The Qingshui Jun is a Great Expert. Although it belongs to the newly-developed Great Expert, it can only be one or two thousand Great Experts in the entire territory of the Primal Chaos. Even if he is in the breakthrough for less than a hundred years, Fame can still spread throughout the territory of the Lord of Primal Chaos at an extremely fast pace, and is even further known by the high-level forces of the Lord of Time and the Lord of the Gods.

In this case, when he came to the vast Great World, even if he did not deliberately notify anyone, there is still a Ruler-class character who has been married to Saint Physique.

“The vast World Department of Foreign Affairs has no boundaries, pay respects to Daojun, and Daojun has come to my vast Great World, and the vast Great World is shining.”

“Well, we have come to meet a few old friends, you don’t have to be with you, you are busy with your own business.”

Shimizu Jun waved his hand.

I have no time to listen, respectfully bowed a gift, handed a piece of jade to the top: “This is my communication jade, if there is any command from Daojun, just send me a message, I will be the first time. Come and do everything you can to serve you.”

Qingshui Jun did not want it, but Verdant Ruins on the side said: “Next, I need to check some information, and I may need the help of this gentleman.”

The Qingshui Dao listened, and he took the jade symbol.

On the other side, there was no end to hearing the whispers of Verdant Ruins and Shimizu Dougan’s tone of conversation, and the heart suddenly screamed.

He originally looked at Verdant Ruins unfamiliar. He was neither familiar with the Great Expert. He did not have a similar atmosphere to those famous Ruler-level characters, so he subconsciously regarded him as the root of the Qingshuijun, but now it seems ……

Obviously this is not the case.

From the attitude of the two people talking…

Even if there is a difference in status between the two, this difference is definitely not much better.

For a time, I have no time to go to the ceremony again: “I have seen the car, I have been scorned, and I am also guilty of forgiveness. This is the eighth-order card in our vast Great World Book of Equity. I can take this card. All the jade books and books in the eight hundred to eight hundred 99 layers in the Promise Bookstore.”

Verdant Ruins listened, but he smiled and picked up the jade card: “many thanks.”

“What is the use of an eighth-order card? Is it not an eighth-order card that I hold in my hand? Verdant Ruins Sword God really want to check what information, will not take my card directly to check?”

“Verdant Ruins Sword God !?”

淼 淼 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver As for the outside world, there is no such thing as his name.

He quickly recorded this information and sold his bitterness: “Don’t forgive me, I don’t want to give Verdant Ruins Sword God a nine-step card, but… my permission allows me to give this gift. Level card, if Verdant Ruins Sword God is willing, can you please follow me to the main government? Only those who are eligible to issue the ninth-order card, only a few deputy leaders…”

“Which border is the current value?”

Qingshuijun asked.

“It is the landlord.”

“Why, I will visit you when I arrive, but not now.”

After that, Shimizu Jun no longer cares for the endless, and said to Verdant Ruins: “Let’s go.”

Then the two of them shuttled and went straight to the vast Great World.

When I saw Verdant Ruins leaving, I remembered the appearance and atmosphere of Verdant Ruins in my heart. A newly born Great Expert, they must record their data as soon as possible, and also according to the original database. A detailed blueprint is formed about his information.

This is the responsibility of the vast Great World, and it is also the way to survive the vast Great World.

Its nature…

The faintness is equivalent to the Tianji Pavilion.

It’s just that the vast Great World has limited power and does not dare to publicly sell information about the top presences. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the top powers to anger and destroy their vast Great World.


Shimizu-do brought Verdant Ruins directly to a vast courtyard in the Great World.

Compared to the Great World and the Great World, the vast Great World has almost no ridiculous land. Any mountain, river, or ocean is almost always equipped with Array, even though these Arrays are of different heights, It is enough to prove that these places belong to the Lord, and that the vast Great World has good law and order. As long as they are in these places, the property can be effectively protected.

The courtyard, like Verdant Ruins, is actually a mountain range with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers. The entire mountain range is enveloped in an 18th-order Array, which is obviously stronger than other places.

The Qingshui Dao came down and shot a law, the courtyard door opened, and Verdant Ruins stepped directly into the courtyard.

“this is……”

As soon as he stepped into the courtyard, Verdant Ruins felt a touch of difference.

“This is a transit space created by a Great Expert with a world of Ruler. You wait a moment, someone will come to verify your qualifications, but this is the organization, but it is actually A hidden communication platform, as long as it does not sell the interests of Da Yanmen itself, there is basically no binding force for the door people, otherwise I will not join this force.”

“Da Yanmen.”

Verdant Ruins nodded.

“Da Yanmen must not hide his identity.”

