Chapter 121

Although he heard the unkindness in Jin Rui’s voice, Long Ji still truthfully said: “It was taught by my teacher!”

After saying that Long Ji began to admit his fate, anyway, she died anyway, and she didn’t need to hide it.

“What, what your teacher taught, didn’t you secretly learn it?” Jin Rui was surprised.

“Stealing!!! The teacher’s Cultivation Base is so high, where can I steal?” Long Ji said inexplicably.

The three of Jin Rui thought about it, and it was true that the master was at least Da Luo Jinxian late stage, and the girl in front of him was only the peak of Taiyi, so where did she steal her abilities. So, the person in front of you is a new disciple of Master, their junior sister?

And Long Ji apparently had guesses too, and whispered softly: “The teacher said that there were four direct disciples before me. Your Lingbao is a big seal. Are you Senior Brother Jin Rui?”

But Long Ji’s light words made Jin Rui and others angry.

Jin Rui turned his head abruptly, looked at the water lizard Daoist, and without a word, directly sacrificed three Xiantian spirit treasures: the Jin Rui Seal, the Star Hammer and the Mandaw Pot and attacked him.

The water lizard Daoist was shocked, holding a spear to repel Jin Ruiyin, and then picked up a flying star hammer, but tens of thousands of black crows sprang out of the mandala and instantly scratched him.

The water lizard Daoist quickly propped up the shield to resist the attack of the fierce crow.

Jin Rui lifted Long Ji slightly, and said to Baixue: “Junior sister, this is a new disciple of Master, please take care of it first. I will know this fatty!”

After that, Lingbao will be urged to attack Daoist again…

Bai Xue naturally promised, and quickly came to Long Ji’s side, slightly supporting him.

“Thank you Senior Sister Bai Xue!” Long Ji said weakly.

“No thanks, no thanks! This fat guy dares to bully my junior sister, he must be taught, what’s your name?” Bai Xue first scolded Daoist, and then asked Long Ji’s name.

“Senior Sister, my name is Long Ji!” Long Ji replied.

“Zi Chen, why are you standing there stupidly, why don’t you take revenge on Junior Sister Long Ji together!” Bai Xue turned to look at Zi Chen who was still in a daze and shouted.

“Oh, I know, damn Fatty, dare to deceive my junior sister and die for me!” Zi Chen, who reacted, didn’t talk nonsense, and directly sacrificed three middle-grade Houtian spirit treasures to the water lizard Daoist.

Then he yelled: “Bang~”


The water lizard Daoist’s Spiritual Qi shield broke open in an instant, and the aftermath of the terrifying explosion impacted him, directly shaking him back 100 meters, his expression pale.

Jin Rui took this opportunity to once again urge the Mandaw Hu to attack the water lizard Daoist, and the overwhelming raven came to the water lizard Daoist’s head like a black cloud.

The water lizard Daoist is holding a spear and flashing at an extremely fast speed, spurring and killing each of the ferocious crows. The murdered crows turn into black energy and return to the mandala again. After recovering, they rush to the water lizard Daoist.

The water lizard Daoist cursed in his heart: Damn, this can all meet the same brother and sister.

The most important thing is that he recognized Jin Rui and others, it was the Qingxuan supreme disciple. He was a survivor of the battle of fierce beasts, so he naturally witnessed Qingxuan and several of his apprentices recounting the old scene.

“It turns out that what the old dragon guy said is true!” Daoist’s face became even more ugly.

Thinking of this, he swung his spear to cut out a hundred-foot-long blue blade of light with all his strength, and then quickly fled back.

Actually, he was not defeated by Jin Rui and the others, but he didn’t dare. The most important thing was that he was afraid that Qinghua was also here. He actually witnessed the girl’s strength with his own eyes. The Beastmaster said that he would be killed, not to mention him.

The blue light blade shattered thousands of fierce crows. When Jin Rui and Zichen looked at the direction of the water lizard Daoist again, they had already fled thousands of miles away.

