“The four Primal Chaos laws, the highest has reached the 20th order, in addition, there are two Golden Core Realm alchemy 傀儡 and thirty-four rhymes carrying things.”

Verdant Ruins is quite satisfied with this.

He did not think that Mu Muping had a level of Primal Chaos of up to twenty. With this Primal Chaos, he could get at least one hundred yuan of rhyme benefits, and a little operation, and finally its price. There is absolutely no high or no low.

It should be noted that Primal Chaos and other 20th to 25th steps often represent the level of the powerful. The Golden Core Realm cultivator Primal Chaos with Primal Chaos is in the fifteen to twenty-order period. In addition, many of the Golden Core Realm’s Primal Chaos are deprived of the ranks of Primal Chaos due to the fight of grievances, the battle of Primal Chaos, etc., relying on the purchase of some Low Rank Primal Chaos to reshape, dragging back. When it comes to the average value, this value has to be lowered again, and the tenth order is normal.

Similar to the situation of Mu Shengping, probably in the case of per capita annual income ofhund thousand, the concept of sharing an annual income of 190,000 and an annual income of 10,000 people.

“This kind of income is the fastest, but… but it has offended a powerful person… No, it’s two… Of course, if they want revenge, they know that the starter is me.”

Verdant Ruins is somewhat faint and understands why there are many cultivators who like to predatory invade against other continents.


It’s too rich.

Verdant Ruins no longer wastes time, directly inducing the body of the East World used as a coordinate, and then activates the retrospective, the body shape flashes, has been shuttled Void, appeared in the East In the wild.

In the mountain range, Verdant Ruins quickly summoned Nalanyu on the Qinglan Peak, and then took out the two Jindan-level alchemists: “The two alchemists are handed over to you.” To manipulate, one alchemy is used to suppress the power of Sect’s resistance, while the other, you carry it with you to protect yourself.”

“Golden Core Realm level of alchemy?”

Nalan’s eyes looked at the two metal machines that were more than three meters high. They were filled with curiosity: “Golden Core Realm’s alchemy is expensive, and often the mighty might not be willing to buy… My Master’s hand Actually, there is no such treasure…. My treatment is above my Master.”

Verdant Ruins smiled and Zizhen was a great aloof and remote in his mind.

but now……

If you really let him and Zi Zi live people to fight for life and death, then whoever wins and loses, has to fight before they know.

If the background of the Scorpio behind them is excluded, Verdant Ruins will first deprive him of the Primal Chaos and then fight with her. The winning percentage is above 90%.

“Golden Core Realm’s Alchemy has two forms of combat, one is the Artifact Spirit form, which is to start its own combat capabilities, the specific strength and the display of Divine Saint
The Endless Realm is similar to the other, and the other form is the control form. It needs the human cultivator to enter it. It is like wearing armor to play its functional battle. It has the Artifact Spirit of the gold refining itself and the human response. And judgment, often more than 20% in the form of Artifact Spirit, if you are good at using the alchemy, you can also play a Golden Core Realm alchemy’s formidable power to the real Golden Core The extent to which Realm is better than the shoulders, so if you have time, you may wish to practice how to use these two alchemists. ”

Verdant Ruins introduced.

In fact, in the introduction of these alchemists, his heart has a strong sense of violation.

Because, the alchemy gave him the senses, it is too similar to the Mecha in the Earth World sci-fi, 傀儡 itself is equivalent to a Mecha, and Artifact Spirit is equivalent to the auxiliary intelligence carried by Mecha itself, if not because of Verdant Ruins World is the first to contact the cultivator martial dao instead of alchemy. I am afraid he will doubt whether he is crossing a future science fiction World dominated by metal and Mecha.

“I will practice well.”

Nalan cautiously said: “When you plan to go to buy the Golden Core Realm, I have specifically learned about the warfare of the sergeant, and I will practice it.”

“Well, after practicing, don’t forget the cultivation. After all, the cultivation base is your root. If you can step into the Prominent Saint Boundary as soon as possible, you will no longer have to dare to discuss the half of the sect master. “”

“I will try my best.”

Nalan is cautiously nodded.

After delivering the two alchemists to the Qinglan, Verdant Ruins did not waste time and continued to use the Roaming Spirit Controlling Qi Technique to polish the soul of the Nine Heavens Astral Wind.

As his spiritual level continues to climb, the Sword Intent in Scarlet Abyss sword is completely surrendered by him, and naturally loses the spirit of tempering. Now he wants to sharpen his spirit. The only way is to rely on Roaming Spirit Controlling Qi Technique. With the help of Nine Heavens Astral Wind, the efficiency of the spirit level is still very slow, and it is often two or three months to climb up one step. At this speed, Verdant Ruins wants to achieve his own derivative. The spirit of the Divine Ability standard is one hundred and twenty-five, at least two or three years.

Half a month passed quietly.

After a lapse of half a month, Verdant Ruins reappeared in the Chamber of Commerce branch.

Because of the big deal, this time the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, besides Gong Xing, even the always-president Silver Star, who has always been responsible for coordinating the overall situation, also came in person.

