Chapter 113 Thirty-Six Dinghai God Orbs

“Bold, you dare to grab this princess’s spirit treasure, don’t you want to live?” Long Ji said with his left hand akimbo and right pointing to the four consummate cultivators of Luo Jinxian.

Xuan Mi, who was next to him, had no choice but to help his forehead and smiled bitterly. Originally, with his strength, he was sure to take the Lingbao and take Longji away. However, it was based on the situation of making a fortune in a muffled voice. Directly let all the eyes of all present on the two people one after another.

“The little girl from there dare to call herself a princess. Even if you are really a dragon princess, it’s useless here. The dragons can’t control it here!” The middle-aged gray robe spoke with disdain. After speaking, he released all his auras, and then everyone’s auras radiated one after another. Obviously, they were all planning to win the treasure, because the golden light became more and more dazzling.

“Grandpa Xuan Mi, what should I do?” At this moment, Long Ji has no master, so he can only pin his hopes on Xuan Mi.

“Little Princess, your safety is important. Even if you don’t get the Lingbao, you can still get a top-grade Xiantian Lingbao based on the Dragon Clan’s heritage. Then let His Majesty the Dragon King equip the princess with one!” Xuan Min Obviously, he didn’t want Longji to participate in the competition.

“I’m not, I want this, obviously I saw it first, why should I give it to them?” Long Ji was obviously unhappy.

Xuanyin’s head was as big as a fight, and he was about to speak, the golden light suddenly became more dazzling, and then a golden bead appeared in the golden light, and then the second, third, fourth…, twentieth Four.

“Top-grade Xiantian Lingbao 24 Dinghai Shenzhu!” Haitian said in surprise. Then he took the lead and grabbed Lingbao.

Dinghai Shenzhu: Originally thirty-six, every twelve has the power of the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao. Together, it is the top-grade Xiantian Lingbao, which can be transformed into thirty-six heavens and thirty-six Minor World. Attack, imprison, and defense are all integrated.

Seeing that Haitian was about to grab one of the Dinghaizhu, all the cultivators present began to go crazy, offering spirit treasures one after another, or killing Spirit Power towards Haitian.

Haitian was shocked, took out a long yue, a yue vigorously swung forward, and then quickly backed away.

A series of colorful attacks hit the 24 Dinghai God Orbs, and the 24 Dinghai God Orbs were immediately scattered, flying around, and nearly a hundred people on the scene began to use their Movement Technique to chase.

“Grandpa Xuan Mi, I want to grab it too!” Long Ji flew away from him without waiting for Xuan Mi’s reaction, and started chasing the nearest one.

Xuan Mi was shocked and began to embark on the journey to snatch the Sea God Orb; however, to everyone’s surprise, no matter how fast they were, they would not be able to catch the Sea God Orb.

They didn’t fly far, but rotated and flew around. Whenever someone was about to catch it, its speed suddenly increased and immediately fled.

“I don’t believe daddy!” A cultivator of the late stage Taiyi Jinxian grabbed one at sight, but watched it fly away, and directly used the blood escape technique of Burning Blood Essence in madness. However, But still failed to catch Ding Haizhu.

Two full hours passed, Ding Haizhu had circled the island countless times, but nearly a hundred people still failed to catch a Ding Haizhu, which made everyone start to stop.

“How is this possible, the ownerless Xiantian Lingbao is so difficult to conquer?” the thin young man before said in disbelief.

Others also started to stop, because it was obvious that the spirit treasure was alive, and it would be impossible to take it forcibly.

At this moment, Long Ji also returned to Xuan Mi, pouting, his face flushed, and he was obviously very angry.

And at this moment, the twenty-four Dinghaizhu returned to the original place, circled in a circle, and bloomed with a brighter light; at this moment, among the many cultivators present, there was a late stage Taiyi Golden Immortal. Suddenly bursts of golden light burst out of the white-clothed middle-aged man.

Then twelve similar auras were shot from the middle-aged cultivator, and he quickly came to the twenty-four Dinghaizhu high in the sky, and then the 24 Dinghaizhu that circled in a circle became 36. Ding Haizhu, this change made no one think of it.

