The three great people of Austrian law have become one, and there are still two people missing!

Verdant Ruins can be known without guessing, there must be problems in it.

Austrian law, there are other bases.

The Scarlet Sun Demon God is hidden in that base in all likelihood, and is guarded by two powerful people.

The next moment, Verdant Ruins returns to the ontology, and then directly pushes the door: “Duanmutong, I will find out all the branches of the Austrian law, and some of these divisions are preferably those that have just been established or developed in recent years. Don’t miss any of the weights.”

Duanmu copper saw Verdant Ruins expression seriously, and quickly promised: “Yes, I will do it.”

After telling the end of the wood, Verdant Ruins was slightly indulged. It was once again took out the Stand upright Immortal Arts. After a little comprehend, he quickly entered the step of cultivation.

Verdant Ruins has ended cultivation before the end of the copper has been brought.

“The rhyme is limited, and it is the limit to be able to cultivate the upright Immortal Arts to the Entry level. As for the small accomplishment level, it is necessary to wait until the Taoism in the creation of the gods has accumulated nearly a month. Row……”

Verdant Ruins’s body shape, the next moment, the body’s breath has quickly begun to hide, and soon has become faintly discernable.

Although it can still be perceived by people, the threat and strength in the perception of others are all reduced by one level.

“Entry-level Stand upright…the requirements can’t be too high. This is the place where Immortal Arts is in the small accomplishment. It can almost hide all its breath, to the great accomplishment, even the sixth sense, the sense of spirit, God can have one after another concealing, even if standing in front of a strong strong person to killing intent, the Peak strong will know nothing…”

These effects have made Verdant Ruins quite satisfied.

When Verdant Ruins tried Stand upright on Immortal Arts, there was a knock on the door, but Duanmu Copper returned.

As Duanmu copper pushed in, he was about to pay respect to Verdant Ruins, but when he felt that Verdant Ruins seemed to have fallen a lot, and some erratic atmosphere was stunned, he concentrated on Verdant Ruins. It took me a while to look back: “Supreme Elder, you are…”

“No need to say more, no need to ask.”


Duanmu copper respectfully complied, but it was a bit more awesome for Verdant Ruins, the Supreme Elder.

The longer Supreme Elder stays in front of him, the more he can feel the mystery of Supreme Elder’s unfathomable seemingly infinite limit.

“Elder, this is the first information I bought, which details all the branches of the Austrian law, even those small ones with only one or two True Yuan Realm strong people, including in recent years. I have also marked out the newly established or expanded divisions.”

Duanmu copper respectfully handed over a jade symbol with a lot of information.

“it is good.”

Verdant Ruins quickly slammed the jade symbol into his hand, and the spirit was swept away. Many of the divisions were already in the heart.

Through the analysis of Duanmu copper and his own observations, he quickly placed the target on sixteen divisions and planned the route based on the distance of these divisions.

“follow me!”

Verdant Ruins snorted and went straight to the sword and flew outside.

He is the strong owner of Golden Core Realm, and because of Extreme Sword Dao, Jin Dan is full of temperament, and now cultivation of Stand upright is even more difficult to be seen. Anyone who sees him will be treated as if he will Ordinary Golden Core Realm cultivator Sees that there is not much to care about when such a Golden Core Realm cultivator leaves.

“Supreme Elder, where are we going?”

“Follow it.”

Verdant Ruins made a noise, and the sword was empty. It was already less than 3,000 kilometers and came to a branch. As he looked at this branch with Observing Qi Technique, he only saw two or three small fish and shrimp. Originally, there is a Prominent Saint Boundary in the branch where Endless Realm cultivator is located. Now, not only True Yuan Realm, Transformation Realm, Endless Realm, but even Prominent Saint Boundary cultivation has been taken away, enriching the headquarters. .

“It’s quite like acting.”

Verdant Ruins snorted and then turned and moved toward the next branch.

The area of ​​the contin continuation is not small, but the Austrian law is only one of the eight Sects of the continuation of the 陨 , continent, occupying a limited number of sites, Verdant Ruins spent a day, has turned more than half of the Austrian teaching, and, in the ninth point When I was in the Ministry, I finally stopped.

“The two breaths must be the mighty, and it seems that this is where Scarlet Sun Demon God is hiding.”

Verdant Ruins Yu Jian hangs, looking at the front of the station, he can clearly see the two Essence, Qi, Spirit in this division is directly in the sky, there are dozens of True Yuan Realm, Transformation Realm, Endless Realm, and several strong Golden Core Realm floods are filled with them. These cultivators are either rotted, old-fashioned, or vibrant and youthful.

Obviously, they are the elite seeds of Austrian law and the people who are good at scientific research.

“The Austrian Faculty is really determined, has the courage, and divides the two ways. Apart from the three powerful people, it is estimated that the entire Austrian education is ignorant. These three powerful people are afraid that they have already sacrificed the Austrian teaching. The price of headquarters, even if the Austrian headquarters were destroyed, as long as Scarlet Sun Demon God can be successful, there are two powerful people on the side, Austrian law can still rise in the ruins, and rely on the power of Scarlet Sun Demon God, As soon as it is in the sky, it will not be expected to unify the continuation of the iron and steel continent in the future, and even develop into a sword shadow.

