“Okay, I am happy to help you.”

The leader saw Verdant Ruins make a decision and soon handed a jade plate to him: “This is your token of participation. Please bring it with you whenever you need it. I will take you to Star Harbor for a shuttle.”

After that, he once again made a virtual lead, let Verdant Ruins go to the semi-circular platform, and then there was a Void shuttle.

Verdant Ruins knows that this is the authority that World has given them, and does not mean that they really have such an easy way to shuttle.

It’s as if Verdant Ruins can appear in any corner of your personal space.

Under the guidance of the leader, Verdant Ruins soon appeared in a huge palace, and at the end of the palace was directly outside the World barrier.

When I got here, the mission of the leader was over. Verdant Ruins followed the instructions and quickly passed through the palace, and the blood-blade World came to the periphery of Bloodblade World.

After waiting for the outer edge of Bloodblade World, the first to be printed into Verdant Ruins is a super cannon barrel with a length of more than a thousand kilometers and a diameter of more than 20,000 kilometers. It is incredible that in those guns Around the tube, there is a ring of 60,000 kilometers in diameter. At this moment, in the ring all around, there is a round Small World with each and everyone about 10,000 kilometers in diameter, which is put into the super cannon, accompanied by A horror was enough to spread the energy of the violent torrent in the Void. The circular Small World, which was thrown into the cannon, was like a cannonball that was fired out, suddenly slammed into the twisted Void and disappeared into the vision of Verdant Ruins. Among them.


“Hahaha, newcomer.”

When Verdant Ruins looked at the cannon with some shock, he was on his side and a voice suddenly laughed.

Then, I saw a man with a strong body and muscles as if he could break the clothes. He walked over and said: “I am Hale, from Great World, one thought Great Boundary cultivation base, body strength ten 7th Grade, how to call the car.”

“Dongyang, the 18th-order strength of the body, from the Great World of Xiaolong.”

Verdant Ruins did not reject the good intentions of the man in front of him.

“Eighteen-order body? Good guy, how do you cultivate?”

Hale looked at Verdant Ruins, his eyes full of strange colors.

After a while, he realized that he asked some lost self-controls. He quickly said: “I was just a little surprised. I don’t know how much people spend tempering tempering before they get into the scent of Saint Physique. Once the Saint Physique is built, the strength of the body is naturally 20 steps, which makes the previous tempering of the body as a waste of time. If it is not because I like to do the infiltration task to obtain a large amount of military training in attack and defense, it will not be tempering. It takes so much attention on the body.”

“It’s a coincidence that I got a Qi of Profound Yellow.”

When Hale heard it, he suddenly stunned: “Qi of Profound Yellow…you…you used it on yourself?”

Verdant Ruins knows what Hale is surprised about. After all, Qi of Profound Yellow often means being able to shape a Primal Chaos Divine Beast.

This is the best, not inferior to the value of Dayuan relative to human beings.

“At the time, I was forced to make a choice.”

Verdant Ruins added, added: “I am taking the route of quenching, but unlike you, in addition to physical strength, there is a cultivation base of one thought becomes a World.”

In his explanation, Hale only understands the nodded: “Yes, in the face of life and death, any resources can be abandoned.”

Even so, he still has a sense of regret that is violent.

“A cultivator with a special body, without the burden of Small World, the probability of being discovered can be greatly reduced… You should also take the infiltration task?”

“Not bad.”

“Would you like to join our team? Our team is all infiltrated with the mission, and our Captain is also the same as you, tempering to the 18th-order cultivator.”

Verdant Ruins thinks that the main purpose of his trip to the eight hundred twenty three War Zone is to kill Axe True God and solve the crisis of Earth World. It is true that Axe True God has an ally and joins a small team. It is not bad to take care of it.

At the moment, he said: “We may wish to exchange the contact numbers first, and wait until there is some understanding of each other before talking about joining.”

“Well, our Jinpeng team welcomes you at any time.”

Hale said to take his identity card out.

The identity card has the function of communication, but this function becomes extremely limited after the territory of the Lord of Time.

“Look at this speed, it will take us three days to get to our turn.”

“This thing, can we send us directly to the eight hundred twenty three War Zone?”

“haha, the distance we are from the 800 twenty three War Zone is not too far away. A time-spaced cannon can only send us outside the 1 billion light years…”

Speaking of this, Hale quickly said: “The last few missions are the infiltration tasks of the main territory of time, and they are used to the measurement units there. 1 billion light years is probably the distance of an average of a thousand Great World. Although Blood Blade World is closer to War Zone, it also requires thousands of time-space transmissions to send us to War Zone. If it is fast, it will arrive in three or four years. If it is slow, it will take ten or twenty years.”

“Three or four years, ten years…”

Verdant Ruins frowned, although this time is long, but still acceptable.

