“Well, take a shadow stone?”

The clan master took the stone and directly explored the spirit.

For a moment, he has changed his face: “Sure enough…”

“If there is any suspicion that the Master has recorded this information, please contact the swordman directly. I think that he has already betrayed us for the preparation of the Scorpio. I am afraid that I have avoided the means of killing the swordman. Now even It’s the swordman’s personal shot, and I’m afraid I can’t lock his position.”

Verdant Ruins added.

The expression of the sky is serious. He looked at Verdant Ruins and did not dare to be scornful: “You are waiting for me for a while, I have to prove this to the swordsman!”

As soon as the words were finished, his body was already shuttled directly and disappeared in front of a few people.

“what happened?”

“It seems that something major happened, betrayed the Scorpio? Is it a traitor in our Scorpio? And it is worthwhile to swear by the swordman. The strength is definitely not going to get worse.”

The sable of the sable, the real person of Wufa, seeing the sky, the face of the abyss is awe-inspiring, and suddenly curious.

“White Market? What did you just read to the Canggu people?”

Zizhen real person asked.

Verdant Ruins looked at the sable of the sable, the previous saga, the candlelight, and the others. I don’t know who is the Heavenly Dao piece between him and the Sword. In order to ensure their reputation, they are not both. It is no exception to telling anyone, even the core members of the real people like Ziyan and Wuzhen, but now…

It is a foregone conclusion that the remnant sword betrayed the Scorpio. It is impossible to change it. I believe that it will not be long before the Supreme Master will announce the news, so Verdant Ruins has not concealed: “I have seen a shadow stone on the sky. It is recorded that the remnant sword used the name of the rare treasure Parting Regrets Heaven Realm to kill the stone.”

“Residual sword?”

Purple cicada is slightly startled.

And the real person who realizes the law is said with a smile: “White market, are you kidding? Why is the residual sword going to shoot you? He is the candle of the master, and you, if I remember it, I am correct. It’s a candlestick, half a discipline, you two should belong to the same side fellow apprentices, which will be handicapped. Moreover, the residual sword is a powerful person, and you, it is said that it is less than ten years into the sky, that is Say you only refining the embarrassment ten years ago? If you want to deal with the remnant sword, you should not need to spend too much means?”

After that, he seemed to realize what he added. He added: “I didn’t look down on what you mean. I just thought that this information is somewhat ridiculous, that’s all, especially the famous treasures of the revenge parting Regrets Heaven Realm. Out.”

It is a purple scorpion, and it is associated with Verdant Ruins’s brief conversation with the Cangwu people. It seems to have thought of something, said solemnly: “Bai Hui, the traitor you mentioned just now, it would not be the direct disciple of the candlelight… Remnant sword?”

Verdant Ruins looked at the singer and the real person who apparently did not believe, and did not want to explain too much: “The sky is very afraid that the people will soon be verified, and you will naturally know it.”

“Well? It’s hard to be…”

Wufa is a real person who is about to say something, but at this time, there is a ripple in Void, and the Tibetans and the candlelights appear in the courtyard at the same time, with the Tibetans and the candlelights. There are two real people, Bai Qi and Xuan Huang.

These are the core figures that Scorpio is currently in the Cangjie world.

“Hey? What happened?”

“I don’t know. The predecessor summoned me to me and said that there is something to be done. I will pass it directly after I get my permission. I am also surprised. You, can you get any news in advance?” ”

“I don’t know, I can only see what the sky says.”

Zang Zhen’s man returned, and his eyes fell on Verdant Ruins for the first time: “How are you here? Hey, I haven’t seen your kid’s silhouette for a long time.”

It was a candlelight, and his mental state was obviously a lot less than two years ago. He looked at Verdant Ruins and didn’t say anything, but it seemed to be a bit silent.

Obviously, what he should have found in two years is just because he has not yet obtained decisive evidence and some are not willing to face the reality.

This scene fell into the eyes of Zizhen, the real person of Wufa, and they could not help but make their hearts suddenly.

The candlestick’s direct disciple sword will not really betray the Scorpio?


The four Scorpio core powerhouses appeared less than a moment later, and the space ripple flashed, and the sky was followed by the top of the mountain.

The entire Cangjie world belongs to his World. In this World, he is like Divine King. It has Supreme’s stalwart power. Sending a few people, or shuttle space is not difficult for him, even if he runs from one end of World to another. At one end, the long distance of 10 million kilometers is only a matter of single thought for him.


“What is it about you calling us over?”

As soon as the Cangwu people appeared, Bai Qi and Xuan Huang could not wait to ask.

However, the clan master did not return, but the piece of stone that Verdant Ruins handed him to the hand of the candle.

