''O-oh, I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to be rude, well, what's your name? I'm Naruto Uzumaki and one day I will be the Hokage!'' Said Naruto with his usual stupid smile

''My name's Luar Uchiha and I just returned to the village after many years, I heard that you were training with the one of the Three Sannins, Jiraya, right? Let's go to walk around the vil-'' Luar was saying with a smile but was interrupted by a girl with a annoying voice

''Naruto? Is that you? So you finally returned! Hm? What's this black haired boy with you?'' It couldn't be another person, it was the forehead girl, Sakura Haruno, at her side is Konohamaru

Luar just introduced himself, the reason she said that his hair is black it's obviously because he changed his own hair color to black, he still don't like his rainbow colored hair, although it isn't bad as those back in his previous life, in fact, it's very beautiful, however, his favorite hair color is black.

''Ooh, Sakura, you didn't changed anything, you are totally fine!'' Naruto said as Konohamaru also called him ''Naruto-nii-chan'' the yellow haired boy looked just to see his little friend using 'Sexy No Jutsu'

Jiraiya, at the side, thought 'OMG', Sakura also thought 'Whaa-' and Konohamaru said ''How was that, very hot, don't you think?''

Opposite to everyone thoughts, Naruto laughed at Konohamaru and said ''Konohamaru... I'm not a kid anymore... you should stop using this kind of jutsu'' this suprised Sakura greatly but his next words made her super angry ''This jutsu is already outdated, just look at my new Ero-ninjtsu, here I g-'' before Naruto could make his Ero-ninjutsu, Sakura fist came straight to his face while she screamed ''You idiot!!''

Jiraiya thought with a scared expression 'This unbelievable strength and this short temper... she's Tsunade of the second generation..' After some time, Sakura stopped beating the crap out of Naruto, then, she, Naruto, Luar and Jiraiya went to the Hokage mansion.

Tsunade said ''Enter'' as two persons entered the room, Shikamaru and Temari. Naruto looked at Temari first as he said ''Who are you?'' she answered a bit angered ''You don't remember, I'm Temari!''

The Hokage said ''Naruto, they aren't your opponents! He's outside!'' Naruto, Sakura, Jiraiya and Luar looked outside, noticing Kakashi reading a educational book and looking at them as he said ''You grew up, Naruto, you also, Luar, yo!''

The beautiful Hokage, Tsunade, said to the perverted copy ninja with a annoyed tone ''Sure! Enough of playing, Kakashi also entered the room and said ''My opponent won't be you alone, Naruto, it will be you, Sakura and Luar"

As Kakashi said this, Tsunade also said ''I want to see what you three can do against Kakashi, I discussed with Kakashi, Luar will be joining the Team 7 as he just returned to the village. I will determine your status for the future based in this fight. Sakura, this doesn't mean that your training with me was useless'' the forehead girl nodded as Kakashi said

''Then, let's go? As Naruto is probably a bit tired, you can rest for some time, go to the Third Training Field later'' then, he disappeared

Tsunade was a bit annoyed because Kakashi looked in a hurry but in fact, he's just anxious to read the perver- educational book...

After this, the new team 7 left the Hokage room and began to talk ''Well, I will introduce myself again, my name's Luar Uchiha and when the Uchiha slaughtering happened, me and my family was in a vacation, so... we survived, I'm proficient in Taijutsu because my chakra control is really bad for the time being'' Luar then said obvious weakness such as his Chakra Control, well, he's truly proficient in Taijutsu so it isn't really a lie.

His parents power skyrocket after the Otsutsuki bloodline ''awakened'' by absorbing the Uchiha and Hyuuga bloodline, his dad awakened the Sharingan and his mom the Byakugan, their current power is the same as a Jounin, basically, a Genin power is from ten thousand to twenty thousand CP, a Chuunin power is from twenty thousand to thirty five thousand, a Jounin power is from forty thousand to a hundred thousand, Chuunin rank to the superior ranks is divided in three categories - Weak, Strong and Peak, as for Kage level, it's from a hundred thousand or above, Luar don't have many knowledge about it's power levels...

Though Luar don't know what's the power condition to breakthrough, his parents can be considered Jounin in the Weak categorie, his own power is also at the Weak categorie, a Weak Jounin can also defeat many Peak Chuunins power, Momo power is at Peak Chuunin because her Uzumaki bloodline increased her chakra reserves to the same as Naruto.

Back to the present, Naruto also introduced himself again ''Well, you already know my name. I'm proficient at Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu, Rasengan, my weakness... well, I don't know them'' this annoyed him a bit, how can someone not know their own weakness?

Sakura said introduced herself properly this time ''My name's Sakura Haruno, I have a monstruous physical strength, I'm very good at Medical and my Chakra Control is almost perfect, my weakness is that I don't have much confidence when fighting even though my physical strength is like this so I make stupid decisions sometimes''

Luar nodded at both of their explanations, though a bit dissatisfied with Naruto explanation, the three of them talked for some time, getting closer as a hour passed and the time to fight against Kakashi came.

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