“Primal Chaos is alive…”

Verdant Ruins went deep into the spirit of Primal Chaos and carefully sensed the nature of Primal Chaos.

This nature…

It is a little different from the Great Dao Law that Verdant Ruins understands.

Primal Chaos is not a direct growth of Great Dao Law, it really gives Verdant Ruins the feeling, but instead…

An empty space.

Yes, it is like a vacuum in the vast stars.

For Mortal, which has not yet become a life of the universe, if it enters the starry sky outside the atmosphere of the stars, there is a natural dead end.

For the real life of the universe, there is no endlessness, endless, and there is actually nothing in the starry sky where there is any matter or atmosphere. There are actually many things that Mortal’s eyes can’t sense, such as magnetic fields, rays, radiation, particles, etc. It’s just that these things can’t be sensed by non-starry life. Even if they are exposed to these rays, they only have a dead end.

At this moment, Verdant Ruins is equivalent to the environment inside an atmosphere, directly into the universe, although this starry sky looks very empty, but it does not have much impact on Verdant Ruins.

On the contrary, his own Great Dao Law is more active than the suppression of the inner environment.

It is as if you want to break through the sound barrier in a star, it is extremely difficult to be hindered by the atmosphere, but in the environment of the universe, this will become with no difficulty.

The same is true of Verdant Ruins’s current situation.

The unprecedentedly active Great Dao Law and the medium that carries the continuation of Great Dao Law have made Verdant Ruins a new understanding of its own Great Dao Law.


This understanding can be said to be increasing all the time.

It’s like a door that has been closed and suddenly opened to him, so that he really understands what kind of World is real.

“Primal Chaos life… For Primal Chaos life…Primal Chaos Void is his ultimate destination!”

Verdant Ruins muttered to himself.

He is like a meteorite that travels from the universe. If he stays inside a star, he is just an Ordinary meteorite that’s all. The inner life of the stars can dismember him, but if you come to the vast sky With the help of the vast space of the vast sky, he will be able to accelerate himself with no difficulty. When the speed is increased to a certain extent, destroying the stars will be with no difficulty.

Verdant Ruins stood in the spirit of Primal Chaos, and his Great Dao Law did not interfere or influence other Great Dao Laws. It extended and changed, and moved towards the final form.

While his own Great Dao Law is constantly evolving, his body is also in the tempering of Primal Chaos, more in line with his own Great Dao Law, and then intensified under the influence of the Great Dao. Perfect, so that you can reproduce more Great Dao Law.

This is a virtuous circle.

Great Dao Law is enhanced and fits with itself, making it grow stronger and grows stronger. It can deduct more of the power of Great Dao Law, which is more suitable for the tempering of Great Dao’s own body, making itself…

Gradually moved towards Great Dao container…

Or, the Great Dao Law is changing in the world’s vehicles.

The road.

This is the path of chemistry.

Verdant Ruins is blessed with the soul.

Suddenly understand what happened to him at the moment.

This is the main lineage of Primal Chaos. In addition to the mainstay of Primal Chaos and the twelve God Beast, the highest achievement of the cultivation road is the chemistry road.

The path of Primal Chaos’s lineage cultivation road was influenced by the twelve God Beast, even if the Great Expert at the level of the chemistry level deducted its Great Dao to the extreme, it would not be able to really reach the 12th God Beast’s innate upper limit. Twelve God Beast levels above.

In other words, there is a limit to their growth.

Verdant Ruins, which can be the life of Primal Chaos…

I don’t know what the ceiling is!

As long as the material in the Primal Chaos Void can support it, his Great Dao evolution can continue indefinitely until it reaches the extreme that he can understand, and it is invincible and inextricable.


Time passed.

I don’t know how long it has been, Verdant Ruins gradually feels that the evolution of Great Dao seems to have slowed down.

As he separated his mind and looked at it carefully, he quickly understood the reason.

The Void he is in is not the real Primal Chaos Void, but the Primal Chaos that was transformed from Da Luotian. The Primal Chaos Void formed by the Primal Chaos is filled with the real Primal Chaos Void. The pressure that this Primal Chaos Void brings to him is obviously not comparable to the real Primal Chaos Void. In other words, the support of the Primal Chaos Void for the Great Dao Law is not comparable to the real Primal Chaos Void.

“I am… I have been able to adapt to this weakened version of the Primal Chaos Void environment… I don’t know how it works in the real Primal Chaos Void… and ask the multi-poor Tianjun, who is the Great Expert. I don’t know if I have been to the real Primal Chaos Void. Besides… I’m going to go to the ten years that I’m talking about, and I have to go to the Great World and the Great World. Let me explain it.”

Verdant Ruins thought, slightly consolidating his cultivation base realm, his body flashing, leaving the scope of the Tianmen, moving toward the inside of Da Luotian.

However, Verdant Ruins soon felt away from the Tianmen area and immediately felt the friction between his Great Dao Law and Da Luotian’s own Great Dao Law.

