Primordial Saiyan: Chaos God Slayer

Chapter 12 - U.A Dormitory

Since the Rescue Training at U.S.J, some days passed and Principal Nezu was on a room with many instructors of the school, talking about it.

''Though we supressed the incident very much, there's still many people that don't trust our school anymore, this also has proven another thing, but I don't need to say, everyone can probably guess it already, right? It isn't safe for our students to come alone to school, I already contacted the pro hero 'Constructor of Everything' to make the school dorm, we just need to deliver and you guys will go to the students house to explain everything to the parents, now, I conclude this meeting'' Principal Nezu said everything directly and left the room, leaving thoughtful heroes.

Luar was also thinking about some things while training as usual against villains, though they aren't wrong, he's now considered a villain because he murdered some villains, not that he care as only the high-ranking villains, his parents and probably Momo know his true identity.

Sure enough, as Luar was training, the most annoying villain that he know, Tomura Shigaraki, came to talk with him ''Yo, brat, it seems that even though you're secretly helping the so-called heroes, they consider you a villain, what a bad thing, no?'' said the annoying villain

''Yeah, it's really a pity, but you see, I'm not a villain, I may be a bit ruthless and considered a villain, just call me a anti-hero, if you don't know what this mean, search in google, duh.'' Luar said to Tomura, not really liking this guy.

''So... you don't want to join the League of Villains? If you don't, maybe we will have to kill you, what's more, your family... hehe'' Said Tomura, which made Luar laugh to tears

''Pfft, you're sure you want to fight against my family? You see, All For One would be killed in less than a second by them, but let me tell you, if you threaten my family, having the entire heroes knowing All For One whereabouts would be bad, don't you think... hehe'' Luar said to Tomura, laughing exactly like the guy did at his previous sentence.

''Tch, I don't like you anymore, can't even take a joke, well, just don't get in our way'' Then, he began to walk away

Luar screamed to Tomura that was already a bit far ''Just don't attack me that I won't attack you, but sent a message to Muscular for me, his death is near than he think, injuring me was the worst thing he could do, because even offending the entire heroes would be better than doing this''

Walking back home, Luar decided that asking Momo in a date would be good, in his ''previous'' life, there was some female characters that managed to make him go crazy, Momo was the first one to do so, agreeing with himself, he went home and thought that maybe she would reject him and a burst of negative thoughts exploded in his mind until his parents called him to the living room. (A/N: Is that you, negative Midoriya? PS: Remember when Midoriya suddenly have a burst of thoughts in his mind)

''Not like staying with his dad that's the most powerful person is safe, ok, it's not like I want him to stay here with us'' Fufufu, his dad was actually being a bit tsundere.

''Oh, dad, did you just got tsundere'd? Don't worry, did you forgot about my quirk? I can come here everytime I want, hehe'' Luar said to his dad, making him relieved

''Dear, I don't mind you going to the dormitory, but the next time you come here to visit us, bring a girlfriend, right? Hehehe'' His mom said with a smirk that seemed very dangerous, it was as if she was saying 'If you don't bring a fricking girlfriend, I will cut off your D and feed it to the dogs'

''H-hey, mom, don't you see that I am such handsome person, if I want, girls would simply throw themselves at me, jokes aside, don't worry, I will come back with a girlfriend, just stop smirking like this, o-okay'' Luar voice was trembling a bit, the sucessor of the Supreme Being was trembling in fear, now he understand why Minato and Naruto were afraid of Kushina at the genjutsu, when she was angry...

[Host, you don't need to feel down, you see, if the Supreme Being were to have a mom, he would probably be even worse than you, just by the way, as your next world is the Naruto world, you will have a free bloodline option to your parents and if Momo become your lover, she can also get a free bloodline, it don't need to be necessarily the same bloodline] The Supreme System was actually comforting, she think that he didn't heard she saying 'I, Yours Truly, will smack your ȧss', well, Luar don't really care, hmph, as you are that caring about me, I can forgive you.

[You know that just as you can hear me, I can also hear you, right?] It was at this moment that Luar knew.... he f*cked up!

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