However, due to the fact that Divine State has regulations that do not allow the mighty to step in, the Silver Star President just came down with an incarnation and was actually responsible for hosting the transaction with a Golden Core Realm Deputy President.

The two sides met and Verdant Ruins didn’t take the Sky Splitting Sword that he intended to use as a mortgage. Instead, he handed over the four new Primal Chaos laws: “Please ask a few people to look over and see. These four Primal Chaos can sell at a price.”


Several Presidents glanced at each other and quickly handed the law to another old man on the Golden Core Realm, judging the origins of these laws.

Not long after, the old man has stepped forward and whispered: “It is not the Primal Chaos law of the big force discipline, but the two Primal Chaos are standing behind two powerful people.”

“it is good!”

President Silver Star has a smile on his face: “The four Primal Chaos laws can be accepted, but there are some hidden dangers in the two Primal Chaos laws. The price is 200 40. What does Mr. Dongyang mean? ”

“Two hundred 40 rhymes.”

This price is lower than what Verdant Ruins imagined.

However, Lenovo may bear part of the troubles behind the Primal Chaos legal transaction. When the Chamber of Commerce that acquired these Primal Chaos laws also took part, Verdant Ruins agreed: “Yes, then two hundred. 40 rhyme.”

After that, he said to Gong Xing: “The two hundred 40 rhymes have been obtained, and these things have been sold out. My vocal vacancies have been filled almost. Therefore, the borrowing of the three hundred rhymes will not be used. There are a few Presidents who have run a bit.”

“It’s fine. I have been famous for Mr. Dongyang for a long time. I have long wanted to make some friends. I can see the real people today. It is a blessing.”

The Silver Star President has a face with a slight smile, even if he is a powerful person, he still looks respectful to Verdant Ruins.

After all, according to their understanding, the Dongyang Senior is an invincible giant suspected of divine realm.

“It’s working!”

Verdant Ruins has a slight dagger.

The Galaxy Chamber of Commerce is one of the six Chamber of Commerce in the world. There is a huge support behind the star-studded door. The financial resources are quite strong. Coupled with the existence of the Silver Star, many things can be directly The decision was made that this transaction was extremely efficient.

In a short time, the Deputy President had already taken out the entire three boxes of the road and handed it to Verdant Ruins: “Dongyang Senior, please collect it, your wonderful things, the treasures sold for a total of 500. Nine rhymes, four Primal Chaos corporations sell a total of two hundred 40 rhymes, a total of seven hundred 49 rhymes.”

“it is good!”

Verdant Ruins looked at the two treasure chests. The Primal Chaos Temple has already hinted that the rhyme contained in it is exactly seven hundred 49, and does not require him to be one after another.

“many thanks.”

“Thank you for being our Galaxy Chamber of Commerce. Dongyang Senior chose our Galaxy Chamber of Commerce and we are making this transaction. This is our honor for the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce.”

Silver Star President is sincere.

He is telling the truth, although the price of these things that Verdant Ruins resells is high, and most of them can be called the listing price, but so many precious treasures, they only need to operate, and then sell them together with other items in the auction. Can get at least fifty rhyme profits, and, besides profit, sell so many precious treasures at one time, there will be an inescapable growth for the entire Galaxy Chamber of Commerce. This is the Galaxy Chamber of What Commerce really is.

Silver Star looks at the two big boxes that Verdant Ruins has earned in his personal space. His eyes are envious: “When Dongyang Senior has extra words on hand, consider taking a moment to put us in the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, our Galaxy Chamber. The Commerce has been established for thousands of years, and as the security guard of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, there is a history of inheritance for tens of thousands of years. Even today, there are still three divine realm invincible giants sitting in the Wanxingmen. Supreme Elder, known as the star of the stars, is among the best in the wild, although he may be slightly worse than the top ten candlelights, but he has laid the foundation for killing an adult God Beast. Your own supreme status, Daoyun lending will never go wrong in our Galaxy Chamber of Commerce.”

Verdant Ruins smiled nodded: “If I have a rhyme to store or invest, I must choose the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce.”

“Then we are waiting for that day.”

Silver Star smiled.

Verdant Ruins was once again polite with the silver star and the others, and did not waste more time, returning directly to his personal space.

In the previous reselling, he has accumulated two hundred and sixty-one rhymes, although some of these rhymes belong to the Tibetan swords, but…

At least he can use it for the time being.

Now, with a new seven hundred 49 rhymes, the total amount of rhyme on his body has reached an unprecedented number of thousand and ten!

Four digits of rhyme storage!

This is already above the top-notch Primal Chaos organization. It is known that even the first-class Primal Chaos organization has a reserve of only 600 to 800. That is to say, Verdant Ruins has more than one first-class Primal. Chaos organization.


This is a full-fledged thing of the thousand and ten rhymes. He may not have been hot, he has to hand it all out.

With a trace of reluctance, Verdant Ruins or the lack of hesitation fell to the 1,000 Golden Crow inner core of Primal Chaos, and then bought it all!


(Ten Primal Chaos and other orders, once back to liberation!)

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