“Is it a man at the Great Palace?”

“The people at the Daegu Shrine are finally here…”

“Just, even if the people of the Great Sunshine Palace arrived, is it useful?”

Seeing the dozens of far and near sword lights in Void, the audience was really excited at first, just…

One thinks that Verdant Ruins has defeated the terrifying sword of dozens of strong people in the entire Purple Palace, and everyone’s heart has sunk.

No use.

Don’t say that the Great Sunshine Palace is not a nest, even if all the masters of the Great Sunshine Palace come, there is no use, facing the mysterious powerhouse Dongyang, the number that can’t be defeated at the moment, the number, there is no great significance at all. .

“How did the Purple Palace become like this here… There was just a big fight here? Ah!?”

The Red Dragon Sayādaw is the road red dragon of the Daejin Shrine. His eyes glanced over the top of the Purple Palace, and the expression suddenly became dignified. For a moment, his gaze has fallen into the Void, which seems to be the world. Verdant Ruins, who has endless pressure: “Is you… Dongyang!? You dare to just and honorable in front of us?”

Fortunately, I have not waited for the road to continue to talk about it. The main star festival of the Daiichi Shrine has already noticed that the atmosphere in the field is not right. I took a look at the Purple Palace, where the mountain peaks were destroyed. I also looked at the sinister palace of the casualties. San Qingzong and Huang Quanzong, everyone looked at the expression calmly, Verdant Ruins, who had no fear of being half-hearted. He quickly grabbed the Red Dragon Supreme, and some of the stunned moving towards the better relationship of Tianting Gaoyang the Great: “Gaoyang the Great, what happened? Why are you…”

Gaoyang the emperor did not mean to hang his own friends, shook his head, said solemnly: “Dongyang adults pressed our five Sects with the supreme power. At present, our five major Sects all express their willingness to obey the Dongyang adults. From now on, our heavens and other forces will be With the order of Dongyang adults, the head of the horse is a vision.”

After that, he also persuaded: “Da Ri Shrine is best not to violate the orders of Dongyang adults. The power of Dongyang adults is not what you can imagine in the Daejeon Palace.”

The words of Gao Yang’s emperor suddenly made the face of the people change slightly, especially the Da Ri Jing Jing who had just witnessed Verdant Ruins’s unparalleled means. This result is even more unacceptable.

“It seems that everyone in the Great Sunshine Palace has some doubts about whether or not to obey me.”

Verdant Ruins stood up and looked at the support of the Great Sunshine Palace in Void, turning to Taishijiao, Sanqingzong, Tianting and the others. “Now, it’s time for you to show up, since the Great Day Palace Not willing to believe this fact, then you will use your performance to make…”

Verdant Ruins didn’t finish the words. The Star Festival had already shouted for the first time: “Mr. Dongyang is angry, Mr. Dongyang is angry, and our Daejin Shrine is just coming in, not knowing the rules, but also looking at Dongyang Senior. Forgive me, our big day shrine There is absolutely no intention to fight against the five major supremes. Since the five major Sects have surrendered to Mr. Dongyang, our Daejeon Palace is naturally willing to comply with the order of Dongyang Senior.”

“You are not qualified to order this kind of thing!”

Supreme Elder, a temperamental temperament, was screaming at the stars.

“Supreme Elder really wants to fight against the five Sects?”

The Star Festival screamed angrily at the Supreme Elder and quickly passed a message to the Supreme Elder and passed it on to others.

This information was just rumored to him by the Emperor Gaoyang. It is because of this information that he will change his position immediately with the slightest hesitation.

The Supreme Elders of the Great Sunshine Palace were still somewhat dissatisfied with the decision of the Star Festival, but when they and everyone got the message of the Star Festival, they understood that just after the incident happened, each and everyone suddenly became complexion greatly changed: “How is it possible? !?”

“A sword kills the six masters of the Purple Palace 40!? Including the existence of fifteen Endless Realm and the terrifying of the knotland? I am not listening to the Bible?”

“Divine Ability !? Divine Ability !? Primal Chaos Temple Divine Ability’s Divine Ability? The powerful person can master the power of Divine Ability? Dongyang is already powerful enough to kill it by relying on the divine weapon. Inferior to Divine Ability’s formidable power?”

“One person, one sword and one sword suppresses the five major Supreme Masters. My God, can you be ruthless on the Golden Core Realm? Quality can really make up for the quantitative advantage?”

Everyone and everyone was amazed at the information of the Daejeon Palace. The incredible expressions on their faces came one after another.

However, after such a subpoena by Gao Yang, no one dared to clamor for a victory and death with Verdant Ruins.

Verdant Ruins didn’t say anything about it. The shocking effect has already been reached. If the people of the Great Sunshine Palace really want to fight with him, then he doesn’t mind letting the entire group of the Great Ripa Palace fall. Here, if he can solve this problem without handing it, he will not be reluctant.

“Very good, it seems that the six major Supreme Masters have already understood your own positioning. Do you want to tell them to your respective headquarters? If you are not willing, I don’t mind letting them know again.” See the power of my Scarlet Abyss sword.”

Verdant Ruins’s gaze was swept away from one of the top six high-ranking tops, said solemnly.

“No need to use it, our heavens will never dare to offend Dongyang adults.”

