Primitive tribe, my people are all beast ear mothers

Chapter 198: Lots Of Bones Under The Swamp! A Man-Eating Green Shadow Cruising In The Lake!

Sitting in the carriage, Ming Yun saw Lin Ye jumping off the carriage.

With a sudden brake, Ming Yun jumped out of the carriage.

But after she flapped her wings vigorously twice.

He stopped his forward body.

The water in the simple compass held in his hand did not spill out.

But then she heard Lin Ye's roar.

She was so scared that she quickly turned her head to look over.

The other Beast Ear Girls and Wing Girl Girls in the carriage heard Lin Ye's roar.

But the strong inertia made them stagger in the carriage instantly, unable to stand up at all.

After a while, the carriage just stopped.

The Beast Ear Girls and the Winged Girl Girls rushed out of the carriage.

Ming Yun was also still in shock, her face paled and she fell down.

What just happened happened too fast.

Before Ming Yun could react, the carriage was forcibly stopped by Lin Ye.

After the people in the carriage rushed out.

At a glance, they saw the traces left by Lin Ye and the unicorn on the ground.

Lin Ye propped his hands on the carriage, and was wearing rough clothes with his head down.

Xing immediately ran to Lin Yeshi with concern and asked.

"Ye, what just happened?"

The others also surrounded him with worried faces.


After Lin Ye let out a breath of foul air.

He raised his head and smiled at the others.

Then he pointed to the two front legs of the unicorn and said.

"There is a swamp in front, when I found it, it was too late to stop, so that's the only way.

The Beast Ear Girl and the Wing Ren Girl followed Lin Ye's eyes and looked at the unicorn's Fang Discovery.

Discover the two front hooves of the unicorn.

Now it's stuck in the swamp ahead. 083

Because the soil is soft, the unicorn can't use its strength.

Still standing there.

"Hiss———! Swamp!"

Seeing the swamp ahead, Xing took a deep breath.

Covering his mouth, he screamed out.

Winged girls are also very afraid of the swamp environment.

Because when they descended from the sky.

Often it reaches a height of one and a half meters.

Stop flapping the wings directly and fall down.

But if it's a swamp down there.

They'll just fall right in and get sucked into the swamp.

Can no longer fly.

If no one finds out, they can only wait to die in the swamp.

Just when the beast ear girl and the wing girl girl were looking at the swamp in fear.

Lin Ye spoke again.

"Stand back, I'll save the unicorn."

Wait until the Beast Ear Girl and the Winged Lady have both stepped aside.

Lin Ye pushed the carriage back again.

Back with the carriage.

The two front hooves of the unicorn were also pulled out together.

Then Lin Ye also stopped.

He jumped onto the platform of the carriage and sat there to rest.

The unicorn stood there and stomped vigorously on the ground with its two front hooves.

Shake the mud off the legs.

Then the Unicorn looked at the swamp ahead.

There was deep fear in the eyes.

Both Beast Ear Girl and Yi Ren Girl looked at Lin Ye worriedly.

And Lin Ye took a break and slowed down too much.

Just broke out desperately.

The burst of adrenaline made Lin Ye's hands tremble a little.

After slowing down.

Lin Ye jumped off the carriage again.

The beast ear girl and the wing girl girl all surrounded after seeing it.

"Ye, how are you, are you okay?"

Gan Yu asked Lin Ye with concern.

Lin Ye shook his head with a smile and said.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

The Beast Ear Girl and the Wing Girl Girl looked at Lin Ye with a smile on his face.

They also let go of their hearts.

But then he looked sadly at the small lake surrounded by swamps.

And Lin Ye slowly walked to the edge of the swamp.

Beast Ear Mother and Yi Ren Mother also walked over.

Stand here and look over.

This small lake is completely surrounded by swamps.

It seems that this swamp should have appeared after the water level of the small lake dropped.

Lin Ye looked at several bones of unknown animals floating in the swamp.

At this time, Shi saw that the small lake was completely surrounded by swamps, and after thinking for a while, he spoke.

"Ye, we can't make it through, should we let Ming Layer and the others fly over with wooden barrels to fetch water?"

Hearing Shi's words, Lin Ye frowned and looked at the bones floating on the swamp.