But just for a moment, the greed in everyone’s eyes became even worse, with 36 Ding Haizhu, the best Xiantian Lingbao, and even 47 Restrictions, no one was jealous.

“How is it possible? I have refined twelve Dinghaizhu 20 Restrictions, how can I get out of control?” At this time, the white-clothed middle-aged man appeared unwilling to quickly rush towards the 36 Dinghaizhu.



“court death!”

“How can you covet such heavy treasures?”

The four Taiyi Golden Immortals on the field shouted consummately, their hands kept moving, and the four Spirit Power attacks rushed towards the white-clothed middle-aged.

The white-clothed middle-aged only realized his situation at this moment. A spirit sword appeared in his hand, which was actually the best Xiantian spirit treasure. He quickly swung and slashed at four attacks.

Even so, the white-clothed middle-aged man was quickly knocked into the air due to the huge gap in strength, and when he was about to be seriously injured, a large net covered his body, which actually resisted the successful attack of the four Taiyi Golden Immortals.

“Extreme Xiantian Lingbao Promise Sword?”

“Top-grade defense Xiantian Lingbao mist exposed Qiankun net?”

“Twelve Ding Haizhu?”

This series of operations surprised everyone on the field. The white-clothed middle-aged man actually took the treasure of the fallen Wuji ancestor. No wonder that the body of the Lingbao disappeared after the Wuji ancestor fell. It was stolen by this person. NS.

If Jin Rui and Zi Chen were here, they would find that the middle-aged in white clothes turned out to be their old acquaintance Rogue Cultivators Ling Yun; he escaped the pursuit of the Qilin clan, and had captured the Promise from the original two-world battlefield. The three great spiritual treasures of our ancestors.

But at this moment, he is being watched by everyone present.

“Haha, I didn’t expect that a small late stage Taiyi Golden Immortal actually grabbed food from a tiger’s mouth and stole the Promise Sword and the Wulu Qiankun Net that were coveted by all the ancestors!” Haitian’s eyes have gone from thirty at this moment. The six Ding Haizhu were transferred to Ling Yun.

Compared with the Ding Haizhu that could not catch up and could not be obtained, this Promise Sword and Wulu Qiankun Net could really be snatched.

Hundreds of people on the field have surrounded Ling Yun Tuan Tuan, and murders and treasures are not uncommon in Honghuang.

“Hand over your Promise Sword and Wulu Qiankun Net, otherwise my brothers will kill you!” Haiyue said coldly.

“Leave it to me, I promise you can leave safely!” Another Taiyi Jinxian said in a satisfactory manner. He was the thin young man before.


Everyone is gearing up, once Ling Yun surrenders the two spiritual treasures, it will inevitably become the fuse for everyone to compete.

Ling Yun looked at the people around him with an ugly expression, cursing in his heart, but he didn’t panic; he was able to escape from the pursuit of the Qilin clan, and he could quietly take away the great spiritual treasures of the Promise ancestor, naturally there were some mysterious things. Means.

I saw him whispering in his mouth. After a while, he suddenly turned into ten figures and fled in all directions. In a blink of an eye, his body was illusory and disappeared at the same time.

“This, what kind of trick is this?” a cultivator of the middle stage Taiyi Golden Fairy asked questioningly.

Others also looked inexplicable. The four perfect Taiyi Golden Immortals on the court stared at the void for a long time, but they still didn’t see the slightest clue.

Ling Yun hiding in the void looked unwilling. His body was an illusory grass, and the attached talent skill was to turn his body into illusion and hide in the void. This was the reason why he escaped the Qilin clan.

Of course, this kind of talent skill also played a role with Realm. Da Luo Jinxian could easily see where Ling Yun was hiding, and Xuan Min could vaguely see where Ling Yun was hiding at this moment.

If it wasn’t for the void to be shattered by Hongjun and Time, which caused the space to become unstable, Ling Yun would not be able to take away the great spiritual treasures of the Promise ancestor from the eyes of the few big Luo Jinxians present.

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