Verdant Ruins and Shen Chong are moved toward the forest area where the nine-striped blood is located. Because the area of ​​the nine-striped blood is in the same direction as the lost forest, Verdant Ruins does not have to worry about delays on the road.

When they moved forward, they came to a large river with a lot of water and continued along the river.

Verdant Ruins is also paying attention to the technology of cultivation, or the cultivation martial dao of the World.

This World’s cultivation martial dao is entirely derived from the tempering of its own strength. It can be said that they have no True Qi with no body, no Battle Body, no magic weapon, no other Immortal Arts, relying on it, completely pure power. Every cultivator looks like a living Swire fierce beast. The words and actions are full of the beauty of power explosion. They just interweave this pure power into a kind of martial dao, which makes them perfect. This force erupted, forming a force that is not inferior to the eighth, ninth, and even tenth, eleventh, and even the Dharma Heavenly Transformation.

“Pure power actually reaches this realm…”

Verdant Ruins flashed a glimpse of the color of inquiry.

Extreme Sword Dao, the most important thing is to consolidate the power of Essence, Qi, Spirit into one, and inject the sword of the life, thus breaking out the lethality of the same level.

The cultivation martial dao of the World of God is destined to be only used in True Qi and the spirit. For example, the Battle Body, such as Divine Ability, is actually a method of changing between True Qi and the soul, but only the simulation. A top-notch God Beast, and then the Battle Body awakens God Beast and Sacred Beast’s many Divine Ability means, making it more powerful than the usual Culture System, but for itself, that is, the excavation of the essence, but Can’t be called excellent…

At least, in the case of Verdant Ruins, if True Qi is sealed and Golden Crow and Candle Dragon are destroyed, his cultivation base, which is equivalent to the Golden Core Realm, will surely fall thousand zhang, I am afraid a Prominent Saint Boundary The strong man does not need to spend too much hands and feet to kill him.

But the sinking in front of you…

“Shen Chong, I want to exchange a cultivation method with your cultivator, don’t know what you need to exchange with you?”

“technique of cultivation ?”

Shen Chong heard Verdant Ruins say that he was slightly startled, hesitated for a moment: “The technique of cultivation in my hand is the secret of our Sect. I am afraid I can’t give it to my husband, but I got it when I was out.” A secret law that allows the cultivation to be repaired into a nine-change situation. If the gentleman needs it, I can give it to the gentleman after the event.”

“Then many thanks.”

Verdant Ruins nodded.

“Well, walk along this river for a while to the core of the nine-striped bloody scorpion. If we encounter those six-grain, seven-grain, or even eight-grain blood, we should avoid as much as possible. Fortunately, otherwise, once there is fighting fluctuating, it is easy to fall into the encirclement of massive Monster Beast…”

Verdant Ruins nodded, naturally in the nine-blooded territory needs to be cautious.

The two continued on the road, and they did encounter a lot of sturdy Monster Beast on the road. One of them reached the river level on the side of the river, like a small city wall, three meters thick and nearly one hundred meters long. The scales of the body are cold, Verdant Ruins estimates that if you do not perfuse True Qi, even if it is a tenth-order, even the eleventh-order divine weapon will want to pierce this bloody scale, after all, the divine in the world cultivation martial dao The weapon is mainly based on the Battle Body and True Origin, and the increase is the strength of the Battle Body.

It’s no wonder that World’s cultivator is only sharp and sturdy for weapons.

“It’s just ahead.”

Verdant Ruins and Shen Chong went all the way, and finally appeared outside a muddy mud pit, looking up, just to see a mountain-like horror giant beast lying on the ground, quietly asleep.

On the ground not far from one side, there are two or thirty red grasses scattered in the weeds. These red grasses are the targets of Verdant Ruins. .

“Can you lead this Monster Beast?”

Verdant Ruins Road.

“Can! But… the nine-variable Monster Beast is strong enough to destroy the city and destroy the country. It is the limit with my ability to deal with it. If it wants to escape and chase you, I am powerless to stop. So the danger will be passed on to you.”

“No problem.”

Verdant Ruins expression Calm: “Those Monster Beast can’t catch up with me. If we really lost because of other reasons, we meet at the place we meet.”

“it is good.”

Shen Chong expression cautious nodded, and then, the body shape a vertical, straight toward the direction of blood grass.

However, he just stepped into the nine-striped bloody side of the body less than a kilometer. The nine-striped bloody scorpion was like what was sensed. The closed eyes suddenly opened, and a violent and violent ray of light shot.


It is a snake, but in the nine bloody scorpions, it is a sudden roar of True Dragon, and then the huge body swept out with incredible sensitivity, and in a moment the moved towards the impact.

The rushing to the bloody grass feels the fierceness of the nine-striped bloody body, the body shape suddenly turns, and the foot is forced to force, the foothold is like a bomb explosion, it is cracked, sputtering numerous dust, with the help of this earthquake The force of his whole person seemed to be a blast of a shell. In an instant, he passed the Void for several kilometers. The figure was in the moment of ejaculation. It was a short time that broke the sound barrier and made a deafening roar. Verdant Ruins pupil suddenly shrink.

