The transaction process went very smoothly.

The news of the heavy shock on the candlelight was deliberately concealed by Tianzhu. Except for the top ten high-level executives, no one knows, even if the Heavenly Dao personally took the Tao Zun’s specific injury to the candlelight. Otherwise, they would never mind taking the opportunity to profiting from somebody’s misfortune.

By the deterrence of the candlelight, the Xing Fu of the Chamber of Commerce in Wanyi was willing to pay 580 rhymes to buy the frost divine armor in the hands of Verdant Ruins.

While Verdant Ruins sold the frosty divine armor, the auction of the Chamber of Commerce was also coming.

The ultimate benefit of 422 rhymes.

Of these gains, the flying sword and divine weapon provided by Verdant Ruins accounted for 90%.

“One thousand and eighty-three rhymes.”

Verdant Ruins looked at his own hands and re-growth to the four-digit level of the track, with a faint smile on his face.

Most of these rhymes are derived from the divine weapon weapon of the Xuan Bing Shengzun, and some are derived from some scattered income. After all, he now occupies the entire East World, with a small income of three to five. It is entirely reasonable.

“These things that are used to raise Primal Chaos are enough to make my Primal Chaos order directly on the 61st stage… but if I guess well, Primal Chaos is a 60th order. Dakan, when the Primal Chaos is about to change again, the level of the rhythm that the heavens need to consume every day will climb to such an extent.”

For this reason, Verdant Ruins had to temporarily stop the upgrade of Primal Chaos and put all his energy into the god of jade.

“The mysterious energy in the transformation of Tao Yun into the god of jade is extremely inefficient, but it has the ability that can not be provided by the rhyme in the creation of the god jade, that is, to make the god of creation into an active state, the god of creation in the activated state. Jade’s understanding of Immortal Arts is extremely high… I don’t know how high it can be…”

I thought, Verdant Ruins glanced at the god of jade, and then looked back at the experience of the Immortal Arts, the cultivation instant flower bloom, and then…


“weng weng! ”

The material of a thousand-carriage turns into fly ash, and the rich energy is transformed into the god of jade. The efficiency is so low, but it makes the god of jade tremble slightly and releases a dazzling purple light.

As Verdant Ruins immersed his mind in the purple streamer, and then used this power to comprehend the instant flower bloom, the Immortal Arts, suddenly, countless inspirations came to mind…

“Well? This effect… seems to be worse than simply using the energy in the god of jade to understand the instant flower bloom. But… the duration is greatly extended… activation… Ten day!”

Verdant Ruins frowned, sensing the charm of the flow in my mind.

However, time is tight, and in this horrible consumption that consumes a rhyme almost every ten minutes, he must race against time and push the instant flower bloom to the higher realm as much as possible.

Time has passed and it is ten days.

In these ten days, the instant flower bloom is the mysterious of the Immortal Arts. He is constantly comprehend, mastered and refined.

After ten days, his understanding of the instant flower bloom has reached the point where there is only one foot left in the great accomplishment.

Fortunately, the aura that Verdant Ruins has accumulated in his mind for ten days is enough. In addition, when the god of creation has subsided from the activation state, he also has the slightest hesitation that would have been produced in the ten days. Daoyun invested in the comprehend of the instant flower bloom, and suddenly broke the embarrassment of this supreme Immortal Arts, pushing his life to the great accomplishment.

The instant flower bloom of the great accomplishment is better than the instant flower bloom of the small accomplishment stage. Regardless of the success rate or the conversion rate, he has a certain 90% confidence that it can be determined by the artificial flower of the great achievement level. Bloom, he has just finished the time of the perfect Jin Dan repair to Perfection.

“It is finally.”

Verdant Ruins’s heart stunned and looked at the total assets of the eighty-three rhymes. He understood why the big powers in the big forces, each and everyone, clearly have such high annual returns, but they will always His own Primal Chaos is suppressed below the twenty-ninth order.

Unbearable is a problem, the most important thing is…

The higher the cultivation base, the greater the resource consumption and the more voicing vacancies are required.

“In the final analysis, because many of the top cultivation resources are only produced in Primal Chaos, the production is less, and the price naturally goes up. If the gods are still in the flourishing period of ten thousand years ago, it is estimated to be similar to Wukong grass, not Rare & Unique Treasures, which are worth dozens of words and hundreds of rhymes, can easily buy several strains with a few rhymes.”

Things are rare.

Verdant Ruins moved his body a little.

There are 83 rhymes on the body, and it is not enough to repay the debt of the sword sword. Fortunately, there is a twenty-ninth Primal Chaos law on him…

Thinking of this Primal Chaos law, Verdant Ruins can’t help but think of the sale of the frost divine armor…

“It looks like this, the Primal Chaos law of the mysterious ice is not good. This is why the mysterious ice god has already been shackled. If the sacred ice is not dead, whoever buys this Primal Chaos law will definitely become It’s harder to sell the enemy of life and death in the Qing Dynasty. At this moment, the Primal Chaos law, the only buyer, can only find people who are eternal or wild.”

Verdant Ruins frowned.

Similar to this famous Primal Chaos law, the market often sells hard. After all, even the Primal Chaos law of inheritance of the twenty-ninth order is only fourteenth, fourteenth, the invincible existence of divine Realm is not used. Even the mighty might not be able to see the eye, even if someone buys it at a big price, at best it is only given to the Junior who valued it, but once the Junior used this Primal Chaos law, it is undoubtedly offended. Dao Zun, in this case, the Qing Dao Zun even killed the Junior with a big bully, no one would say anything…

This is the unspoken rule in the son of Primal Chaos World.

