Back to the tribe.

The beast ear girls have already started to practice running and shooting.

Lin Ye rode the unicorn directly to the cave entrance.

Let the unicorns themselves go back to the clearing after watching those wild horses.

Lin Ye walked into the cave.

Take out the sap of the blood-sealed throat tree just collected.

The milky white sap flows in the medicine bottle like milk.

Put all seven vials on the ground.

He turned around and brought back a lot of arrows.

Lin Ye sat cross-legged on the ground.

There is a bunch of arrows beside him, and in front of him is the tree king whose throat is sealed with blood in seven bottles.

This is to poison the arrow.

To be on the safe side, Lin Ye first took a bite of the red-backed bamboo grass and put it in his mouth.

Just in case I was unknowingly poisoned in the process of poisoning the arrow.

This is known as the most poisonous plant in the world.

Lin Ye didn't dare to slack off in the slightest.

After getting ready, Lin Ye unscrewed a potion bottle.

Pick up an arrow, immerse the arrow part in the tree sap, soak for a few seconds, and then take it out.

In this way, the arrows in Lin Ye's hands completed the "five zero three" poisoning.

But a process is unusually long.

Lin Ye's mental strength has also been highly tense.

Unknowingly, the outside of the cave has gradually darkened.

When the seven bottles of sap are all used up.

Lin Ye finished poisoning nearly 500 arrows.

Carefully tie up the poisoned arrows ten by ten.

Then Lin Ye found a piece of animal skin and wrapped it up and tied it up.

Carefully place it in the corner.

Lin Ye has been poisoning the arrows all day long.

The spirit has been kept highly tense and focused, causing Lin Ye to feel a sense of exhaustion after finishing the work.


Breathing out a mouthful of turbid air, Li Ding left the cave.

By this time the sun had completely set.

Lin Ye moved a little because he had been sitting for a day, and his body was a little stiff.

Then slowly walked to the open space.

The beast ear girls are almost ready to cook today's dinner.

"Ye, what have you been doing in the cave today, you didn't notice me when I went in to get potatoes and meat.

Seeing Lin Ye approaching, Shi blinked and asked Lin Ye.

The orange ears are swinging back and forth on the top of the head, and it seems that Shi is in a good mood.

Lin Ye felt a lot more relaxed after seeing the beast-eared girls.

Even the tiredness on his body was washed away a lot.

Lin Ye smiled at Shi, and after thinking for a while, he clapped his hands and attracted the eyes of all the beast ear girls.

"Today I was in the cave and poisoned the head of some arrows."

As soon as they heard the poison, the beast eared girls instantly became nervous.

Lin Ye saw that Shi's tail straightened instantly, even the hair on it exploded.

The reactions of the other animal-eared girls were similar, with their hairs fried and their ears pricked up.

I didn't expect the beast ear girls to have such a big reaction after hearing the poison, Lin Ye frowned and looked at Shi, and asked.

"What's going on, why did you react so much when you heard about the poison?"

The animal ear girl was just an instinctive reaction after hearing the poison, and quickly calmed down.

When Shi heard Lin Ye ask himself, he moved his ears and replied to Lin Ye.

"Because the poison is terrible, those poisons bite out such a small wound, but they can kill people very quickly."

After Shi finished speaking, the other beast ear mothers also showed apprehensive expressions and nodded to her.

Then Gan Yu also opened his mouth and added something to Lin Ye.

"Besides, if you are poisoned, you will die. No one has ever survived poisoning. They all cool down very quickly."

Lin Ye nodded thoughtfully.

Thinking about it is indeed the case.

In the absence of medical treatment and medicine.

Once bitten by poison, you can only wait to die.

There are a lot of poisons even on the earth, if you are bitten by them in the wild, you can send them directly to the crematorium.

There was no time to go to the hospital.

"As long as everyone knows about it, I wrapped the poisoned arrows in animal skins. When you go to the cave, you should stay away when you see it."

Lin Ye instructed the beast-eared girls.

The beast ear girls nodded obediently, hearing something poisonous.

Their first reaction is to stay away.

At this time, Xing asked Lin Ye.

