Primordial Ancient Snake

Chapter 270 The Beginning Of The Prehistoric World, Five Clans Contend For Hegemony!

Chaos knows no years, and countless epochs have passed in the blink of an eye. Although Furukawa is still in the state of Closed Door Training, the chaotic world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Especially the prehistoric world created by Furukawa, and the Nine Trillion Great Thousand World, etc. They are all in the process of continuous evolution, and endless creatures are being born.

And at this moment in the prehistoric world, a large number of creatures have also been born.

Thanks to the original power of Five Elements contained in the Five Elements Tianzhu, five major races were born in the prehistoric world, Dragon, Black Tortoise, Phoenix, White Tiger and Wood.

They are the five dominant races in the prehistoric world, and they have the largest number of people, almost all over the prehistoric world.

Among them, the Black Tortoise tribe occupies the boundless sea area. They don't like to fight, and they sleep for tens of thousands of years.

The Phoenix family occupies countless volcanoes and a large number of underground lava fields. They have the hottest temper and do not allow other creatures to approach their own territory.

The wood tribe has the widest distribution, occupying endless forests, and even the seabed has wood tribe people, but they are also peace-loving like the Black Tortoise tribe and don't like to move

The White Tigers occupy countless mine veins. They are the most easy to kill, cruel by nature, and powerful in combat. They like to find other races to compete with.

Dragons are the most domineering. They not only occupy the land and endless mountains, but also occupy a large area of ​​sea. There are dragons in the sea, land and air, and their individual strength is extremely strong.

Although these five major races claim to be the dominant races of the prehistoric world, the prehistoric world is too big and boundless, and they only occupy a small part of it, and they have never occupied most of the area, even None were involved.

In fact, the real overlords of the prehistoric world are those desolate beasts that are horribly numerous.

These desolate beasts don't have any intelligence. They are bred by the power of the doomsday combined with the power of the blood of the Chaos Demon God. They possess powerful strength, strong defense, and super fighting instinct.

There are so many of them, they can be found in almost every corner of the prehistoric world, and they like to prey on intelligent creatures.

Moreover, these desolate beasts have different shapes, each has different abilities, are weird and changeable, and have an insatiable appetite. I don't know how many intelligent races have died tragically under the hands of desolate beasts.

Fortunately, these desolate beasts don't have much wisdom, otherwise they must be the absolute overlords of the prehistoric world.

In addition to the large number of dragon, black tortoise, phoenix, white tiger and wood races, in fact, many rare but powerful races were born in the prehistoric world.

From the corpse of the Lord of Light, many light-type creatures were born, the angel race was born, and many light-type elves were born at the same time.

A large number of creatures with flame elements were born from the corpse of the master of the furnace, giving birth to the flame family. They are born with the ability to control the terrifying power of flame and can smelt everything.

A large number of ice-type creatures were born from the corpse of the Lord of Ice and Snow, and a large number of Ice and Snow Clans were born. They all walk with terrifying power of ice and snow, freezing everything wherever they go.

Not only the corpses of these Chaos Demon Gods gave birth to these creatures, but also a large number of unique and powerful creatures were born from the flesh and blood of other Chaos Demon Gods.

But these creatures are all in a corner of the prehistoric world, and they did not walk everywhere in the prehistoric world. They are only a minority race, not the mainstream.

However, it is undeniable that they are powerful. In terms of individual strength, they are almost as good as the five overlord races.

Naturally, the Witch Clan and the Monster Clan were also born, but they were still extremely weak, and they could only struggle to survive in front of the terrifying wild beasts, living a rough and bloodthirsty life.

Sanqing, Nuwa, Fuxi, Hongyun, Jieyin, Zhunti, Dijun, Taiyi, Kunpeng, Minghe, Hongyun, Zhenyuanzi, Houtu and so on were also born.

But they are still just small characters, they can only stay in their own territory and practice silently, they dare not come out at all, for fear that they will be eaten by wild beasts as soon as they leave the area where they are.

It can be said that the prehistoric world at this moment is countless times more dangerous than the prehistoric world of the previous life.

Normally, the prehistoric world would run according to its inherent trajectory, but on this day, a group of uninvited guests entered the prehistoric world.


In an instant, in a place in the prehistoric world, a crack in time and space appeared, and then a wormhole appeared, and finally a group of Chaos Demon Gods walked out of the wormhole

The number of this group of Chaos Demon Gods has reached dozens or hundreds, and their strength is not very strong. The weakest is the Realm of Immemorial Golden Immortal, and the strongest is the Realm of Quasi-Saint.

But this level is indeed extremely tyrannical in the prehistoric world at this moment, enough to sweep everything.

々・Hongjun, I didn't expect you to be really skilled, and you actually found the loophole to enter the prehistoric world. It's really unbelievable. "." A Chaos Demon God said extremely excitedly.

And the leader of this group of Chaos Demon Gods is Hongjun, whose strength has reached the quasi-sage level.

"Hehe, I don't even look at what kind of demon god I am, Hongjun. Although this prehistoric world has been set up by the city lord with a powerful Restrictions formation, there are almost no loopholes to exploit, but after hundreds of millions of epochs of research, I still found the truth of the moment. Change the Restrictions between them, find the loopholes, and sneak into the prehistoric world.

Hongjun said proudly: "Of course, the most important thing is that the city lord did not restrict too much the Chaos Demon God below Dao from entering the prehistoric world, otherwise, I would not be able to enter."

Although the second half of the sentence is a bit modest, everyone can see that he is proud of it.

After all, even if there is no restriction on the Chaos Demon God below the Dao to enter the prehistoric world, but at this moment, there is no Chaos Demon God in the heavens and myriad worlds who can sneak into the flood (money) world.

Only Hongjun has such ability.

The reason why Hongjun has such abilities is because his body is a cricket, and he was born with the power of time and space, and he has a super talent for drilling space-time wormholes.

That's why he was able to find the loophole to enter the prehistoric world in this way.

You must know that countless lives in the heavens and the world want to enter the prehistoric world, but none of them can enter. If other Chaos Demon Gods know the news, it will definitely cause shocks in the heavens and the world.

"This place is worthy of being the ultimate sanctuary created by the city lord and many gods. The rich spiritual Qi of the world here is not comparable to those in the world. It is not at the same level. It seems that in such a place, I, Rahu, may have a chance to attain the Tao and prove the Dao."

A Chaos Demon God couldn't help but clenched his fists, his eyes showed a glimmer of light. .

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