“Xuan Bing Sheng Zun.”

As the young man appeared, the Void walker, who was also a powerful person, was slightly moved towards him.

In essence, the scent of sorrow is even stronger than the young man in front of him. This shows that the young man is distinguished.

“Golden Core Realm… This is really a golden Core Realm breath… and it feels like a cracked Golden Dan.”

When the young man Xuan Bingsheng came down, his eyes fell on Verdant Ruins. When he saw that he only had the Golden Core Realm cultivation base, his eyes were filled with disappointment and loneliness: “I have been a powerful person, even though Sect The four powerful people in the trial have tried ten times, ten wins in ten battles, but after all, they have never really killed a powerful person. Father is also temporarily not allowed to go out and find my powerful forces of Heavenly Dao. I delved into Divine Ability to understand the Divine Ability first… but, without really killing the record of the mighty, how can I convince everyone when I want to lead the Tianhemen in the future? I thought this time I could meet a big one. The savvy smashed it and added the mysterious battle of my mysterious ice. I don’t want to be just a Golden Core Realm cultivator… It’s too disappointing. I want to kill a big person and show my Divine Ability. Is it so difficult?”

The sound of the man’s mysterious ice echoed in the Void, the sound was melodious, and there was a sense of loneliness in the tone.

“Xuan Bing’s sacred honor is the character who will inherit Tianhemen in the future. Naturally, he can’t easily take risks. However, when the Holy Master re-cultivates for a while, he thoroughly understands the mystery of Divine Ability. Coupled with the peerless divine weapon that Dao Zun adults promised to give at the time, it is natural to kill the power!”

Say with a faint smile.

“Whether, this child is a golden dragon, but the imperial convoy of the 12th-order flying sword, it is said that there is a thirteenth-order divine weapon on the body, and it must have a good chance of the ancient times. I only hope that he has cultivated the Divine that was inheritance in the ancient opportunity. Ability, which can arouse some of my fighting spirit, let me warm up in advance for the future killing of the mighty.”

Xuan Bing expression is proud.

“The mighty! The mighty! Actually the mighty person is really close!”

Kong Songbai heard the young man Xuan Bing said, his eyes filled with the color of surprise.

The Void walker has brought a powerful person.

With this powerful person in the district, Verdant Ruins, what fear?

“There was a real power of the squad, and it seems that the identity of this versatile person is quite out of the ordinary.”

The flaming white, Yuan Yu and the others each and everyone of the blood river team below are also shocked.

Although these powerful people made it clear that they were directed at Verdant Ruins’s divine weapon weapon, Hao Ranzong was able to call the powerful, and it was a kind of ability. It seems that the Blood River team will help Hao Ran to destroy the sky. The sword league and Xuan Mingzong had to use a little bit of it.

“A powerful person of Divine Ability Realm?”

Verdant Ruins looked at the young man who slowly gave up a chilly ice and incorporated it into the body. The expression was somewhat cautious.

The Divine Ability Realm’s powerful atmosphere is more powerful than the remnant sword. The breath of the powerful person is unscrupulous moving toward the four sides, making him feel good around his body. The volatility has become a mess, forming a burst of distortion. If the ordinary person moves towards him, he will only feel that he is in another time and space, Seemingly Real, Seemingly Unreal, full of ethereal charm.


In front of the Divine Ability Realm, the strong body is very large, full of aggressiveness and destructiveness, but I don’t know why…

The threat he brought to Verdant Ruins is not even as good as a sword!

Do not!

Not even, but the fact!

“Is it because I am in the body of Jin Dan and other grades from the best to Supreme, the strength of the growth of the sake? However, a powerful person, how to be careful not to be too much! He is now present to me A slight contempt, has not begun to condense Divine Ability, a full blow… This blow, do not seek to make it hit hard, at least let me take the lead!”

Verdant Ruins understands that he is not really a powerful person. This is obviously inferior when he is confronted with the Sword, and he can even be seen by the Sword.


For the powerful person who is more sturdy than the residual sword in front of his eyes, he must play the spirit of twelve points and do his best!


He has no war order…

will die!

“hong long long !”

The blazing Sword Intent broke out from his spiritual world.



He must pass the raid. In front of him, the powerful man named Xuan Bing has not really faced him before, he has tried his best to fight his strongest blow, and he did not seek to reinvent it to Little…

Have to lay the upper hand!

In this way, he has the hope of truly defeating this powerful person!


“weng weng! ”

Verdant Ruins shouted, and the brilliant word in the Spirit World burned with violent rays of light and Sword Intent, which was followed by a full-scale explosion of the power of Golden in the Scarlet Abyss sword. The endless rays of light and flames collide and meet in the Scarlet Abyss sword, and the fusion and fission of madness breeds the horrible power of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth!

The sword of the sun!

Or a new sword-style that is above the sword of the Sun Yat-Sen!

Sundial Sword!