"Yam, why did you poison the arrow?"

When Xing asked this question, the other beast ear girls also looked at Lin Ye.

After Lin Ye heard it, the expression on his face also became solemn, and he said to the beast-eared girls.

"These arrows are going to be used on those gray wolves tomorrow. The arrows are poisonous, so there is no point in harming them. As long as they scratch their skin, they can kill them!"


After hearing Lin Ye's words, the beast ear girls all gasped.

They all understand how terrifying those poisonous arrows are.

But then, a voice came from the crowd, which made the beast-ear girls excited again.

"Ye, you just said that you are going to find those gray wolves tomorrow?"

Hearing this voice, the beast ear girls were all startled, and followed the voice.

Seeing Lulu looking at Lin Ye excitedly.

Yes, she has a huge feud with those gray wolves.

So I heard Lin Ye say that those poisoned arrows are going to be used on those gray wolves tomorrow.

This was her immediate reaction.

After glancing at Lulu, the beast-ear girls all turned their heads to Lin Ye, with excited expressions in their eyes.

Lin Ye looked at the girls with beast ears, nodded to them, and spoke again.

"Yes, I'm going to trouble Gray Wolf tomorrow."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, the beast ear girls looked at each other excitedly, and then nodded to Lin Ye seriously.

Time is running out, and the problem of the wolves must be resolved as soon as possible.

The bridge has been repaired and there are still many things to do..

After all was said and done, everyone started eating.

Sitting around the fire, the beast-eared girls slowly began to develop a talent for luck.

Susu joked to Yun.

"Xing's talent is activated when luck is about to be hit by a tree, so when luck comes, let Xing also be hit by a tree to try.

Susu said with a cramped smile on her face.

Then a few people chatted and started to fight.

However, Su Su's words gave Lin Ye a hint of inspiration.

Tomorrow we are going to hunt down the wolves.

It will definitely be very tense to fight at that time.

Is it possible that the stimulating beast-eared girls will activate their natural abilities.

Lin Ye thinks he can give it a try.

The three people I look at now, each of them has a relatively good talent.

Especially Sakura's talent will be of great help to the tribe.

Thinking of this, Lin Ye directly opened the system mall and exchanged for three bottles of talent awakening potions.

After seeing that the three of them had almost eaten.

Lin Ye spoke to the three of them.

"Shi, Yun, Sakura, all three of you come with me."

The three people whose names were called looked at each other.

Shi seemed to realize something.

He laughed uncontrollably.

The long orange-yellow ii cat tail behind him is bouncing up and down cheerfully.

When Yun saw Shi's appearance, he seemed to understand something, and his eyes lit up immediately.

There was only one, thinking nothing, just followed Lin Ye and left.

The other beast-eared girls glanced suspiciously, without thinking too much, they lowered their heads and continued to eat the roast meat and potatoes in their hands.

Until Gan Yu said something out of the blue.

"Have the three of them been seen by industry for their natural abilities?"

At this moment, the beast ear girl also understood what was going on, and looked up at the place where she left.

And Lin Ye took the three of them back to the wooden house first. 0.0

Both Shi and Yun looked at Lin Ye with bright eyes.

Sakura had a sweet smile on her face, she bared her teeth and looked at Lin Ye while smiling.

Shi Heyun was excited because he guessed that Lin Ye was going to give them the ability to awaken their talents.

Sakura is pure happiness, very pure, just happy.

Lin Ye looked at Sakura's smile and smiled softly.

"Don't be so excited, it's very simple to help you awaken your talent, how to use it successfully later when it's difficult.

Lin Ye said to the three of them.

Shi Heyun nodded quickly to Lin Ye.

But Sakura was excited at this time.

"Ye, are you going to help us awaken our natural abilities?"

Hearing Sakura's words, Lin Ye was also taken aback.

Co-author, you don't know that I called you to give you awakening talents.

Then why were you so happy just now?

Lin Ye covered his forehead, feeling a little hit by Sakura.

Shi on one side pulled La Ying at this moment, smiled excitedly at her and nodded.

Then Sakura also laughed excitedly, her eyes sparkling and she turned to Lin Ye. .

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