“It is worthy of inheritance. Boss Gu World, who has been in the empire for a long time, has a total of one hundred and thirty-two strong people. In addition, there are dozens of people who are related to outside forces and are not directly affiliated with the Dragon Empire. Strong…”

One thought Great Boundary in the whole Great Dragon World, fearing that it is more than two hundred, especially two of the one thought Great Boundary, the world is strong, non-Unrivaled Realm can fight against The existence of nearly half of them.

This lineup is not powerful.

“A World with such a deep foundation, the collection of royal treasures has a rich collection, imaginable… at least equivalent to a Supreme’s entire body… If I can really help Long Yu Princess become a queen… let her Open the royal treasure house…”

Thinking of this, Verdant Ruins has some urgency in his heart.

Although he has invested a lot in Long Yu Princess in the past few years, it is certain that as time goes by, Dragon Rain Princess’s knowledge is getting wider and wider, more and more understanding, and his dependence on him. It will gradually decrease under the influence of the King of Light, the King of Caixia, the King of Purple and the others, and even one day, there will be a mentality of taking a few valuable treasures to send him.

In order to avoid this phenomenon, he must show his value a little and continue to increase his weight in her mind.

“At present, the situation of Dragon Rain Princess is not so good. It seems to have been intercepted by the Four Seas King. If I am born at this time, she will be rescued from the hands of the Four Sea Kings… It will certainly make my image even taller.”

Verdant Ruins thought, there was a faint decision.

Although the four sea kings and the broken kings themselves are kings, they are not ranked high among the twenty-four kings. Among them, the four sea kings rank seventh among the twenty-four kings, and their strengths are equivalent to those of the evil kings. The king of the burning king is a weak layer. As for the other king, the king of the Ordinary is that the ‘s all, the cultivation base and the town of the king are quite the same as the great duke of his own World. He can rank among the twenty-four kings. On the other hand, because of his origins, on the other hand, he has a Supreme Divine Artifact. This Supreme Divine Artifact allows him to eliminate all the bans and Arrays with no difficulty. The title of his broken king is also the result.

“God Beast is very good at speed. The 18th-order God Beast is able to occupy a unique advantage in speed. If an 18th-order GoPeng God Beast escapes, only the Supreme-level Primal Chaos can exist. I took it, my body has reached ten 7th grade, and I have been able to change it into an 18th-order 鲲鹏… I may not be able to save Long Rain Princess.”

Thinking of this, Verdant Ruins was too lazy to stay in the Great Light Temple, staring at the bright king and the others, running Stand upright, converge on his own breath, quietly moving toward the outside.

Although there is still a top-notch of one thought becomes a World in the Great Hall of Light, these top powers are worried about each and everyone, and they have no intention to pay attention to the movement of Verdant Ruins, so that he has After the departure from the Great Light Temple, the sword quickly left, and no one would notice a quick-going sword light without causing space fluctuations in the space.

“It is very simple.”

Yu Jian left the Great Light Temple, and Verdant Ruins quickly sensed the breath of Dragon and Rain Princess.

He laid a lot of tools on Long Yu Princess. Although most of the means were removed, there are still some hidden techniques left behind. With these traces, he quickly sensed the location of Dragon Rain Princess, and then began. Shatter space, shuttle quickly, go to the direction of Dragon Rain Princess.

Although Dragon Rain Princess was intercepted by the Four Seas King, according to the position sensed by Verdant Ruins, she was not taken to the kingdom of the Four Seas, but moved quickly.

Verdant Ruins felt a little bit, and the Dragon Rain Princess moved very fast. Under normal circumstances, he was afraid that it would be difficult to catch up.

At this point, he made a virtual stroke, directly tore the Void, stepped into the Void, and then backtracking, stagnation based on the change, the operation incarnation, on the spot incarnation into an 18th-order God Beast.

“Sure enough… the body has reached the ten 7th grade level, and it has been difficult to change to the 18th order God Beast. And, I have not used Divine Saint.
In the case of surgery, it can actually support 30 breathing hours. ”

Sure enough, it is a phase difference, the effect is a world of difference.

Changed to God Beast, Peng Peng, his body obviously leaked, but the next moment, he immediately running Stand upright this Immortal Arts, for a time, the body is completely hidden.

However, the traces left by God Beast when he flies with the help of space cannot be completely erased. If there is one thought, the great power of Boundary wants to track his whereabouts, he can still track it up and want to solve this problem. You can only rely on Inverting Yin-Yang to confuse these traces one after another.

However, because there are only 30 breathing hours and can barely be used as a way to go, Verdant Ruins is too lazy to waste, maintaining the body of God Beast, flying fast in the Void mezzanine, the speed is incredible.

