Equal to Sacred Beast and God Beast…

Shou and Wan Zai!

Verdant Ruins is in the air.

Life can have such a long lifespan.

“This is not a big deal. The most amazing thing is that one thought becomes a World, one thought becomes a World, and the world is the same, the world is not bad, the life essence is not bad… Their life essence spans, the shortest moment The longest… eternal life!”

The singer said this, and sincerely sighed: “One thought becomes a World, it is a brand new world.”

“one thought becomes a World ……”

Verdant Ruins is also fascinated by this realm.

“The Lord of the Primal Chaos Temple can interfere with Primal Chaos. How to interfere with me is not known. It may be due to taxes and fees, increase, decrease, and influence the types of items of Primal Chaos. But it is said that the other owners of Prima Chaos Temple in World. Through the price and item fluctuation law of Primal Chaos, we can judge the cultivation level and the rhyme production of the surrounding world. In the past, our gods were because the production of the rhyme was too much, and the financial atmosphere was thick, which led to the surrounding world not far away. Void attacked my gods, but my god is not weak. Under the First World War, the enemy is exhausted. If you attack the gods, there will be more than one World. The other World will see my gods and the land is strong. Thousands of things in the Tao, placed in the gods, led to the gods of the civil war, countless deaths and injuries, at this time the World sneaked in, and finally broke the gods, so that the gods are devastated, life and death, the gods and the people together Collaboration and unanimity, the jade stone is only able to repel the invaders, but since then, the gods have been irreparably damaged, since then, they have not fallen. …… “

Verdant Ruins heard the words of the heavenly master, and then contacted the information in the sacred ice of the Xuan Bing, and suddenly understood: “The first attack on our gods is the Primal Chaos organization eternal? The second… is Heavenly Dao! ?”

The monk looked at Verdant Ruins and looked a little surprised. In the end, it was nodded: “Yes, it is true. It belongs to the strongest remaining World. The Heavenly Dao stands behind the second invasion of my god. World ……”

“The gods are the resistance of our local forces?”

“Not bad.”

“This news, since many Primal Chaos organizations know, why are you still watching Heavenly Dao and eternal in the world show off one’s military strength?”

The monk went to see Verdant Ruins with a trace of sorrow: “World… is different.”

“World is different?”

“The gods have been broken. At present, the environment of God’s World is as you can see. It is hard to breed any heaven and earth spirits. This World is already going downhill, like a balloon that has been pierced by the cortex. The situation will get worse and worse. At present, the gods can still be born strong divine realm, but after ten thousand years, the strongest may turn into True Yuan Realm. For another thousand years, there are people who can wake up to become a problem… … such a World, people can’t see the future, can’t see the future, staying for a long time, just waiting to die, this result, how those aloof and remote people are willing to promise, those who step into Divine Saint
How are the invincible giants willing to accept? ”

“They chose to offer the gods, to go to eternity, or to qualify for World behind Heavenly Dao?”

The sacred man expression is dignified nodded.

This is actually the result.


Those who have the power will have this mentality, and he does not feel strange.

Divine Realm is the limit when God is dying. If you can go to the World behind Eternal, Heavenly Dao, they can continue to break through and enter Divine Saint for a long time.
The realm of the real world, stepping into the eternal life of one thought becomes a World.

Survival, moving towards higher than climbing, this is human instinct.

This time, Verdant Ruins finally understood why there were many Sects that were Heavenly Dao, eternal control, and even infiltrated.

“Can we not unite with the gods, against Heavenly Dao and Eternity?”

“It’s useless. The idea of ​​God’s sorrow is not the same as ours. After they claim to be the savior, they are all about the gods, all the forces, all the forces, and they think that they are the saviors of God’s World, everyone should Following their orders, they are the real masters of this world…”

The monk said that he shook his head slightly: “When you have been exposed to the gods, you will know that you will never choose to join the camp of God.”

Verdant Ruins nodded, nothing to say.

If the gods are as arrogant as they are saying in the sky, he is expected to turn away without hesitation.

“You are now the first echelon of our Scorpio, but it is still a little early to tell you that it is not too late to talk about when you become a powerful person.”

“People, can we have empty spar in our scorpio? I need this thing urgently.”

“Iron crystal? I have seen it, but it doesn’t make any sense to buy this kind of thing, so even if the Primal Chaos Temple appears, no one will buy it… If you really want it, go buy it, most. The price is higher. I remember that the price of the empty spar in the Primal Chaos is like a ten rhyme… You are asking for 12 rhymes, and someone should buy it and resell it.”

When the Canggu people said this, they laughed at themselves: “I remember that some books have recorded that the price of the gritstones was hundreds of rhymes thousands of years ago, and the supply is in short supply. Now, it has fallen to ten rhymes, of course, It is also possible that there are other Primal Chaos temple owners who are secretly influenced by the empty spar to test whether there is a person who becomes a world master and one thought becomes a World. After all, one thought Become a World Although the strong can condense the spar, if they want to make World grow, they will be in short supply on their own, and even maintain their own normal World internals.”

