Primordial Saiyan: Chaos God Slayer

Chapter 15 - U.A Sports Festival (1)

As some time passed and All Might still was out, Luar began to watch TV, but there wasn't anything interesting, so he stopped.

''Today was a good day, hm, huh, what are you doing here, young Luar? Something happened?'' Asked All Might, Luar immediately answered

''I'm here to do my part of our deal, that is, heal you'' The symbol of peace face that already was happy seemed to become one of ecstasy, then, Luar asked All Might to sit and prepare himself as it could hurt a ''bit''.

Feeling the condition of All Might, Luar proceed to use his 'Light God Magic: Phoenix Rebirth' he named it like this because if you have even a drop of bloodline, it can heal you, of course, the current Luar can't do this, but heal the injuries of All Might is totally possible.

Instead of normal healing quirks that have a green light, the light surrouding the symbol of peace body is dark green with a bit of red, slowly, his previous crushed stomach and respiratory system began to heal.

All Might frail and thin body also began to expand, no, return to a even higher peak after some hours covered with the dark green-red light, in fact, his true form was a bit muscular, not abnormal as his Muscle Form but it is still impressive.

The symbol of peace felt his power return and his strength surpass his previous peak, if he were to fight All For One, it would be much easier than before, looking at Luar, the young man is with a pale face and totally exhausted, cursing All For One because of this troublesome injury 'You're a bastard, All For One, all of your ancestors are bastards, having a descendant like you, damn'

''Young Luar, I am really sorry for making you have to exhaust yourself to heal me like this, if you don't mind, I can leave you at your house'' All Might said, Luar refused and teleported directly to his bed and feel asleep.

The great day finally arrived and the U.A Sports Festival would soon begin. The students of Class 1-A were at the Waiting Room and just as they were going to leave, Todoroki suddenly entered the room and began to talk with Deku, getting everyone attention, he said the same thing as the original reality, it's a bit interesting so Luar asked the Supreme System about their BP right now.

[Deku currently has a BP of 250 while Todoroki has 257] It as a simple answer but it cleared my doubts, even though Deku control is only 10%, his body is enough to control more than this, basically, if 10% of One For All control means a BP of 1, his physical strength add 10, of course, not in this proportion.

In this reality, Deku answer is a bit different, though, he said, facing Todoroki ''Even though you're strong, everyone here's also giving their best, if you stay arrogant like this, you may lose even to a weak person, you really didn't took Luar advice, huh?'' this made Todoroki stop and remember when he was defeated easily by the guy that seemed to teleport, shooking his head, he walked away.

After the little conversation, everyone finally went to the stage, where the pro hero 'Midnight', was waiting them, then, she finally began to talk ''Hello dearest students of U.A from the first year and spectators, let's begin! The first game is what you can call qualificatory, every year, many cry in this phase, now, here's the fateful game, this year is - Obstacle Race!'' Pausing a bit while seeing the students reaction, she nodded and continued

''All the eleventeen classes will participate in this race, it will be a race of four kilometers and as long you don't go out of the path, you can basically do anything, now, go to your positions'' Although Luar seemed very concentrated, he was actually observing Midnight body as a man of culture like him would do and nodded satisfied with the spectacle, Momo, noticing this, kicked his precious one.

Both of them laughed at their own conversation and walked to the enormous gate, positioned themselves and waited until Midnight finally said ''Now, begin''

Deciding that f*cking almost everyone lifes at this race would be very fun, Luar teleported directly to the finishing line but not crossing it, he used a peculiar skill 'Sky God Magic: ALLMIGHTY PUSH' that aimed to everyone that isn't from the class 1-A back.

Looking at the people that were pushed back reacting with extreme anger towards him, Luar laughed loudly and said ''HAHAHA, this is called strategy, deal with it''

Then, he finished the obstacle race at first place, in fact, even without using his Spatial God Magic, Luar could finish it in matter of seconds with his speed but he don't give a damn about this and was too lazy to run for four kilometers, his body is still bit tired from yesterday and the time needed to recover until the next phase is exactly the time everyone need to finish the first phase.

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