Chapter 106 The Purpose of the Blood Bee Clan

Heavenly Dao merits continue.


A group of merits nearly two hundred feet square came to the former Beast Emperor Mountain Square, and then it was divided into five.

The ancestor of the virtual spirit got 12% and was quickly absorbed by Lotus Position. In addition, Cultivation Base has reached the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian, and the previous karma has also been completely offset.

Tai Chi ancestors also got 12%, the same injuries healed, karma disappeared, Cultivation Base Da Luo Jinxian late stage.

The ancestor of Hongjun got 20%, Cultivation Base reached the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, and the remaining merits offset Karma, who was once owed to Heavenly Dao.

Luo Hui got 26%. In addition to offsetting the Karma owed to Heavenly Dao, Cultivation Base Ascension was perfected because Luo Hui owed Heavenly Dao much less Karma than Hongjun.

The remaining 30% was allocated to the Thirteen Magic Envoys, and the Cultivation Base of the Thirteen Magic Envoys were all advanced to the Daluo Jinxian middle stage.

It can be said that the Demon Race is the biggest winner. Although the Demon Race has fallen a lot, there are also some Demon Race cultivators who escaped.

Luo Hu was very satisfied at the moment, shook his fist, and felt the perfect strength of Da Luo Jinxian. Even in his state of mind, he couldn’t help laughing. He even regretted not killing the corpse and letting him escape.

“Congratulations, Demon Ancestor is one step closer to the path of proving Dao!” The Happy Demon Envoy saw the Demon Ancestor laugh and complimented.

“Haha, well said, let’s go back to the West!” Luo Hui also laughed back. With the completion of Da Luo Jinxian and the thirteen Da Luo Jinxian middle stage, it can be said that the strength of the Demon Race has doubled hundreds of times.

Shennian swept the surrounding area and found the Killing Spear. Luo Hui led the thirteen magic envoys and set up Dunguang back to the west.

In the same place, the ancestor of the virtual spirit also said goodbye and left, and then Tai Chi did not stay much. Only Hongjun looked in the direction of Luo Hu’s departure and didn’t know what he was thinking, but he also left the ruins after a while.

In the middle famine, Jin Rui and others who were walking were also rewarded by Heavenly Dao.

The three also started Lotus Position and began to absorb Heavenly Dao merits.

Jin Rui Zichen Cultivation Base double Ascension to the peak of Taiyi Jinxian.

Baixue Cultivation Base is also two-stage Ascension, reaching the late stage of Taiyi Golden Fairy.

Magic Sky Island, a piece of merit enters the Shenhuan Pagoda and enters the Luo Ningshuang Yuanshen. But at this moment, Luo Ningshuang’s Spirit Power was blocked and could not be absorbed yet, so I had to wait for it to come out of the tower.

Another piece of merit came to the Zen Dao Palace, Qing Xuan did not absorb it, and temporarily put it away, with his Cultivation Base this merit will not have much effect.

Then another piece of merit came to Qingyu Palace. Qingyu thought about it, but didn’t absorb it. She was able to break through on her own, and it was of little use if she absorbed it, because her breakthrough was Taiyi Golden Immortal Consummation, even if she absorbed it. It is impossible for these merits to advance to Da Luo Jinxian.

In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, similarly, the Zulong Cultivation Base Ascension, who absorbed the Heavenly Dao merits, reached the middle stage of the Daluo Jinxian, and the Candle Dragon Yinglong finally entered the Daluo Jinxian. The rest of the people who participated in the war were more or less Ascension first-order.

In the Dragon Palace, Long Ji was yelling at the father of Cultivation Base Ascension.

“I said that I want to go together, you have to let me stay in the Dragon Palace, I almost got chopped to death, humph!” Long Ji was angrily.

She has just suffered seven Karma thunders. If Karma is small and has done nothing bad, she can’t hold the Heavenly Dao cleansing.

“Emperor father didn’t know that the thunder of Karma would come. It’s the emperor father who will compensate you. Just say what you want!” Ying Long is also a big head.