“Right, Dongyang adults from now on are our Supreme Elder of Huang Quanzong, and Huang Quanzong has to comply with the orders of Dongyang adults.”

“Dongyang adults laughed, and with the ability of Dongyang adults to make a unified continent, to become the continuation of the continuation of the king, who dare not accept?”

The other forces were swept by his eyes and suddenly said.

Among those who said this, there are Lu Chilong, Star Festival, Road Sacrifice and the others of the Dayi Jingu Shrine. They also have the main character Xianghong of the Diocesan Palace in the Purple Palace, but they are in the while speaking heart. Verdant Ruins, who looked at the eyes, couldn’t imagine it anyway a few years ago. The genius who showed his edge at the masculinity event could grow to the present level, and force everyone to live with one person. It is the main innocent king of the continuation of the continuation.

“Then, now I am making the first order! This Purple Palace has been rebuilt. From now on, it is my place of life. Except for the people who burned Tianzong, everyone else in the Purple Palace moved out, but The six major Supreme Masters have to leave the entire group here, obeying my instructions.”

Verdant Ruins Road.

When I heard that Verdant Ruins didn’t seem to plan to go to their respective Sects, these people suddenly relieved in relief, and quickly promised: “I am obeying the Dongyang adults.”

Even the Purple Palace has no dissatisfaction with the passage of this palace. After all, it is only a part of their palace. Despite the splendorous and majestic, even if it is given to people, it is still not a good thing for the Purple Palace. .

It’s that burning Tianzong…

I don’t know where the good life has actually caught up with Dongyang adults. I am afraid that this first-class Sect will rise completely from now on. After a hundred years and a thousand years, it is not difficult to grow into the seventh supremely large number.

“The second order, within one month, all Sect’s Immortal Arts will be copied and sent to me. If I let me know which force is less copying, mistaken copying… one less word, one word wrong, I killed a Supreme Elder.”

This order is said to be behind, Verdant Ruins’s eyes are cold light flashed, murderous, and let the five big stalwarmers who have just experienced Verdant Ruins’s fierceness tremble, even the people of the Great Sunshine Palace see the expression of the other five Sects. I also dare not make a head bird to say half a word.

“The next command is the mysterious rune in the ancestral home of the Purple Palace. Any of the six majors who have research on these mysterious runes will be those who will be the fastest and their The research materials are escorted, and any requirements for these researchers will be unconditionally satisfied. When I arrive, I will set up a research organization with the leader of the Ziyan Palace, and the name of the gods, the authority of the Shenge Pavilion is above all Above the power, and only responsible for one person, any person who dares to obstruct the research process of the Shenge Pavilion will be regarded as a violation of my decision. At that time, no matter what your identity, I will come to visit in person.”

“Shenzhen Pavilion?”

“Research those mysterious runes?”

“Do Dongyang want to understand the information of those mysterious runes?”

Everyone heard Verdant Ruins’s words, and suddenly guessed the intention of Verdant Ruins. Although the authority of the Shenge Pavilion was extremely high, they estimated that this Shenge Pavilion would not have much impact on their own interests. It is also a happy response.

“Dongyang Senior is assured that I will send all the people in my heavens who have some understanding of the mysterious rune here.”

“We also collected a lot of similar information from San Qingzong. I believe that it would be of great benefit to study these mysterious runes for Dongyang Senior.”

“What Dongyang Senior told us to do is too much to do.”

Many of the leaders of Sect have been blamed.

“it is good!”

Verdant Ruins nodded, and then the eyes fell on the people of Sanqingzong. They suddenly saw the swords and sages of the Three Qing dynasty, the sages of the law, and the others. They quickly and cautiously asked: “What is the command of the adults?” ”

“I remember that you have a third called the Endless Realm Elder?”

Verdant Ruins blinked in the eye: “The sect of the sects has insulted the Emperor, and killed an Elder.” I used to burn the Battle Body by the Mysterious Fire Array. I have little kindness, and, as the first force to rely on me, I naturally have to preside over justice for him, and hand over the man.”

Guangfa Supreme listened, and there was a faint glimpse in his eyes: “Dongyang Senior, I am afraid that we have been unable to hand it over to you. When you first engaged in the war, you broke into our Sanqing Zong battle, and we Sanqing Zongshang Endless Realm Elder, Elder, one of the elders, Elder is one of the two fallen Endless Realm Elder…”


Verdant Ruins looked at the Sayādaw, and he could see from the reaction of him and the three Qing dynasties that the other party did not lie. Despite some coincidences, but the people were dead, Verdant Ruins was too lazy to pursue it: “So, Just do it now, now, each returning to your own Sect, bringing back all the information about Immortal Arts and mysterious rune in your Sect. I don’t want this little thing to be asked by me personally, need to know, treat You and I have already said that we should be ruthless, and don’t exhaust my patience.”

“Yes, Dongyang adults are assured, we must do it.”

“We are going to supervise the Sect people and send all the people involved in the mysterious rune of the Ziyan Palace.”

“Dongyang adults have orders, and my heavenly court will do things properly.”

Many Sects have promised.

Verdant Ruins didn’t give up the slight dagger, and then waved his hand: “Go!”


(Suddenly, it’s good to feel the constant pressure to oppress your potential. However, if the quantity goes up, the quality is really problematic, or take an intermediate value between the outbreak and the quality, and strive for both.)

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