Tan Yu’s words are undoubtedly proof that Verdant Ruins’s rival is indeed in this division.

A branch deacon actually dared to deceive himself. This result suddenly made the face of Young Master’s face ugly. Verdant Ruins directly helped him cast a heavy sword, but he almost managed to entrust Verdant Ruins. He made him quite angry: “Tan deacon, you’d better be honest to hand over the person. Otherwise, a deacon title in the district may not be able to keep you, similar to the oily and plump branch of Luofeng Town. Poor fat, I believe that many people want to go up.”

The power aspect is threatened by the water cloud Young Master, and the strength is threatened by the Sword Sect. Tan Yu’s heart is full of grievances, but it can only be a singular color: “Please Young Master rest assured, I will bring you personally. Going to arrest people will never make this gentleman a bit more difficult.”

“I hope so!”

Water Cloud Young Master is dissatisfied with coldly snorted.

Under the leadership of Tan Yu, the entire group soon came to a lower yard of the Fenglinzong branch. There are some people living in this yard. Who can imagine, the sword is a Divine Ability, proud And arrogant’s genius, in order to avoid Verdant Ruins, is willing to get together with a group of cooks and attendants.

As Tan Yu took everyone to the room where the next person lived, he pushed the door open, only to find that the bedroom where the four people lived together had no silhouette of the broken sword. Only one person was sorting out his own. thing.

This next person saw Tan Yu personally coming, scared a sly, and quickly bowed to the ceremony: “pay respects to the deacon adults…”

“I asked you, where did the newcomer who lived with you, Zhou Longjian, go?”

“Zhou Longjian? He left here before an hour, I don’t know where he went…”

“A time ago…”

Tan Yu suddenly changed his face.

Zhou Longjian, also known as the residual sword, actually left in advance.

Obviously, he did not completely believe Tan Yu, and even sheltered from Tan Yu is just a blind man, the purpose is to interfere with Verdant Ruins’s judgment, so as to fight for a day.

As long as he can hold on for one day, and wait until Verdant Ruins’s backtracking state is over, he will be able to directly defeat Verdant Ruins in Real World, thus winning the Battle of Primal Chaos.

“Sir, this…”

The Young Master of Water Cloud had to turn his eyes to Verdant Ruins.

And Verdant Ruins carefully calculated the time…

There are only three hours left for him. When the three times arrive, the backtracking is completed, and the breath on his body will inevitably change. At that time, the residual sword will not be painless. An alchemy will interfere with him, and he will definitely be murdered by the power of thunder.

“Look, give me all the ways to find him. No trace of clues can be let go. After an hour, whether or not he finds his final place, he will focus on me!”

Verdant Ruins took a deep breath, said solemnly.

The accuracy of the derivation is related to the specific information that Verdant Ruins has. The more information he has, the greater the chance of success. It is as if he had previously calculated that the residual sword is hidden in the town of Luofeng. Based on the information he has mastered, and in fact his speculation is no problem, the residual sword, indeed hidden in the town of Luofeng, but he is too cautious, hidden in the town of Luofeng for a period of time released After a smoke bomb was quietly hidden, it would cause Verdant Ruins to make mistakes and waste a lot of time.

“Still doing something, give me as soon as possible, let your people go.”

The water cloud Young Master is facing the tan jade said coldy.

“Wait a minute!”

Verdant Ruins associates with his own calculations and immediately said: “The residual sword should still be in the town of Maple!”

At this time, Tan Yu also grievances in the heart of the remnant sword. Out of the mind of the sin of sin, he shouted to the outside of the door: “Come, everyone will disperse me, even if it will fall into the town of Maple Town.” The ruler has to find out the idiot thing!”


With a while to drink, suddenly, the entire division quickly moved.

“The remnant sword is not weak. The five cultivators are probably not his opponents. The main team is best to have six strong players to lead the team. Even if those Ordinary disciple are looking for it, it is best to keep a close eye on each other’s information and exchange ideas. Once someone loses his response, he must find his place.”

“Mr. Rest assured, as long as he is in the town of Luofeng, he will never escape.”

The water cloud Young Master said to the elite guards behind him: “You follow, go find.”

“But Young Master…”

The guard behind the Young Master was a little hesitant.

“Afraid of anything!”

Shuiyun Young Master looked at Shen Chong: “There is a smashing Sword Sect. This eight-stronger is in, can that person still find out what the storm is coming out?”

Several guards listened, and I was deeply convinced by the strength of Shen Chong, the eight-stronger. I was nodded with caution: “The safety of Young Master is protected by Sword Sect.”

“You can rest assured that there is me, and I will never let the murderer turn over the tricks.”

The guards were nodded and they left.

“Mr. don’t have to worry, there are not a few people coming and going in Luofeng Town. But Fenglin Zong has already fixed its operations. As long as he is still in the town of Fengfeng, we will be able to pick him up in a short time. ”

Tan Yu on the side whispered.

“I hope so.”

