
Verdant Ruins flew a wing, a 30-meter-long huge body turned, and quickly moved toward the two-headed dragon’s bizarre disappearing area, and soon came to the destination.

Here, he took a closer look and quickly mastered some clues.

Fierce beast, Spirit Beast, Sacred Beast, God Beast, among many creatures, fierce beast often acts by instinct. Spirit Beast has a little spirituality, but IQ is not comparable to ordinary people, even though some Ordinary Sacred Beast, although there is IQ It is difficult to communicate with humans, and only six Divine Saint
Levels exist, or the well-know figure and God Beast with higher IQ in Sacred Beast have the ability to communicate smoothly with humans, and they will think, calculate, and even have the ability to use tools.

Red wing fly dragon…

Spirit Beast level, obviously do not think about these details.


Although Verdant Ruins has the appearance of a red-winged dragon, it is not a real red-winged dragon. The moment the remnant sword hastily left to trace it is the biggest flaw left by him. Following these flaws, he quickly pursued. In a short while, I have already chased hundreds of kilometers.

“It’s very fast to escape, I want to know where you can escape.”

Verdant Ruins was careful.

The dragon is very sensitive to the vibrations of the ground and even the air. Verdant Ruins glances at the push-and-finish that has cooled down, and with this special ability, it directly runs the push.


Numerous details and data flashed through one after another in his mind, and soon became a very detailed piece of information.

Get this information, Verdant Ruins’s eyes flashed, and the next moment turned directly, moved towards. He had just rushed through a swamp-like area, and returned less than ten kilometers. Verdant Ruins directly controlled this. With a body, began to move towards the venom in the swamp.

The red-winged dragon is not very lethal, but because of its resemblance to the characteristics of snakes, there are strong toxins in the body. These toxins are often fatal, not to mention that the body is only equivalent to a human being changed to Monster Beast. Even if the same is the six changes, and even the seven changes, eight changes in the strong, the red wing of the dragon’s poison has a body.


When Verdant Ruins was poisoned against the swamp, he immediately sneaked into the swamp under the swamp, and immediately snorted from the swamp, screaming low, and the powerful Sword Intent already carried the power of terror. Moved towards Verdant Ruins Killing away, the image is the same as the Monster Beast, which kills these Monster Beasts directly from the soul level.


What he didn’t know was that this red-winged dragon was not as simple as the usual red-winged dragon.

“The sword is finally reluctant to jump out!”

Verdant Ruins shimmered in the eyes and whispered in his mouth.

Because of the difference between the red wing dragon and the human vocal cords, he also issued a si si sound, which seems to be asking for help from a partner.

“So far!”

Verdant Ruins Spiritual World’s Sword Intent clings to the soul, completely ignoring the Sword Intent of the Remnant Sword. The huge body is like a predator standing at the top of the creature, stunned by moving towards the remnant sword, and it swept out. The hurricane and blood rain caused the remnant sword to retreat.

“weng weng! ”

Sword Intent shock!

Sword Intent of the Remnant Sword Into the spirit of Verdant Ruins World has not had time to pick up any ripples, has been strongly suppressed by Verdant Ruins’ own Sword Intent, smashed into powder.

The pain caused by the collapse of Sword Intent makes the complexion greatly changed: “How can this Monster Beast…”

The six-variable creature is equivalent to the sixth-order Spirit Beast. This level of existence may not match the power of the Prominent Saint Boundary’s strong Battle Body, but it is definitely not a small Awakening Realm cultivator. Even this Awakening Realm cultivator was originally a powerful person who has become a Divine Ability!


With Verdant Ruins whispering, Verdant Ruins, who was like a lightning bolt, took a slap in the face of the sword. In an instant, the power that could not be resisted by the Awakening Realm was not broken. Come and smash his fragile body on the spot!

“Do not!”

Verdant Ruins felt that the bondage of the entire Primal Chaos battlefield was quickly leaving with the resentment of the remnant sword.

At this time, he can withdraw his consciousness from the battlefield of Primal Chaos at any time and return to the body.


Verdant Ruins whispered in his mouth.

In a short day, he wouldn’t have any much nostalgia for this World. The only cultivation martial dao in the world that he had some interest in. He also took it from Shen Chong, and he is no longer hesitant, and the consciousness is directly from Primal Chaos. In the battlefield, I left and went back to the body.


In Void, the alchemist is still harassing Verdant Ruins, and Verdant Ruins, who has changed his status, will put a little alchemy in his heart. Scarlet Abyss sword sword qi broke out, this is powerful to the tenth class. The second alchemy was directly worn by him, and the fire was shot and almost completely removed by him.

“Do not!”

Outside the Parting Regrets Heaven Realm, there was a painful scream in the mouth of the sword. The Essence, Qi, and Spirit of the body fell a lot compared to the previous one.

He looked at Verdant Ruins’s eyes full of resentment and pain: “Family, you actually… you actually…”

“Residual sword! Without the many features of the son of Primal Chaos, I have to look at it, then you can help me how!”

The remnant sword stared at Verdant Ruins, his eyes screamed with bloodshot anger: “I won’t let you go! I won’t let you go! I swear to God, I will never let you go! You are dead! You are dead!”

