“Try again, you go all out and attack the one-meter range centered on me. I will intercept your attacks within this kilometer range!”

Verdant Ruins easily evaded the attack of the top 50 Golden Core Realm strong, slowly said.


Xiao Mengying almost thought that he had got it wrong.

Interception and dodge are two different things.

It’s as if facing the arrow, it’s easier to avoid it than to shoot down the arrow.

But the power that Verdant Ruins showed just now has deeply shocked them, so that Verdant Ruins told them that although they felt incredible, they were still shocked for a moment and slowly entered the theme. For a time, the top 50 Golden Core Realm was strong. The attack was again hit.

The stream is whistling, covering the entire range of kilometers around Verdant Ruins.

And almost as the attacks on these Golden Core Realm Elders were about to enter the square, the violent explosion sounded.

In this range, Verdant Ruins seems to be in a flash of thousands of silhouettes, constantly flashing through every corner of the top 50 Golden Core Realm attackers, any Golden Core Realm Elder attack is entering this After the scope of the film, it was either defeated by sword qi or defeated by a distant attack.

“hong long long !”

The violent roar continues to reverberate in the Void.

After the attack of the top 50 Golden Core Realm strong players, all of them were on the spot, and they did not have time to launch a second wave of attacks.

Obviously, they have been shocked by the scene before them.

“It’s almost… The attack on the fifty Golden Core Realm Elders is still a little difficult… However, if it’s just dodging, it’s much easier. It’s estimated that I will hit 100 Golden Core Realm with my current speed and reaction. The square matrix composed of the strong is no longer a problem.”

Verdant Ruins has an accurate understanding of his strengths.

Before he had not yet developed Divine Ability, he had to be cautious in the face of dozens of people. He was spinning around the battle at the speed of Sky Splitting Sword, and then waited until the battlefield appeared a lag, and immediately entered. Among them, the impact of back and forth, killing, oystering some of the Golden Core Realm strong and then far away, not dare to face collision, but now…

It is no extravagant for him to defeat a hundred people in front.

“This Divine Ability has greatly enhanced my own speed… and it’s a full increase… When the Divine Ability is on display, it’s lightning fast, and it’s just like light, then it’s called… Light up.”

Named after it, Verdant Ruins’s face looked up slightly.

At this moment, he is a true power.

Really have the qualification to be in the world of Converse.

“Unfortunately, I have not been exposed to the invincible existence of divine Realm. I can only judge if I am officially invincible with a divine Realm. Can I tell Divine Saint?
It poses a threat, but what is certain is that as long as I don’t fall into the realm of the divine realm invincible powerhouse, even if there is no enemy to kill me, I can easily retreat. ”

Verdant Ruins is calm.

All along, the death pressure brought by the invincible giants who hated Taoism and Qingwei Daozun has finally dissipated a lot.

“Supreme Elder?”

Xiao glimpse of Verdant Ruins, who seems to be in meditation, cautiously asked for it.


Verdant Ruins looked at Xiao’s glimpse and looked at the stunned Golden Core Realm Elders of Sword Sect. He said, “Well, that’s it, there is work, you can go back.”

The Golden Core Realm Elders heard Verdant Ruins say that each and everyone shivered and woke up and said: “It’s our pleasure to work for Supreme Elder without hard work.”

“Right, Supreme Elder will have something to do in the future, even though he can tell.”

“Supreme Elder has orders, I will naturally follow and do my best, and there will be no violations.”

Many Elder and Peak Masters are full of awe and each other, and some people look forward to Verdant Ruins’s eyes with a hint of fear.

They are really scared by the terrorist power that Verdant Ruins showed just now. I would like to ask, how do they resist the horror of the top 50 Golden Core Realm attackers who want to kill them if they really want to kill them?

There is no choice but to die.

Soon, the entire group returned to the hidden Sword Sect.

When they got to Sword Sect, these Golden Core Realm Elder and Peak Master quickly spread the scene that had just happened to the entire Sword Sect. These messages made the Sword Sect more exciting and united. The atmosphere in Sect has changed again, and all the ghosts and sorcerers have disappeared. The entire Tibetan Sword Sect has ushered in an unprecedented rule of Lang Lang Lang Lang.

“When the sword swordsman returns, he should go to the end of the day… I used to be, I couldn’t help with the battle of Heavenly and Heavenly Dao, but now…”

Verdant Ruins pays for himself, as long as he doesn’t encounter the invincible power of divine Realm, even if he is the powerful Dharma Heavenly Transformation of Peak, he can do the best.

After all, the power of the Dharma Heavenly Transformation powerhouse is the number of attacks and defenses that they get after entering the Dharma Heavenly Transformation state. Once Verdant Ruins uses the Blitzkrieg technique, relying on the power of Divine Ability, it is not given to those Dharma Heavenly. The Transformation-level powerhouses entered the Dharma Heavenly Transformation state. They were just a little more powerful Divine Ability Realm that’s all. In this state of Divine Ability Realm, the Verdant Ruins in the light state can be played ten times.

Even if the Supreme Peak who entered the Dharma Heavenly Transformation state can suppress his Divine Ability, he will have to know it after playing.

“Divine Ability Realm is here, Dharma Heavenly Transformation… Dharma Heavenly Transformation needs to understand the rules of the heavens and the earth. Only by enlightening the rules of heaven and earth, can we get the blessings of the forces of heaven and earth, so that our own attacks will skyrocket… The rules of heaven and earth… ”

Verdant Ruins glanced at his character template.