During the period, he was remotely touched by a one thought Great Boundary who was aware of the volatility of the space. When the top thought of the one thought Great Boundary sensed the source of the space fluctuations, it was actually a Gop. After that, there was no thought of continuing to explore.

After all, the Peng Beast itself is not weak, and it is the most adept and the most difficult God Beast. Once it is hostile to a Gob Bead Beast, except for those Supreme Peak that extends World to 30,000 kilometers, any one thought The great Boundary will feel a lot of headaches.

“It’s just ahead.”

At the speed of God Beast’s amazing speed, Verdant Ruins finally caught up with the people who had caught the Dragon Rain Princess when the body was about to hold back.

“Two one thought Great Boundary strong.”

Verdant Ruins ran with Stand upright and quietly followed the entire group horse.

In the entire group, headed by two strong ones of Great thought Boundary, there are still 30 strong Unrivaled Realm fighters, and the speed is extremely fast. I don’t know where to go.

“Small World of the two one thought Great Boundary strong has been stabilized. One of them, World has begun to expand, although it only expands to the level of 134,000 kilometers, but compared to the ordinary one thought Great Boundary Come, but it has already made a small cut. If I guess it is good, this one should be the one who broke the king…”

Verdant Ruins measured the difference in strength between each other.

If he rushes straight down, relying on 49 Great Amplifying Sword Qi, at best, it can only compete with another one thought Great Boundary who is steadfast in his own World. He wants to be positive in two people and more than thirty Unrivaled Realm strong. It’s not easy to save the Dragon Rain Princess, so you can only continue to make a sudden attack by changing into a Gob Bead Beast.

Of course, changing to God Beast Golden Crow, he even has the ability to kill the two one thought Great Boundary strong, but in this case it will take some time, in case of the attention of other one thought Great Boundary strong, Things will become even worse, and it is obviously the best choice to use the speed and speed of the game.


With Verdant Ruins using One Qi Becomes Three Purities to refine Yuqing as a rhetoric, Primal Chaos, Divine Saint
At the same time, the characteristics of surgery and change were sacrificed, and the figure suddenly swelled. It directly incarnation into a terror creature with ten thousand meters on the wings, and then tore the Void, and then came to the Great World.

Almost at Verdant Ruins, God Beast has not yet reached the Great World, but the king and another unknown one thought Great Boundary have already had a feeling in the heart, the two top powers first Time has sacrificed the power of his own world.


“This atmosphere is full of fierceness… Is it Sacred Beast or God Beast!?”

While they are ready to prepare for the battle, the space is turbulent, and the dark and horrible clouds are directly projected from the Void, covering the sky, and instantly tearing up the World phantom formed by the power of their World.

“鲲鹏!? The 18th-order God Beast!”

“Our 鲲龙Great World still has this level of Goppel God Beast!?”

The two one thought Great Boundary watched the God Beast, who was stunned into the power of their World, and could not help stared wide-eyed.

However, Verdant Ruins will not have a bit of nonsense with the kings and dukes of these one thought Great Boundary. He changed into God Beast. In fact, he has a quick and quick mind, and now he broke into the two big one thought Great Boundary. After World phantom, the first time moved toward the Dragon Rain Princess, which they housed in World, rushed to the world. The force of World’s force collided with his body shape, and was already twisted by the power of the space he controlled. Smash.

“Not good! The goal of this God Beast is actually Dragon Rain Princess, stop him!”

“God of World, out!”

The two one thought Great Boundary also shouted at the same time, in which the World phantom of the King of the Kings had a giant giant with a diameter of ten ten thousand meters, which carried the vastness of Creation of the World. However, after locking the phantom of God Beast, it hits a punch. For a time, the power of the whole World seems to condense in his fist, so that if it falls on a star, It is enough to smash a star with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers.

In front of such a horrible giant, God Beast, who is ten thousand meters on the wings, is actually as young as a baby. However, with the Goat Beast of Verdant Ruins incarnation, the wings of the wing are simultaneously transformed into heaven and earth. The most fierce and terrifying sword, the whistling swept the moving giants of the ten thousand thousand meters.

The Annihilation-Star hit by the giants was quickly smashed into powder when they collided with the wing of the wing of the Peng Peng, and the remaining swords and wings were shot in the storm. Ten thousand meters The high giants smashed the giants on the spot and shattered them. Then Verdant Ruins’s God Beast smashed another charge, and the wings twitched as if to tear the Primal Chaos’s peerless sword. The ten giants of ten thousand meters were cut off.

The giants were cut off, the whole world was violently turbulent, and countless forces were rushing, and in some places there were cracks and collapses.


(I want to write emotional drama right away, who said that I will not write emotional drama, I am anxious with him!)

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