“Wei, what I said is true…”

Haishu suddenly became anxious, for fear that Haiweier would repeat the same mistakes.

“Well, Mrs. Haishu is a family. Why care about these little problems.”

Verdant Ruins sighed and turned to Hai Weier: “These are friends of your Sect? Come in and sit down together.”

The road was long and awkward, and at the same time turned to Haiweier Road: “Wei, this one is…”

“This is… my brother, Verdant Ruins…”


The long wind was slightly startled, and then the smile on his face was a lot of enthusiasm: “It turned out to be Verdant Ruins Fellow Daoist, and the true disciple in the next flying star trail is good.”

“The visitor is a guest, come in and sit down.”

Verdant Ruins has no special expression, just a polite way.

The woman named on the side of the glass smiled and said to another man: “Our flying star gate is one of the largest Sects in the world near the source, and the trailing dragon list is often only true disciple. One hundred people are eligible to be listed, and the weight is extremely heavy. It is only obvious that the Verdant Ruins Fellow Daoist may not even know the concept of the diving list.”

“The people of the original World have a unique resource, but the integration of our Immortal Dao civilization has not been more than a hundred years, and it is reasonable to see it.”

The man smiled back at the sound transmission and said: “But this Verdant Ruins is the brother of Haiweier Junior Sister. We have to give her more face to face, so don’t say it.”

“That should be.”

The glass of ice said, looking up slightly, and entered the courtyard with the color of arrogance.

After entering the door, Haiweier carefully sensed the strength of Spiritual Qi, which is worse than the flying star door. He frowned: “father, mother, you are in a place where the Spiritual Qi environment is so poor. I will be more and more backward than people. Why not go to the mountain range? I remember that when our Earth civilization was just integrated into the Immortal Dao civilization, father was the top 100 in our Earth civilization.”

Sapphire Ming listened and smiled and waved: “The mountain range is too noisy. I am not used to it. I feel very good here. As for the cultivation base, we are now in the shelter of Immortal Dao civilization. At the beginning of the lineage, the Void Immortal monarch is self-care. Even if we practice to return to the virtual world, even if it is feathered into a fairy, how much can it be used? It is better to take advantage of the fact that the body is still good and support the sky.”

“The green uncle said this. Although we live in the territory of the Immortal Dao civilization, we have True Immortal on our heads, even the great Xianjun, and the Supreme’s Emperor, but this can’t be ours. The reason for the lack of progress is that the situation of our Immortal Dao civilization is not really good at present. There are powerful enemies on the outside. In this case, every cultivator of our Immortal Dao civilization should strive to be strong and strive to go up early. The achievement of Immortal Dao is to contribute to our own forces in the Immortal Dao civilization.”

A man came forward to soled solemnly.

Sapphire Ming glanced at the man who spoke, and stunned. For a time, I didn’t know how to answer it.

Verdant Ruins looked around and couldn’t help but shook his head: “There are people who have their own aspirations. Don’t force them. Since my father doesn’t want to sway on the cultivation road, then he can follow his heart.”

“Verdant Ruins Fellow Daoist is not right. The cultivation is the transformation of life. Mortal can only achieve the golden dragon. Even if it can achieve the Immortal Dao, it will be a thousand years with no difficulty. True Immortal, that’s true Longevity, Inextinguishable Immortal, don’t you want to live with your family and friends forever? Instead, you want to see your family grow old and endure life and death after thousands of years?”

Daochangfeng said indifferently: “And I want to achieve Immortal Dao early, the external environment is very important. The original mountain range is a gift from the Emperor, giving a medium-sized fairy vein. These treatments are not owned by many first-class Sects. Moreover, the uncle Green is not considering for himself, but also for the children. Weier and Xiner are two great prospects. If the young uncle can run around, relocate to the original mountain range and enjoy the original mountain. Range The benefits of Xianmai, I believe that the cultivation of Weier and Xiner will be smoother and faster to break into higher realm.”

“Source initial range ……”

When Sapphire thought of the original mountain range, those who were intrigued by the distribution of the Cave Mansion, could not help but fallowned.

When he was a country for the people, he could throw his head and shed blood, but with the disintegration of the federal government, he has lost his way forward, and this will be in a decadent, and now that decades have passed, he has gradually become accustomed to this. Life, like the plainness in front of you, if you want to go to the original mountain range to compete for your own interests…

“Father, you can do what you want. If you want to go to the mountain range, we will go, don’t want to go, don’t go.”

Verdant Ruins saw the embarrassment of Qing Yuming and said a word. At the end, he looked at Haiweier and Qingyuxin again: “If Father can’t worry about two younger sisters, then I will let Void Immortal take care of them. It’s good, even, I might be able to find a relationship and let them go under a certain sect, Immortal Arts.”

Sapphire Ming heard what Verdant Ruins said, and suddenly felt that the mind was big.

