
The Mirrored Respect is actually controlled by Verdant Ruins with Scarlet Sun Demon God.

The scene of such a terrifying horror fell to the seabed, and the eyes of Jin Yusheng, who was planning to re-break the water, suddenly made him unable to hold on to a cockroach. He felt a bitter chill along the limbs and went straight to the heart. It was hard to breathe when he was frozen.

“Too horrible! Too scary! Is this the power of Scarlet Sun Demon God?”

Seabed’s golden feathers sacred, the next moment was the naked towards the seabed with the slightest hesitation, and then…



“You… you saw my Divine Ability…”

Reflecting the Holy Spirit, holding a sigh of relief, screaming Verdant Ruins.

However, Verdant Ruins did not answer, feeling the sensation of the rapid decline of the glory, the power of the spirit, and the body of horror and energy fluctuations. Suddenly, the heart immediately moved to the Immortal Arts instant flower bloom. A fascinating colorful flower falls down, and the sacred sage is wrapped in the blink of an eye. Before his consciousness is completely dissipated, Essence, Qi, Spirit with his body is removed and deprived. Formed a fruit that looks quite red.

“This is a fruit…”

Verdant Ruins was carefully touched for a moment, and his face could not help but reveal a hint of joy.

“Divine Saint
Under the state of the art… The quality of the fruit can almost improve a lot? ”

This discovery made him happy.

However, although the glory of the glory is now dead, the golden sacred sacred escape, but there is also a king of ethics waiting for him to clean up, and the king of ethics is the main character he really needs to kill, otherwise, The king of Ezra will not die one day, and the continuation of the sword and the continuation of the East will be under his threat.

“Scarlet Sun Demon God is made by your Austrian law, and you can die under the sword of Scarlet Sun Demon God.”

Verdant Ruins turned and quickly moved toward the king of Eph.

At this time, the king of the evil spirits is constantly controlling the one hundred and eight swords of the red sword around him by his own Divine Ability, so that the red sword and the red sword will continue to collide, making the red sword more It is ruined. In such a short period of time, there are already twenty-six handles of the red sword that have lost their spirituality and energy. Falling down, I hope that I will not be able to regain my time and energy.

There are also a lot of rays of light in the remaining 82-day swords. The speed and lethality are all reduced by a large amount. It will not be long before it will be destroyed by one of the kings.

From this point of view, the king of Erxue is not the second strongest of the continuation of the continuation of the continuation of the iron, if it is true to let the emptiness of the king against the uncontrolled Scarlet Sun Demon God, the final victory is still unknown.


When the king of Ezra was quickly rushed to Verdant Ruins, he was already aware of the anomaly. His eyes were moved toward the first time, and the glory of the goddess.

When he saw that he had been stopped by the waist and cut off the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred. Scarlet Sun Demon God, which was created with the help of the tutor, eventually made a wedding for others, but you thought you could enjoy this Scarlet Sun Demon God with peace of mind? I will pass the message and tell the 陨continent other Sect The great guys, from now on, you are waiting to suffer me, and the savage assassination of the powerful people of Scarlet Sun Demon God… I hope you can still keep Scarlet Sun Demon God! ”

After that, he was extremely decisive and decided to turn around and leave.

As the owner of Scarlet Sun Demon God, he naturally understands the power of Scarlet Sun Demon God, and it is his only way to confront the only dead end.

“Go? I have been here since, you thought you were gone?”

Verdant Ruins squandered, and the streamer enchantment formed by Parting Regrets Heaven Realm suddenly shrouded, including Erwin and Verdant Ruins!

“Parting Regrets Heaven Realm !Parting Regrets Heaven Realm ! This is Parting Regrets Heaven Realm!” But this is how the famous device of hatefulness can be in your hands?”

At the moment when King Ershifa was shrouded in by Parting Regrets Heaven Realm, he felt the fear of death in his heart.

“A few days ago, Parting Regrets Heaven Realm has been slightly repaired, although it has not yet returned to its heyday, but as long as I don’t give you too many opportunities to destroy Parting Regrets Heaven Realm, it’s more than enough to clean up.”

Verdant Ruins moved towards Evangelion, while he was rushing away, while holding his hand.

Suddenly, the space inside the Parting Regrets Heaven Realm has shrunk, pulling the distance between Verdant Ruins and King Ershi, and soon the two will fight in a small space with a diameter of less than 100 meters.

Scarlet Sun Demon God’s biggest drawback is speed, and relying on Parting Regrets Heaven Realm to reduce the battlefield’s ability, speed drawbacks, is completely compensated!

Even, even the Mirror of the King of the Evangelion will be severely restrained in the Parting Regrets Heaven Realm, and the mirror will be distorted by the outside world. After the space becomes the home of Parting Regrets Heaven Realm, how can he reverse it.

“Do not!”

King Ershifa roared, and the mirrored light of the Divine Ability condensed on the top of the head moved toward the whole, spreading, trying to break the binding and control of the space by Parting Regrets Heaven Realm, but…

With little success.

And when he was fully motivated by the Divine Ability to attack Parting Regrets Heaven Realm, the Scarlet Sun Demon God driven by Verdant Ruins had directly killed him before the king of Essence, and then…


Swords and notes!

