Chapter 146

Hearing Zilin’s answer, Jin Rui and others were shocked, and even Daluo Jinxian was shocked.

“Junior sister, run away, don’t worry about us!” Jin Rui shouted.

Long Ji turned to look at the three people who were struggling to resist the attack, shook his head and said: “Senior brother and sister, I won’t leave. If I leave, how can I explain to Master?”

“Master will not blame you, you can’t help us if you stay here!” Zi Chen also shouted.

“Stop talking about brother, I don’t believe that the Qilin clan dares to kill me, it’s nothing more than threatening me in exchange for the benefits of the dragon clan. I can stay here to ensure that you are not harmed!” Long Ji gritted his teeth.

But in my heart, I couldn’t help but mutter to myself: I’m sorry, the emperor, for the safety of the brothers and sisters, I can only let you shed some blood.

I don’t know what the Dragon Emperor would think when he heard this.

At this moment, a powerful level of coercion from high altitude pressed on Jin Rui and the others. Unprepared, all three were captured by the Qilin clan.

“Welcome the Seven Elder!” Zilin led the Qilin clan to salute respectfully.

High in the sky, a figure slowly fell, it was the Qilin Clan’s Seven Elder Lin Xiao.

“Get up!” Lin Xiao waved.

“Yes, Master Lin Xiao!” All Qilin people slowly straightened up.

Taking a look at Jin Rui and the others who had been countered with his hands, Lin Xiao turned his head to look at Long Ji, and said, “You are the youngest daughter of Emperor Ying Long. My Qilin family invites you to be a guest. I hope you will not resist. I know, I don’t want to hurt you!”

“Do you dare to hurt me? If I lose half of my vellus hair, my father will surely march into the middle famine and level the Qilin clan!” Long Ji said with disdain.

Lin Xiao’s face was ugly. The facts were true. He wasn’t the Daoist who didn’t understand the power of the overlord. Although the Qilin was not afraid of the dragon, they didn’t want to go to war with the dragon. They couldn’t afford the loss.

The information from Jiuyou shows that the strength of the Dragon Clan is at least two or three times that of the Qilin Clan. Once a war between the two clans is started because of him, the patriarch will have to punish him.

“Hurry up and let go of my senior brothers and sisters, or I will immediately transmit the voice to the emperor father!” Long Ji said with confidence.

In fact, it was a ghost sound that she didn’t have the sound transmission jade talisman on her body at all. It wasn’t that the Dragon Emperor didn’t give it to her, but she was too troublesome and left it all in the palace, without a piece of it.

But Lin Xiao didn’t know, he hesitated and said, “Although I dare not hurt you, but if you don’t go to my Qilin clan, your brothers and sisters will have to suffer some flesh and blood!”

“Junior sister, don’t be threatened by him!” Jin Rui said.

“Old guy, use whatever tricks you have on the young master. If you’re afraid, it’s your grandfather!” Zi Chen said with disdain.

“Brother, this is what yours is not. This old guy probably stepped half of his foot into the mound. If you accept such a grandson, don’t say that I know you, I don’t recognize it!” Bai Xue curled his lips.

“What the younger sister taught is, I heard that, you don’t even have the qualifications to be the grandson of the young master!” Zi Chen shouted again.

The entire Qilin clan heard this sound. They wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to laugh, and their suffocated faces flushed.

But they dare not laugh, there are always people who dare to laugh.

“Hahahaha, Zichen Baixue said it well, I wouldn’t recognize such a grandson!” Jin Rui laughed.

Long Ji was speechless, and said in his heart: Brothers and sisters, you are being held hostage, can you please don’t irritate him!

Sure enough, Lin Xiao turned blue with anger, and shouted: “Zilin, break their bones and break their teeth. See if they dare to scream?”

“Yes, Master Lin Xiao!” Zi Lin was about to do it…

Suddenly, a Sword Ray appeared, and instantly slashed the leader of Zilin; with panic and unwillingness, the leader of Zilin fell unexpectedly.