Previously, he lived in the energetic environment of Primal Chaos, where there was no complete Great Dao derivative. Now he entered the Da Luotian, all around Great Dao Law, and naturally caused a collision with his own Great Dao Law. The turmoil, Verdant Ruins left the Tianmen less than a thousand kilometers, the collision between his own Great Dao and the Great Dao Law has already set off a fierce Law tide, a circle of moving towards all directions spread.

“This feeling…somewhat similar to the friction effect of an object moving at high speed in a starry sky into the interior of a star and the atmosphere…”

Verdant Ruins tried his best to converge on his own Great Dao Law, but due to the overbearing nature of the normal Law, he had a tendency to become a black hole incarnation, swallowing all the power of Law that can be swallowed up, and then It will be simplified until it fits into the Great Dao and becomes a part of the Great Dao. Even if he tries to shrink, he can only converge this reaction to a hundred meters.

Fortunately, the turbulent movement of Great Dao Law on Verdant Ruins has caused the attention of Duobao Tianjun who has not left in Da Luotian. He has already appeared in the Void not far from Verdant Ruins, and then And a few of the big Luo Xiandi who came with him, they looked at each other, and several people shot at the same time. Great Dao Law manifested and suppressed Verdant Ruins’s ripple caused by the collision of Great Dao and Great Dao. In order to avoid the shock of this collision, the whole force of the big Luotian, which interfered with the Taiyi Xianzhong cultivation of Da Luotian, led to their cultivation deviation.

“The power of the great Dao.”

Duobao Tianjun looked at Verdant Ruins’s undulations of the Great Dao that couldn’t help but rush out. He said with sincerity: “It’s not a life of Primal Chaos. In just ten years, it has grown so rapidly. Now, you are afraid that you are close to becoming a true Primal Chaos life. Just go to the real Primal Chaos Void and you will be able to complete that final step and become the top presence that is not inferior to the Great Expert class.”

“Too smooth, I never thought that cultivation can be so smooth, everything is like where water flows, a canal is formed, with no difficulty.”

“That’s because you already belong to Primal Chaos life, Primal Chaos life, enter Primal Chaos Void, it is really a fish, if you change to us close to the Tianmen, let alone cultivate, can not be hurt by Primal Chaos Good thing.”

Verdant Ruins listened, nodded.

Duobao Tianjun and the others have great Dao power, but their Great Dao is attached to the Immortal Dao civilization. Once they are out of the radiation range of Immortal Dao civilization, Great Dao will no longer be able to protect them, and Primal In Chaos Void, Great Dao does not exist, so they are allowed to go to the Primal Chaos environment. In a short time, it is innocent. After a long time, it will become a disaster…

“When are you going to go to Primal Chaos Void? Primal Chaos Void is different from the outside world. In the Primal Chaos Void, any Law no longer exists. Even the rules we understand are completely different from the outside world. It belongs to Great Dao. There is no basis for everything in time, space, quality, weight, density, etc. All living beings rely on their own Great Dao Law. In other words, Primal Chaos Void is an endless darkness. Earth, and we are like walking a pedestrian in this darkness with a candlelight. The only one who can know that there is one is himself. The only thing that can be sensed is the same.”

Duobao Tianjun said this, there is a trace of awe in expression: “Our existence is too small compared to the entire Primal Chaos Void. A little wind and waves may bring us a weak candlelight in this hand. Blowing out, let us fall into the eternal darkness and silence.”

Verdant Ruins Although he has never seen the real Primal Chaos Void, it is also a expression of dignity.

“You ended the retreat this time because…”

“I want to take a look at the real Primal Chaos Void.”

“Look at the real Primal Chaos Void?”

Duobao Tianjun’s eyes sank on Verdant Ruins for a moment, and he carefully touched it: “Although I don’t know if your level of Primal Chaos life can survive in the real Primal Chaos Void, if only If you look at it, it shouldn’t be a problem, but going to Primal Chaos Void, it takes a lot of time, even if we leave from the big Luotian to Primal Chaos, it still takes decades to go back and forth. With the factors of cultivation, the time will become even longer… You’d better explain the things on your hands for a while.”

“I have this plan, I want to solve the problem first, or we set a deadline, just a hundred years later?”

“That’s what you say a hundred years later, I have to retreat a little, and it won’t take long.”

“many thanks Heaven is perfect.”

“It’s fine. I saw that you can have such out of the ordinary achievements in just ten years. I have become more and more convinced about the seven-star saying. In time, our Immortal Dao civilization may really depend on you. The help of this can dispel the fate of this Tibet.”

Duobao Tianjun smiled.

As for the true life of Immortal Dao civilization, the Lord of Time, the Lord of Primal Chaos, the Lord of the Gods, and even the restoration of the glory of the heyday of Immortal Dao civilization, Duobao Tianjun did not think about it at present.

After all, the current Verdant Ruins are too far away from the three great existences.

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