“There is an internal penetration method.”

Verdant Ruins stood in front of a church-like building and looked at the ten-story building.

At this time, his appearance has changed slightly compared with the human form, and his height has risen to three meters. The body is filled with a kind of blue skin, and there are two snail-like tentacles on his head.

This is the main form of the Feika civilization.

“In terms of the power of Axel True God, it is not difficult to force a flying card civilization if it is forcibly attacked. At the moment… they use the internal penetration method to occupy the Flying Card civilization, or there may be a more advanced technological civilization behind the Flying Card civilization. Let them not dare to attack, either… Axe True God’s deity is not in this star field, and the Foca civilization is only a god…that is, Half-God…”

Verdant Ruins stood outside this church-like building and watched the crowds coming and going in the buildings. The spirit was carefully sensing the conversations of the people inside.

Not long after, he already learned from the bishops responsible for the church the forces they belong to.

“Saia God, Fira Half-God?”

Verdant Ruins listened, and thought that the news he had received from Earth World’s black robe magistrate suddenly understood that he was looking for the right place.

The power of Axe True God uses him as the pyramid of the pyramid. He has dozens of high-grade Half-God. After Half-God, he is the commander of many Legion battles. Every god will often have Divine. Saint
The cultivation base of the real body, but in the name of the Lord of the Gods, it is called Sanctuary Master, God will go down, it is the big Captain, the Captain, the small Captain, respectively corresponding to the Legendary Master, Sanctuary Master, Domain Master A few realm, and their stage starts with Axe True God, which can be included in the 18th to 13th order.

Like the archbishop responsible for this galaxies, the gods who are the equivalent of the 16th-order god will be Saia, and the one responsible for the entire Feica civilization is the famous top-ranking strongman under the Axe True God, ten 7th grade Half-God Fira.

“Probably clear, then, just follow the vine, directly through the capital city city of the bishop to find the so-called Saiya gods, and then pull out the Fir Half-God, and then Fira Half-God mouth forced out Eck As for the trace of True God, as long as it can solve Axe True God, then Carrell, who is in charge of the solar system, will not be worth mentioning.”

Thinking of this, Verdant Ruins did not falsify in the flying card civilization of the 16th-order civilization. He directly entered the church and moved towards the bishop who was blessed by a big man.

As he moved toward the bishop and the big man, all around a dozen of the guards responsible for protecting the big man greeted all of them, and shouted: “I didn’t see Jason Senator accepting Bishop Weiman. Blessing? Go back.”

Verdant Ruins thought a little bit, and thought of the basic information in the time-honored camp that he had obtained. He quickly compiled an identity for himself. He immediately looked at the guards and stared at the bishop Welman said solemnmnly: I am a member of the special action team from the top commander of the C823War Zone. You can call me the number 16. I suspect that this church is related to the outside invasion. Now, I need you to help me to investigate.”

“Special Action Team members under the command of the C823War Zone Commander…”

Wellman complexion changed, but he quickly calmed down, indifferently said: “This gentleman, I don’t know what you are saying, please don’t bother me to bless Mr. Jason.”

After he finished watching Jason, who was being blessed by himself, said: “Mr. Member, I don’t think you want your blessing ceremony to be bothered by an inexplicable outsider.”

“of course.”

Originally a devout face of Jason suddenly became fierce: “A few of you are still doing something next to you, throwing him out, if he dares to be stubborn, rule the security department of the district, give him I grabbed it and said it was what I said.”

“Yes, adults.”

Several guards were promised, they were about to shoot, but they didn’t wait for them to get some action. A mental force broke away. It was going to move towards several guards who rushed over and immediately squatted on the spot, and fell down at the same time. Lost the breath of life.

This scene fell in the face of a fierce Jason, and suddenly his eyes suddenly stunned and immediately became scared: “You…who are you? I am a member of the Capital City Council, I…”

“You are not qualified to know my identity at your level, and report my words to the president of your country. He will make the right choice.”

Verdant Ruins finished, no longer paying attention to Jason, directly moved towards Willman to grab: “I need you to cooperate with my investigation.”

There was a sigh of anger in Willman’s eyes, but when he planned to act, he seemed to associate something, forcing the thoughts in his heart, said solemnly: “Well, I followed you to investigate.”

After that, he said to Jason: “Mrs. Jason, I believe that our Flying Card Empire will definitely not allow those who are above the law to do anything wrong?”