“Try to move them!” A cold word came from the distant sky.


All Qilin people including Lin Xiao took a breath, because they didn’t realize where the attack came from.

And Lin Xiao suddenly seemed to think of something, and said in horror: “Are you all disciples of Qingxuan Supreme?”

At the beginning, the patriarch of the three tribes was seriously injured by the explosion of the three big beast kings, so the people of the three tribes guarded their clan leaders one after another, and few saw Qingxuan and the four disciples recounting the old scene.

However, Lin Xiao was very familiar with that attack, and only one person had ever performed a lore across space.

Sure enough, when the two figures appeared in front of Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao was not calm; because even if Qing Xuan did not make a move, he would not be able to beat Qing Hua.

During the battle of fierce beasts, Qingyu killed the King of Beasts who was at the peak of Daluo Jinxian in the early stage; and now he is not the opponent of King of Beasts of Qiong, so how about Qinghua.

“Senior Sister, you are here, you have to call the shots for me!” Bai Xue said directly and pitifully.

“Let them go, let them go!” Lin Xiao shouted at the Qilin clan who was holding Jin Rui and the others.

“Yes, yes!” Seeing that their Elder was so afraid of the young girl in the sky, the Qilin tribe quickly let go of the three Jin Rui.

But Bai Xue, who broke free of the restraints, came directly to Qinghua’s side and began to pour bitterness.

Lin Xiao couldn’t help widening his eyes, because what Bai Xue said was basically not compatible with his Qilin clan.

Why did you slap her with a big mouth, snatch her spiritual treasure for no reason, and tortured her again? Lin Xiao said that you don’t want to face anymore.

Not only the Qilin clan, but Jin Rui and others twitched their mouths slightly. This is too exaggerated!

Qinghua looked at Lin Xiao with sharp eyes, and was about to make a move…

Lin Xiao hurriedly shouted: “Qinghua Fairy can’t listen to your junior’s nonsense, I can swear to Heavenly Dao that I didn’t do anything that your junior sister said just now. The only thing you wanted to do to her was cut by you before it started. Kill!” and immediately swore to Heavenly Dao.

After a while, everything was normal in the sky, and Qinghua looked at Baixue weirdly.

Bai Xue was a little embarrassed, and said in embarrassment, “It’s a bit exaggerated, haha!”

Qinghua was speechless.

The people below were speechless, and Lin Xiao was extremely speechless, secretly saying: Is this really an exaggeration? This is simply reversing black and white.

“Although Bai Xue is talking nonsense, but since you hurt them, it is impossible to expose them so easily; you are given two choices, first take my sword, and second, take out something equivalent to compensate!” Qinghua was cold and cold. The words sounded again.

Bai Xue lowered her head and dared not speak, her heart was infinitely sad: Senior Sister is also true, how can she say that to me.

Hearing Qingyu’s words, Lin Xiao decisively chose the second one. Who knows if her sword is the one just now, he didn’t dare to take it.

Lin Xiao took out two small bottles and two pieces of Xiantian Lingbao and said, “These two bottles of spiritual liquid are quenching liquids, and each bottle can be used for 20% of Ascension’s roots. It will be effective before half a step. Bao, one is the middle-grade Xiantian Lingbao, and the other is the middle-grade Houtian Lingbao. Is it enough to compensate them for their losses?”

Before Qinghua spoke, Bai Xue had already arrived in front of Lin Xiao to put everything away, and said with a curling lips, “This girl has a bit of a loss!”

The corners of Lin Xiao’s mouth twitched slightly, and he cursed the fallen leader of Zilin half-dead in his heart, blindly spreading information, and harmed Elder so much.

“Get off!” Qinghua cherishes the words like gold.

“Yes, yes, retreat to the Hui!” Lin Xiao felt amnesty, and hurriedly sent the order, and directly set up the escape light and disappeared.

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