A hidden rule that only works for the High Rank son of Primal Chaos.

In this case, the final transaction price of Verdant Ruins, Primal Chaos, will never be higher than 150 rhymes.

“If this twenty-ninth-order son of Primal Chaos is just like the sacred sage, the golden feather sacred, the sword and the sword, and so on.” Selling two hundred rhymes is definitely with no difficulty, a little hype. It’s not difficult to sell two hundred and fifty rhymes…”

In desperation, Verdant Ruins had to order the people of the Chamber of Commerce to pay attention to the power of the gods and the two great influences. See if any of the mighty people were deprived of Primal Chaos and then no one. Only when you know the situation, you can quietly trade, and only then can you hope to sell more than two hundred rhymes.

Waiting for the Primal Chaos law to be sold, it would not be a problem to repay the money moved by the sword sword.

“The energy in the gods of the gods looks a bit pre-existing…”

Verdant Ruins sensed the spiritual world of God, talking to himself.

Heavenly Dao’s means of dealing with Tianzhu is faintly moved from the battle of Primal Chaos to the reality of World. The upgrade of his Primeal Chaos is not so urgent, and the next step is to grow strength as soon as possible.


Time passed, and ten days passed again.

During the ten days, Verdant Ruins sat in the continuation of the Tibetan sword, but it was seen that Luo Hongchen had managed the Sword Sect in a well-organized manner with the help of Xiao Yingying. The result fell to the eyes of Tie Yufeng Peak Master Zhou Cunyu, and suddenly he was anxious.

In ten days, I asked Verdant Ruins three times, but I was blocked by him.

Zhou Cunyu’s use of his thoughts is more than a little bit, even if he does have a good ability, he will take care of Tie Yufeng, but if this kind of deep-hearted generation becomes a Sword Sect sect master, it will inevitably hide Sword in the future. The Sect was so smoldering that the Peak Master position was the limit he could reach.

Zeros and zeros have been delayed for dozens of days. Through the Temple of Primal Chaos, there was finally news from Duanmu Copper.

“Supreme Elder, started, these Sect attacks on Austrian law have begun, not only the foreign Golden Core Realm strong, even the continuation of the local cultivator has joined the clearing of the Austrian law.”

Duanmu copper looks excited about the report.

“Beginning… Has the location of Scarlet Sun Demon God been determined? Orchard, did you really make Scarlet Sun Demon God?”

“No, these Sects will not allow Austrian law to actually make Scarlet Sun Demon God. Once Scarlet Sun Demon God is in the world, even if it’s just one, it will make the Austrian teachings become the biggest force of the contincontinent. Continent only one after another Dharma Heavenly Transformation is the Divine King of the Ancient God Palace, one of the eight Sects, and the Divine King, the Mingyan, was smashed by the minds two hundred years ago. For more than two hundred years, despite his constant desire to repair his own state of mind, he has never been able to make his mood perfect, and his heart is not perfect, the direct consequence of which is the speed of his entry into Dharma Heavenly Transformation…very slow!”

Verdant Ruins nodded.

Dharma Heavenly Transformation is actually a kind of cultivator’s perception of Heaven and Land, and finally simulates the world of Law with his own will, thus gaining the blessing of the power of Heaven and Earth, making the attack and defense skyrocketing many times, and having nothing to do with every move. the power of.

This realm is equivalent to an enhanced version of Azure Nether Realm.

But because of the need to rely on one’s own insights to be able to simulate the world of Law, to get the heavens and land Law blessing, the mood, or the self-understood will become extremely important, once the state of mind is damaged, the will is lacking, want to simulate Perfection The Law of Heaven and the World is blessed by the Heavenly Law and enters the Dharma Heavenly Transformation state, and the efficiency will be extremely slow.

This realm’s so-called early stage, mid-term, late, and Peak, in addition to the multiplier of Law’s blessing, is also related to the time to enter Dharma Heavenly Transformation.

The Dharma Heavenly Transformation can only enter Dharma Heavenly Transformation with just two or three breaths, and with no difficulty to get twice, three times, five times, even Peak ten times, and the moodless flames Divine King, the fastest record is thirty-two breaths, the slowest one…

Nearly a tea time has not entered the Dharma Heavenly Transformation state, and then…

The battle is over.

This is why the Ancient God Palace clearly has a Dharma Heavenly Transformation powerhouse, but it has not unified the continuation of the iron continent.

“Those Sects have already started with Austrian teaching?”

“Yes! As long as you can give birth to the top of the Austrian teachings, you can naturally force out the position of Scarlet Sun Demon God. At that time, they can even swallow the Scarlet Sun Demon God in the first step of the top secret, take it away, and then disappear.”

Duanmu copper is a little excited.

Verdant Ruins nodded, Scarlet Sun Demon God, not the last one who can make a profit, lucky also has a certain factor.

At the moment, he directly said: “Give me your spiritual brand, I will go to the contin continent!”



(Olympic: Just recharge the 998 starting currency, the advanced VIP equipment Scarlet Sun Demon God takes home, the event is only available on Saturday and Sunday for two days! What are you waiting for, come and subscribe now!)

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