“Karma, that… Is giving birth the same thing as a massage? ”

The corners of Forestry’s mouth skimmed uncontrollably, and the hand that stroked Sakura’s head froze.

Sakura still looked confused, looking at Forestry waiting for his answer.

Forestry didn’t know how to answer for a while, and fell silent.

Sakura waited in a hurry, so she kept shaking Lin’s body with her hands.

Forestry couldn’t talk directly to Sakura, so he could only nod at Sakura.

But what Forestry didn’t expect was that after Sakura looked at him and nodded, her eyes rolled around in her eye sockets, and then said to Forestry.

“Karma, can you try it with Sakura?”

Forestry was stunned by Sakura’s question again, and then asked a little incredulously.

“Taste. Try? What to try? ”

“It’s what you have to do to have children, and the rest of the tribe wants you to do the kind of thing of having children with them at every turn.”

“But Sakura doesn’t know what that means, karma, can you teach Sakura?”

Sakura said a tiger-wolf word to Forestry with her innocent expression.

After Forestry listened, the whole person stiffened, and subconsciously agreed.

But Forestry thought that he had just promised that he would cross the river tomorrow to find the Winged Terrans.

If you were to teach Sakura this now.

Then this is not something that can be taught in a while.

Forestry felt that with his current physical quality, this teaching, at least get the dawn.

Well! At least it’s dawn!

Forestry thought about it for a while, although he wanted to agree to Sakura, but now he is still recuperated, and he has to walk a lot tomorrow.

So Forestry shook his head at Sakura and spoke.

“Not tonight, tomorrow we will come together to follow them out, we have to walk a long way, and I will teach you how to do it when I am done.”

Forestry stroked Sakura’s hair while speaking to her.

After listening to it, Sakura also nodded obediently, and then asked.

“Karma, where are you going tomorrow, can Sakura come along?”

Forestry still shook his head and explained to Sakura.

“We’re not going out tomorrow, we’re going to walk a long way to find Yuki’s friend, it’ll be very tired, Sakura is in the tribe waiting for Karma to come back, okay.”

Although Sakura was still a little upset when she heard that Forestry wouldn’t let her go, Forestry had already said so, and Sakura nodded.

Then Sakura let out a big yawn.

Sakura went to drag back so much prey together today, and helped smoke the meat for an afternoon, and she was already very tired.

After yawning, he rubbed his small face on Forestry’s chest a few times and slept beautifully.

Forestry hugged Sakura and soon fell asleep too.

The next day, the sky was just dawning, and the sun had not yet risen.

Sakura was still asleep, and after signing in to get the points, she walked out of the tent.

He also had his bow and arrow and a horn in his hand.

Several of the beast-eared women of the hunting party rose before forestry and are now loading carts with various things at the mouth of the cave.

Except for the few things that forestry said.

The hides of the prey that have been brought back in the past few days have also been loaded with several sheets.

Forestry walked towards the cave, and when he arrived, everything was almost loaded.

Forestry looked at the cart that was loaded and said to Shi Kai.

“Go and get two twines to tie them, otherwise the things on the cart will fall off easily when you are on the road.”

Such a simple thing, as soon as forestry said, Shi understood it.

Then he returned to the cave and soon walked out with a hemp rope.

Forestry took the hemp rope, tied everything on the cart, and then found a gap in the horn and inserted it, and then checked it again.

The beast-eared ladies also only held their bows and arrows in their hands, and everything else was on the cart.

Forestry nodded, and then bent down to push the cart off.

“Karma, let me push it.”

At this time, Xing, who was standing on the side, saw that Forestry was about to push the cart, and immediately spoke.

Then Shi Ye spoke.

“Let me push it.”

Then several other beast-eared ladies all opened their mouths to push this little cart.

In the end, he was lucky to take the lead in snatching the small cart from the forestry hand, and then pushed it and left.

Forestry stood back and shook his head with a smile, he didn’t expect these beast-eared girls to be so enthusiastic about new things.

A few people walked on the road, probably because it was still too early, and there was no trace of any beasts along the way.

However, along the way, the forestry industry saw several edible plants, but the number was not many, and even a plate of vegetables could not be put together.

Several people were very fast, and they came to the river in less than an hour.

Along the way, several beast-eared ladies have been changed to push the cart.

Otherwise, the speed of several people can be a little faster.

When I came to the river, the forestry watched, and there was only a trickle left in the river, and it seemed that even the calves could not be submerged.

But for safety, Forestry still spoke.

“You guys wait here now, I’ll go down first to take a look, there is no problem for you to come down.”

After Forestry finished speaking, several beast-eared ladies also nodded obediently.

Then the forestry turned over and went down the riverbed.

The river is now flowing very slowly, so there is usually no danger, and forestry is just in case.

Step by step, the forestry waded through the water to the other side of the river.

After determining that the river was really only a dozen centimeters deep, Forestry walked back to the Beast Ear Niang’s side, and then said.

“Okay, the river is very shallow, there is nothing to do, everyone come down.”

After speaking, Forestry dragged the water cart under his hands and lifted it up on his shoulders.

Then slowly walked towards the other side of the river again.

The beast-eared ladies also followed behind the forestry and slowly crossed the river.

The beast-eared ladies seem to be naturally a little afraid of water.

After standing with both feet in the water, they all walked forward cautiously and slowly.

Such shallow water, and because the river flows all year round, it will dry up at every turn, so there is no water grass and algae at the bottom of the river.

This way they didn’t slip or trip, so the few of them reached the other side of the river smoothly.

Forestry flicked the water in his shoes and looked at his sneakers, which had now turned into a pair of sandals, Forestry smiled wryly and shook his head.

Then Forestry looked at the surroundings, and the environment on the other side of the river was no different from the one they had just come from.

Forestry also did not discover any new plants.

After all the beast-eared ladies went ashore, several people glanced back at the river bank over there.

It was also the first time they had crossed the river and come here.

The beast-eared lady only glanced at it twice, and then immediately pushed the small cart and began to set off along the riverbank.

According to memory, Yun estimated that the last time I saw the figure of the winged figure was still a long way from here.

The beast-eared ladies and forestry talked and laughed along the way.

From time to time, forestry also finds plants that can be used.

Forestry even found several highly toxic plants, and Forestry did not pick them, but just silently noted down the location.

After walking forward for about an hour, Forestry suddenly noticed that there were traces of broken branches in the tree in front of him.

Forestry walked over quickly and looked up at the broken branch of the tree.

Fortunately, several of them also followed, following the gaze of forestry.

Seeing that it was a broken branch, the beast-eared lady was confused and did not understand what Forestry was doing when looking at a broken branch.

Shi stood beside Forestry and asked curiously.

“Karma, what do you see that branch doing? Is there anything special about that branch? ”

Hearing Shi’s question, Forestry withdrew his gaze and looked at the beast-eared lady beside him.

Seeing that they all had puzzled faces, Forestry smiled and said.

“There has been no wind or rain in the past few days, how can that branch break off by itself?”

Forestry gave the beast-eared ladies a hint, but the beast-eared ladies were still confused and didn’t know what forestry meant.

After Forestry finished speaking, he had been observing their reactions, but all the beast-eared girls, including the smartest Shi, were also confused and couldn’t figure it out.

Forestry sighed helplessly, and then continued.

“At such a high place, the other branches are fine, only the branch is broken, which shows that someone deliberately or accidentally broke it.”

“If you look at the location of the branch, whether it is very high from the ground, is that the best explanation is that once a winged man stayed on this tree, and then broke this branch intentionally or unintentionally.”

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