“weng weng! ”

At the crucial moment, King Ershifa quickly ran the power of the mirror and blocked the sniper of Scarlet Sun Demon God.

But no use!

Now the space around the king of Essence is blocked, and it is inevitable that it can only be resisted with a mirror.

Scarlet Sun Demon God’s sniper sword has not broken the mirror?

No problem!

If a sword fails, then two swords, two swords are not the three swords, four swords, five swords, six swords…

cut! cut! cut!

“hong long long !”

The fierce roar continues to reverberate in the small space of Parting Regrets Heaven Realm. Even though the king of the evil spirits has the means to go through the sky, it is inevitable and can’t hide. It can only bear the Scarlet Sun Demon God. Sniper.

“I can not be reconciled!”

Divine Ability was finally smashed after being attacked by Scarlet Sun Demon God’s twenty three. With the sorrowful snoring of Erxie, his entire body was crushed and shredded under the flame sword. It is ashes.


Killing King Erxue, Verdant Ruins is also a long sigh of relief.

The king of Ezra was dying in the end, and the attitude of never retreating cut off the idea that Verdant Ruins wanted to make him angry, otherwise an inadvertent fear might be overturned by King Ershi.

“Energy consumption…14%…10% Four… This Scarlet Sun Demon God is really a big energy consumer. According to this trend, a big day core will be completely scrapped as long as six or seven battles, no wonder that year The once-in-a-day Red Sun has only cast three Scarlet Sun Demon Gods, not that they don’t have enough energy to continue to make it… but there isn’t enough big day core to drive it, and it’s estimated that three statues of Scarlet Sun The consumption of Demon God is almost exhausting.”

Verdant Ruins glanced at the Void battleship, which was burning with the raging fire, and did not spend any more time trying to continue to kill the last one.

Now that he has exposed Scarlet Sun Demon God, I am afraid that it will not take long for the surrounding powerful people to quickly come to him like a shark smelling a smell, with Scarlet Sun Demon God in hand, three or five The big man is not so much in his eyes, but once the number of powerful people breaks through to double digits…

The consequences will be unimaginable.

With incarnation, Verdant Ruins huddled and quickly appeared in the Tibetan continent.

On the burial sword peak of the Tibetan sword, he first opened the large array of burial Jianfeng, shrouded the mountain, and then began to move the oysters of the Golden Core Realm cultivator one by one, and one by one. .

“You have a chance to escape, that is to sacrifice Divine Saint.
If you can escape this mountain, you may still have a way to live. ”

Verdant Ruins yelled at the stunned Golden Core Realm Elder.

“Divine Saint

The Golden Core Realm Elder looked very ugly and immediately pleaded with words: “Adults, we have experienced countless difficulties and obstacles during the training of Jindan. The good years have not yet experienced, I don’t want to die like this, I am I am willing to work for you from now on, and I will not hesitate to wait for the horse before the horse. I also ask the adults to give me a way to live.”

“You don’t have Divine Saint
Surgery? ”

“I…just a first-order son of Primal Chaos. Many of the things on the road are shared by many Elders. Which ones get me…”

The Golden Core Realm Elder looks bitter.

“So… sorry.”

After Verdant Ruins finished speaking, he did not give the Golden Core Realm Elder a chance to respond. The brilliant Sword Intent suddenly broke out and reflected his spiritual world. On the spot, his spiritual World was hit hard, and then the instant flower bloom Divine Ability came out. In the screams of the Golden Core Realm Elder, he has been absorbed by Essence, Qi, and Spirit, and it has become a fruit. The fruit has strong energy fluctuations.

Looking at this fruit, Verdant Ruins was silent.

He knows very well that he is now gradually drifting away from the moral road. The bottom line has been trampled and reshaped over and over again with the sorcerer’s union. What he is doing now is nothing. Moral, no morality.


Verdant Ruins slightly closed his eyes and held this fruit. He felt the majestic energy that seemed to be completely condensed by the essence of life.

“Since it is already wrong, then only continue to go wrong, … if I die, let him flood the sky…”

The next moment, the fruit of the Golden Core Realm’s strong Essence, Qi, Spirit was refining, and the majestic energy contained in it was poured into the Scarlet Abyss sword.

“carry on!”

Refining this end, Verdant Ruins eyes cold light flashed, the next Golden Core Realm Elder was once again pulled out of his personal space.

“Donding Divine Saint
Trying to escape is your only chance…”


The Golden Core Realm Elder even knows how to escape, but also the slightest hesitation, Divine Saint
As the technology emerged, the energy fluctuations in the body suddenly rose, and it was directly climbed from Golden Core Realm to the Divine Ability Realm level equivalent to High Grade Jindan Perfection!

After all, the Divine Ability, the lowest standard is High Grade Jindan Perfection.


To this extent, trying to escape from Verdant Ruins is still a luxury.

Not long after, the Golden Core Realm Elder was also transformed into a fruit.

Also, it is a High Grade fruit that contains several times the energy level of the Ordinary.

“Despite the loss of a ten-order Primal Chaos method, which lost fifty rhymes, the energy contained in a High Grade fruit is nearly ten times greater than the Ordinary fruit, approaching the extent of the Golden Crow inner core… Up…”

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