“Right, Lord Dongyang, because there is not a lot of Teleportation Formation in the World of Time Lord, and you can’t freely sense the power of Great Dao to tear the space for shuttle. I suggest you buy one in the Civilization of Time. The spaceship that can be used, otherwise, even if you have 18-order physical strength, you have to spend a very long time from one river to another.”

Verdant Ruins nodded : “many thanks reminder.”

In the next few days, Verdant Ruins was still chatting with Hale, and Hale was full of enthusiasm for a cultivator with an 18-order strength of Verdant Ruins. In this case, Verdant Ruins is a good time. The territory occupied by the Lord has a lot of understanding.

Three days passed quickly, and everyone began to move through the overtime giant cannon.

Despite the early and late problems, basically every three days, Verdant Ruins was able to make a time-space transmission, although not slow, but when he actually came to the eight hundred twenty three War Zone, it was still ten years later.

“finally reached.”

Verdant Ruins sighed in relief as the entire group landed on a planet with a diameter of 180,000 kilometers.

“I don’t think that the main base of the eight hundred twenty three War Zone has moved forward. I used to remember the position of the main base in a medium-sized World of the sword. Calculate the position… In the past thousand years, they should advance At a distance of six thousand light years, it really deserves to be the War Zone hosted by the Great Expert giant dragon City Lord.”

Hale all around looked at a few eyes and said.

“Great Expert? The host of our War Zone is actually Great Expert!?”

“Of course not. Our 3,600 War Zones are divided into several parts. Each part is coordinated by a Great Expert. The giant dragon City Lord is the one who is responsible for the overall situation of the War Zone. Twenty three War Zone is a powerful presence of the famous Cheryl Ruler.”

Verdant Ruins nodded.

The War Zone, which Ruler is responsible for, should be dangerous if he is careful not to encounter a 19th-order creature that is equivalent to Primal Chaos.

This feeling is like the battlefield of the True Martial Empire, he only has Divine Saint
The same is true for the cultivation base.

“Dongyang, I will take you to pick up the task first.”

Behind Hale, there is a woman with a silver white long hair that looks quite heroic.

This is the deputy Captain Yin Yu of the Jinpeng team. Although its tempering intensity is only 16 steps, it is very proficient in the Culture System of the main domain of time. It is said that it has begun to unify the four basic forces.

“it is good.”

Verdant Ruins followed a pyramid-like building in the center of the silver-shaved moving towards the planet.

In the past ten years, they have had a little contact, and Verdant Ruins has promised to join their Jinpeng team. Because of his 18-step advantage, he has become a heavyweight in the team, even the deputy Captain of Silver Feather. They all show their goodwill on the side and want to keep him in the team.

Under the leadership of Silver Feather, Verdant Ruins came to a hall inside the pyramid. There were more than a dozen screens in the hall all around, and a message flashed on it.

Yin Yu inserted his identity card into a connector and asked: “Dongyang, did you really not act with us this time?”

“When I perform the task for the first time, I have to get used to it first. I won’t be able to drag you down later. After I get a little familiar with the specific mission process, I will not be late with you.”

“Well, if there is anything, please contact us as soon as possible.”

Yin Yu said, and transferred a lot of information: “These tasks are more suitable for you, you look.”

Verdant Ruins looked at the flash of data on the screen and stared at the screen for a dozen hours before he noticed the traces of Axe True God.

There are hundreds of millions of galaxies in a War Zone. There may be hundreds of Supremes and hundreds of thousands of thoughts. It is not easy to search for a single person from here.

“This task is not bad.”

Verdant Ruins quickly transferred the task.

“The gods of the Lord’s camp lurked with Axe True God behaving abnormally. For a long time hovering in a galaxies called the four-spin galaxies, there seems to be a plot. Hey, Axe True God is the seat of the gods. In the territory of the Lord of Time, it is also restricted. This task is mainly for exploration. It is not for you to kill Axe True God. It is really difficult for you with an 18-order body.”

Yin Yu nodded, and then directly asked: “When are you going to leave?”

“Just in the near future, get back early and get back to work early.”

“Then wait, I will send you a spaceship. With this spaceship, it takes only ten years, and you should be able to reach the target location.”

Verdant Ruins is eager to get back to Earth World, knowing that such a spaceship that can span millions of light years in a decade is bound to be expensive, but it has not refused: “Then many thanks, I will return you when I finish the mission. This person.”

“hehe, then we are waiting for you.”

Silver feather said with a smile.

Next, after Yin Yu assisted Verdant Ruins in taking the task, he handed over the spaceship that she called theuck Star Ship to Verdant Ruins.

Verdant Ruins, who got spaceship, with one’s heart set on speeding home, didn’t have a half-delay on this star. She started spaceship first and went back to Earth World.


(Return to Earth, the total time has passed more than 30 years.)

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