This son, who is able to sit on the same level as Void Immortal, is known as the great man of Xianjun. This little thing does not need him to worry about it.

Thinking of this, Sapphire had a smile on his face and was about to say something. But at this time, the woman with the name of the ice glass couldn’t help but laugh and suddenly attracted everyone’s attention.

I noticed my lost self-control, and I quickly said: “I’m sorry, sorry… I just… just think it’s funny, so… sorry, sorry, you continue, don’t worry about me.”

On the side of Haiweier, she naturally knew what the ice glass was laughing at, and felt that her cheeks were slightly hot. She quickly complained to Verdant Ruins: “Verdant Ruins, what are you talking about, how great is Void Immortal Jun? Character, how can there be time to concentrate on us, he…”

Haiweier’s words have not been finished yet, but a form is suddenly appearing and turned into a man with a sacred bone.

When the figure was manifested, his voice was followed: “Verdant Ruins, Xianjun, disturbed, the Emperor of the Sea, the Emperor of the Purple Emperor, a few banquets, and the Verdant Ruins. Verdant Ruins Sinjun moves to the Immortal Palace?”

“Ouhai Xiandi, Zijin Xiandi?”

When Haiweier, who was talking, heard these two names, the words were abruptly stopped, and when he saw this sudden manifestation, more than once the middle-aged man seen on television and video, it was Breathing suddenly.

“Void Immortal Jun!?”

“Is the real body of Void Immortal Jun!?”

“My goodness, the Void Immortal Jun actually appeared, and, just beside us… Wait, what did Void Immortal say?”

The shock of several disciples from the Flying Gate continued for less than a moment, and after they really figured out the meaning of the Void Immortal slogan, the sound stopped…

“Wuhai Xiandi, Zijin Xiandi?”

Verdant Ruins listened, although I don’t know what the two emperors called him to do, but now he is in the territory of Immortal Dao civilization, but it is not good for these emperors to turn a blind eye, now complied: “that Ok, let’s go.”

“Verdant Ruins, please come with me.”

Void Immortal sighed and took the first step.

Verdant Ruins also said to the sapphire: “I will go first, come back later and talk to father about your next planning.”

“Go to go, Xiandi… That’s the legendary Supreme’s emperor.”

Qing Yuming forced himself to calm down, but when he mentioned the word Emperor, the tone was still trembling.

Verdant Ruins nodded, the shape of a flash, has been followed by Void Immortal, the speed is fast, there are people in the place, including the Shatining Void cultivation base, the true disciple road, the true disciple, the wind, there is no Perceived half points.

Void Immortal Jun, Verdant Ruins left for a while, Haiweier, Daochangfeng and others gradually recovered from the shock, and thought of their previous pretense, could not help but shudder .

“This…Verdant Ruins…he, how could he…”

Mrs. Haiyan looked at Haiweier with some complaints: “I have told you that Verdant Ruins came to talk with Void Immortal Jun when he arrived.”

“But…but you didn’t tell me that he is a fairy…”

Hai Weier looked sad.

“This thing, we are also unbelievable.”

On the other side, Sapphire Ming heard the fear revealed in Hai Weier’s tone and said: “In any case, he is your brother. It is impossible to give birth to you because of such a small thing. You can rest assured that this is fine. As long as you siblings and unite and love, I believe that Verdant Ruins will accept you after a long time.”

Hai Weier heard the words of Qing Yuming, and she was relieved in relief.

The more I know about the Immortal Dao civilization, the more he understands the weight of a fairy, just as she explained for her mother, a fairy who decides the life and death of thousands of civilizations, not An empty talk.

“Xianjun…Xianjun… My big brother is actually Taiyixianjun, great.”

On the other side, Sapphire Xin reacted from the shocking scene just now, and couldn’t help but screamed with joy: “There is a Taiyi Xianjun who is a helper. I see that there are still in the Flying Star Gate from now on. Who dares to bully us.”

“Xianjun… Weier Junior Sister, in your family, there is actually a Taiyixianjun…”

Daochangfeng’s face is full of smiles.

Originally, he had an admiration for Hai Weier, followed her back, and did not see the meaning of the parents, but after learning that there was a great existence of Taiyi Xianjun in Haiweier’s home, he understood that he This achievement, in this life, I would like to deserve Shanghai Weier.

I came with him, and I recently talked with Haiweier about the ice glass and the others. At this time, the attitude changed as well. The eyes of their sisters were filled with a kind of awe.

They already understand that from this moment on, the life of the two sisters of Haiweier will surely change dramatically and will no longer be in the same World with them.


It is the power of Taiyi Xianjun.

Even if there is no indication of the Taiyi Xianjun, this change will inevitably appear in the next period of time, and completely push the two Wei Wei and Qing Yuxin, who are similar to them in the previous second, to the throne.

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