Chapter 129 The Mystery of Immortality of Time

In a Spiritual Qi riot space, Shi Chen was kneeling in front of a man who was chained by eight giant chains.

“It’s not her, I can’t see the slightest connection from her!” A normal voice sounded in this space. Although it was just a very ordinary word, it was as heavy as the world collapsed in front of the hour.

“Divine Lord, the phantom virtual crystal, spirit grass, Yuantu stone, and ancient virtual jade villain have been collected, you see…” Shi Chen said tremblingly.

“Take them all out!” Shenmie said flatly.

Shi Chen was overjoyed, taking out the four materials one by one, each with ten copies, and the last two dark armors were also taken out by Shi Chen. It was the Taixu God Armor that was heavily damaged by the Xutian style.

Putting all these items in front and back of him, Shi Chen didn’t speak, obviously Shenmie had an unspeakable fear for him.

Shenmie’s eyes burst out with two rays of light. They were two dark flames, instantly suspending the four refining materials in front of the hour in front of them; then, they melted quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the four materials are all liquid, Shenmie once again looks at the Taixu god armor that is divided into two; when his eyes are squinted, the Taixu god armor is lightly combined up and down, and then the previous liquid turns into a ray of colorful light. , Came to the fracture of the Taixu God Armor, and started to repair it bit by bit.

In a blink of an eye, the God Armor of Taixu returned to its original state; Shenmie stepped lightly, and the Great Grind of the World under his feet shot a ray of black light into the God Armor, which was an incomplete Shattering Void law.

At this moment, the Supreme Void God Armor bloomed with a strong black light again, and this superb Xiantian Lingbao was finally restored.

Shi Chen was overjoyed and said trembling again: “Thank you God Lord!”

“You don’t need to be polite, go back to Honghuang, remember, there is any unusual place in Honghuang that immediately informs the original god!” After Shen Mie finished speaking with a flick of his right hand, a black divine light hit the time, and quickly disappeared with the time. This space.

“You are really not too troublesome, this kind of ant can be selected by you!” After Shi Chen left, a voice came into the space where Shenmie was.

Shenmie closed his eyes and didn’t respond…


Honghuang, an underground space, suddenly appeared here.

“The Taixu God Armor is finally repaired, so that I will have some self-protection power in Honghuang!” Shi Chen put on the armor, stroked his right hand, and said with joy.

Then Shi Chen murmured again: What exactly is Lord Shenmie looking for? Why is he locked up with his strength? What is worth looking for in this world?


Time goes back to the moment when Hongjun used the Xutian-style spike kill at the time…

Since Shenmie sensed its appearance, he asked the King of Realm, but the King of Realm answered two things; one was Heavenly Dao Advanced Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian Peak, and the other was the time when the ant was killed.

Unable to get the desired result, Shenmie had a whim, resurrecting the time and bringing it to the broken Hongmeng realm.

Because Shenmie finally felt a little unusual, apart from him, the ancient emperor, Xuanzun, Lingzu and even the realm king all have inextricably linked relationships with this newly born and wild world.

And he couldn’t get out of that space, so he could only step back and find someone to find the answer for him, so he found the time when he just died; and resurrecting a big Luo Jinxian was effortless for him, and just like that, the time was resurrected.

When he first saw Shenmie, Shichen set off a huge wave in his heart.

There is such a powerful existence in this world, and Shi Chen feels that he can easily obliterate himself in the peak period just by the coercion it exudes. Yes, he was in the Heavenly Dao realm at his peak. He didn’t know how strong the Dao was, but he felt that Dao might not be better than the man in front of him.

The most important thing is: he can clearly feel that he was really killed by Hongjun at the time, everything was wiped out, and the true spirit disappeared; but the man in front of him resurrected him so easily, which is beyond the limit. His understanding.

So he is willing to be a puppet, because this may be an opportunity. The most important thing is that the man promised him that as long as he found what he wanted, it would help him restore the true body of the Chaos Demon God. This temptation is not a big deal.

And because the previous battle between Qingxuan and Leng Yunxin shook the entire primordial high-level, Shi Chen reported to Shenmie, and there was the previous scene. However, the fact is that Shenmie is not interested in the two at all.


“Hei Sha!” Shi Chen shouted loudly.

I saw a black figure quickly approaching Shi Chen, standing below respectfully.

“Aojue, Yeyang, and Wansheng went to Eastern Wasteland, Western Wasteland, and Southern Wasteland respectively. This middle wasteland will be left to you, and I will go to the Northern Wasteland. Remember, look around and report to this seat once every 100 days. The news, Hong Huang immediately sent me any unusual things, do you know it?” Shi Chen said coldly and sternly.

“Subordinates know!” Hei Sha replied in horror. At this moment, he was extremely scared of time, because the brand in his body had made his life worse than dead three times, and he didn’t want to try again.

Shichen left here and headed for the Northern Wilderness after speaking; although he was vicious, he would not defy Shenmie’s instructions, because he knew that this was his greatest opportunity…

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