The two sighed again. After all, they were still lacking in strength. Even if the other side did not run away, they would not be able to win the other side, and it was still unclear who would win.

When he came to Long Ji and Bai Xue, Jin Rui said, “Junior sister, how are you doing, does it matter?”

Zi Chen also came over quickly, with a slightly worried expression.

“Cut, don’t worry, you two, I am here!” Bai Xue curled his lips, then took out a small jade bottle and handed it to Long Ji.

“This is the Sanguang Divine Water, the most healing treasure, drink it quickly, and promise to be alive and well in a few days!” Bai Xue said with a smug expression.

“This, Junior Sister, when did you steal this all?” Zi Chen suspiciously asked.

“What is stealing? I said hello to Senior Sister, huh!” Bai Xue said without looking back.

“Thank you Senior Sister Bai Xue!” Long Ji took the jade bottle after listening, opened the cork and drank it directly.

“No thanks, I should. I have a junior sister too, haha, it’s finally not the youngest!” Bai Xue said with a grin.

Jin Rui: “…”

Zi Chen: “…”

The two said: What’s so happy about this?

“Hurry up Lotus Position to heal your injuries!” Jin Rui said to Longji.

“Yeah!” Long Ji nodded.

After being out for so long, Long Ji’s tight string relaxed for the first time. She knew that she finally didn’t have to run away.

Seeing this, Zi Chen Baixue took the initiative to protect the law.


In the East China Sea, Yinglong Palace is extremely depressed at this moment.

Hyun Min and Azure Dragon are kneeling in front of the Great Hall, and Hyun Min is constantly kowtow.

“Your Majesty Dragon King, I blame the old slave for failing to protect the princess. It’s all my fault. I beg your majesty to condemn it!” Xuan Mi said while kowtow rushed to the upper Dragon King.

“Alright, Director Xuan Mi, I know that you did your best. Long’er was brought up by you since he was a child, and he is more close to you than my father and emperor. I already know the ins and outs of this matter. Moreover, Long’er’s life card is not broken, at least It’s okay for the time being!” Ying Longhuang said at the top.

“However, this matter also sounded a wake-up call for us. It seems that the deterrent power of my dragon clan is still not enough. Any cat or dog dare to provoke!” Dragon Emperor said solemnly.

“Azure Dragon, bring them all!” General Azure Dragon, who was kneeling under the Dragon Dynasty, said.

“Yes, Your Majesty!” Azure Dragon replied respectfully.

“Bring it up~” Azure Dragon said to the sound transmission in his hand.

“You two get up first!” The Dragon Emperor said to Xuan Min and Azure Dragon again.

“Thank your majesty!” The two stood on the left and right.

After a while, a team of dragon clan soldiers escorted about thirty blood-stained, unkempt cultivators to the Great Hall.

“be honest!”

“Kneel down!”

When the thirty cultivators came to the Great Hall, the armored soldiers escorted them directly behind their knees with a steel fork, forcing them all to kneel, and some of their kneecaps were broken.

“Dragon King, spare your life!”

“Dragon Emperor, I haven’t hurt the princess!”

“It’s all Haitian Haiyue who instigated us to attack the princess, we are not guilty of death!”


“Shut up!” Azure Dragon directly yelled and interrupted a begging for mercy.

Azure Dragon walked over and pointed at the three perfect cultivators of Taiyi Golden Immortals and rushed towards the dragon king and said, “Your Majesty! These three are the ones who instigated the crowd to snatch the Lingbao from the princess. There is also a cultivator named Haitian who has not yet Caught, please send your message!”

The Dragon Emperor got up and left the seat, moving lightly to the three of them, and the atmosphere was very depressing for a while.

“Lord Dragon King, you dragons must keep their promises. The white-haired fellow daoist promised us that as long as he kills those who have besieged the noble princess, we will not be held accountable!” Haiyue pointed to Xuanmin. .

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