“hong long long !”

The violent explosion is filled in the Small World of Caixia King, and each explosion will take away a lot of empty spar and World debris.

Under the impact of Verdant Ruins’s burning of an 18th-order God Beast jade stone, the King of Colors has been hit hard, and now the 49 handle crystallizes the Excalibur crazy, almost no ability to fight back, the whole World Collapse and shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Can be for the current record…

Verdant Ruins is not satisfied.

“49 Great Amplifying Sword Qi is a Divine Ability like a sword array. At present, the 49 Great Amplifying Sword Qi’s sword array has not been blessed by the Great Dao. The formidable power is limited. The main function of the Array is to re-crash the word qi. Condensed, the continuous combat capability has indeed increased greatly, but formidable power has not received any increase, so that before targeting the opponent, there is no such thing as a killing move. If you encounter any enemy, you can only rely on strangling. After consuming the power of the other party, then defeating the other party…”

Verdant Ruins looked at the suppressed and not breathing force, but still in the stubborn resistance of the Caixia King, and looked at the Scarlet Abyss sword spirit that had fallen into the wind and was suppressed by the Bright King, slightly frowns.

According to this trend, he is afraid that he will not be able to defeat the singer Caixia Wang before the eight great thoughts of the Great Duke.

Even though the eight great dukes came, relying on 49 Great Amplifying Sword Qi to form a strong array of sword arrays, he still has the confidence to burn them all, but such a battle is bound to last for a long time, for ten days and a half. Normal, if the light king moves to save the soldiers…

You don’t even need to come up with the power of one thought Great Boundary. The Unrivaled Realm, who is a battlefield in the Great Hall of Light, will be able to defeat him.

“I can’t fight the strength of these combined kings alone…”

Verdant Ruins sighed.

His eyes focused on the extremely injured King of Caixia.

If you want to make a quick fix, you can only use some secrets that may expose your Primal Chaos, such as…


Verdant Ruins waved his hand and frozen to the King of Caixia. In order to ensure safety, he also sacrificed the Ancient Morning Divine World to make it clear that the ancient Morning Divine World is the Lord of the Gods. The lineage has the breath to avoid the other party’s association with his Primal Chaos.

The face of Cai Xia Wang, which was frozen by the Primal Chaos feature, suddenly changed, and lost the support of recovery and other characteristics. Her World operation obviously showed a slight delay.

“The Lord of the Gods, you have the secret treasure that the Lord of the Gods blessed in your hands, can you interfere with the power of the Son of Primal Chaos?”

In the mouth of Caixia, there was a cry of horror.

However, Verdant Ruins did not answer, while he used the freezing technique, Divine Saint
The surgery has been activated, and the next moment, his screaming crystallized Shenjian can skyrocket, and the Caixia King loses its recovery characteristics. When the world is inconvenient, it breaks into her World. Endless sword Light broke out from World, like a path of tearing the sky, smashing the blood of the Void, tearing the King’s Small World apart.

The scream of pain in the mouth of the color cloud that has been smelted with Small World, the power of World is shrinking madly, and at the same time, I want to move away to where the King of Light is.

“Bright King, save me!”

Caixia Wang shouted.

“Damn, give me away!”

The bright king saw the crisis of Caixia Wang, and the angry roar, in his World, seemed to have a radiant burst of fire. This brilliance was full of hegemonic purification power. It seems that except for his energy, all energy It is necessary to be expelled and rejected.

Under the power of this force, Scarlet Abyss sword’s body is like sulfuric acid corrosion, there are a lot of spotted spots, some places are corroded and penetrated, forming voids, and Scarlet Abyss sword’s face is also showing pain. The color.

However, Scarlet Abyss sword clearly knows that Verdant Ruins’s actions have come to the most critical moment, forcing the pain of being purified by Huaguang, and the death is blocked in front of the King of Light, not letting him move forward even one step.

“hong long long !”

The violent shock and explosion sounded in the direction of Caixia Wang.

The Caixia King, who was destroyed and disintegrated, could no longer maintain his own Small World operation. It was like a star lost its core and gravity field. Countless substances and energy were ejected from this star and scattered around. The world is more because of the loss of the core of the bond, quickly disintegrated, and collapsed since then…

“Do not!”

Caixia Wang issued a scream of screaming.

One thought Great Boundary The strong one fuses itself with World, World will last forever, and World collapse will be soul destroyed.

Right now, Caixia Wang World collapses, even the core is shattering, and it seems that waiting for her, only dead end one.


The crystallized swords that smashed into the core of World of Caixia, when they were about to completely destroy the World Core of Caixia King, suddenly stopped.

Then, Verdant Ruins took a shot and crossed the thousands of kilometers of Void, directly holding the World core in his hands, as if human beings had caught the heart.

Grabbing this World core, Verdant Ruins mobilized the power of space to wrap his face, the body of the color seems to be able to crack at any time, Caixia Wang, with her quickly off the battlefield, at the fastest speed moved towards Void end to escape.