Verdant Ruins sighed with relief.

Next, just wait.

As Tan Yu said, they have the ultimate control over the entire town of Luofeng. No one can hide under the overall mobilization. Soon, some people have heard the news that some members have lost contact and wait for them. When those division members were found, those members were already killed by Spiritual Plane.

Knowing this result, Verdant Ruins was reluctant to sit here again, and suddenly rushed with the sinking and the others moved towards the incident.

The entire group has not yet arrived at the incident, and a burst of exclamation suddenly came from not far from here.

“The 14th squad did not respond, in Liuhui Lane!”

“Liuhui Lane!? Surround the area, let’s go!”

Verdant Ruins shouting loudly, the first time the sword came up, moved towards the place where the sound came, the young master, Tan Yu and the others follow closely from behind, in which Tan Yu was constantly gesturing, maple Many members of the Linzong branch quickly surrounded all directions, and soon they were surrounded by a circle.

“Residual sword, when can you hide, come out.”

Seeing that this area has been completely blocked, Verdant Ruins sighed slightly in relief, while standing in Void, screaming at this range.

There was a silence in the area below.

For a while, the door to one of the houses was pushed away. The figure of the remnant sword appeared in front of Verdant Ruins. He looked at Verdant Ruins with a hint of chill in his eyes: “There are some means, but less than ten I found my place at the time…”

After that, he also looked at Tan Yu: “I am also asking him to shelter my safety at the cost of casting a divine weapon for him.”

Tan Yu’s face suddenly changed.

“Mold a thing?”

Verdant Ruins frowned.

The residual sword actually added God blessing?

This is a characteristic that he speculates.


No reason.

As a remnant sword, he relies on the two big divine realm giants who hate the Taoist and the candle. God’s blessing is of no use to him. After all, he wants to refine anything with God blessing. I am afraid there is no It is convenient to ask for it directly from the hate or the candle.

“Are you raising your own Primal Chaos?”

“Not bad!”

There was a trace of flesh pain on the face of the remnant sword: “My Primal Chaos was originally a twenty-eighth order. Fortunately, there are exactly two hundred rhymes in my hand as spares. Otherwise, I will be dragged into you. The battle of Primal Chaos is afraid that there is no hope of winning, but now…but it is not necessarily, you have only two hours left? In my two Primal Chaos ranks, God blessed it. Order, another Primal Chaos level is spent on the 30th order of the Son of Primal Chaos. I can’t fight you, can’t you still have a day? You have two more hours, you can guess Look, where will my transfer be sent to me? Can you find my location in these two hours?”

“kill him!”

Verdant Ruins complexion changed, suddenly shouted against Shen Chong, and at the same time, his own Sword Intent, it is necessary to rely on the Sword Intent to slightly interfere with the time of the remnant sword launching.

“Hahaha, remember, you only have two more hours…”

The remnant sword will not give Shen Chong the time to shoot. Zhang mouth screams and laughs. The next shape disappears directly into the place, letting Shen Chong’s attack come, with the sound of breaking the Void’s roaring sound. A residential building has been smashed into powder.

“Escape again!”

Verdant Ruins took a deep breath.

He knows that the more critical the time, the more he can’t worry. At this time, he must analyze it calmly, and then use the technique of deduction to find out where the remnant sword may have transmission.


According to the current trend, I want to find the hidden swords that are hidden…

too difficult.

“Sir, next…”

Tan Yu stood on the side of Verdant Ruins, whose face was gloomy, and his heart was full of uneasiness.

I was afraid that the god-selector would lose control and ordered Shen Chong to anger him.

“The news of the remnants of the sword appearing in Luofeng Town is collected, and no details can be missed.”

Verdant Ruins said coldy.


Tan Yu complied, and soon ordered to do so.

As Verdant Ruins returned to the Maplewood branch, a stack of materials had been piled up in front of Verdant Ruins, and Verdant Ruins had to hold back and read it quickly.

This flipping, Verdant Ruins quickly noticed some key information.

“The remnant sword… appeared in the town of Luofeng before six hours… six hours ago, that is to say, he has three hours in the forest field… It is reasonable to say that the opening of Primal Chaos will not directly People are placed at the core of the battlefield, that is to say, the remnant sword appeared in the town of Luofeng at the beginning, but he left the town of Luofeng and stepped into the lost forest… I guess he is Choose the orientation to use the transmission to transmit…”

Verdant Ruins flipped through the information and time passed without knowing it.

After the detonation was completed, he re-examined the operation and estimated the position of the remnant sword.

Three hours…

One and a half hours back and forth…

At the same time, Verdant Ruins flashed a trace of muddy mud on his sword. The mud was like the big river he was passing by…

Location, should be close to the big river…

After all the information flashed in one of the Verdant Ruins’s minds, a rough range was suddenly circled by Verdant Ruins.

“Shen Chong, bring a detailed map of the lost forest, follow me!”


(I will add more in a while, ask for a ** recommendation!)

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