Shimizu Jun said this, the tone is slightly stopped: “The main thing is that what we do is contrary to the cultivation mainstream in the main territory of Primal Chaos. After all, the great Primal Chaos Lord still hopes that we can use the body to make the way for those God Beasts provide strength so that they can detach themselves early and achieve great existence, but our approach is to get rid of his control… Naturally just and honorable, this self-defeating practice indirectly forces us to On the same boat… Of course, I personally feel that the most important problem is that someone can sell the benefits of Da Yanmen and then chase them down.”

“Not good just and honorable ?”

Verdant Ruins slightly startled: “It seems to me that your privacy is not very good.”

“haha, that is in your opinion, because you are in the stage at the moment, so I don’t have to deliberately conceal it from you. In fact, more than half of the Great Experts know the existence of Da Yanmen, and many people even want to enter Da Yanmen. Joining the organization of this top powerhouse, unfortunately, the standard for entering the big Yanmen is to build two Great Dao Laws, but not every Great Expert can have such a chance… So today, Da Yanmen There are more than one hundred and sixty members.”

“One hundred and sixty people…”

This number is much less than what Verdant Ruins imagined.

“Do not allow these people to enter… no trouble?”

“Nature will not, Da Yanmen can be established. Do you think there is no acquiescence from the Lord of Primal Chaos? The Lord Primal Chaos is not good at controlling his own territory, but it is not so bad to this level? The top and most hopeful The dozen Great Experts of the breakthrough will still pay attention to it from time to time.”

“The acquiescence of the Lord of Primal Chaos…”

Verdant Ruins listened, first startled, but after a while I understood.

Twelve God Beast fell more than half, although I don’t know why it fell, but the plan of Primal Chaos’s master obviously failed. The Great Expert that I cultivated now wants to use a similar method to condense the original body to break. Binding, to achieve great life, he naturally wants to use this brainstorming method to see if these people can not succeed, so choose the acquiescence for the existence of Da Yanmen.

This may be the tacit understanding between the owners of Primal Chaos and the top Great Experts.


Just as Shimizu Jun and Verdant Ruins talked, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in the transfer station.

“Cleanwater Road Jun.”

“There is no king.”

Seeing this middle-aged man, the clear water road was a ritual, and at the same time, for Verdant Ruins introduced: “This unbounded master is the six-leaf deacon of our big Yanmen.”

After that, he added: “Every time you integrate a Great Dao, you will add one grain. The six-line deacon is equivalent to having smelted six Great Dao Laws. You only need to condense one grain. The most Peak of the forest of the strong, is called top powerhouse.”

“This is the new member you recommend to join us.”

The unconnected master’s eyes fell on Verdant Ruins.


“So, let me see your Great Dao Law.”

The unbounded master is obviously an unspoken person who goes directly to the subject.

“Okay, but I am not very familiar with the smelting of Great Dao Law, so I can only come in one kind, you see…”

“Smelting is not yet familiar…”

Clear water is a bit strange, Verdant Ruins can use the Great Dao Law as a real battle, can you describe it with unfamiliarity?

However, when I think of some horrible speculation, he did not say anything.

The Unconnected Lord didn’t mind these details, just made a gesture of asking.

At the moment, Verdant Ruins one after another performed the Great Dao Law of Goat Goast and the Great Dao Law of Primal Chaos God Beast.

Both of these Great Dao Laws have deliberately disguised them. The unbounded masters in front of them are the well-know figures in the Great Expert. Compared to Verdant Ruins, they belong to one level, even due to the life of Verdant Ruins Primal Chaos. Characteristics, his level of life is still faintly above the unconnected master, with the heart concealed, the unconnected master naturally can’t see why.

“Very good, although you have two Great Dao Laws, because your Great Dao Law is not yet smelted, I can only give you a trait, when you smelt the two types of Law and apply for the second identity.”

No phase of the main road.

Verdant Ruins took a look at the clear water, and the clear water channel immediately explained: “A grain to a three grain actually belong to one level, and then it is nothing more than a status that can be enjoyed and a different duty to do that’s all, anyway Even if you rise to the second and third lines, you will not be able to take up any position, and it will not have much impact.”

Verdant Ruins listened, nodded to the unbounded master: “There is work.”

The compliment of the unconventional master routine, with Verdant Ruins’s spiritual imprint, quickly divided the spiritual imprint into two, one of which was handed over to a gold grain to Verdant Ruins, the other was to take it away. It needs to be included in Da Yanmen.

“haha, Verdant Ruins Sword God, now you are also part of the big Yanmen, and then let me take you through the look of the top top powerhouse in the main territory of the great Primal Chaos.”

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