Seeing Verdant Ruins leave, Scarlet Abyss sword was quickly out of the battlefield, followed by Verdant Ruins.

Losing the Scarlet Abyss sword, the Bright King has the heart to continue chasing, but the Verdant Ruins “smothered” the horror of the Caixia King, but his heart is suddenly a cold.

That 49 is constantly smashing the sword array composed of crystal swords…

Even if it is the power of his World, it may not be able to resist.

That Yuqing…

It is no wonder that even the 18th-order God Beast can be surrendered. In fact, it is actually a top powerhouse.

“weng weng! ”

When Guangming Wang was full of jealousy about the mysterious Mr. Yu Qing, the power of the rear stocks of World was surging.

The eight Grand Dukes arrived.

It is inevitable that everyone under their own hands will be separated from the Germans. Even if the King of Light avoids the tyranny of Yu Yuqing, he still has to keep up with the eight Grand Dukes. However, after such a delay, Verdant Ruins has more than once to play Inverting in his position. Yin-Yang Immortal Arts, disturbing their tracking trajectory, and when they really catch up, there is the silhouette of Verdant Ruins and the others.



In the endless Void, Verdant Ruins was born with the King of Caixia quickly moving through the space storm.

This extremely dangerous space storm for the general divine Realm is not worth mentioning for him at the moment. Even the existence of these storms has a special effect on covering the traces of his breath, so Verdant Ruins Deliberately took the Caixia Wang to drill into these storms.


Verdant Ruins took a moment to move forward, and a sword light screamed, exactly the Scarlet Abyss sword.

Looking at Scarlet Abyss sword’s weak look, and a trace of corrosion on the body, Verdant Ruins’s eyes flashed a sigh of anger, said solemnly: “Red, hard work.”

“It is my pleasure to be able to help the father of adults.”

Chiyuan forcibly smiled and said: “father, then I have to take a break.”

“Well, go, take good care.”

“Father assured, there is that treasure supplement, for up to ten years, I can help father to fight around.”

Verdant Ruins naturally knows what the treasure that Akino said is the big source.

There is a big source, and it will take a decade for the Red Dragon to recover completely, showing the weight of the injury.

“I will also find a way to find the way for you, speed up your recovery, well, you can rest.”

“many thanks father.”

Scarlet Abyss sword is a compliment of the spirit, which in its view is a treasure that is more capable of elevating its evolution than Big Source.

After cheering, Scarlet Abyss sword quickly became a sword and hung around Verdant Ruins’ waist.

This scene fell to the eyes of Caixia Wang, who was hanging on the line, which made him desperate.

18th-order God Beast, 18-order metamorphosis sword…

This is a weak Unrivaled Realm human, clearly a horrible star beast with a human skin.

“It looks like the bright king of the entire group can’t catch up.”

Verdant Ruins said, his eyes swept in Void for a moment, and soon fell into an area filled with Void storms.

He stooped and quickly came to the center of the Void Storm, then used Stand upright to converge and use Inverting Yin-Yang to erase his traces.

“Cai Xia Wang, I am jealous of you, do not want to kill you, as long as you can answer some questions that satisfy me, I can let you go.”

Verdant Ruins indifferently said.

In a word, suddenly the desperate Caixia Wang revived the desire for life.

“This…His Royal Highness, what do you want to ask? The whereabouts of Dragon Rain Princess? According to the news of the Four Sea Kings… Is Longyu Princess supposed to be robbed by you?”

“Four Sea Kings…”

Verdant Ruins couldn’t help but hear it.

It is no wonder that the King of Light and the others will be so eager to sneak out after they have traced their own traces. Shenwei Wang concealed his news and made it unknown to outsiders, but the Four Sea Kings will make him the 18th-order God Beast. The news spread, it is no wonder that the King of Light and the others will pay so much attention to him.

After a while, he shook his head: “I came with Dongyang, the purpose is to protect Dongyang, but not long ago I had some small contradictions with Dongyang, so we are separated, and I am against you.” There is no interest in the struggle for power within the Great Great World. I am looking for you this time. I want to borrow your Rainbow Bridge World and send me back. It’s as simple as that.”

Caixia Wang listened, and suddenly felt aggrieved in her heart.

You have to borrow my Rainbow Bridge World back to Zhenyang Great World. You said earlier, used to crush my World, almost collapse?

However, in the face of this horrible existence that is not inferior to Tianjianwang, she naturally dare not say it. It is just saying: “Your Ching of Yuqing wants to return to the Great World, just need to give a command, wait until Rainbow Bridge After World is full of energy, I will be able to open the World Channel and send Mr. Yu Qing back.”

“Oh? I don’t know how long it takes for Rainbow Bridge World to be full of energy.”

Verdant Ruins asked nervously.

“Soon, eighty years is enough.”

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