Elder’s Elder has been frightened by the strong means that Verdant Ruins showed up.

Among them, Verdant Ruins stared at it and sacrificed the power of the martyrdom. Elder, who had completely destroyed his World, couldn’t help but shouted: “Floating, you look at us in such a hurry.” Without rescuing? If our Void Sword Club lost two Primal Chaos Supreme, it will be extremely unfavorable in the next battle to seize the Great World. When a sword owner arrives, we will see that we are doing things in the Great World. It’s not good, neither of you can escape.”

Elder, who was floating, heard the scream of Elder, and thought that things should be almost here.

He couldn’t really watch Verdant Ruins ruin the two Supreme Elders.

On the one hand, this will detract from the power of the Void Sword Pavilion, which is not conducive to the interests of the Void Sword Pavilion and other Great World’s strong competitors, and on the other hand…

After all, they belonged to a member of the Void Sword Pavilion. If people know that they are looking at Sect’s two Supreme Elder bodies because of guilt, they are inevitably responsible.

Thinking of this, the floating Elder suddenly came out, loudly: “Verdant Ruins swords and stayed, the mixed Sword Sect is the Void Sword Court two swordsmen smashed, I apologize to Verdant Ruins swordsman. ”

After Verdant Ruins defeated the two Supreme Elder’s Small World, they chose the right one. It is the Void Sword Pavilion’s mysterious World. Once he really wants to hurt the two Supreme Elders. Under the killer, the floating Elder must not stand by, when the other party only needs to not interfere with the power of the mysterious World, with the dust and the heart of the two Primal Chaos Supreme to mobilize the power of the mysterious World, it is enough to make him have to retreat.

As Verdant Ruins stopped, Lanxin and Supreme Elder had a gloomy face.

However, they finally understand that the hero does not eat the truth before the loss, each and everyone stunned Verdant Ruins, coldly said: “Good, very good, this good boy, we wrote down.”

After that, I didn’t dare to respond to Verdant Ruins. The body shape flashed and disappeared.

Verdant Ruins is too lazy to chase.

As for the so-called six hundred roads…

It is impossible to get back before he is not enough to fully suppress the power of the Void Sword Pavilion.

“Verdant Ruins, the two of them are this kind of temper, but they are not greedy, but we are not all of them in the Void Sword Court. Please also Verdant Ruins Swords don’t go to the heart. There is time, our Void Sword Pavilion mixes with you. Meta Sword Sect is still a lot of exchanges.”

Elder sees the blue heart, the dust and the two eat, and the mood is good, plus speculation that Verdant Ruins may have the background of Great Expert, and the words are quite polite.

“Floating Elder is justified, and we really should exchange more.”

After Verdant Ruins finished, he turned to the white shadow, specifically on the Small World in her hand: “The Void Sword Club has taken care of our Sword Sect members over the years, and now I am the Supreme Elder. Returning, naturally, it’s not good to let them bother with the Void Sword Court. I will take them out first.”

“Verdant Ruins Swords please, if you need it later, you can find me directly. Some small ones can help, and our Void Sword Club will try our best to help.”

“Many thanks.”

Verdant Ruins said that he also said to him: “You have to give us a ride.”

White shadows nodded, and asked for the light Elder, the light Elder naturally will not stop, the current smile of the face of Verdant Ruins left the mysterious World.

After Verdant Ruins left, the floating Elder only slightly converges on his smile: “A Great God, really ruined all the ghosts and the gods… but the annual output is 5,000. Rich World… Great Expert will be tempted, and this situation is also reasonable. I don’t know how much my Void Sword Court can make in such a Great World…”


Outside the Void Sword Pavilion, White Shadow followed Verdant Ruins, and she seemed a bit weak about what happened in the Void Sword Pavilion.

Verdant Ruins seems to see her low interest, and can’t help but laugh: “There is nothing unhappy, although the Void Sword is strong, but we are not weak, compared to the Void Sword Court and even other Great World Supreme. Ruler, we are worse, just time. If you give us enough time, whether you or me, you will never be inferior to any Supreme, a Ruler, don’t forget, you are the genius girl Bai Hengjian. ”

The white shadow was ridiculed by Verdant Ruins. “What genius girl Bai Hengjian, the title of the sword master, but the Ruler who has been married to the Saint Physique can have it. We now claim to be the sword master, it only makes people laugh. And… even if there is a big source that owes you, I want to cultivate to the level of my Master’s master, and a few will have to work for thousands of years.”