“Is the strength of the body actually strengthened to this extent? How is this World cultivator done?”

“hong long long !”

The sound barrier that broke Void seemed to be a provocation by the nine-striped blood. The nine-order Monster Beast roared, swept a roar of sound, and crushed a huge ditch in the earth, going straight to the sinking pursuit. Then, the momentum, can be described as shaking the mountain, and casually tossing, can make the square into a ruin within a few kilometers, this pure violence, see Verdant Ruins eye-opener.


Verdant Ruins estimated that the nine-striped blood was gradually gone, and it was no longer a waste of time. The figure was straight and went straight to the twenty or thirty bloodsuckers.

But before he slammed into the bloody grass, a huge head suddenly emerged in the quagmire in front!

Eight-striped bloody!

An eight-level terrifying Monster Beast!

In addition to the nine-striped bloody scorpion, there is actually an eight-variable horror Monster Beast sitting here, apparently in order to protect these bloody grasses.

“si si !”

The eight-level bloody screams suddenly screamed, and suddenly chased Shen Chong, who had escaped a distance from the nine-striped blood, and made an angry roar, quickly turned back, and the huge body was crushed on the ground. The sound of the vibration is far and near, and it is estimated that a dozen breaths will kill Verdant Ruins.

“Eight lines of blood!”

Looking at this bloody, Verdant Ruins pupil suddenly shrink, the next moment with the slightest hesitation will be transmitted, directly across the eight-variable Monster Beast, the bloody grass side, stretched out, personal space, In the angry screams of the eight-striped bloody scorpion, these blood-grass grasses that grow within a radius of three kilometers are completely included, and they are taken into the personal space with the soil in one fell swoop.

“Very good, Shen Chong has already mastered this variable. There is an eighth-order powerhouse who can help you to kill the broken sword directly in Luofeng Town and end the battle of Primal Chaos!”


Seeing the disappearance of the bloody grass, the eight-striped bloody screams out of anger and rushes to Verdant Ruins.

Verdant Ruins, who was planning to escape from the sword, was moved directly to the movement of the eight-striped bloody scorpion, and the personal space was unfolded to form a visible space ripple, which greatly included this eight-striped bloody scorpion into his personal space. The trend.

The eight-striped bloody instinct feels a crisis, and is reluctant to get into Verdant Ruins’s personal space. The personal space accommodates living things with irresistible characteristics. If you don’t want to step into your personal space, you can ignore this. Layer ripples, culling Verdant Ruins deity.

However, at the crucial moment, Verdant Ruins quickly accumulated a lot of bloody grasses in his personal space into the entrance and exit of personal space. When he saw many bloody grasses in front, this eight-grained bloody no longer hesitated and directly plunged into his personal space. , I want to bring those bloody grasses out.


How can the wisdom of Monster Beast be compared to humans?

Just entering the personal space, Verdant Ruins directly threw it into the deepest corner.

Need to know, the current Verdant Ruins personal space has been spacious to a thousand kilometers, even if the eight-striped bloody speed is extremely fast, fierce, how can it cause damage to the vast territory of this thousand kilometers? Verdant Ruins took a million-kilometer site to let it go, and it also thought about any impact on Verdant Ruins’ personal space.


After receiving this eight-striped bloody scorpion, Verdant Ruins’s figure flies, and the sword rises and smashes away. The nine-striped bloody scorpion that is chasing after screaming and screaming, can not only have the ability to fly, but can only watch it. Verdant Ruins fled.

Verdant Ruins who escaped from Void didn’t dare to waste time.

Lost forests not only have a lot of land Monster Beast, but also a large number of birds, these birds Monster Beast is extremely unfriendly to humans, if he dares to fly in Void for a long time unscrupulously, once caught by a powerful bird, it is still extremely dangerous.

After flying hundreds of kilometers from the territory of the nine-striped bloody scorpion, Verdant Ruins quickly pressed the sword light, slightly selected the direction, moved towards and Shen Chong’s first meeting to fly, and soon arrived at the destination. Waiting quietly.

And he waited for not too long, a roar came from afar, and then he saw that he was relying on pure power to shoot himself as a cannonball, and the many trees encountered along the way. Either he was dodged by him, or he was smashed by his powerful body and horrible power, and the brutal and violent mess, it was difficult for Verdant Ruins to associate him with his nickname Sword Sect.


When I saw Verdant Ruins, Shen Chong’s face suddenly showed a surprise color.

“Things are ready, but the movement we have just provoked is too big. The nine-striped bloody sorrow is extremely angry. It is very likely that there will be a wave of animals in this forest. Let’s leave here and say!”

“Right right! We are leaving here!”

“Go, go to Fengjing Town!”

Verdant Ruins said that the sword started.

Although he does not dare to fly at high altitudes, the low-altitude flight is still a matter of course. Otherwise, with his Flashy body at the Awakening Realm level, it is impossible to keep up with the speed of the sinking.


(Today’s sun is so good, I really want to go out and turn around, but considering that the weekend is coming, I will stay at home and continue to code.)

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