“I’m going out of the palace to play, and if you stop me, I will sever the relationship between father and daughter, causing me to be struck by lightning inexplicably, and I almost got killed!” Long Ji shouted directly.

Emperor Ying Long thought for a while. Now that most of the cultivators of the Great Desolate have fallen, there shouldn’t be much danger for her daughter to go out. She gritted her teeth and said, “Okay, but Xuan Mi must be accompanied.”

“It’s pretty much the same, otherwise I won’t recognize you as the father, huh!!” Long Ji turned around and walked out of the Great Hall directly, looking for Xuan Mi.

Leaving Ying Longhuang alone was speechless.

He was really to blame for this. When he came back, he heard that his daughter was seriously injured by the Thunder of Karma, dragged the dragon queen to cry for several days, and then locked himself in the room without eating or drinking or going out. He just wanted to comfort him, but he was directly scolded by his daughter pointing his nose.

The Southern Wilderness Undead Volcano, Zufeng Cultivation Base Ascension reached the peak of the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, because she solo kill Feiyi Snake Beast King, so there are more Cultivation Base Ascension. In addition, Elder Feng Yiyue and the second Elder Feng Xueyan of the Feng clan also stepped into Da Luo Jinxian. Similarly, Cultivation Base Realm of the Feng tribe who participated in the battle both Ascension.

Zhonghuang Qilin clan, the ancestor Qilin Cultivation Base also reached the Daluo Jinxian middle stage ascension, this time the same Ascension participated in the battle, but the other Qilin clan members did not advance to Daluo.

“I don’t know how the second brother is, have you advanced to Da Luo Jinxian?” Zu Qilin muttered to himself, looking at Beihuang.

In the Northern Wilderness, Mo Qilin has a bitter face at this moment, because the 200 million people of the Qilin tribe have less than 300,000 people left at this moment.

“Congratulations to Elder for advancing to Da Luo Jinxian, what should we do at the moment, please show me?” A Qilin clan first congratulated him, and then asked.

“Go to Beast Sovereign Mountain!” Mo Qilin was helpless, after all, he had promised the Devil Blood Butterflies.

When Mo Qilin rushed to the former Beast Emperor Mountain, he was also shocked. The towering Beast Emperor Mountain was directly razed to the ground at this moment, surrounded by wind and sand.

After a while, there began to crawl around, and the magic blood came.

“Why are you the only one of the Qilin clan, and your patriarch?” a purple blood beetle asked.

“The patriarch was seriously injured and has been withdrawn from the famine. I can do what you asked for!” Mo Qilin explained.

“So then you follow me!” Then the purple blood beetles led the way, followed by the dense blood beetles, and the Qilin clan followed closely behind.

The direction they traveled is the ancestral abyss of the fierce beast clan.

While walking, Mo Qilin suddenly asked doubtfully: “Did your demonic blood beetle clan be cleansed by Heavenly Dao’s Karma Thunder?”

“This time the main goal of Heavenly Dao’s extinction is the fierce beast clan. Our clan has been fighting with the fierce beast clan since its birth. Therefore, we have to do much more than you do. Why does Heavenly Dao treat us? How about the shot?” The purple demon blood beetle in the front said without turning his head.

“Okay, here it is, but this place has already been buried, then you will sneak into the ground with me!” said the purple demon blood beetle.

After that, countless demonic blood beetles began to dig a channel from the ground directly to the underground. The Qilin clan followed behind.

Finally they came to an underground palace, but it was in ruins, and the supporting pillars were broken and collapsed. This place was originally the ancestral land of the fierce beast clan, but it was completely destroyed by the demon clan Luohu and others.

However, even if it was destroyed, there were still some remaining Killing intents. The purple blood beetle came to a broken stone stele on which there was a ferocious circular ghost face pattern.

The purple demon blood beetle was overjoyed when he saw the pattern, a slight thunder light appeared between the two giant ao, and then the thunder light broke away from the giant ao and hit the ghost face pattern.


The pattern began to rotate slowly, and an underground passage appeared again in front of it, and there was also a staircase…

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