“For thousands of years, are you not satisfied with this number? You know, many Divine Saints
The real cultivator can’t concise Small World for a lifetime, and one thought becomes a World, and one of the top abilities of one thought Great Boundary, how many people can enter Primal Chaos? Not to mention the crossing of Primal Chaos to the environment of Ruler. Which realm is not a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses? If you let those veteran one thought Great Boundary people know that you are actually suffering for thousands of years to achieve the sword master, you must be angry to get really angry. ”

“I have to be a sword master for thousands of years, but you… I haven’t seen it for a hundred years. It’s already a sword, not just in name only, but also in reality. I am not a genius compared to you. “”

Bai Yuying said, and soon it was colored: “I will pass on the swordsmanship to you now, but because of the two Supreme Elders, you are afraid that you can’t be in the world. I have been waiting for a long time, and I can’t give you too much help. I can only rely on myself to cultivate the swords of the immortals. After all, the Array Power of the World Array can be controlled by any one of the four Supreme Elders. They take control of the Array of Virtual World when you are in the Dark World, attacking you, your situation will become very passive.”

“I understand that it is enough to have your cultivation experience.”

“That is, you have never done it because of blue and blue. I taught you the sword of the sun, but in the end you gave me a lot of powerful Sword Technique. Even these Sword Technique concepts are very important to me until now.”

White shadows.

Verdant Ruins nodded.

In the technological civilization of the main lineage of time, the 16th order probably can take advantage of the power of the neutron star. It is necessary to make full use of the neutron star to make it a battleship-like existence, and the technological civilization still has 18th-order, as for the use of black holes. Become a war weapon, that is the technology that can be mastered by the 19th-order scientific and technological civilization.

Verdant Ruins teaches the concept of the Japanese glory, the Japanese eclipse, the solar eclipse and the black day lineage Sword Technique. If she can fully understand it, the gradual cultivation will not be a problem until the Primal Chaos. In the future, Saint Physique cultivation, it is not what he can derive. After all, he can own the own Dao, and he also relies on the creation of the gods and jade, otherwise he may not be able to have the same color as the Great Expert. Realm.

“Intentional understanding.”

The white shadows screamed. The next moment, one pointed at the eyebrows of Verdant Ruins. For a time, there was a mysterious brain in the mind of the sacred sacred sword, which was poured into his mind and clearly presented in his mind.

As the Xeon Inheritance of the Void Sword Pavilion, the swordsmanship is not recorded in the text, and can only be carried out in this one-to-one manner. This method is also the biggest way to ensure that the sword will not leak.

“This Sword Technique…”

As White Shadow passed this Sword Technique to Verdant Ruins, Verdant Ruins suddenly felt the extraordinary of this Sword Technique.

The murderous aura contained in Sword Technique can be said to go straight into the sky, even if it has not yet been cultivated, Verdant Ruins can feel the extremely awkward aggression and aggressiveness of this Sword Technique…

This is a sword that has not changed anything and will attack and kill the deeds to the extreme.

In particular, combining this Sword Technique with the old Slaughter Great Dao, it is more able to interpret its destructively vividly and thoroughly.

“No wonder… It’s no wonder that if this Sword Technique is made into Perfection, it will allow Ruler to threaten Great Expert… This is like Extreme Sword Dao… Once it’s practiced, Dharma Heavenly Transformation is also sure to tear the domain of Domain Realm cultivator… No This sword is much stronger than Extreme Sword Dao. Dharma Heavenly Transformation and Domain Realm are different. However, there are still many examples in the history of Dharma Heavenly Transformation to reverse Domain Realm. The gap between the ruler of Saint Physique and the Great Expert is almost too difficult to measure, even if the gap between Golden Core Realm and Divine Ability Realm is not necessarily comparable to the difference between Ruler and Great Expert… In this case, the repair of this sword can make Ruler threaten the Great Expert, and its power can be imagined.”

Verdant Ruins is a little excited, and more is the expectation of this Sword Technique.

If he can build this Sword Technique, and then rely on his own existence and non-existence characteristics to sneak out of the shuttle, assassination, in the context of Ruler, who can resist?


If he can put this Sword Technique cultivation Perfection in Supreme, even if he is a Ruler who has been married to Saint Physique, he may not be able to compete with it.

“Verdant Ruins, you are comprehend, if you don’t understand anything, you can ask me through the Primal Chaos Temple. My entry and exit in the personal space of the Primal Chaos Temple has not changed.”

White shadows.

“I understand that it is not too late. When I contacted the candlelight and the Scorpio, they tried to cultivate this sword as much as possible! I have to say that your sword is too helpful to me.”

“It’s good to be useful.”

White light shadow lightly smiled, at the end, only added a sentence: “You are careful… you are in the 60th order of Primal Chaos. Many people know… this temptation…not the usual Primal Chaos Supreme Resistible… Once your position is exposed, they are likely to unite in groups to deal with you…”

Verdant Ruins couldn’t help but sneer: “Now they are united, I still avoid them a bit, but as I understand my power more thoroughly and repair your Sword Technique… When they are afraid to hide from me It’s too late, I dare to show up in front of me.”

“Yes, then I will wait for the moment of your great divine prestige.”

White and shadowy pretty face is full of smiles

“You will see it.”

Verdant Ruins is very serious.


(Today, people have been dragged to move things, and the hands and feet are weak, tragedy, and even more serious is that the body will be sore tomorrow, lasting two or three days.)

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