Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 219 Integrate The Virtual World, I Am Universe

In an instant, Furukawa immediately refined the ball of Karma and merged it with the sea of ​​own consciousness.


Immediately, the entire virtual world was integrated into the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness. Originally, this virtual world was created by him and was a part of him, so it was quite simple to integrate it, as if it came naturally.

Immediately, his sea of ​​consciousness changed drastically. It was just a void space before, but after merging with the virtual world, this place has formed a virtual universe.

It's as if a virtual universe is integrated in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, the entire virtual world is integrated with his own soul, regardless of each other.

"I am for Universe!"

In an instant, Furukawa felt that his own thinking seemed to explode, and he was completely integrated into the virtual world, as if he had become the creation god of the virtual world.

His countless thoughts can be interpreted in the deepest part of the virtual world. The flicker of a thought, the birth and death of a thought, will give birth to countless races and destroy countless races.

It seems that the entire virtual world can be created and destroyed at will by him. This world is like a toy of his own, and all the laws are formulated by him.

He just needs to say that there are no men in this world, then there will not be any male species in this world, and any creature will only become a woman.

Not only living things are like this, even inanimate substances, such as stones, soil, water, etc. will become female creatures, and all laws will be changed.

This is unreasonable power.

And this is the power of the mind. In the world of the mind, everything is possible, and all laws are illusory.

Of course, this spiritual world cannot expand infinitely, and it still needs energy to support it.

"This feeling is so wonderful."

After Furukawa perceives that he has merged with the virtual world, his Divine Sense power has been expanded endlessly "He has sensed the Karma thread that connects countless lives in the entire chaotic world.

Such karma lines are densely packed, like spheres, extending to all directions in the chaotic void, covering every corner of the chaotic world, and even extending to the end

All the creatures that log into the virtual world and use the communicator are all within his perception range, and he can even use the perspective of the other party to observe the chaotic world.

It can be said that as long as there is life in any chaotic area and a communicator is connected, he can perceive the chaotic area in all directions.

His vision extends to every corner of Chaos where life emerges.

At this moment, he felt that his own mind seemed to cover half of the chaotic world, and it was simply endlessly expanding. Compared with him simply using Divine Sense to observe the chaotic world, he didn't know how many times stronger.

You must know that if you rely on the power of Furukawa's own Divine Sense, you can perceive the range of tens of billions of light-years at most, but this range is only a relatively small part of the chaotic world.

But with the help of the virtual world and the power of the Karma ball, his Divine Sense range can easily cover half of the chaotic world, and he can clearly perceive wherever chaotic creatures haunt.

Nothing seemed to be able to fool its perception.

He sensed that most of the chaotic world seemed to be shrouded in the spirit power of his own heart.

This kind of power is so powerful that he never thought of it before, it is simply beyond imagination, Transcendent and refined.

Even powerful gods can't perceive this power of observation, and they don't even have a premonition of crisis. The Chaos Demon Gods can't even imagine that they are being observed.

Because this kind of power has surpassed their imagination, and this spiritual power also comes from themselves, so of course they can't detect it.

"The mind interferes with reality."

Furukawa felt that the Spirit Power in his own heart had reached the level of distorting the laws of the Dao. It seemed that with a single thought, he could reverse the laws of chaos in this area, turning this place into an illusory area, and all the laws of the Dao would be invalid.

Even as long as he is willing, a thought can make countless lives fall into a deep sleep and fall into the illusion completely, and it is impossible to break free from the illusion in this life.

This has already reached the supreme state where words follow the law and the mind moves at will.

"No way, the body is also illusory."

Furukawa's eyes showed a gleam, and he found that after he merged with the virtual world, this kind of spiritual power has been integrated into every original ancient snake cell in his body.

This huge to the extreme spiritual power penetrated into every corner of his body in an instant, causing his body to undergo earth-shaking changes.

...asking for flowers...

At this moment, his body, which was originally condensed into substance, actually turned into a void.

It was as if his body had turned into a projection.

Obviously Furukawa is sitting in the same place, but it is as if his body is in a different dimension, hidden in a high-latitude space, and no enemy's attack can harm his body

The power of the ordinary Dao law has no effect on him. If the supernatural power bombards his virtual body, it will only bombard the empty space, just like hitting the shadow.

Any supernatural powers have no effect on his ethereal body, which is simply more terrifying than Karma's body.

Let's just ask that the enemy can't even attack himself, and any power will lose its effect, which has made Furukawa stand invincible and will never be killed by others.


"I see, is this the body of the Hearts Demon?"

Furukawa immediately understood the changes in his own body at this moment. After merging with the virtual world and gaining a huge amount of Spirit Power, his own body has been transformed into an illusion just like the Lord of Hearts Demon.

As long as he has a thought, he owns his body and hides in the illusory space to serve as a minister.

Unless the enemy has also mastered the same mental power and can enter the spiritual world to attack himself, otherwise, no enemy's power can harm him.

This is actually the horror of the power of the Lord of Hearts Demon, only the power of the mind can counter the power of the mind.

And this is just the beginning.

If the virtual world evolves to the point of permanent solidification, even if Furukawa's original ancient snake body is destroyed, he can be reborn quickly with the help of the virtual world.

As long as he doesn't want to die, no one in the chaos can kill him. Even if the world of chaos collapses and the next era begins, Furukawa cannot be destroyed.

This is what is called spiritual eternity!

"Sure enough, this evolutionary direction is correct."

Furukawa clenched his fists. He felt that his power was much stronger than before. Even if he didn't master more Dao laws, his combat power and life-saving ability had increased many times.

If he is now, it is estimated that he can easily kill the Lord of Hearts Demon. .

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