that of the Pedal Crossbow.

But it can shoot ten arrows in a short period of time.

Moreover, the speed of reloading is much faster than that of the crossbow, and the recoil is not so great.

Just seeing Ying, she shot an arrow and sat down on the ground. Lin Ye planned to make a Zhuge Liannu for her.

Although Diona is a bit stronger than Sakura, she is also very uncomfortable.

After making these six Zhuge Liannu.

When Lin Ye was planning to go to the market, he brought four, Lin Ye, Xing, Shi and Gan Yu each.

The remaining two will be given to Sakura and Diona.

When the other beast ear girls waited to catch prey such as bison in the future, they would tan some bowstrings and use them to make Zhuge Liannu.

Zhuge Liannu must be held by one person.

If you encounter a large number of enemies only by stepping on the 443 crossbow, although one arrow can kill one, but the rate of fire is too slow, you may not be able to shoot a few arrows, and the enemy will rush to you.

The foot crossbow was specially prepared by Lin Ye for the gray wolf, a creature with rough skin and thick flesh.

When facing other enemies, you can also shoot them from a long distance.

The effective range of the pedal crossbow is 300 meters, which is unmatched by bows and arrows and Zhuge Liannu.

And Lin Ye seems to be making a large bed crossbow in the future.

Those are war weapons that only appear in large-scale wars.

With one arrow, it can directly penetrate the enemy's battle formation.

Lin Ye didn't stop today, and finally managed to make six Zhuge Liannu before the sun went down.

And these Zhuge Liannu were directly modified according to the length of the arrows in the tribe.

It can be used directly.

Lin Ye filled the quiver with ten arrows and was ready to test shoot.

The Godly Zhuge Crossbow is very different from the Pedal Crossbow.

Except that there is an extra arrow compartment on the crossbow body for storing arrows.

The Zhuge Liannu has no trigger.

Moreover, both winding and firing are controlled by a mechanism at the rear of the repeater.

Lin Ye held the middle part of the Godly Zhuge Crossbow with one hand.

After aiming at a tree trunk, swing the rear wooden board up and down.

Every time the mechanism is swung, the Zhuge Liannu will be wound and fired once.

Lin Ye shot all the arrows in one breath.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

The sound of ten arrows being shot in a row.

Ten arrows have already been attached to the trunk in front of him.

Lin Ye went over to check it. Within a hundred meters, the Zhuge Liannu was still more powerful than a bow and arrow.

Lin Ye nodded in satisfaction, and took the Zhuge Liannu to the open space.

The beast-ear girls are still practicing the crossbow.

Now the beast ear girl can complete a reload and fire within five seconds.

When the beast-ear girls saw Lin Ye coming with a new crossbow, they surrounded him curiously.

Lin Ye briefly demonstrated the Zhuge Liannu to the beast-ear girls.

When they saw that Zhuge Liannu could fire consecutively, the eyes of Zeng Er girls all lit up.

But when Lin Ye said that there are only six of them now, and Lin Ye has already decided who to give them to, the girls with animal ears were a little disappointed.

However, when the beast ear girls heard Lin Ye say that everyone will have one in the future, they cheered excitedly.

The beast-ear girls practiced for a while, and did not stop until the sun went down, and started cooking.

After a simple dinner, everyone went back to the wooden house to sleep.

After practicing shooting for a day, I was also hard-pressed by the back calendar of the pedal meal for a day.

Ying and Zhui learned that two of the six Zhuge Liannu belonged to them.

The two little loli yelled excitedly.

The other girls with animal ears also looked at the two little lolis with smiles.

Even they will be pushed back two steps by the recoil of the foot crossbow.

Not to mention two little lolitas.

Watching Sakura fall every time she shoots an arrow.

The other beast ear mothers were also very distressed.

So for Lin Ye to give the two of them two Zhuge Liannu, the animal ear girl has no objection.

This is one of the reasons why Lin Ye loves these beast ear girls.

After practicing for a day, "the beast ear girl fell asleep in bed.

Today was Shi's turn to attack Lin Ye at night, but she was so tired that she couldn't care less, and fell asleep after lying down for a while.

Lin Ye lay (acdd) on the bed and thought for a while, let the beast ear girls practice for another day tomorrow, and then go to trouble those gray wolves.

Early the next morning.

Lin Ye felt that he woke up early enough today.

But when I woke up, I found that I was the last one to wake up.

There was no one else in the cabin except myself.

Lin Ye came to the clearing.

It seems that the beast-ear girls have already started to practice shooting.

Lin Ye stood behind and watched for a while.

The accuracy of the beast ear girls is no longer a problem.

At a distance of about two hundred and fifty meters, Beast Erniang can hit the target with every arrow, which is enough.

With such a terrifying power, the foot crossbow will cause the same destructive damage wherever it hits.

Lin Ye called all the unicorns and wild horses over through animal taming.

Then he spoke to the beast-ear girls who were practicing.

"Stop first, listen to me."

When the beast eared girls heard Lin Ye's voice, they all stopped and looked at Lin Ye.

After all the beast ear girls looked over, Lin Ye continued to speak.

"Then everyone rode on the back of the wild horse to practice shooting. After getting used to it, they ran while riding the wild horse while aiming and shooting."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, the eyes of the girls in Zeng Er lit up.

I heard Lin Ye say that I will practice riding and shooting in the future.

Now is finally the time!

Beast ear mother, you excitedly climbed onto your own wild horse, urged the wild horse to the shooting distance, and continued to practice.

But at the beginning, it has been difficult to grasp the timing of shooting.

The wild horse under him is not like his own body, which is controlled according to his own thoughts.

It keeps moving around, which makes it difficult for the beast ears to aim.

Lin Ye also climbed onto the back of the unicorn with a pedal crossbow.

Walking to the side of the beast ear girls, he opened his mouth and said to them.

"Everyone take a good look at how I do it, and then keep trying.

The beast ear girls all looked over when they heard Lin Ye's voice.

Then Lin Ye started to demonstrate while explaining how to shoot on horseback.

"First of all, clamp the horse's belly with your legs, stabilize your body, hold the crossbow steadily with both hands and aim at the target you want to shoot.

"This time you have to aim at a point, slowly move the crossbow in your hand, control this point to find the target you want to shoot, instead of aiming directly at the target, so that you will lose the target as soon as the wild horse moves."

"Finally, when the point you're aiming at coincides with the target you want to shoot, pull the trigger as fast as you can.

Lin Ye aimed while talking, when the point he aimed at coincided with the tree trunk.

Quickly pulled the trigger.

Then, the arrow shot by Lin Ye accurately hit the target, and then exploded into a pile of sawdust.

But it’s not over yet. Now that you’re riding on a horse, you can’t put the crossbow on the ground and step on it to wind it.

So Lin Ye demonstrated a new method to the beast ear girls.

Use one foot to hold the position of the bow tire, then hold the bowstring with both hands, then push the foot forward vigorously, and pull the hand backward forcefully, so that the bowstring can be pulled apart and hung on the fatigue machine.

The beast-ear girls nodded half-understanding.

At this time, an arrow suddenly flew out from the crowd and hit the tree trunk.

The beast-ear girls all looked in the direction of the arrow flying out.

Then I saw Lulu, gritted her teeth and was still holding the crossbow.

After seeing that she was shot, a smile appeared on Lulu's face.

"Wow, Lulu how did you get shot."

"Yes, Lulu, teach us quickly."

Seeing that Lulu had successfully shot, all the beast-ear girls asked Lulu.

And Lulu smiled and began to explain to everyone.

"It's just like what Ye just said, but I'm the arrow aiming at it,

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