Verdant Ruins looked at the hidden masters in this division and couldn’t help but feel a sigh.

“Elder, you mean, Austrian law divides the two ways, the headquarters are actually strong to attract firepower?”

On the side of the Duanmu copper heard Verdant Ruins said, his face was a little unbelievable.

Verdant Ruins nodded, did not explain in detail: “There are two great people in Austrian law. I am afraid that it is not an easy task to defeat the two powerful people with one enemy and two.”

He is ultimately not a real power.

Perhaps he is already above the ordinary power in terms of attack, and it is even easier to beat an Ordinary in a one-on-one situation.


Once caught in the siege of the two powerful people, the speed of his lack of defense will inevitably far exceed the speed of any one.

“I didn’t dare to incite Parting Regrets Heaven Realm this treasure. After all, this treasure has a spiritual brand of hatred. Once you use this thing, it will inevitably cause feelings of hatred. When he only needs to follow this Spiritual branding can lock my position, and then invite a powerful person with a tenth-order personal space to drop incarnation, and then I can kill me directly, but now… I am trapped in the space mezzanine I don’t know when I can escape. Parting Regrets Heaven Realm can be used by me.”

At this point, Verdant Ruins no longer wastes time, first running the Roaming Spirit Controlling Qi Technique, and exploring the bits and pieces of this division with the God God projection method.

In a short time, the entire branch has been explored by him. Only the most central position, that is, the two powerful people, is guarded by an invisible force, even though his gods cannot detect half points.

“It looks like Scarlet Sun Demon God is there.”

Verdant Ruins returned to the Yuanshen and turned to Duanmu Copper Road: “The next two of us need to cooperate. We come to this branch, not to find Scarlet Sun Demon God, but because the Austrian law is not as good as before, the wall is down. Everyone pushes, we deliberately stare at this branch, want to profit from somebody’s misfortune, understand?”

“I understand it.”

“Well, there are four Golden Core Realm strongmen in this division. I will pretend to be an elite who condenses High Grade Jindan, and you, disguised as a native cultivator that originally had a hatred of Austrian law, we The purpose is to bring out one of the two powerful people in the core of the division. If one of them can be injured or even killed in advance, then our actions will be much smoother.”

Verdant Ruins confessed that it was already flying with Duanmu Copper’s rapidly moving towards this division.

Almost as soon as the two appeared outside this division, they always watched the all around the cultivators. The first time they reported the news to the two powerful people sitting in the branch, Luo Miaofa and Wang Juewang .

“Fa Wang, two people quickly pushed towards our branch.”

“How is it possible? We have already done a full camouflage in advance, and everyone’s eyes should be attracted to the headquarters. The truth mountain is, and some people will find our branch?”

“This… It should be a coincidence. These two people are only in the Golden Core Realm world. According to the information we have observed, the two of them should be the headquarters that were originally enemies with our Austrian law. They were originally anonymous and did not dare to be in our Austrian law. In front of the impudent, we immediately noticed the crisis of our Austrian-French education, which emerged, on the one hand, revenge, and on the other hand, by destroying our unattended divisions to plunder the resources, according to their previous conversation… …in advance they have destroyed our two branches of Austrian law!”

The Golden Core Realm cultivator, which came to report, had a hint of anger.

Hearing what he said, the expressions of the two powerful people are also cold: “The great courage, the current situation of our Austrian law is not a fake, but it is not any bulls and dogs can bully!”

“Mr. Luo Miaofa is careful, beware of fraud, I think it is first to let people try it.”

On the side of the sensation, the King of Fa is cautious.

“No, there are scams? What are the scams? Two Golden Core Realm cultivators, I can suppress and kill them with one hand.”

The king of Luo Miaofa is said with a sneer.

I feel that when I heard the King of Law, I felt that it was reasonable. I don’t say much now.

The two Golden Core Realm cultivators are really a Divine Ability for those who have become Divine Ability.

The king of Luo Miaofa is extremely fast, and has appeared in front of Verdant Ruins and Duanmu Tong.

And because the real masters of this division are not exposed to the obstacles, this time, Verdant Ruins and Duanmu copper have been pushed to the center of the branch at an extremely fast speed, which is called the inner position, even though the king I really want to shoot here, as long as the action is faster, I can not let the outside world perceive the semi-transition.

“Two little bastards, actually bullied us to the Austrian Instructor, and gave me the death, the blade of annihilation!”

When Lu Miaofa appeared, he did not have any nonsense with Verdant Ruins and Duanmu. At the moment Divine Ability was running, and numerous wind blades formed by the force of space formed a strangling whirlpool, moving toward Verdant Ruins, and Duanmu Coil. In just the next moment, the two “Golden Dan” cultivators can be smashed.

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