Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 1175 Furukawa Enters Samsara And Competes With Furukawa For Six Authority


Thinking of this, the Juggernaut Talisman did not hesitate, its entire body seemed to be transformed into a talisman, on which appeared birds, beasts, mountains and rivers, as if it contained everything in the world

And this talisman instantly penetrated into one of the six fragments along the line of Samsara.


In an instant, the master talisman felt that after entering the fragment of the Six Paths, powerful assimilation forces came from all directions, as if it wanted to integrate its true spirit into the Six Paths~Samsara.

It can be said that this kind of Samsara's assimilation power is extremely powerful, even the title of the Lord of the Universe can't resist it, maybe it can resist it for a while, but as time goes by, it will definitely be able to assimilate successfully.

But the talisman beast is the master, possessing the power of an unknown universe Samsara, and the Cultivation Base is simply earth-shattering, and naturally it cannot be shaken by the current Six Paths of Samsara.

If it is unwilling, Six Paths of Reincarnation cannot assimilate itself at all.

But in this way, it must be excluded from Six Paths of Reincarnation.

If Six Paths of Reincarnation is compared to a creature, then it devours all beings, that is, it devours countless foods, most of which are beneficial.

However, there are also some foods that are not beneficial, such as the Juggernaut Rune Beast, which is definitely not beneficial food, and even if swallowed, it will cause bad effects on the body.

So for the sake of the Six Paths of Reincarnation body, it must be excreted immediately like excrement.

If this is the case, it will be completely opposite to the original intention of the talisman beast, and it cannot let this happen.

Of course, it can also rely on the power of dominance to blow up the six-path fragment. The problem is that it is meaningless to do so, because the six-path fragment is in the state of death and is the substance of Immortal.

Even if this six-path fragment is blown up now, it will be reborn in another place in the universe sea, and on the contrary, it will completely lose the whereabouts of this six-path fragment.

So this is a behavior that is not worth the candle.

"If you want to assimilate me, then let you assimilate."

Thinking of this, the eyes of the master rune beast showed a gleam. It did not resist the assimilation power of Six Paths of Reincarnation, but took the initiative to integrate its own soul into Six Paths of Reincarnation.


In an instant, the true spirit of the entire talisman was integrated into the depths of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and its real name also appeared in the deepest part of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, blooming endless golden light.

And this kind of change was naturally discovered by Furukawa, the master of Six Paths of Reincarnation. In fact, he couldn't help but notice it. After all, such a movement was too big, shaking the entire Six Paths of Reincarnation.

After all, it was unprecedented for a master's true spirit to integrate into the Six Paths of Reincarnation on its own initiative.

"This is the true spirit that rules the talisman beasts. It actually took the initiative to integrate into the Six Paths of Reincarnation. What exactly does it want to do?"

Furukawa's eyes showed a gleam of coldness.

He sensed that in the deepest part of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, there appeared a list of fate, on which appeared densely packed words, all of which were the real names of the sentient beings of the Six Paths.

It can be said that the true spirits of the sentient beings of the six realms are engraved on it, and this is the Immortal list.

But at this moment, the real name of the master talisman beast appeared on the list. The moment it appeared, it was simply overwhelming, showing a dark golden name, which was extremely huge

It seems that the light of this name crushed countless living beings. The moment it appeared, it was like the sun turning across the sky, and the light of all the stars disappeared completely.

Anyone who feels this power is trembling, as if they have sensed the appearance of a certain ancient, indescribable existence, which contains earth-shattering power.

The weight of this name, even if the real names of all sentient beings of the six realms are added together, may not be comparable.

The entire Six Paths of Reincarnation is rattling at the moment, and it seems that it can't bear the power of this real name.

However, it is obvious that the integration of the true spirit of the master rune beast into the Six Paths of Reincarnation is also of great benefit to the Six Paths of Reincarnation, which is many times better than devouring thousands of chaotic universes.

Its true spirit is integrated into Six Paths of Reincarnation, which makes the original power of Six Paths of Reincarnation improved geometrically. It can be said that Six Paths of Reincarnation is evolving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The fragments of the six paths scattered in various places in the universe sea are all cheering, their original power has also been greatly improved, and the origin energy in the world has also been greatly improved.

Even the space area of ​​each fragment of the six realms has increased by more than tens of thousands of times, enough to accommodate more sentient beings of the six realms and more universes.

0 looking for flowers......

The benefits to the Six Paths Universe of a master's true spirit integrated into the Six Paths of Reincarnation are obvious.

"So, you want to join my Six Paths of Reincarnation and compete with me for the authority of Six Paths of Reincarnation?"

Furukawa's eyes showed a gleam, and he immediately understood the thoughts and plans of the Juggernaut Beast. Obviously, the Juggernaut Beast already knew that Six Paths of Reincarnation was unstoppable.

Once the Six Paths of Reincarnation evolves successfully, it will sweep away everything and crush all the existences of the old era. Even the master can't resist the power of Samsara.

So the other party thought about it, and finally found a solution. Since he couldn't beat Six Paths of Reincarnation, he chose to join Six Paths of Reincarnation, become a member of Six Paths of Reincarnation, and even join the ranks of Six Paths of Reincarnation, wanting to take charge of Six Paths of Reincarnation. Paths of Reincarnation authority.

After all, although Six Paths of Reincarnation is a universe treasure created by Furukawa, it is also a Magic Treasures in the final analysis, an artifact, and its ownership is not fixed.

It's just that he now has the maximum authority.

But just like a listed company, Furukawa, as the original shareholder and the largest shareholder, naturally has the decision-making power of the entire company from the very beginning, and the entire company is his Higodo.

The problem is that now a financial giant broke in, spent a lot of money, bought a large amount of stock in the company, became the second shareholder of the company, and also had a certain degree of decision-making power.

As a result, Furukawa, the major shareholder, also lost part of the company's control over the company, at least not having absolute power as before, and began to slowly lose part of Six Paths of Reincarnation's control.

At the same time, what's worse is that he has no way to drive this financial giant out of his own company.

After all, Six Paths of Reincarnation collapsed and the company was in a state of bankruptcy. Now there are financial giants who want to forcibly acquire this company and are willing to pay a huge price, and it is difficult for him to stop it.

It can be said that the master rune beast has indeed found a good time to kill Furukawa by surprise, leaving him without all the strength to drive the opponent out.

"Cannot drive it out of Samsara."

Furukawa frowned, feeling the difficulty of this matter. .

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