Although Jason is quite loyal to the church, he still does not reach the level of deep believers. In front of the life-threatening Verdant Ruins, he intends to save his life first: “I will move towards the president’s report. I believe the president will give us a reasonable explanation.”

“hope so.”

Willman glanced at Jason with some dissatisfaction, and eventually went out of the church with Verdant Ruins.

Almost when Welman was taken away, a message was quickly sent out from this small church, and it was quickly spread throughout the galaxy. In less than half an hour, the relevant information has fallen to the responsible capital galaxy. The god of Saia will be on hand.

“The self-proclaimed command of the C823War Zone commander is a member of the Special Operations Squad. Willman’s data estimates that his mental strength is fourteenth? But it does not rule out the strength of hiding, which is why he did not resist in the first place. What… However, Willman should be deceived by people. The commander of C823War Zone is a high-dimensional creature that is not just in name only, but also in reality, even if he manifests itself in the form of material World. They are all a neutron star with a diameter of 100 kilometers. The core driving force is a medium-sized black hole. Even if it does not take the initiative, the gravitational wave emitted by itself is enough to engulf the star, attracting gravitation within tens of light years. If the matter is really ordered to send a small team to act, it is necessary to say that it is equivalent to the 16th order, or even the 7th grade of the advanced mechanical body, how the wave strength can be only fourteenth order. ”

“God will be an adult. In fact, we did get a message not long ago. The Flying Card civilization detected abnormal energy fluctuations. It seems that some kind of aircraft quickly approached with the help of the cosmic tide, but when the Flying Card civilization became the enemy, it began to guard. At that time, the volatility disappeared. From the level of technology that appeared in the aircraft at that time, at least it reached ten 7th grade. You see, this sudden emergence of the enemies of Bishop Wilman, is it that ride? The mysterious existence of ten 7th grade aircraft.”

A middle-aged man said solemnly in armor, like a medieval knight.

In addition to the so-called spells and Divine Technique, the Spirit System of the gods also has the existence of Body Refiner. The middle-aged man is obviously the master of the refining lineage, and the body strength of the body has reached fifteen levels. Fleshy body crossing the starry sky for him, with no difficulty, if you concentrate on the History of the main lineage of the Culture System, you can use the Law created by the Lord of Time to fly super-light speed.

“There is this thing…”

Sayan God sank his face: “Do you think this will be a trap set up by the Lord of Time? He just and honorable arrested Bishop Wilman, the purpose is to lead us to rescue, and thus We are all done.”

“Even if you don’t need to use a think tank, you can judge it by your subordinates. This probability is above 80%.”

The god of Saia will listen to it and meditate.

For a while, he said: “At present, all the 13th-order civilizations in the entire Milky Way, we have controlled 60%, and the most important three-sixth-order civilization with interstellar voyage capability is only one Foca civilization. It has been thoroughly mastered by us. However, although the Feika civilization has not been completely mastered by us, the senior officials in the entire civilization have 30% and above become believers in our church, and 30% is in the middle of swing. , showing enough miracles… There is a great possibility that the Feika civilization will be completely poured over to us. At that time, we will have nailed a nail in the eight hundred twenty three War Zone… … As long as we can hold on for three hundred years and complete the construction of the Star Gate, we are equivalent to standing firm in this star field.”

“The adult means…”

“You don’t want to act blindly without thinking, I want to ask Fira to be handsome.”

The god of Saia will say moved toward the interior of the room and seems to be in contact with Fira, who is Half-God.

After an hour, Saia reappeared: “The next civilization of the time is the equivalent of a combat unit. The battleship may have reached the level of ten 7th grade, but according to the information of Marshal Fira, they No trace of the fleet was found. That is to say, we need to deal with only a very small part of this suspected 7th grade civilization. As long as we are careful, we will be able to produce it. After we take it, we will analyze their spaceship. The ten 7th grade technology in China is also helpful to us in understanding the direction of this War Zone civilization.”

The armor man suddenly heard aloud: “Please ask the adults to order.”

“Well, I will call the Knights and the members of the Masters. I will personally lead the team and take the special action team members who perform secret missions with the lion’s strength. If successful, we can still win decades and hundreds of years. Peaceful penetration time, if it fails… then directly forcibly occupy the Feika civilization, and all the civilizations that we commanded to send resources, build the Star Gate, and meet the other True God and Half-God under the Lord God.”

Saia waved a hand, and there was some faint excitement in expression.

In this river system, it has been infiltrated for nearly a thousand years, and now it is finally at the last moment of the harvest.

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