“Senior, you…”

Aside Xu Shanshan looked at Verdant Ruins, she couldn’t help but be scared.

After the shock, more is excited.

She already understands that the Dongyang Senior is definitely a more terrifying than she imagined.

Supreme Master!

That is the existence of the stalwart. In the eyes of Xu Shanshan and the others, the Supreme Masters of the Purple Temple, almost like the legend of Immortal God that Mortal looked up to, but now, the Dongyang Senior in front of him dares to be alone, facing the big one. Teach, then to what extent does his cultivation base have been shocked?

There is such a cultivation base, let alone a small jade, even if the entire Gou Family is strong, I am afraid it is not his enemy.

“Don’t ask more questions.”

Verdant Ruins indifferently said one sentence.

Suddenly Xu Shanshan quickly slammed down.

Less than a moment after the departure of Ziyuan, the entire group rushed over again, and the first three people had a cultivation base.

Seeing these people, Xu Shanshan bit her lip and said: “This is our Xu Family Great Elder Xu Kaiying, Xu Zhongyuan, and our Xu Family first guest Feng Feiyang.”

“I have seen this Senior…”

Xu Kaiying, Xu Zhongyuan, Feng Feiyang and the others entered the restaurant and respected Verdant Ruins.

The next moment, their gaze has fallen to the hooks that have been cut off by two arms and stunned to the ground. They suddenly angered: “You slut, actually gave us Xu Family to provoke such a big disaster, it is simply If you are not guilty, don’t hesitate to wake up the Jade Young Master and apologize to the Jade Young Master. If the Jade Young Master is not satisfied, I want your family to be buried with the Jade Young Master to quell the anger of the Jade Young Master!”

Xu Shanshan was reprimanded by Xu Kaiying in ones heart trembled, but still strongly supported: “Grandfather, Patriarch, do you know what happened just now? This person almost insulted my innocence in front of everyone, if This kind of thing really happened, then what other faces will I live in the world?”

“Budget! Gou Yu Young Master can see you is a great honor, you dare to refuse!? What are you doing here, immediately save the Jade Young Master, otherwise our entire Xu Family will be because of the Jade Young Master I am angry and ushered in the disaster!”

Xu Shanshan gritted her teeth and her face was stubborn: “I was shutting down by Dong Yang’s senior life. Without the order of Dongyang Senior, I dare not wake him up.”


Xu Kaiying was angry in his heart.

This man named Dongyang act recklessly offended the jade, perhaps he has the ability to resist the anger of the Gou Family, but this kind of grudge, are they a small Xu Family eligible to intervene?

I don’t know how to write dead words.

“Why, listen to your appearance, is the person who wants to move me?”

Verdant Ruins faint started talking.

Xu Kaiying and Xu Zhongyuan both looked at each other and ended up with the family Xu Zhongyuan: “Please Senior forgiveness, we absolutely do not dare to violate the meaning of Senior, but Jade is the genius of the Gou Family. Maybe you don’t have to look at the district Gou Family as a senior, but our Xu Family, in front of the Gou Family, is nothing at all. Once the Gou Family is angry, everyone in our Xu Family will face a disaster. Xu Family three hundred sixty I am afraid that two people will not be spared.”


Verdant Ruins’s eyes fell on Xu Zhongyuan: “You mean, you don’t dare to offend the Gou Family, so you have to let go of the people I control, regardless of my face. That is, in your eyes, I It’s better to bully, isn’t it?”

Xu Kaiying and Xu Zhongyuan suddenly had some brain problems.

This should not be the case.

The reason why they came here and made such a reprimand of Xu Shanshan was actually to force Verdant Ruins to make a statement. Now that they are playing here, the senior expert should say this in a big way: ” This thing doesn’t need your Xu Family to understand. Since it was caused by me, I have given you all the consequences. Gou Family, let me solve it. What is the trouble with your Xu Family from now on? The name of my newspaper is that the Gou Family does not dare to say half a word.”

By that time, they will be able to expand their sphere of influence with the name of the cultivation base, which is absolutely strong in the spirit of Saint, and turn the business into many towns around, and the entire Xu Family will turn over. Several times.

but now……

The development of things seems to be not the case. In front of this, the Senior can see that Xu Shanshan is humiliated and derogatory. Shouldn’t it be such a person? He should be a man of justice and a bright future.

For a time, Xu Zhongyuan quickly said: “We have never looked down on the meaning of Senior. However, this matter is related to the life of our Xu Family three hundred sixty. We have three people in Xu Family three hundred sixty. There are big and small, once you get the damage to the Jade Young Master here…”

“I probably understand what you mean. I have circled such a big circle. In the final analysis, I still feel that this person is better bullied. Therefore, you are afraid of Gou Family, not afraid of me.”

Verdant Ruins said, like a smile yet not a smile, looked at Xu Zhongyuan: “If that’s the case, then I will let you be afraid of it.”

After that, he sneaked a finger, and when Xu Zhongyuan, the Xu Family Patriarch, was suddenly squinting and asking for a rush, a sword light had already passed through his eyebrows.

“Do not!”