The Sundance Sword belongs to Sword Technique, which Verdant Ruins has not yet fully mastered, and because this sword needs to motivate itself to form a fission in the Scarlet Abyss sword, it re-aggregates after fission and thus erupts far beyond the day. The devastating power of Yao Zhijian, whether it is for his Jin Dan, his Sword Intent, and even the Scarlet Abyss sword itself will cause great damage.

If he has not repaired the cost of the sword, if the sword is motivated by his with the body, the power that erupted will inevitably smash his body into ashes. This is why he did not dare to use his full strength in the practice of Bai Hengjian.

And now…

With the help of the sword of the life, with the help of this stalk, the Supreme Sword of the fourteenth level is reached in the same level and firmness. The sword of the Sundial is finally sacrificed by him, as if it was turned into a round of Eternal Inextinguishable. , moved towards the front of the mysterious ice to kill.

In an instant, the endless brilliance and blazing heat filled the Void in the radius of a hundred kilometers. The mighty and ruinous rolling power swept through the sky, almost burning all the creatures within the tens of kilometers, into the ashes, in the eyes of everyone, It is as if a big day has been detonated, and the strong brilliance will almost all the cultivator eyes that are moving towards this direction, even the Golden Core Realm, such as the blazing white, Kong Songbai, also suddenly emerged from this sword. The brilliance that comes out makes the front of the picture pale, and no object can be seen at all.

“This… what a surprise! This is damn, Break for me! !”

The vision is filled with endless glory not only those Golden Core Realm strong, even Xuan Bing is no exception, he has some surprised and angry screams, behind it seems to emerge a circle of diameter single ten meters high Mirrors, a steady stream of ice cones burst out from the mirror, as if a icy rain, these ice icing is a derivative of Divine Ability, not only contains the sturdy sturdiness, speed, but also the chill of the coagulated Void.

It’s a pity that the chill of this burst of fire was in front of the sword light that fell like a glamorous glory. It was as weak as a bowl of ice in the raging fire, and it was melted in an instant. Empty, the sword light is shining, rolling, and crushing all the substances that are blocked in front of the eyes, and finally smashing down on the round mirror with the severe ten meters high!

“Not good !”

Xuan Bing was completely unprepared by Verdant Ruins’s sudden attack. He hurriedly urged Divine Ability to fight back. He did not really deduct the mysterious Divine Ability. The Void walker on the side was experienced, but the first time I saw the kind of Divine Ability that Verdant Ruins contained in this sword, which is far from the ordinary means, and immediately ignores the gap: “Retreat! Retreat! Xuan Bing Shengzun, fast Divine Ability! This is Divine Ability! And it is the ultimate aggressive Divine Ability, which can evolve into a big Divine Ability’s Peak in one step…”


The Xuan Bing Shengzun was smashed by Verdant Ruins drops from the sky, and the Divine Ability, which was finally condensed, smashed in front of the brilliant sword light, and the round mirror of the severe dozen meters Smashing, this kind of blow made him unable to make the best response for a while.


Verdant Ruins shouted.

The sword of the sundial sword, with its unrelenting momentum, is the power of the mighty glory, sweeping the body of the sacred ice of the sacred ice, and instantly activates a body armor on his body!

“hong long long !”

The violent explosion is mixed with thousands of sword lights and shot at all directions!

The powerful ray of the armor, the ray of light, smashed a lot of frost, but the rays of light lasted for a moment, and it was already bleak, even though it was blocked by Verdant Ruins. The smashing Divine Ability of the sword contains the power of the shock armor. The mysterious ice is still shocking, and the mouth spurt blood spits out!

“How is it possible… I am fighting Supreme Peak with ten of the four great players, ten wins and ten wins…”

Xuan Bing Sheng Zun glared at his collapsed Divine Ability, his eyes filled with incredible.

“Retreat! Retreat! Xuan Bing Shengzun! Retreat!”

The Void singer looked at the reaction and was obviously slow. The Xuan Bingsheng was almost crazy. He couldn’t wait for his true body to be weak, and then he went up to replace the Xuan Bing and the Divine Ability. The ultimate terrifying power war.

To Little…

He still doesn’t have the power to fight back in the hands of the mighty.

Verdant Ruins, who had a sword in front of Xuan Bing’s sacred body, was also surprised.

“This sacred ice sage…the breath is above the remnant sword, but… actually hit it, but it seems to be a little weak…”

This thought flashed through his mind.

Deeply understand that Divine Ability Realm is strong and strong, he does not dare to be half-hearted.

A sword of the sundial can only defeat the Divine Ability of the mysterious ice god, but it is blocked by his armor with strong defense power. Then, come back the second sword!

If the second sword does not work, then come to the third sword, the fourth sword, the fifth sword, the sixth sword…

cut! cut! cut!

Until the goal is completely destroyed!


(Five more, ask for advice, ask for a monthly ticket, and ask for a subscription! Xuan Bing Shengzun is a good person, originally intended to use the dragon jacket of a certain book friend, but there is no match, the requirements for the dragon suit are all kinds of anti-sky, The brief remark is the first in the world, but now it’s really bad.)

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