This is a faint candle with a hunch. When I saw the stone that was handed over by the sky, the body suddenly trembled, but he still had the slightest hesitation and he took the stone and took it out. It’s up.

It seems that it was the emotions of the most popular Peak giants, such as the savage, the candle, and the singer, the sorcerer, the purple, the white, the virgin and the others, and each and everyone quieted down, waiting for two The next person will open.

“weng weng! ”

Looking at the moment of the shadow of the stone, the breath of the person on the body suddenly smashed, and a vast horrible horror exploded from him. In an instant, some people in the place felt that their Spiritual Plane seemed to carry a shackle. In the mountains and the mountains, the mind is almost stagnant by the power of this horror. Among them, the Disciples of the Golden Core Realm cultivation base, the eyes of the Cangwu people become more and more distracted, with a hint of sluggishness.

However, the people on the sky were aware of the anomaly, and with a slap in the face, the terrorary pressure that almost caused the mental stagnation was completely dissipated. This is so great, no one in the room can keep calm, each and everyone look at the first time. It fell on the stone that was in the hands of the candle.

They are all amazed. What kind of picture is recorded on the stone, which can make the candlelight of the divine Realm giant so lost self-control, and even unable to control its own power.

If this happens in a candlelight where the person is practicing or the realm is unstable, enough to let him with the body energy riot, the cultivation deviation blew himself.

“I have already searched for the swordman to prove it. The swordman can sense his breath, but he can’t lock his specific position, as if he was covered by the supreme means. At present, the swordman is trying to penetrate this layer of interference fans. Obstacle, lock his exact coordinates.”

The celestial person estimated that the candlelight had already seen the picture in the stone, and this was sole solemnly.

“Is it…”

The Tibetans on the side were also guessing at this time, and their eyes fell on the sky.

The sky is cautiously nodded.

“let me see.”

The Tibetans are facing the candle and the man is reaching for the hand.

The candlelight will give the shadow stone to Tibet, close the eyes, and the body will tremble slightly, and there will be a painful color in the face.

Seeing this scene, Verdant Ruins understands the impact of the news of the news.


Long pain is worse than short pain!

If he conceals the news of the remnant sword because he can’t bear the candle, then it is the irresponsibility of the candle, and even the whole Scorpio. Let the candle shine to see the true face of the sword. On the contrary, it is a good thing. After all, in addition to a residual sword, there are a few other swords in the candle of the master. He still has not lost all hope.

“Damn! He actually…”

When Zang Zhen’s master saw it for a while, he couldn’t help but screamed: “I lost some of it and believed him at the time. I didn’t expect him to actually…”

“Is it a man, what is the information recorded on this stone? Can you let us see it?”

On the side of Wu Jian, the real person whispered.

Zangzhen’s master held this piece of stone for a moment, or handed it to the hands of Wufa’s real person: “The evidence of this matter is conclusive, and sooner or later you will let you know, you see.”

Wu Fazhen took over the shadow stone, and suddenly Zi Zi live, Xuan Huang real person, Bai Qi real person and the others are surrounded.


“How can it be!?”

“There is a sword… How can he betray our Scorpio? Why does he have a reputation for resentment in the hands of rare treasure Parting Regrets Heaven Realm?”

The repressed exclamations quickly came from a few people.

The clan master did not pay attention to the excitement of several real people after watching the stone, but turned to the candlelight and said: “Six months ago, after I couldn’t find out what was wrong with Baixu, I turned my attention to the sword. At the beginning, I didn’t find out anything. But when I turned my attention to the message provided by Verdant Ruins and the hatefulness, I was keenly capturing some useful clues… According to these clues, I followed all the way. It has been faintly discovered…”

“I understand.”

The captain’s words were not finished, and the candleman had already opened his mouth to interrupt his words. His tone was a bit low: “In fact, I have not spent much time investigating in two years, but I handed this matter over to the following people, but I have investigated it a lot, but I have also found a lot of doubts. It is just… Many places that are doubtful are subjectively ignored by me because of my personal subjectivity. Now it seems that if I have already integrated those doubts, I will ask the Heaven Lord to deduce it… The identity of the remnant sword has long been As the water recedes, the rocks appear… just, I still have a hint in my heart. Practical hopes are deceiving themselves, and they have been using no clear evidence to condone themselves. They are not willing to face the reality that’s all…”

When I heard the candle, the person on the sky sighed and didn’t know how to persuade.

At this time, the candle is also opened to the eyes, the eyes flashed a bit of pain, and more is the chill: “The sky, do not take care of my position, we will treat the traitors with what means, treat him What kind of means are used! Even if you and the swordsman don’t shoot, I will personally take the things that I have given him over the years, and don’t leave them all!”

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