Cai Xia Wang also instantly understood the meaning of Verdant Ruins. He suddenly felt uncomfortable and quickly transferred the five hundred crystal spar from his personal space. At the same time, said with a bitter smile: “Mr. Yu Qing, originally in my Small World. There are thousands of grit accumulations, but as World is defeated, most of the grit has been lost, and now I can get the empty spar, there is only this…”

Verdant Ruins took a look and took the hollow spar: “Five hundred is five hundred. Now, take your Rainbow Bridge World and erase your brand, you can go.”

“Rainbow Bridge World?”

Caixia Wang’s heart is even more bitter.

However, she knew that this Supreme Divine Artifact could not be saved when she was oystered. After all, as a Supreme Divine Artifact that can open the two channels, the effect should not be underestimated. At the moment, only one piece of the treasure can be saved. Life, this is already the best result.

“Mr. Yu Qing… This is Rainbow Bridge World.”

Cai Xia Wang handed over Rainbow Bridge World and paid a piece of jade, which is the method of using Rainbow Bridge World.

Verdant Ruins took over Rainbow Bridge World.

This Supreme Divine Artifact is actually like a name, it is a rainbow of light, this rainbow will expand with the energy injection, until the length of ten thousand meters, it can break the space, just like the bridge connects two World.

After confirming the correctness, Verdant Ruins took Rainbow Bridge World into his personal space and then said: “You can go.”

“many thanks Mr. Yu Qing.”

Cai Xia Wang said, did not dare to have too much thought of reluctance, quickly left the endless Void, went straight to the Great World of Xiaolong.

After the death of Cai Xia Wang, Verdant Ruins did not dare to waste time and moved towards the direction of the Imperial City at the fastest speed.

Cai Xia Wang estimated that he had already calculated the location he would like to go to. He was inevitably called by Cai Xia Wang in advance to illuminate the King of Light, the Purple Jade King and the others, and he would leave as soon as possible.

As for the Dragon Rain Master…

He has already seen that the Princess has had a mind and desire that he should have with his status change, and once a person’s desire is stimulated, it is difficult to converge, and then her desire will definitely It is getting stronger until she is swallowed up by her desires, or endlessly producing more desires.

But no matter what the calculations of Dragon Rain Princess, she is too lazy to cope.

You know, if it wasn’t because Verdant Ruins saw her in the air, she would buy it from Taoism, she would only be a plaything for others, and the future end would be extremely miserable, it was because Verdant Ruins saved it. Her life has changed her destiny, so Verdant Ruins has done what she did before, and even deceived her feelings, it is nothing, even if she is really deceived by her own feelings, nothing more than sad that’s all, He was born in Earth World, and there were countless incidents of men and women who saw each other. Compared to the miserable end, this result is definitely much better.

not to mention……

In the later period, Long Yu Princess had already had an idea that she shouldn’t have, which made Verdant Ruins even more reluctant to have more involvement with her. Now she is not dragging her feet.


After a shuttle, Verdant Ruins soon came outside the Imperial Emperor of the Dragon, and then avoided the Void Fortress outside the Imperial Capital and entered the Imperial City of the Dragon.

At this moment, the imperial city of the Dragon Empire is still shrouded in the power of the King of God and several powerful people. Fortunately, they are in the direction of the royal treasure house, and there are many places in the Teleportation Formation where Verdant Ruins is going. distance.

“Teleportation Formation.”

Verdant Ruins’s gaze fell on a large Array near the city.

This Teleportation Formation is clearly a public Teleportation Formation that everyone can use. More than just a basic hollow spar, the Dragon Empire itself has to be maintained at all times to ensure the proper operation of the Teleportation Formation.

However, due to the danger of the border, even if the top of the great thoughts of a thought Great Boundary can’t guarantee the safety of his life, the number of cultivators that the Dragon Empire really went to was not much. Even if someone went there, most of them were Divine. Saint
The cultivator above the real body is the main, as for Divine Saint
Those who are below the real body can only take the top battleship and the war fortress under the leadership of the one thought Great Boundary.

Verdant Ruins first landed on the Teleportation Formation, incredibly quickly placing the spar into the Teleportation Formation and immediately activating the Teleportation Formation.

Almost as soon as he began to activate Teleportation Formation, World’s power to cover the Imperial City’s Shenwei Wang has been noticed, a phantom is projected immediately.


King Weiwei looked at Verdant Ruins, who stood in the Teleportation Formation, and his eyes flashed with anger and sorrow.

Verdant Ruins didn’t have any worries on his face, but smiled and said: “Here is the World Teleportation Formation going to Bloodblade World. The Dragon Empire should have regulations, and no one can stop it from going to the battlefield for any purpose. The act of the great Primal Chaos, how, the king of God, do you want to stop me?”

Shenwei Wang expression is gloomy, looking at Verdant Ruins’s eyes are full of cold.

For a while, he was started talking: “What method did you use to make me feel the temple of Primal Chaos?”