“We might as well look at who two of us will die first!”

Verdant Ruins stared coldly at the remnant sword, and his hand turned over. A shadow stone had been taken out, and the remnant sword man was outside the Parting Regrets Heaven Realm, and quickly recorded the scene with the shadow stone. A part of the consciousness appeared in the scorpio, and moved at the fastest speed to the courtyard where the clan squatter was.

Seeing the stone in the hands of Verdant Ruins, the eyes of the remnant sword suddenly shrank.

Once Verdant Ruins handed the shadow stone to the hands of the sky, the Swordsman in the Scorpio will definitely come to incarnation for the first time, bringing his scorpio traitor to justice!

As for the rushing into Parting Regrets Heaven Realm and Verdant Ruins, they are born and died…


Just now, his confrontation with Verdant Ruins has proved that Verdant Ruins’s ability is not under him. In a short time, Verdant Ruins is not allowed, especially the recovery characteristics of his eight classes are deprived. He releases Divine Ability. As unscrupulous as before, in this case, the other party is fully capable of dragging it to life with the tenth-order recovery feature.

Non-son of Primal Chaos For a Peak Son of Primal Chaos above 40, the winning percentage will be reduced to an extremely awkward level.

“It is necessary to solve the problem of executing swordman as soon as possible… Fortunately, as early as before, my father had already thought of this problem. With the plan, it was only because of fear of exposure that it has not been launched…”

Remnant Sword thought, immediately split a part of the mind to project in the Primal Chaos Temple, the first time to find the hatred.

Looking for the hateful respect, his face is constantly changing: “Verdant Ruins, this little animal was once destroyed by me, but the candlelight tried to keep me, if Verdant Ruins would take the stone and hand it to the candlelight. In front of me, the candlelight is irritated and it is very likely that I will use suicide to commit suicide to the vicinity to clean me up the door…”

Thinking of this, he has not dared to waste time here.

With a virtual hand, Parting Regrets Heaven Realm quickly appeared in his hands and then shrouded himself.

As a result, Parting Regrets Heaven Realm’s interference can at least affect the position lock of the swordman.

However, seeing the remnant sword received Parting Regrets Heaven Realm, Verdant Ruins quickly followed up, and suddenly stalked.

This scene suddenly let the residual sword complexion slightly changed, the current speed broke out.

But his speed is fast, and Verdant Ruins is not slow.

The 12th-order flying sword splits the sky, which is definitely the most popular existence in the market. Except for the flying swords that were unearthed in the ancient Cave Mansion, the 12-step flying sword represents the whole cultivation world. Peak.

Under the chase of the 12th-order flying sword and the ten-order recovery characteristics, the residual sword could not smoothly get rid of Verdant Ruins.

“Still! Give me to die!”

Looking at Verdant Ruins, the angry roar, and the Divine Ability, once again, the Tianpeng Battle Body turned into a cutting edge of Void, and the smashing of Verdant Ruins was fast. Unbelievable.


Scarlet Abyss sword!

The prepared Verdant Ruins Sword Intent broke out, the Scarlet Abyss sword burst into the glory, and the front and the Divine Ability of the sword were hit together. Thousands of sword light burst out at the moment of collision, cutting Void, some sword light It is spattered and falls into the ground, directly on the ground pears a path of up to several kilometers, even on the ten thousand meters of the sword marks, causing severe ground vibration.

The place where the two people are fighting is quite remote. If the two are in a country, these swords are enough to cut off the city and cause tens of thousands and dozens of people to die.

The remnant sword was so blocked that the distance between the two was slightly opened, but as Verdant Ruins spared no effort to spend True Qi, he quickly regained his roots and was still hanging behind the sword.

“Residual sword! Since I am going to die today, why are you so eager to leave, staying with me to make a decision, not a happy life?”

“Miscellaneous stuff!”

The angry screams in the mouth of the sword, the more urgent the time, the greater the probability that he will be in danger. No one knows what Scorpio will know after his betrayal. If he does not get rid of Verdant Ruins as soon as possible, Once the Scorpio people are chased according to the clues provided by Verdant Ruins…

For a moment, the residual sword seemed to think of something. I looked at Parting Regrets Heaven Realm, who was guarding it. The eyes flashed a cold light: “40 stage son of Primal Chaos… This bastard deprived my Primal with the Battle of Primal Chaos. Chaos is equal, so his Primal Chaos ranks as my compensation! However, just by words, even if Heavenly Dao will pay attention to Verdant Ruins, it is estimated that the invincible giant of divine Realm will not be personally shot. Letting a Taoist stare at him is the limit… But the words of the Taoist are still not insured! I must let my father take the shot and kill him in order to ensure that nothing is lost… and let him personally if……”

The next moment, Parting Regrets Heaven Realm, who had shrouded the remnant, turned abruptly and turned to Verdant Ruins again, including Verdant Ruins.

“Lost Parting Regrets Heaven Realm will be heavily blamed, but… get Verdant Ruins from Parting Regrets Heaven Realm, but it’s mortal!”


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