The attack level has increased a lot, reaching the threshold of 119, which is close to the level of Dharma Heavenly Transformation. However, since the attack template does not show the increase of Divine Ability, this value does not have any consideration. Defensive order… the drop is amazing.

Once hit the attack, the Golden Core Realm can bring him fatal damage.

The only thing that made him happy was the spiritual level.

The spiritual level has reached an astonishing one hundred and twenty-five steps, and the life has improved by six equal steps. Verdant Ruins estimates that this should be related to his moral embarrassment and face up to his inner good and evil.

After a few moments, Verdant Ruins took his eyes back from the temple of Primal Chaos.

The next thing to do is to dig out all the mysteries of Divine Ability.

Speed ​​can bring an attack, but the load on the body is also very large.

Verdant Ruins has already had a feeling of faintness. At present, due to the low level of mentality, the duration of the light-changing state is limited, the load of fleshy body has not yet been expressed, but with the increase of his spiritual level, the explosion of light The effect becomes more and more obvious. One day, the body will become a shackle that will further promote the Divine Ability because it can not withstand the explosion effect of the light.

At this point, Verdant Ruins has taken the True Dragon Nine Transformations, which has been smashed from the battlefield of Primal Chaos.

True Dragon Nine Transformations, although it has the word True Dragon, can’t really cultivate into the True Dragon of the fleshy body. The cultivation is just as good as the Endless Realm. It can be said that it is still horrible. .

Verdant Ruins’s gaze swept through one after another on True Dragon Nine Transformations, and soon the idea of ​​first transformation was already clear.

With a strong fleshy body foundation, just a few breaths, Verdant Ruins has already completed the first transformation of the True Dragon Nine Transformations sect secret art, with a slight sigh of his own, the blood flow speed of the body is significantly higher than before. Raised a point.

“The other mountain’s stone can polish jade, sure enough, my body strength has reached the Azure Nether Realm level, which is the realm of the fifth transformation in True Dragon Nine Transformations. It is reasonable to say that the cultivation first transformation will not bring any body to my body. The effect, but actually… True Dragon Nine Transformations strengthens the bone marrow hematopoiesis and heart blood transport function by consolidating the blood, making my blood surge faster, which slightly increases my body strength. ……”

Verdant Ruins looked at the moment and his eyes quickly turned to the second transformation of True Dragon Nine Transformations.

In fact, this World’s cultivation martial dao also has the grinding and accumulation of fleshy body, that is, Foundation Establishment, Bone Tempering, Alting Muscle, Cleansing Marrow, Dirty, and Blood Reformation 6th-layer realm in Mortal. This 6th-layer realm is just to tap the potential of human beings to the limit. It is enough that the body of the cultivator can withstand the power of God Beast. It is not digging deeper, let alone By swallowing the powerful Spirit Beast, Sacred Beast, and even the blood of God Beast, it strengthens itself.

Unlike the Dragon of the cultivation of True Dragon Nine Transformations, all his cultivation is people-oriented, and he does his best to explore the potential energy in the human body, and supplemented with some heaven and earth to expand the potential limit of the human body.

Especially to the True Dragon…

This heavy realm is a revolution that can make people reborn, forming a leap of the essence of life. Once it is practiced, it will be superior to the ordinary Golden Core Realm.

Unfortunately, Verdant Ruins didn’t get the relevant technology of cultivation in True Dragon.

“Unfortunately, every time the Battle of Primal Chaos is opened, the battlefield is not the same. The World cultivation martial dao is even more strange. I want to go to the World that owns the Culturation System. I have to look at luck if I still Have the opportunity to go to that World again, maybe have the opportunity to get True Dragon Nine Transformations’ next technical of cultivation, breakthrough to True Dragon, St. Dragon’s, and even the Divine Dragon of the highest realm!”

Verdant Ruins thought, taking a look at the Primal Chaos.

He really wants to buy a warlord order. On the one hand, when encountering the crisis of life and death, you can use the warfare to drag the enemy into the battlefield of Primal Chaos, so that you can turn around with your higher Primal Chaos. On the other hand, it is also through the war to explore other Worlds to see if you can get other World’s Cultural System to improve itself.


Primal Chaos has been refreshed for the last time, and there have been no new items updated.

“It is not advisable to rely on Primal Chaos to update the rules of the war. Then, buy one. The war order is not a particularly popular item. If my price is up, it is not difficult to buy one. …and, this kind of transaction, it’s good to look for the sky, I can also consider selling the Primal Chaos law of the mysterious ice god to the descendants of a powerful man of Tianzhu…”

Verdant Ruins did not sell the Primal Chaos law of Xuan Bing’s sacred priest to Scorpio. On the one hand, he did not want to intensify the contradiction between Scorpio and Heavenly Dao, on the other hand, he was worried that he could not sell good prices.

but now……

Scorpio and Heavenly Dao almost completely put aside all considerations of face. The intensification of contradictions is no longer important. Anyway, even if he does not sell the Primal Chaos law of the sacred ice sage, the Qing dynasty will not let go. He and Scorpio, in this case, why not use this twenty-ninth order Primal Chaos and other orders, can also make the strength of the Scorpio a little increase.

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