“You may wish to guess.”

Verdant Ruins indifferently said.

He learned from the side that Primal Chaos, the lord of the ruins, is actually only 40 fourth-order, and is similar to Primal Chaos, candlelight, Taiyi, and the others, but the ruins of the ruins are well-informed. High Rank’s Primal Chaos feature has been passed down in the Royal Secret Scripture, even though the ruins of the ruins have seen a lot of 40 fourth-order or more, and even more than fifty-order son of Primal Chaos, his vision is at best. It can only be confined to 70 before the fifth order. If someone can judge the Primal Chaos feature of freezing, Verdant Ruins is the first to disbelieve.


Shenwei Wang Qiang endured anger: “You better pray not to be touched by me again, otherwise… the next time I see you, it will be your death.”

“I hope that when you see you next time, you still have the courage to take my shot.”

Verdant Ruins responded faintly, and his eyes fell on Teleportation Formation.

At this moment, the Teleportation Formation has been activated and started to operate. The turbulent space fluctuations have spread from the Teleportation Formation, attracting countless people.

These people look to Verdant Ruins for their pity in the eyes, admirers, and many others admire.

After all, the dangers of the border battlefield far exceed everyone’s imagination, and have the courage to go to the border battlefield to participate in the battle. For the great Primal Chaos, the pioneers are worthy of respect.

Of course, respect is one thing, and if you want to let them go on, it’s another matter.

This is also the owner of the ruins, Ruler, but the Supreme-class giants who work for the team are less than ten. In the final analysis, it is because the war is too dangerous to go to the border, and the war madman who is the owner of the ruins, heaven knows when he died. In the fierce border battlefield.

“weng weng! ”

With the accumulation of space in the World Teleportation Formation, after reaching a certain level, it finally broke out completely, accompanied by a path of space torrents rising into the sky, his body shape is also disappeared with this space energy. trace.

“What happened to Great Dragon, who loves who goes…”

Verdant Ruins squats in his mouth, letting the power of the Space Teleportation Formation carry his body in a red and blue shift.

I don’t know how long the past has been, all around suddenly shocked, and the vague Void gradually became clear.

When he was able to see the environment around him again, he was already in a huge square.

This square is full of tens of thousands of kilometers. It consists of countless small squares with a diameter of 10 kilometers to 100 kilometers. Each small square is almost marked with a space Teleportation Formation, which spreads out the power of a circle and the entire square. The number of spatial Teleportation Formations is more than three hundred.

At this moment, his location, in a space Teleportation Formation, the Teleportation Formation hundreds of kilometers away from him is still shining from time to time, transferring each and everyone, or a group of cultivators to the square.


While Verdant Ruins was still looking at the all around environment, a man standing on a semi-circular sphere, looking thirty-up, wearing a black-and-white uniform, appeared directly on Verdant Ruins.

Judging from the breath of his body, there is Divine Saint.
The cultivation base of the true body.

“Hey, let me look at the space record, a strong man from the Great World of the Dragon… What is the Great World? No one has been transferred for a while.”

The man said that he had turned on an instrument and scanned it on Verdant Ruins. The result of the scan was that he was slightly startled.

In the next moment, the attitude of the man who was still somewhat careless became respectful. He made a slight sigh of Verdant Ruins and said with a slight restraint: “This lord, the guide of 1109 will serve you, I don’t know you. How to call it? Your cultivation base is…”

“Dongyang…cultivation base, one thought Great Boundary.”

Verdant Ruins Road.

“one thought becomes a World ?”

I heard Verdant Ruins’s words, the color of the man’s face was slightly scattered, but still respectful: “The method of your astringent breath is the most exquisite one I have seen in so many years. The power of Small World, which is difficult to hide its own atmosphere, is so hidden that it is amazing.”

After that, he has directly entered the working state: “Do you want to exchange military power, visit friends, or go to the battlefield? Can we arrange for you?”

“It’s going to the battlefield.”

Verdant Ruins Road.

“So, are you taking a break and waiting for your team to come, or are you alone? Go straight to?”

“Go directly, but I need to choose the War Zone I am going to.”

“it is good.”

The guide said, let the virtual hand lead, let out this semi-circular platform: “Please come up, I will take you there.”

Verdant Ruins nodded, stood on this platform.

In the next moment, the space environment of all around changed rapidly. His figure seemed to be stretched by the sudden. When he reappeared, he had already left the large square with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers and appeared in a bustling palace. in.

“This…the power of World?”

Verdant Ruins’s face changed slightly, and at this moment he discovered that he was actually in a Small World.

“Blood Blade World is one of the transit stations for the militarized World, but this World’s developer is a great expert, so you don’t have the first time to sense that’s all.”

The guide said, playing a Profound Light on the ball on the side of the palace, and suddenly a vast starry projection projected in the center of the palace.


(Suddenly think of one of Divine Venerable in the Sword Lord.)

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