Something always feels wrong.

So Lin Ye spoke.

"Don't worry, let me take another look."

If it's just an ordinary lake, then why are there so many bones.

And neither is on the edge of the swamp.

It is obvious that none of these bones died because they were trapped in the swamp.

If it fell into the lake completely before.

That's a little too much.

So Lin Ye tapped the center of his eyebrows to activate the detection function and perspective of the probing eye.

A faint golden light flashed in his eyes, and Lin Ye looked down the swamp and the small lake.

Seeing this, Lin Ye was taken aback.

The swamp is actually not that deep.

It is only more than one meter deep, and the bottom is hard soil.

But what is abnormal is that there are still a lot of bones hidden under the swamp.

And, it's not just animals of all kinds.

There are also skeletons belonging to humans under the swamp, and there are not many of them.

This made Lin Ye's heart tremble.

It seems that there is a real problem with this small lake.

Then Lin Ye looked at the small lake in the middle of the swamp.

After looking at the small lake, Lin Ye finally knew what was going on.

There are a lot of turquoise piranhas in the lake!

And almost every one is half a meter long.

Piranha populations cover almost a third of the small lake.

Densely cruising in the lake.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ye swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling a wave of fear.

So many piranhas.

If you just went straight to the Wing Ren pussy.

Just get dragged into the water by these piranhas.

It will be eaten up in an instant.

And it looks like this small lake looks like this now.

These piranhas should have not eaten for a long time.

Lin Ye is thinking about it.

The piranhas in the lake suddenly exploded.

Then see.

Because a piranha attacked the same kind.

The smell of blood irritated almost all piranhas.

The water in the lake suddenly became chaotic. Plenty of piranhas are eaten by their own kind.

Large splashes of water also began to appear on the surface of the lake.

This time, the Beast Ear Girl and the Wing Ren Girl also saw it.

Piranhas jumped out of the water one by one.

Lin Ye closed his probing eyes.

He looked at the lake where the water was splashing.

It was obviously the first time for the Beast Ear Girls and the Wing Girl Girls to see this scene.

They all opened their mouths slightly and stared at the lake with wide eyes.

Lin Ye looked at the lake, his eyebrows gradually furrowed.

But it quickly stretched out.

Then Lin Ye swallowed again, stroked his chin and began to meditate.

The problem of getting water is very easy to solve.

Tie a hemp rope to the barrel so that the operator can fly a little higher to fetch water and there will be no problem.

So it's not a question of Lin Ye wanting to fetch water anymore.

Instead, I want to get some piranhas to eat.

In the past on Earth, Lin Ye often watched Mr. Pei eat piranhas.

Also full of praise for the piranhas.

Lin Ye has long wanted to make a few to try.

Now see such a big piranha.

Lin Ye naturally didn't want to let go of this opportunity.

But the swamp in front of him is hard to get through, and Lin Ye will not let Yi Renniang take risks.

"Is that a fish?"

Ming Yun looked at the piranhas jumping up from time to time on the lake, and opened her mouth in a daze to say something.

Xing stared intently at the lake, and answered.

"It's fish, but what are those fish doing?"

After Xing asked, everyone else shook their heads and said, "I don't know."

"Ha ha ha ha--!"

Lin Ye is deep in thought.

Hearing Ming Yun's voice, he looked over.

As a result, I saw the appearance of the beast ear girl and the winged girl

Can't help laughing out.

Hear Lin Ye's laughter.

The Beast Ear Girl and the Wing Girl Girl turned their heads and looked over.

Seeing Lin Ye's uncontrollable smile, they were all a little puzzled.

Immediately afterwards, Shi seemed to have thought of something, and asked Lin Ye.

"Ye, so how should we fetch water?"

After the others heard it, they all looked at Lin Ye.

"It's very simple, just fetch water like the water in our tribe.

Hearing Shi's question, Lin Ye also forced back his smile, and replied lightly.

Shi heard Lin Ye's words and thought about it for me.

His eyes lit up suddenly, and he understood what Lin Ye meant.

Gan Yu also quickly figured it out.

Then the two ran to the carriage.

Xing and Yirenniang saw the two running away.

All are full of business.

I don't understand what Lin Ye just said. .

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