Verdant Ruins nodded.

The price of the empty spar is not high.

At the same time, he is also a bit surprised by the sense of one thought becomes a World.

It seems that one thought becomes a World. Although powerful, it is far from being as easy as you think.

World consists of a large number of hollow spars, and the empty spar has been dispersed for decades and hundreds of years. The cultivation must be repaired at any time. Once the speed of repair cannot reach the speed of collapse, it is the time when one thought becomes a World.

In addition…

When you fight with people, the world that is one of the world’s strongest is also the most powerful weapon. It is inevitable that it will be damaged when it is killed or killed. If it is not good, it will still bring about a fallen fate…

It seems that the strength of a person who becomes a World can’t just look at the World area, but also depends on the reserves of the empty spar.

As long as the reserves of empty spar are enough, sacrifice your own World. Who is afraid of who?

“I am not in a hurry for the empty spar. I have been told by the people.”

Verdant Ruins Road.

“Little things that’s all.”

The sky was waved.

Verdant Ruins quit and turned and left.

To activate the Divine Formation, the empty spar is one aspect, and one more is the cultivation base, the cultivation base of the divine Realm Second Layer Tearing Void Realm.

Only the strong Tearing Void Realm can activate the Divine Formation. Otherwise, his empty spar is meaningless.

“Tearing Void Realm… Where can I find a Tearing Void Realm strong to activate Array for me?”

Shaking his head, Verdant Ruins only temporarily put this thing down.

It will take three to five months for Si Kongming to solve the problem. In these three or five months, he will think about it no later than that.

Verdant Ruins exited the sky and returned to his room in the continuation of the continent.

In a short time, Huang Quanzong was led by a Supreme Elder, and he handed a box to Verdant Ruins. He respectfully said: “Dongyang adults, there is the collection of Huang Quanzong that we have collected over the years. All Immortal Arts.”

“Very good, did you bring the Immortal Arts instant flower bloom from Huang Quanzong?”

“In the middle.”


Verdant Ruins is interested in the instant flower bloom Divine Ability.

Instant flower bloom This Divine Ability is called a sinister, it can transform a colorful flower, devour the cultivator’s blood, essence, spirit, and finally condense into a fruit, cultivation will refine this fruit. Longquan life, growth cultivation base… Huang Quanzong was because of this supreme Immortal Arts and was resisted by the other five major supreme powers, and even suppressed, so that in the six major Supreme sects almost end.

“I heard that you had two ancestors who had instant flower bloom repaired to the great accomplishment realm. Can you have any cultivation experience?”

“This one……”

Huang Quanzong’s Supreme Elder expression has a hint of embarrassment: “In fact, at the time, our Huang Quanzong was being oppressed by the other five major supreme, in order to avoid the loss being too heavy, it was announced that there would be a senior flower bloom repair. To the great accomplishment, it can be shocked, but in fact… an Immortal Arts that is so difficult to cultivate, we Huang Xiong will repair it to the small accomplishment, and the history of a slap is counted, let alone the great accomplishment… …”

“Oh? Has the practice experience been brought to you?”

“Bringed up, brought, Dongyang adults specifically mentioned, we Huang Chunzong naturally do not dare to go, please Dongyang adults.”

The elder Dan Elder quickly turned over three manuscripts from those books.

It is the cultivation experience of the three people who have repaired the instant flower bloom to the small accomplishment.

“Okay, I received it, you retreat.”

“Yes, Dongyang Elder has something to do, though.”

Huang Quanzong is one of the five major Sects involved in the siege except for the Zixiao Palace. It can be said that Verdant Ruins has completely scared them all at once, so that Huang Quanzong’s order to Verdant Ruins is now more than anyone else. Attentively.

“instant flower bloom.”

Verdant Ruins took the door to Immortal Arts and learned it.

After half an hour, he put down the book of Immortal Arts, and his face flashed a trace of surprise: “This Immortal Arts is more sinister than I thought, transforming a colorful flower, engulfing cultivation. Essence, Qi, Spirit, condenses it into a fruit… The instant flower bloom of the Entry level only has the effect of prolonging life, and the instant flower bloom of small accomplishment can grow the cultivation base. …what is the extent of the instant flower bloom effect of the great accomplishment level?”

I thought, Verdant Ruins couldn’t help but read the three masters of Huang Quanzong who had repaired the instant flower bloom to the small accomplishment.

After a while, one of Huang Quanzong’s masters’ masters caught his attention…

“With the Immortal Arts instant flower bloom, refining cultivation, 30 years from Endless Realm to enter the Golden Core Realm, a hundred years of condensing High Grade Jindan!?”


(Verdant Ruins’s biggest plug-in has appeared, so recommend it!)

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