Xu Kaiying and Feng Feiyang trembled in their hearts.

Looking at the Patriarch Xu Zhongyuan, who was worn by a sword light, he felt that he was cold in his body.

“Under this, understand?”

Verdant Ruins calmly said.

“Understand…understand…we, we will retire…and this will retire…”

Xu Kaiying trembling with fear, even though he is a master of Divine Aura Unity Boundary, he still feels the True Qi with the body, the blood is almost stopped running, cold and chilly, constantly appearing in the bottom of his heart, let him speak at the while The sound is shaking slightly.


As soon as Verdant Ruins spoke, Xu Kaiying and Feng Feiyang suddenly became like a monk, and the body of Patriarch Xu Zhongyuan quickly withdrew.

At this time, Xu Shanshan on the side was just like what she understood. She suddenly looked pale: “They, how dare…”

“Wait, then.”

Verdant Ruins said that he did not take this little thing to heart.

Businessmen are profitable, an opportunity that can turn the entire Xu Family power several times. It is natural for them to gamble on their lives and take risks. Since they are willing to gamble on their lives, then he will be perfect.

The day passed quickly.

Although the restaurant was a mess, but in the whole day, there were no guards in the city who dared to ask for a half point. Even when patrolling this street, each and everyone was far away.

They have already got the news. The restaurant is a savage thief, not to mention their ordinary cultivators, even though those aloof and remote, like Immortal God’s Elder Elders, must be treated with caution. For these terrifying people, these Mortals, how far is it to go, they still have the guts to maintain the order of Yuntong City nearby, which is already timid, and the City Lord under the Yuntong City has a skill. .

Waiting for some time, in the early morning of the next day, dozens of sword light finally shatter space, as if the meteor in the sky, with an incredibly quickly moved toward Yuntong City.

There are dozens of sword light, the weakest one has Prominent Saint Boundary cultivation base, among which there are more than ten or twenty strong ones in True Yuan Realm and Transformation Realm. The first one is the Endless Realm strong. The lineup can’t be said to be tyrannical.

The entire group will block the all around space after the advent, and lay down the inescapable net, encircling the inside and outside of Yuntong City, until the Verdant Ruins impossible to escape, the first few talents are suddenly drops from the sky, with infinity The pressure is severely shouted: “The traitor Dongyang, still not surrendering the town of Lu Zhibao, the god of the continuation of the continuation of the continuation, came out to die!”

Verdant Ruins looked up and looked up: “There are a lot of people.”

Zihong Palace is divided into the main project of the palace, Elder Xiangmeng, Zihao real person, Ziming real person, Tongyun real person, prison fire real person, all in it, and Transformation Realm level Yunpeng real person, Kunwu real person, Tianze real person Also among them, the Supreme Elder at the Endless Realm level is a strange face, not the so-called ancestor familiar to Verdant Ruins.

“Why, isn’t the Sky Pillar Mountain headquarters looking down on the cultivator of the Middle-earth division? How can Supreme Elder, who is now willing to send Endless Realm, sit in it?”

Verdant Ruins smiled.

“It’s not all you are hurting. If it’s not because you stole my continuation, I can’t make a fortune, how can my purple palace attract other hostile views, so that the outside worlds are not peaceful, now Immediately hand over the sacred god jade, and then abolish the cultivation base. We may be able to say a few good words to you in front of other major teachings to save your life. Otherwise, next year is your jealousy!”

Xiang Hong, the head of the palace, has not yet opened, and the Supreme Elder with the Endless Realm cultivation base has stepped forward and shouted in a deep voice.

“Report your name.”

Verdant Ruins is slow.


Seeing that Verdant Ruins spoke to himself in this tone, the Endless Realm Supreme Elder was furious, and the terrifying smell of his body suddenly broke out: “You are courting death!”

“Light Elder is careful, and the god of jade is still in his hands. If we kill him like this, the whereabouts of the gods will be mysterious forever?”

Xiang Hong on the side quickly advised.

“Kill it? Kill him? It’s too cheap to kill him! I want to slay him down and let him suffer from life and death day and night!”

Light Elder gnashing teeth, reminiscent of the time when the Five Great Masters used Verdant Ruins to appear in the Purple Palace, and allegedly succumbed to the Supreme Elder, and he could not wait to put Verdant Ruins right away. Frustration.

At this time, in the corner of the restaurant, the hooks that had been stunned by the pain in the past were awakened. After seeing the familiar elders silhouette appearing in Void, they suddenly couldn’t help but yell: “The palace owner, save I, the Lord, save me, this madman actually dared to kill our inner disciple, it was simply sinful, killing him and saving me… This provokes the majesty of our Purple Palace, and for a while we I must torture him, killing his whole family, and killing all of his relatives and friends, killing them to death, so that they can reinvigorate our Purple Palace!”

Gou Yuzhen’s screaming, he could not recognize the situation at hand.

This scene is not just Elder and the others. Even Xu Shanshan, who is on the side of the scene, is looking at him with a look of idiot. In this situation, is he qualified for a small disciple to speak?


(fourth more!)

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